Nelson Evening Mail

The following list of Names taken from extracts of birth, burial, and marriage notices and miscellanous notes of other events were extracted and kindly provided by Ted Wright. Actual images of the Nelson Evening Mail from 1866 through to 1900 can be found on the NZ National Library Website.

March --- 1866
Fri --- 16 - -- Death - HOBY, At Taranaki, Minna, infant daughter of George Hoby, late of Nelson
Sat --- 24 - - EDWARDS, 23 March, at Sunnyside, the wife of Nathaniel Edwards Esq, a son
Mon --26 - - Death - JONES, 24 March,at Stoke, Ann, 56, the wife of William Jones

April --- 1866

Wed -- 04 -- Inquest into death of Edward Francis Harris, 20mths -- mother Florence Elizabeth Harriss of Vincent St, Nelson
Mon -- 09 -- Inquest into death of Daniel Wright, died Sat 7 April
Fri ---- 20 --- EAST, ahr (at her/his residence), the Wood, the wife of J F East, a daughter
Wed -- 25 --- Death - Mc ARTNEY, 23 April, ahr, Bridge St, Mr John Mc Artney, 77yrs, of bronchitis
Fri ----- 27 -- Death - SEWELL, Mr R Burn of Trafalgar St has received a telegram from Wairau informing of death of Charles Sewell of Nelson
Mon -- 30 --- RUTHERFORD - THOMPSON, 28 April, at Spring Grove, by Rev W KIRK, James, 3rd son of Mr George Rutherford, to Martha, only daughter of the late Charles Edwin THOMPSON Esq of Hornchurch, Essex
Thurs - ?? -- Albion ----from Melbourne via Hokitika --- passengers = Mr and Mrs Skinner, Mr and Mrs Martin and family (7), Mr and Mrs Williams, Mr and Mrs Black and family (7), Mrs Solomon and infant, Miss Jones and servant, Miss Davis, Miss Fieldham, Messrs Bain, Gilligan, Dunning, Nankerin, Jones, Cass, Sewers, Grant, Spread, Fletcher, Robson, Thomson, Sperling, Cohen, Mitchell, McIntyre, Britton, McCariney, Couper, Wilkinson, Robinson, Waters + 50 in steerage Wellington ---- from Picton and south Misses Dodson, Laing, Moore, Feron, Colt, Mrs Baker, Mrs Darkin, Mrs Black and child, Mrs Avery and 2 children, Mr and Mrs Weymass and servant, Mr and Mrs Avery and family, Mr and Mrs Salter, Capt Rough, Messrs Dodson, Hale, Rose, Davies, Epps, Pike, Goulter, Gough, Leadam, Garsidet, Lampus, O'Neill, Nicholson, Paterson, Mrs Goodman and 2 children, Miss Douglass

May --- 1866

Wed ---- 2 -- EVANS - CRIGHTON, 1 May, by Rev W Kirk, Thomas Evans to Mary Ann Crighton
Fri ----- 11 -- Death - LYNE, 9 May, at Collingwood , Mary Shepherd, wife of Mr John Lyne of Richmond and daughter of Mr Robert DISHER of Nelson aged 22 yrs
Thur -- 17 -- 33 names of people called for jury duty
Mon -- 21 -- Inquest into death of Jonathan Leech, 67yrs, husband of Elizabeth Leech

June --- 1866

Fri --- 01 --- Death - BRAITHWAITE, 31 May, Albert Cecil, 4th son of A S Braithwaite of Nelson
                    Death - LANEY, 1 June, ahr, Bride St, Mrs Laney, 56, wife of Edward Laney
Rates of pay --- skilled  female domestic --- 12 to 15 shillings a week 
                           day labourers ----------------------7shillings and 6 pence to 8 shillings per day
                           skilled mechanics ----------------10 to 12 shillings per day
                           married couples ------------------- 60 to 70 pounds a year
                           experienced single shepherds or farm labourers -- 40 to 50 pounds per year
                           seaman ----------------------------------- 6 to 7 pound per month 
Gov returns for 1864 -- births = 6,501 -- 3334 males + 3167 females
                           marriages = 1878 ---------- immigration =20,931 -------- emigration = 12,404 
Fri ---- 15 --- Death - PACKER, 13 June, ahr, Hope Matilda, wife of Mr Jabez Packer, schoolmaster and daughter of Mr John 
                     PAINE of Coventry, Warwickshire, England
Wed -- 20 -- NUTTALL - Mc KENZIE, 16 June, at Nelson, by Rev W Kirk, James Nuttall to Margaret Mc Kenzie
Thur - 21 -- HACTON, 20 June, ahr, Washington Valley, the wife of Mr Appo Hacton, a son
Fri --- 29 --- List of passengers, reprinted from the Wellington Advertiser, on the "Kaikora" June 24 bound for Panama, Barbadoas and Southampton

July --- 1866

Wed -- 04 -- 13 names of jury (sworn in)
Fri ----- 06 -- About 86 names of search party
Tue --- 17 -- ROBINSON - CROUCHER, 6 July, at Motupipi, Samuel Gaskell, eldest son of late J R ROBINSON Esq.,
                    to Emily 4 th daughter  of Mr J Croucher of wellington
Thur -- 26 -- Death - EVERETT, 25 June, at the residence of his parents, Bank Hotel, Nelson, John, 3rd son of Mr Edward Everett 
Mon -- 30 -- RIDDEL - HUNT, 28 july, by Rev W Kirk, John Riddel of Crathie, Aberdeenshire, Scotland, to Elizabeth HUNT,
                    of Sleaford, Lincolnshire, Eng

August --- 1866

Mon ---06 -- Death - HARRISON, 6 Aug, at residence of his son, Nelson, Mr Elias Lacy Harrison
                     aged 62 yrs,  late of Onehunga, Auckland
Tue---- 07 -- Disastrous fire in Nelson
Thur -- 09 -- FIRTH, 8 Aug, at College Hill, a daughter to Mrs Firth
                     KNOWLES, 9 Aug, Mrs H H Knowles, a son
Sat ----11 --- Death- LOCKETT, 7 Aug, William Barnett, 3rd son of Capt Lockett, aged 4yr 10mth
                     - STANTON, 9 Aug, at Collingwood Hill, Nelson, Charles, son of William and Ellen Stanton, aged 3 mths
Mon -- 13 -- Board of Works election
Thur ---16 -- Names of comittee to form a temporary fire brigade
                     SCOTT - CADELL, 14 Aug, by Rev P Calder, William James, eldest son of Mr T Scott 
                     of Melbourne to Agnes Catherine, eldest daughter ofMr P E Cadell, late of Maitland, NSW
Tue --- 21 -- SHARP, 19 Aug, ahr, Trafalgar St South, Mrs Sharp, a son
                     Report of Inspector of Schools
Wed---22 --- HOULT - GRIFFIN, 7 July, at St Marys Church, by Rev A M Garin, J Hoult, jun, of Wakefield  to Nora Griffin of Nelson
                     CARTER - SCHRODER, 21 Aug, at Christchurch, by Rev G H Johnstone, Thomas Carter Esq, of 
                     Hillersden, Marlborough to Catherine, eldest daughter of G W Schroder Esq, Wensley Hill, Richmond
                     Continue report of schools
Thur -- 23 -- SHANNON, 22 Aug, ahr, Manuka St, Mrs Shannon, a daughter
                     continue report of schools
Tue --- 28 -- DOBSON, 22 Aug, near Blenheim, Marlborough, Mrs Alfred Dobson ,a son
                     REDWORTH, 23 Aug, at Trafalgar Square, Nelson, Mrs J W Redworth, a son
Fri ---- 31 --- Death - PEARSE, 29 Aug, at residence of Mr G W Lightband, Nile St, Mrs Mary Pearse
                     relict of the late Mr Samuel Pearse, formerly of Tewkesbury,Eng, aged 79 yrs

September --- 1866

Mon -- 03 --- CROUCHER, 1 Sept, ahr, at Richmond, Mrs Croucher, a daughter
Tue --- 04 --- ROBINSON, 1 Sept,ahr, Haven Rd, Mrs Robinson, a son
                      Death - BLINCOE, 31 Aug, Sarah Ann, eldest daughter of Mr Francis Blincoe, Waimea Rd, aged 9 yrs 10 mths
Fri ---- 07---- WEBLEY, 3 Sept, at Brook St Valley, Mrs Henry Webley, a son
Sat --- 08 ---- Death - McGUIRE, 8 Sept, at his late residence, Bridge St, Alexander Mc Guire, aged 51
Tue ---11 --- NANCARROW, 7 Spt,at the Terrace, Wellington, Mrs J Nancarrow, daughter
                     DAKERS, 7 Sept, ahr, Wakefield,Mrs W Dakers, a son --- only lived few hours
                     CARRIGAN, 10 Sept, ahr, Miners Arms, Mrs H Corrigan, a son
Sat -- 15 ---- DALY, 14 Sept, at Trafalgar Hotel, Mrs Daly, a son  
Fri --- 21 --- LAMMAS - YOUNG, 18 Sept, at Richmond, by Rev R S Bunn, Mr John Lammas to Elizabeth, only daughter of
                    Mr John Young, both of Richmond
Mon - 24 -- WAKELY - SCAMMEL, 21 Sept, at their residence, Providence Place, by Rev P Calder - Samuel Wakely to
                     Elizabeth Scammel, both of England
Tue -- 25 --- Names of Nelson exhibitors in Victorian Exhibition in Victoria, Australia
Wed - 26 --- LOCKHART, 21 Sept, ahr, Nile St, Mrs Lockhart,a daughter
                    SHEATHER, 24 Sept, ahr, Brook St Valley, Mrs Louis Sheather, a son
Thur -- 27 - MEIKLEHAM, 25 Sept, ahr, Cliff Cottage, Mrs Meikleham. a daughter
                    HARLEY - GREEN, 27 Sept,at the brides residence, by Rev W Kirk, Mr Thos. Harley,
                    youngest son of C Harley Esq, to Miss Isabella Green, 2nd daughter of Edward Green Esq
                    Death - BIRRELL, 25 Sept, Betsy (9yrs), daughter of Mr P Birrell
October --- 1866

Mon -- 01 - GODBAZ, 23 Sept, ahr, Collingwood St, Mrs Godbaz, a daughter
                    HOUNSELL, 30 Sept, ahr, Nile St, Mrs H Hounsell, a son
Tue--- 02 -- ENDERBY - GENTRY, 23 Sept, at residence of brides father, by Rev W Kirk, 
                    C Enderby Esq, to Miss Mary Ann, eldest daughter of Mr C Gentry Esq, both of Nelson
Sat --- 06 -- HODGES,  23 Sept, at Buller Cottage, Buller River, Westport, Mrs J L Hodges, a son
Mon -- 08 - ATMORE, 7 Oct, ahr, Collingwood St, Mrs E Atmore, a son
                    FAIREY, 7 Oct, ahr,New St, Mrs Fairey, a daughter
Tue --- 09 - LEGER, 28 Sept, at Pakawau, Mrs H O Leger, of Hopai, a son
                   MOFFATT, 5 Oct, ahr, Haven Rd, Mrs H Moffatt, a son
                   NICOLL - HORN, 3 Oct, at residence of brides father,by Rev S Bunn, Charles, eldest son
                   of Mr Nicoll, Motupipi, to Sarah Ann, eldest daughter of Mr J P Horn, Appleby
Thur --11-- TASKER, 6 Oct, at Richmond, Mrs James Tasker, a son
                   HUDSON - HAWKER, 10 Oct, by Rev W Kirk, Mr Thomas Hudson to
                   Miss Lavina Hawker
Sat ---13--- FITTALL, 13 Oct, Mrs S Fittall, a son
Mon --15 -- Died- COLES, 13 Oct, Edward Henry, infant son of Mr Samuel Coles, Waimea Rd
Tue -- 16 -- REARDON - CHILDS, 2 Oct, at St Marys by Rev Father Tresallet, John Henry Reardon
                    to Mary Agnes Childs
Wed - 17 -- ANDREWS, 14 Oct, at the Post Office, Spring Grove, Mrs T Andrews, a daughter
Fri --- 19 -- REDWOOD, 2 Oct,at Blenheim, Mrs C Redwood, a son
                    MILLINGTON, 7 Oct, at Blenheim, Mrs T W Millington, a son
Wed --24-- STALLARD, 24 Oct, ahr, Bridge St, Mrs W Stallard, a son
Thur-- 25 -- DAVIS, 25 Oct, ahr, Hardy St, Mrs W Davis, a son
Sat ----27 - NEALE, 26 Oct, ahr, Waimea Rd, Mrs J W Neale, a son
Mon --29-- KEEN- STRATFORD, 27 Oct, at the Temporary Church of the Holy Trinity, Richmond, 
                    by Rev W D R Lewis, John Keen to Clara Ann Stratford of Aniseed Valley

November ---1866

Thur - 01 -- WILKINSON - PAYNTER, 1 Nov, by Rev W Kirk,at residence of J W Hall, the Wood,
                    J W Wilkinson Esq, of Taranaki, to Miss E Paynter, daughter of w Paynter Esq,
                   of Taranaki
                   Died- Mc GLASHAN, 21 Oct, at the Upper Buller, Mr John Mc Glashan, of Nelson
Fri -- 02 -- FRANZEN - SMALL, 31 Oct, by Rev C L Maclean at Stoke Church, Burchard Franzen to 
                   Eliza, eldest daughter of Mr T Small of Stoke
                   ANSLOW - Mc GREGOR, 1 Nov, by Rev W Kirk, at residence of the bridegroom,
                   Trafalgar St, Mr T Anslow to Miss Mary Mc Gregor, both of Nelson
Mon - 05 -- BETIE - CROSSWELL, 4 Nov, at the Wesleyan Church, Stoke, by Rev W Kirk,
                   Mr T Betie to Miss J Cresswell
Tue -- 06 - WHITE, 5 Nov, ahr, Shelbourne St, Mrs Anthony St George White, a daughter
Wed - 07 - STEPHENS - BRITTON, 16 Oct, at Dunedin, by Rev E H Grainger, J R Stephens to
                   Theodosia, youngest daughter of A Britton Esq
Mon--12 -- HAMILTON, 7 Nov, ahr, Beachville, Mrs H Hamilton, a son
                   MOYES,  9 Nov, ahr, Bridge St, Mrs W Moyes, a son
                   Death - WINTER, 7 Nov, at Clifton, Motupipi, Peter, 16mths, eldest son of 
                   Mr James Winter
                   DUDLEY, 10 Nov, ahr, Collingwood, Mrs A R Dudley, from erysipelas affecting
                   the brain
Tue - 13 -- Mc VICAR - COLES, 8 Nov, By Rev P Calder, Mr M Mc Vicar , to Miss E Coles
                   both of Nelson
Wed -14-- ROBERTSON, 13 Nov, ahr, Collingwood St, Mrs A Robertson, a daughter
Thur - 15 - SOWMAN, 11 Nov, ahr, Nile St East, Mrs W Sowman, a daughter
                  FISH, 14 Nov, ahr, New St, Mrs H Fish, a daughter
                  Death- SAXTON, 14 Nov, at Oaklands, Stoke, John Waring Saxton Esq, aged 57
Fri ---16 - KIDSON, 16 Nov, at the Lighthouse, Mrs J Kidson, a daughter
Sat -- 17 - HARRISON, 17 Nov, ahr, Nile St West,  Mrs H Harrison, a daughter
Mon--19 - Death-AITKEN, 17 Nov, at her late residence, Tasman St, Mrs R Aitken aged 31yrs
Wed -21 - WEBBLY - HARWOOD, 12 Nov, by Rev J Davis, Mr John Webbly, of Nelson to
                   Amelia, 3rd daughter of Mr G Harwood of Clifton, Motupipi
Sat -- 24 -- Death- HARGREAVES, 20 Nov, Henderson Evans, 6yrs, son of Mr James Hargraves,
                   of Hardy St
                   The P N Z and A R M Co ship Rakaia arrived Wellington Nov 23 - Passengers = Mr Inglis, wife and daughter; Mr Sandys, wife and child; Mr Curtis and wife, Sir C Clifford; Mr Russell, wife and child; Capt Bell; Mr Robinson and Mrs W Robinson ( of Nelson) and family; Mr Tinline; Miss Hall; Dr Dixon; 3 servants; Mr and Mrs Petchler and child; Madame Celeste; Miss Marton; Mr and Mrs Rickman; Messrs E A Thornhill, Thompson, Kenyon, Illingworth, Parnell, Todhunter, B Button, T Cook, -- Murphy, C F Collins, W Scott, W Dilke, James Jack
Mon - 26 - DAVIS, 24 Nov, ahr, the Wood, Mrs A Davis, a son
Fri -- 30 --- LEECH, 29 Nov, ahr, Russell St, Mrs Leech, a daughter

December --- 1866

Mon -- 03 - BROWN - DALTON, 27 Nov, by Rev E Thomas, Mr John Brown, Pelorus, to 
                    Miss Emma, daughter of Mr William Dalton of Nelson
Sat --- 08 -- BERRY, 5 Dec, ahr, the Wood,,,Mrs Berry, a daughter
Tue --- 11-- PITT, 7 Dec,  Mrs A Pitt,  a daughter
                    Death- CURTIS, 11 Dec, of diarrhoea, Herbert Lineker, 7mths, son of H E Curtis Esq
Thur-- 13 -- FORSTER, 4 Dec, at Wellington, Mrs H R Forster, a son
                    PLANK, 8 Dec, at Lower Wakefield,  Mrs H Plank, a son
Sat --- 15 - MOFFITT, 7 Nov, at Blenheim, Mrs C H Moffit, a son
                   Death- STEEL, 1 Dec, at Motupipi,  Mrs J Steel aged 40
Tue-- 18 -- CRICHTON- EBAN, 13 Dec, br Rev W Kirk, Mr James Crichton, to Miss Emily Eban
Fri --- 21-- List of winners in Nelson College Examination
Sat---22--- BISS, 22 Dec, Mrs W M Biss, a son
Mon -24--- School prize winners
Thur- 27 -- Died--DUNCAN, 26 Dec, at the residence of her father, J K Dodson Esq, 
                   Mrs R J Duncan, 31yrs, of Wellington

January --- 1867

Thur - 03 - O'DWYER - SCHRODER, 3 Jan, at St Marys Church, by Rev A M Garin, Mr William
                  O'Dwyer to Mary, 2nd daughter of W Schroder Esq, of Mt Pleasant, Wakefield
                   Died-- THEBING, 2 Sept, at Borken, Westphalia, Prussian Germany, Theodore 
                   Barnard Thebing, M D, late of Nelson, of pulmonary consumption, aged 39yrs
                  SEALY, 2 Jan, Henry Myers, 14mths, son of W B Sealy M D
Sat - 05 --- Mc INTOSH, 5 Jan, ahr, Toi-toi Valley, Mrs D Mc Intosh, a daughter
                   Death --TURNER, 29 Dec, at Christchurch, Mr John Turner, aged 46yrs, late of Nelson
Tue - 08 --- BEIT, 4 Jan, Mrs John Beit, a daughter
Sat - 12 --- PHILLIPS, 12 Jan, ahr, Bridge St, a son
Mon -14 -- Death-- CALDER, 13 Jan, at the Manse, James Calder Esq, aged 73yrs
Mon -21-- KNIGHT - GIFFORD, 20 Jan, at Christ Church, Nelson, by Rev Johnston, Charles
                  Knight, plasterer, late of Dunedin, to Betsy, widow of the late Humphrey Gifford
                  of Appleby
Tue - 22 -- HAINES - JACOBSEN, 17 Jan, at St Marys Church, Nelson, by Rev Father Garin,
                  Mr Walter Handsome Haines to Miss Clara Fulgentia Jacobsen, both of  Takaka
Thur - 24 - HAWKEN - SEARS, 23 Jan,at Wesleyan Church, Motueka, by Rev W Kirk, 
                  Mr George Henry Hawken to Miss Mary Sabina Sears
                  Passengers returning on an excursion from Nelson to Wellington aboard NZ Steam
                  Navigation Co steamer who signed an address == Henry Hounsell, J A Langford,
                  A Hunter, Mrs Hunter, J A Packer, D Mair, W Davis, C W Gentry, J Polson, T Newton,
                  M Luese, W Lightfoot, T H Mills, John Craik, M Lightband, B Crisp,E Cowles,
                  S Packer, M Hodgson, Miss Hodgson, W Cooksey, W H West, W G Jackson, 
                  J H Tregea, S Taylor, W Wailes, W J Good, Mrs McGuire, Francis Harris, Thomas
                  Idley, Mrs Smith, W Smith, George Danser, G W Lightband, D Rod, H Rod, 
                  S Grierson, E Everett, John Phillips 
Fri - 25 --- Death-- DOBSON, 24 Jan, at Frenchay , Suburban North, Henry, 
                 16yrs, son of Mr Thomas Dobson, M P C
Mon -28 - Names of a number of passengers on the Ruahine --Left Panama 28 Dec
                 and arrived Wellington  27 Jan ---- passengers from Southampton and New York
                  to various ports including Australian    
Wed - 30 - Death-- HARGREAVES, 25 Jan, Charles, 15mths, son of Mr J B Hargreaves, 
                  Waimea Rd
Thur -31 -- HODGSON - BARRETT, 29 jan, at Christ Church, by Rev G H Johnstone, 
                  Mr George Hodgson, youngest son of the late W Hodgson Esq, to Martha, only
                  daughter of Mr G Barrett, Toi-toi Valley

February --- 1867

          Item of interest---- No of voters on 1865-66 electoral roll ======
                    Nelson City = 698  Suburban Nth = 117  Suburban Sth = 173  Waimea E = 244  
                    Waimea S = 558  Waimea W = 103  Moutere = 99  Motueka = 190
                    Collingwood = 74  Takaka = 106  Amuri = 28
Sat - 02 --- SIMPSON, 28 Jan, wife of Mr James Simpson, jun, Waimea Rd, a son
                   BIRD, 2 Feb, wife of Mr Thomas Bird, Washington Valley, a son
                   Death -- TAYLOR, 31 Jan, ahr, Washington Valley, Saltwater Bridge, Mr W Taylor,
                   senior, aged 60yrs
 Mon - 04 -- Write up of marriage of John C Chaytor Esq,from Clarence district to the daughter 
                    of Edward Fearon Esq. of Motueka as well as a guest list
Thur - 07 -- List of passengers for London
Tue -- 05 -- WINTER, 6 Jan, Mrs James Winter of Clifton, Golden Bay, a son
                    MORTON - WEBB, 4 Feb, at Christ Church, Nelson, by Rev G H Johnstone,
                     R Ramsey Morton Esq to Emma, youngest daughter of Mr Joseph Webb of Nelson
Sat -- 09 -- RICHARDS, 9 Feb, at School Cottage, the wife of Mr C A Richards, a son
Thur - 14 -- Dead-- HODGSON, 13 Feb, Sarah Annie, wife of Mr Thomas Hodgson of Nelson, 
                    late of Belmont House, Doncaster
Fri -- 15 --- BELL, 12 Feb, at Marybank, Waimea West, the wife of Mr W Bell, a son

March --- 1867

Fri -- 01 --- HOOPER, 1 March, ahr, New St, the wife of Capt Hooper, twin daughters
Tue - 02 --- Death -- Mc INTYRE, 7am, 5 March, ahr, Trafalgar St South, suddenly (congestion on the
                   lungs) -- late of Dunedin
Fri -- 08 -- WALCOT, 5 Mar, ahr, Shelbourne St, Mrs R B Walcot, a daughter
                   HURGAN - O'CONNOR, 5 Mar, at St Marys by Rev Father Tresallet, 
                   Michael Hurgan to Mary Ann O'Connor
Sat -- 09 -- Dead -- POLLOCK, afternoon 8 Mar, Lammie, infant daughter of R Pollock, Esq
Fri -- 15 --- BRAY, 13 Mar, wife of Mr C Bray, Gloucester St, a daughter
Sat -- 16 -- BERRY, 15 Mar, ahr, Collingwood St, Mrs J T Berry, a daughter
                   CROSBY - DAWS, 6   Feb, by Rev P Calder, at their residence, Toi-toi Valley,
                   Mr Arthur Crosby, mariner, to Miss Ann Daws, both of England
Mon - 18 -- CLOUSTON, 13 Mar, at Annandale, Maitai Valley, Mrs Clouston, a daughter
                    BERRY, 15 Mar, ahr, Collingwood St, Mrs J T Berry, a son -? twins ? see Fri 15 above
Tue -- 19 -- MACEY, 17 Mar, Mrs Macey, a son -- stillborn
                    CURNOW - BERRY, 28 Feb, at Collingwood, Golden Bay, by Rev H Halcombe,
                    Mr William Henry Curnow, to Helen Charlotte, eldest daughter of Mr F T Berry
Wed - 20 -- BLINCOE, 20 Mar, ahr, Waimea Rd, the wife of Mr F Blincoe, jun, a son
                    KING, 16 Mar, ahr, Toi-toi Valley, Mrs Alexander King, a daughter
Fri -- 29 --- PILE, 18 Mar, ahr, Darlington, near Sydney, Mrs George Pile, a daughter
Sat -- 30 --- LUCAS - BLICK, 26 Mar, by Rev W Kirk, Samuel, 3rd son of Mr J Lucas, Bruton, Eng.
                    to Hannah, eldest daughter of Mr George Blick of Nelson
                    NORTHAM - ENDACOTT, 29 Mar, at St Andrews Church, Wakapuaka, by Rev G H 
                    Johnstone, Mr William Northam to Mrs Mary Ann Endacott, both of Clifton Suburban Nth

April --- 1867

Mon - 01 -- FIRTH - SULLIVAN, 26 Mar, at Christ Church, Nelson by Rev G H Johnstone, 
                    H Nelson Firth to Catherine Sullivan
                    MAIN - BETTS, 30 Mar, by Rev W Kirk, at the Wesleyan Chapel, Hardy St, Frederick,
                    eldest son of F Main of London and Camberwell to Harriet Emily, eldest daughter of
                    A G Betts
Wed - 03 -- Death- SAIT, 30 Mar, at Stoke, Mr Henry Sait, 60yrs
Thur -- 04 -- Death - AVERY, 3 April, Henry, youngest son of Esau and the late Elizabeth Avery, Nelson
Sat --- 06 -- ASTLE, 5 April, ahr, Collingwood St, Mrs W Astle, twin sons
Mon - 08 --- HARKNESS, 6 April, at Richmond, the wife of W Harkness Esq, a son
                     Dead - PAUL, 4 April, at Trafalgar Square, Nelson, Edmund Harry, 34mths, eldest son of 
                     Mr Edmund Paul
Tue -- 09 --- NUTTALL, 6 April, ahr, Grove St, the Wood, the wife of Mr J Nuttall, a son
                     Died-- CLARKE, 4 April, at Nelson Hospital, Ishmael Clarke,aged 63
Thur - 11 --- Died--VALENTINE, 10 Ap, at Nelson, of consumption, Jane, 34yrs, wife of 
                     Mr John Valentine of Wellington
Fri --- 12 --- TAYLOR - WILLSON, 14 March, at Invercargill, NZ, S B Taylor Esq, of the Elms,
                      Upper Waikivi, Southland, eldest son of Mr Thomas Taylor, late Baptist Minister 
                     of Shiffnal, Salop, England, to Elza Helen, eldest daughter of Dr Wilson, Homoepathic
                     Physician, Invercargill
                     COWARD, 2 April, at Grove Rd, Blenheim, wife of Mr George Coward, a daughter
Sat -- 13 --- Death-- EDMUNDSON, 12 April, ahr, The Port, Mr Henry Edmundson, aged 50
Mon - 15 -- FLOWERS - ANDERSON, 11 Ap, at Hillside Church, Wakapuaka, by Rev J H Johnson,
                    Mr Henry Flowers, to Miss Ellen Anderson, both of Happy Valley
                    COLTER, 15 Ap, ahr, Nelson, wife of Mr H R Colter, a daughter
Wed - 17 -- BIGGAR - BEST, 15 Ap, by Rev P Calder, at Stoke,Mr Biggar to Mary Ann, eldest
                     daughter of Mr Best
Thur - 18 --- CHEADLE - BLOOR, 15 Ap, by Rev P Calder, Mr F W Cheadle to Miss M Bloor, 
                     both of Nelson
Wed - 24 -- ELLIOTT - ROBINSON, 23 Ap, at Christ Church by Rev G H Johnstone, Alfred, only 
                    surviving son of the late James Elliott Esq, to Mary, 2nd daughter of the late 
                    J P Robinson Esq, Superintendent of Nelson
Thur - 25 -- ELERIG - BOMFORTH, 25 Ap, by Rev P Calder, Mr Louis Albert Elerig, to 
                    Miss Hannah Bomforth, both of Nelson
Fri -- 26 --- PLANK - RICKETTS, 25 Ap, at Wakefield Church, by Rev F W Tripp, James Fowler,
                    3rd son of the late Mr H Plank, of Wakefield, to Mary Georgiona Gerish, eldest
                    daughter of Mr W Ricketts, of Spring Grove
                    WEBSTER, 23 Ap, ahr, Toi-toi Valley, the wife of Mr M M Webster, a son
Sat -- 27 --- on page 3 ---Names of 16 passengers on Kaikoura from Southampton  and Panama
                     for various ports ---- none for Nelson
Mon - 29 -- DODSON, 16 Ap, ahr, Takaka Hotel, the wife of Mr A Dodson, a daughter
                    Death -- DISHER, 29 Ap, at the Trafalgar Hotel, Wilfred, 10yrs, son of Mr Robert Disher
Tue - 30 --- EMMS, 28 Ap, ahr, Russell St, wife of Mr W Emms, a daughter

May --- 1867

Wed - 01--- TURNER - HARVEY, 1 May, by Rev Mr Thomas, Mr William King Turner of Nelson
                    to Miss Hannah Harvey of Wakapuaka
                    Death-- BONNINGTON, 1 May, after a short illness, Mr Joseph Bonnington, of
                     Wairau  Valley
                     COOKE, 28 Ap, Frances Helena, youngest child of Mr J P Cooke, of Hardy St
Sat -- 04 --- Death--TURNER, 3 May, Henry Isaac Newton, 19mths, youngest son of Mr K Turner
                    SHALLOW, 4 May, at Hospital, Nelson, of dropsy, John Shallow, seaman of
                    Newfoundland, aged 22
Tue - 07 --- McCONCHIE - STEER, 4 May, by Rev P Calder, at residence of the brides father,
                     Mr W Mc Conchie, Nelson to  Esther Ann, eldest daughter of Mr William Steer,
                     farmer, Appleby
                     Death-- BRYANT, 4 May,  aged 15mths, Edith Eleanor, daughter of Mr Lewis Bryant of
                     River Terrace, Spring Grove
                     BURN, 5 May, at Toi-toi Valley, Daniel, 10yrs, 4th son of Mr D Burn, late
                     of Melbourne
Wed - 08 --- Death-- WATKINS, 5 May, ahr, Collingwood St,  Mr Edward Watkins
Thur - 09 --- FIELDES - MOORE, 28 Ap, by Rev E Thomas, Mr James Fieldes, to Laura, eldest
                     daughter of  Mr C Moore, both of Nelson
Mon - 13 --- PRATT, 13 May, ahr, Bridge St, wife of John Pratt, a daughter
Wed - 15 --- HOULT - HAGEN, 14 May, at S S Peter and Pauls Church, Waimea West, by Rev Father
                      Tresallet, Mr Edward Hoult to Miss Ann Jane Hagen
Sat -- 18 --- MONRO, 17 May, at Valleyfield, Wairau, Mrs Alexander Monro, a son
                    ROCHFORT - LEWIS, 16 May, at Christ Church, Nelson, bt Rev G H Johnstone,
                    John Rochfort Esq, of Christchurch, to Amelia Susan, eldest daughter of
                    Henry Lewis Esq, of Nelson
Mon - 20 -- HARLEY, 18 May, Mrs T Harley, a daughter
Tue -- 21 --- Death-- DAVIS, 18 May, Adolph John, 6mths, 2nd son of Mr W Davis, photographer, 
                     Hardy St
Wed - 22 --- PAAP, 22 May, ahr, Morrison St, wife of Henry Paap, a daughter
Tue -- 28 --- Death-- REDWOOD, 27 Feb, very suddenly, on eve of leaving England for this province
                     Joseph Redwood Esq, 2nd son of Henry Redwood Esq, of Stafford Place
Fri --- 31 --- BURCH, 30 May, the wife of Mr Henry Burch, Brook St, Valley, a daughter

June --- 1867

Sat -- 01 --- LANE, 31 May, ahr, the Wood, Nelson, wife of Mr William Lane, a daughter
                     Death--BOND, 1 June, at residence of his father, Waimea St, William Thomas Hetherington
                     22mths, youngest son of Mr W T Bond
Mon - 03 --- Death-- KIRK, 29 May, at Wesleyan Mission House, Wellington, George, 
                      4 and a half yrs, 2nd son of Rev W Kirk
                      BARTON, 2 June, ahr, Toi-toi Valley, John Barton, 34yrs, carter
Thur -- 06 -- BETTS, 6 June, ahr, Bridge St, Mrs A G Betts, a daughter
                     Death-- CHRISTIE, 1 May, at Hamilton, Waikato, Charles Christie Esq, 44yrs
                     PORTHOUSE, 6 June, Joseph Thomas, 3yrs, 3rd son of  Mr Joseph Porthouse,
                     Royal Hotel, Nelson
Sat -- 08 --- JOHNSON,  7 June, ahr, Haven Rd, Mrs Johnston, a 
                    son    -----?? with a T or not??
                    JONES, 7 June, ahr, Brook St, Valley, Mrs Jones, a daughter
                    Death-- CAREY, 8 June, Margaret Abilla, 3mths, daughter of Capt Carey of the Kennedy
                    HODGSON, 8 June, Arthur Charles, 7weeks, youngest son of Mr J L Hodgson
                    Fined for not having dog licences ----------Judah Myers, William Lightfoot, Mark
                    Blythe, Hyam Davis, Thomas E Dearsky, John Braddock, James F Cotton, Joseph 
                     Firth, James Burnett, Wm Walker, George Browning, Charles Walter Moore,
                    George Hodgson, Thomas  Neave, Robert Tibble, J Downes, W V Salter, E Wheeler,
                     J W Tatton ------ and  James Johnson for allowing his chimney to catch fire 
Mon - 10 -- KIRK, 31 May, at Wesleyan Mission House, Wellington, the wife of Rev W Kirk, a son
                     DRAGER, 9 June, ahr, Willow Cottage, the wife of Mr Louis Drager, a son
                     Death-- SIMPSON, 10 June, at parents residence,Washington Valley, Mary, 7mths, 
                     only daughterof R and S A Simpson
                     LITTLE, 10 June, at Hospital, William F Little, 50yrs, of Motueka
Tue -- 11 --- Mc RAE, 9 June, at Benhopai, Province of Marlborough, Mrs N Mc Rae, a daughter
Wed - 12 --- Death--YOUNG, 11 June, Caroline, 23mths, daughter of Mr H R Young, the Wood,
                     of whooping cough and convulsions
Thur - 13 --- BARTON, 10 June, at Wellington St, Nelson, Mrs J Barton, a daughter
                     ELLIOTT, 25 May, at Medowlands, Marlborough, wife of Mr Charles Elliott, a son
Mon - 17 --- DAVIS, 15 June, Mrs H Davis a son
                     GREIG, 16 June, wife of Mr David Greig, a son
Fri --- 21 --- HEWITSON,14 June, ahr, Upper Moutere, wife Mr T Hewitson, a son
                     Death-- LUCKIE, 20 June, at Shelbourne St, Nelson, Frank Richard Hurt, 11mths,
                     youngest son of  Mr D M Luckie
Sat -- 22 --- WARNOCK - LINES, 21 June, at the temporary Church of the Holy Trinity, Richmond,
                    by Rev W D R Lewis, Thomas, eldest son of the late David Warnock, to Selina
                    youngest daughter of Benjamin Lines, of Hope, Nelson
Mon - 24 -- FLOCKMANN, 23 June, Mrs Flockmann, Bridge St, a son
Wed - 26 -- EDWARDS, 26 June, at Sunnyside,  wife of  Nath Edwards, a son
Thur - 27 --- Death--BISS, 7 April, at Agra, Bengal, Emilie, the wife of Rev W Etherington and
                    daughter of  J B Bliss Esq, of Calcutta.
Fri --- 28 --- Death--HOLLAND, 25 June, of whooping cough and convulsions, William Gordon, 6wks,
                    son of Mr W G Holland
                    Mc GREGOR, on passage to Nelson to England via Panama, of yellow fever,
                    Sidney, 7yrs, only daughter of Major Mc Gregor, 65 Regt
Sat -- 30 --- SNOOK - HUMPHREYS, 26 June, at brides residence,  Mr T A H Snook
                    of Nelson, to Elizabeth, youngest daughter of Mr E Humphreys of Waimea East   

July --- 1867
Mon -- 01 -- List  of passengers on the Rakaia for various NZ and Aust ports
                     Miss McTavish only one for Nelson
Wed -- 03 -- WITHER, 26 June, Mrs C B Wither a son 
                     FLOWERDAY, 27 June, wife of Mr Thos Flowerday, Haven Rd, a daughter
                     COLE, 27 June, at Quail Valley, wife of Mr William Cole a son
                     Death--ASTLE, 30 June, of convulsions, William, 3mths, son of William and Elizabeth 
                     DRAGER, 1 July, at Willow Cottage, Grove St, infant son, 3wks, of Mr Louis Drager
Thur - 04 --- FIVEN - HICKEY, 2 July, at St Marys, by Rev Father Garin, Mr Arthur Henry Fivan, to 
                     Miss Margaret Hickey, both of Suburban South
Sat --- 06 --- DANVERS, 2 July, at Motoueka, wife of Capt Herbert Ellis Danvers, a daughter
                     JACKSON, 5 July, Mrs Henry Douglas Jackson, a daughter
Mon - 08 --- MABIN, 8 July, Mrs John R Mabin, a son
                     Before the court ---- J W T Lechner, Conrad S Saxton, W R Cator, W Weedon,
                     Stephen Owens, Joshua Sigley, Thomas Andrews, 
Tue -- 09 --- JEWELL - FAUCETT, 5 July, at brides residence, by  Rev P Calder, Edwin Jewell, of
                     Nelson, to Ann, eldest daughter of the late Mr Thomas Fawcett, chemist and druggist,
Mon - 15 --- SMITH, 13 July, Mrs John Smith, Grove St, a daughter
                     Subscription list for a church in the upper part of Takaka === Henry Lewis, Jonathan  
                     Lewis, Thomas Catley, George J Sparrow, Walter Haines, Handcock Bros, Dixon and  
                     Bromiley, James Cobb, Joshua Newport, --- Burbush, James McDonald, John Pugh,
                     Robert Spittal, William Barnett, John Walker, Thomas Symes, Thomas Franklin, 
                     William Page
                     page 4 ---- Donations in aid of Mr Bradcock after a fire -------- J Poynter, Morrison,
                     Sclanders and Co, R Crawford, A Pitt esq, A Louisson, R Lucas and Son, J W Barnicoat  
                     esq, James Wilkie, W Osman, E Buxton and Co, Black, Campbell and Black, J Graham,  
                     Mr Adams, F Stock, Alfred Jones, J Armstrong, W Wright, Nit, J Cross, W Sadd,  
                     Williams, C Flood, Wimsett, J Blackett esq, E Baigent esq, W C Wilkins, E Everett,
                     Lockhart, Mr Thornton, Tregea, M A Friend ???, J A Langford, A Hunter, H Black, 
                     Porcelli, I M Hill, H Barnett, W Akersten, Mr Moore, C Bray, J W Taylor, G Adams,  
                     E McClosky, w Pickett, Mr Bettany, H Gibbons, Hugh Cottier, P Campbell, W Cooksey,
                     W Saunders   
Wed - 17 --- Death--WALKER, 15 July, Leo Felix, 22mths, youngest son of Mr John Walker
                     JASPER, 16 July, ahr, Collingwood St, Mr Henry L G Jasper, 42yrs
Thur - 18 --- BRAID, 13 July, Mrs A H Braid, premature daughter
                     NELSON - DELLOW, 15 July, by Rev P Calder, Mr John Nelson, to Margaret, 2nd
                     daughter of Mr John Dellow, both of Nelson
                     WILLSON - JONES, 17 July, By Rev E Thomas at residence of the bride, Mr P C 
                     Willson eldest son of Dr Willson of Invercargill, Southland, to Fanny, eldest daughter of 
                     Mr W R Jones, of Nelson
                     Death-- BRAID, 14 July, prem daughter of Mrs A H Braid
Sat -- 20 ---- DEARE - SIMPSON, 12 July, at Greymouth, by Rev J Y Shaw, Capt M J Deare of the
                     Dispatch, steamer, formerly of Gravesend, to Mary, youngest daughter of Mr Robert 
                     Simpson, of city of Nelson
Mon - 22 --- SOLOMON, 20 July, ahr, Waimea St, Mrs S M Solomon, a daughter
                     Death-- DELLOW, 20 July, Richard David, 30mths, youngest son of Mr John Dellow
Tue -- 23 --- SEALY, 20 July, Mrs W B Sealy, a daughte 
Thur - 25 --- WAXMAN, 21 July, Mrs A F Waxman, a daughter
                     Death-- KIDSON, 24 July, at the Lighthouse, Amelia, 4yr 6mth, eldest daughter of 
                     Mr John Kidson jun
                     BLACKMORE, 25 July, Alice Annie, daughter of Mr George Blackmore
Fri --- 26 ---- Death-- BARRACLOUGH, 25 July, Mary Anne, 2yrs, daughter of Mr H Barracloug
Sat -- 27 ---- BEATSON, 23 July, at Un?ey, Takaka, Mrs W F Beatson, a daughter
                     ABSOLON, 27 July, Mrs Benjamin Absolon, a son
                     GIBBS - RUFF, 23 July, at residence of the bride, by Rev Mr Crump, Mr Thomas Gibbs
                      of Nelson to Clara, 4th daughter of the late Robert Ruff Esq of Leytonstone, Essex
Tue - 30 ---- JOHNSON, 26 July, Mrs S B Johnson, a son
                     Death-- PEARCY, 30 July, Alice, 17mths, of inflammation of the lungs --daughter of
                     Mr E Pearcy, of Russell St
Wed - 31 --- HOOPER, 30 July, ahr, Tasman St, Mrs T Hooper, a son
                     HODGSON, 30 July, Mrs W C Hodgson, a daughter

August --- 1867

Thur - 01 --- OXLEY, 30 July, at Richmond, Mrs T J R Oxley, a son
                     Death--GIBLIN, 30 July, at Motueka, Mrs Elizabeth Giblin late of Balsham, 
                     Cambridgeshire, Eng in her 79th year
                     DALY, 1 Aug, James Bagnall, 10mth, only child of John Daly Esq
Fri --- 02 --- OGILVIE, 24 July, ahr, Toi-toi Valley, Mrs Ogilvie, a daughter
                     HARMAN, 29 July, ahr, Waimea Rd, Mrs H Harman, a son
                     Death-- DAWE, 1 Aug, at Hospital, Mr James Dawe, late of the West Coast, aged 41
Sat -- 03 ---- ELLIS - HIGGIN, 29 July, at St Michaels Church, Waimea West, by Rev A Towgood,
                     Charles Montague Ellis of Collingwood, to Grace Emily, eldest daughter of
                     Winfield Higgin, of Waimea West
                     Death-- SPENCER, 2 Aug, in Toi-toi Valley, the daughter of Mr John Spencer, aged                      17mths
       Immigrants on the "Cissy" expected in Sept------------------------------

Married Men =	Thomas HINKMAN	28yrs	4 children
J DAY	32	1
W PEDDLE	27	none
E VINSER	31	none
R STEVENS	34	none
W NORTON	26	none
W TIBBETT	24	none
W HILL	20	2
George JONES	38	2
George A BECK	34	none
Single Men	James RICHARDSON	22	
B ROSS	18	
Mon -- 05 -- WINTER, 5 Aug, at Brook St Valley, Mrs W Winter a daughter
                      Death-- AVERY, 5 Aug, Amos Augustus, 7yr 6mths, 3rd son of Mr Esau Avery
Tue --- 06 --- Death-- DENNIS, 6 Aug, ? aged 15mths, the only child of Mr John Dennis, Russell St
Wed -- 07 --- WHEELER, 4 Aug, ahr, Shelburne St, Mrs Wheeler, a daughter
Thur -- 08 --- Death--DENNIS, 6 Aug, of inflammation of the chest, James Henry, only child of
                      Mr John Dennis, Russell St
Fri ---- 09 ---- BATCHELOR, 7 Aug, ahr, Nile St West, Mrs James Batchelor, a son
                       SHAND - Mc SHANE, 8 Aug, at Christchurch by Rev G H Johnstone, Thomas Gray
                       Shand Esq, of East Taieri, Otago, to Emily 3rd daughter of the late A Mc Shane
                       Esq, of Nelson
Sat --- 10 ---- death-- RICKETTS, 8 Aug, of inflammation of the lungs, Henry, 8yr 3mth, son of
                      Ambrose Ricketts
Mon - 12 ---- Death--COLT, 11 Aug, in Collingwood St aftera lingering illness, Capt Charles Russell 
                      Colt of Heslington, Spring Grove, formerly of the 3rd Kings Own light Dragoons and
                      late of H M  56th Reg, aged 45
                      BURLACE, 11 Aug, at Stoke, Louisa, 14mths, youngest daughter of Mr W Burlace
Fr i--- 16 ---- Death--PACKER, 16 Aug, at residence of his son, Hardy St, Nelson, Mr J Packer
                     of Hope, aged 60 yrs
Sat -- 17 ---- SHARP, 15 Aug, Mrs John Sharp, a daughter
                     Death--TREWHELLAR, 14 Aug,  at Sunnybank, Nile St East, Vard Ellen, 4yr 6mth, 
                     daughter of Mr T Trewhellar
                     CRESSWELL, 16 Aug, at Stoke, Amy Eliza, 19mths, youngest daughter of 
                      Mr E Cresswell
                      BURNETT, 17 Aug, at Stoke, Ada, 3yr 7mth, eldest daughterof Ann Burnett
Mon - 19 --- ROSE, 17 Aug, at Richmond, Mrs J Rose, a son
                     Death--HAMILTON, 11 Aug, at Motupipi, Henry Matthew, only son of Mr Henry
                     Hamilton of Beachville
Tue -- 20 --- Death--MARTIN, 19 Aug, at Stoke, Margery E, 14yrs, only daughter of Mr H C Martin
                     formerly of Overbury, Worcestershire
Wed - 21 --- D'ALBEDYHLL, 20 Aug, Mrs John Lethbridge D'Albedyhll, a daughter
Sat --- 24 --- Death--RANKIN, 24 Aug, ahr, Collingwood St, Mr Alexander Rankin, aged 69yrs
Mon - 26 --- ROUT, 25 Aug, ahr Trafalgar St South, Mrs W Rout, a son
                     Death--GIBSON, 24 Aug, Arthur, 3yrs, only son of Mr William Gibson, Waimea St
Tue -- 27 --- STEPHENSON, 26 Aug, Mrs E Stephenson, Washington Valley, a daughter 
Wed - 28 ---- Item-------- "Dona Anita" trip from London took 211 days ------ passengers ====
                      Mr and Mrs Paterson and 3 children, Mr Morel, Mrs Fowler, Miss Lee, Miss Gillett,
                      Messrs Bowen, Dermer, Walker, Woodercroft, Newman, Smith, Warran, Broughton,   
                      Goldsmid -------- arrived Nelson 27 Aug
Thur - 29 --- TOWNSEND, 28 Aug, ahr, Bridge St, Mrs R Townsend, a daughter
Fri --- 30 ---- FRANK, 22 Aug, at Buckatere Cottage, Mrs C Frank, a daughter       
                     Item ------------- Nelson Board of Works report           
Sat --- 31 --- HOUNSELL, 29 Aug, Mrs J Hounsell, a daughter
                     Death-- THOMASON, 26 Aug, at Spring Grove, Rebecca Louisa, 21yrs, 
                     eldest daughter of  E Thomason    

September --- 1867    

Mon -- 02 --- Death-- HARVEY, 21 Aug, at Deep Creek, Mr H Harvey from Scarrington, Nottinghamshire
Wed -- 05 --- A list of Nelson citizens calling a protest meeting    --------------       
                      C Elliot, George Bennett, George Clements, James Smith, Joseph Webb,  
                      S M Soloman and Co, W M Stanton, P Phillips, E Smallbone, H J Goodman,
                      Hugh Campbell, Joseph Sigley, E Buxton and Co, Joseph Sigley jun, M Lightband,
                      William Cresswell, F B Hadfield,Daniel Burn, I Giles, Charles Landon, R Lucas,
                      W C Hodgson, E Tucker, Samuel Loring, Samuel Costall, G Bonnington, John Riddel,
                      J J Hornby, Richard Blincoe, G V Shannon, J F X Merewether, P C Wilison,     
                      R Stepney Lucas, J H Snow, James Tingle, H Hounsell, H Davis, Joseph H Levien,  
                      Thomas Corbett, James Henry, John Thornton, Nathaniel Edwards, James Bentley,   
                      John Beit, J Tregea, Ernest Nehse, John Graham, John M Richardson, H V Phillips,   
                      H C Wilson, William Harley, A Hunter, Charles Ring, A S Braithwaite, Mungo Syme,   
                      James Graham, F H Pickering, James Sharland, F Huddleston, Arthur Bradley,   
                      H E Curtis             
Sat -- 07 ----- DOBSON, 6 Sept, Mrs A D Dobson, a son 
Mon - 09 ---- BARTLETT, 6 Sept, Mrs H R Bartlett, a daughter 
                      Death-- GALKELL, 5 Sept, Mr Samuel Gaskell, of Riwaka, aged 77
                       Mc RAE, 9 Sept, ahr, Bonovoree, near Richmond, W Mc Rae Esq, J P, in 65yr
                       SIMSON, 9 Sept, Margaret Gertrude Lucetta, 26mths, youngest daughter of 
                       Mr E Simson, late of Taranaki
Tue -- 10 ----- GREENWOOD, 6 Sept, Mrs F D Greenwood, a son 
                       COHEN, 9 Sept, Mrs S Cohen, a son
Thur - 12 ----- WALLIS - Mc HUTCHESON, 6 Sept, at Blenheim, by Rev A Russell, James 
                       Waterhouse, 3rd son of Rev James Wallis, to Jane Robinson, eldest daughter of
                       Mr William Mc Hutcheson, late of Campbelltown, Scotland
                       Death-- ROWE, 11 Sept, ahr, Tasman St the Wood, Mr J H Rowe, 27yrs
Fri --- 13 ----- Death--Mc GEE, 13 Sept, Maud Mary Josephine, 5yrs, 3rd daughter of Mr C Mc Gee
Mon - 16 ---- LIGHTBAND, 27 Aug, at Cobden, Mrs G W W Lightband, a son 
                       WHITING, 15 Sept, at Brook St Valley, Mrs H Whiting, her 8th daughter
                       Death--LEDGER, 10 June, at Furzedown, Abbey-wood, Kent, John Ledger Esq,
                       of St Johns, Southwark, England
                       KENNING, 14 Sept, at Stoke, Sarah, Elizabeth, 16mths, youngest daughter
                       of Mr W Kenning
Tue - 17 ------ MACKAY, 16 Sept, at Aldourie, Waimea West, Mrs J T Mackay, a daughter 
Fri -- 20 ------ Death--FISH, 18 Sept, Margaret Colina, 10mths, only daughter of Mr H Fish
Sat -- 21 ----- HEWETSON - LIMMER, 14 Sept, at Motueka, by the Registrar, Joseph, 2nd son of
                      Mr J Hewetson, Kendal Grove, Upper Moutere, to Mary Anne, only daughter of
                      Mr S Limmer, Tottenham Rise, Lower Moutere
Tue -- 24 ---- Death--SCHEUCHER, 22 Sept, Anna Dorothy, wife of Mr George Scheucher, Waimea W.
                      SHARP, 22 Sept, Fanny, 5weeks, daughter of John Sharp Esq
Wed - 25 ---- Death--BAKER, 12 July, the Rev Francis Edward Baker, vicar of Allensmore, 
                      Herefordshire, brother of lae Sir E Baker, Bart 
Fri --- 27 ---- Passengers per "Cissy" from London  -----------------
                     Bishop of Nelson, Mrs Suter, Miss Dowker, Miss Cruikshank, Miss O'Brien,  
                     Mrs Keast, Rev R G Thorpe, Mrs Thorpe and 2 children, Miss E and Miss A Thorpe,   
                     Rev B Harvey, Mrs Harvey and 3 children, Mr Rogers, Rev C O Moules,   
                     Rev W A Ewald, Mr Williams and 112 in steerage     
Sat -- 28 ---- Item ---- some names of members of the City Rifles ------- Peter McTavish,     
                     J A Harley, Geo Wm Pauling, Daniel Burn, W H Skeet, S H Drew, G Elliott,     
                     J Haase, Thos Plummer, F Crispin, J T Catley       
 Mon - 30 -- Death--LANE, 29 Sept, Minnie Mary, 4mths, daughter of Mr William Lane   

October --- 1867

Sat -- 05 ---- Mc GEE, 4 Oct, ahr, Nelson Hotel, Mrs Mc Gee, a daughter
Tue - 08 ---- SAUNDERS, 29 July, at Market Lavington, near Bath, Mrs Alfred Saunders, a daughter
Wed - 09 --- PRICE - CHATTOCK, 4 Oct, at res of brides father, by Rev Francis Tripp, Mr Thomas 
                     Price, of Lower Wakefield, to Annie Jane, eldest daughter of Mr Richard Chattock
                     of Lower Wakefield
                     MOSS - WILKINSON, 7 Oct, by Rev J Crump, Mr Edward M Moss, to Harriett,
                     daughter of Mr John Wilkinson of Motueka Valley
                     Death--LINGARD, 28 Sept, at Christchurch, Chas Atherton, 20mths, son of 
                     Rev E A Lingard, St Lukes
Thur - 10 --- TARRANT, 6 Oct, at Abbs Court, Lower Moutere, Mrs H A Tarrant, a son 
Mon - 14 --- BUCKERIDGE, 13 Oct, ahr, St Vincent St, Mrs G Buckeridge, a son
Tue -- 15 --- Death--PARKER, 12 Oct, at Moutueka, Horace, 7yr 9mth, son of Mr C Parker 
Wed - 16 --- MYERS, 15 Oct, ahr, Waimea Rd, Mrs J Myers, a son 
Thur - 17 --- Death-- LOASBY, 15 Oct, at his late res, Bridge St, Mr Richard Pell Loasby, 75yrs
                     PHIPPS, 16 Oct, ahl res, Spring Grove, Mrs Mary Phipps, 67, relict of the late 
                     Mr James Phipps
Tue -- 22 --- HINGSTON, 16 Oct, Mrs F J Hingston, Waimea St, a daughter 
                     SNOW, 19 Oct, ahr, Hardy St, Mrs J H Snow, a daughter 
                     Death-- SARDA, 22 Oct, at Catholic Station, Nelson, Rev C Sarda, late of Auckland
Wed - 23 --- BONNINGTON, 22 Oct, Mrs J Bonnington, late of Marlborough, a daughter 
                     Death--ATWOOD, 13 Oct, Lower Wairau, Mrs J Atwood, aged 52
Thur - 24 --- Death-- LEVICK, 22 Oct, Fanny, 15mths, youngest child of Mr T Levick
Fri --- 25 --- COPPINS - HOMANN, 17 Oct, at St Thomas's church, Motueka, by Rev S Poole M A, 
                    Mr Arthur T Coppins, 2nd son of Mr W Coppins, To Miss Jessie Eliza, eldest 
                    daughter of the late Mr F J Homan
Sat -- 26 --- AVERY, 23 Oct, ahr, Bridge St, Mrs J Avery, a daughter 
Mon - 28 -- Death-- CLARKSON, 25 Oct, ahr,Motueka, Alice, 17yrs, daughter of Mr Thomas Clarkson   
Tue - 29 --- Rakaia-- arrived Wellington early Sun morning  from Panama ------------------- 
                   only N Z passengers were Mrs Alison and Mr Blackadder for Wellington, Mr E 
                   Glanville for Auck and Mr Pitcairne for Taranaki    
Wed - 30 -- BOND, 27 Oct, ahr, Waimea St, Mrs W T Bond, a daughter
Thur - 31 -- CURTIS, 30 Oct, Mrs H E Curtis, a daughter
                    Death-- JACKSON, 13 July, Wokingham, Berks, Rev George Jackson, 76yr, brother of 
                    Mr B Jackson of Nelson and father of Rev H W Jackson, B A , Manchester
November --- 1867
Sat -- 02 --- Death--ANTHONY, 22 Sept, at Upper Moutere, Mr Alfred Anthony, 47yrs
                    ANTHONY, 29 Oct, at Upper Moutere, Eliza, 30mths, youngest daughter of 
                    the late Mr Alfred Anthony
Mon - 04 -- HAWKER, 30 Oct, at Motueka, Mrs George Hawker, a daughter 
                    SHEATHER, 2 Nov, Mrs L Sheather, a daughter
                    LIGHTFOOT, 3 Nov, Mrs Lightfoot, a daughter 
                    Obituary ------ Mr Alfred Anthony, 47yrs     
Tue -- 05 --- FIELDES, 4 Nov, ahr, Cambria St, the Wood, Mrs W Fieldes, a son 
                    WILLIAMS, 4 Nov, at Guthrie Grange, Stoke, Mrs H D Williams, a daughter    
                    Item----- Amelia Seymour, Spring Grove, found dead 
Wed - 06 -- O'DWYER - ROBINSON, 28 Oct, by Rev Father Sauzeau, at brides mothers resid, 
                    Mr P J O'Dwyer of Spring Creek, to Miss J A Robinson, 2nd daughter of the late 
                    Mr W Robinson of Wairau
                    Death--BARLEMAN, 30 Oct, at Blenheim, Mrs J Barleyman, aged 35
Fri -- 08 ---- Death--SHEATHER, 8 Nov, in Brook St, the daughter of Louis and Phoebe Sheather, 6days 
Sat -- 09 ---- CARD, 28 Oct, at Picton, Mrs A T Card, a daughter 
                     GOULSTON, 7 Nov, at Bank of NSW, Mrs H Goulston, a son
                     Death--THOMSON, 5 Nov, in Collingwood St, J S Thomson, 24, eldest daughter 
                     of Mr M Thomson of Dunedin
Wed - 13 --- HARGREAVES - OWEN, 11 Nov, at Lower Moutere, by Rev J Davis, Mr James 
                    Hargreaves, to Miss C A Owen, both of Nelson      
Fri --- 15 --- Names of a few of the people present at a luncheon and consecration of a church at Waimea West       
Sat -- 16 --- Names of people sworn in for Grand Jury service ------ C B Wither, J Beit, 
                    W C Hodgson, H Goulston, D Sclanders, W Wells, J Watkins, J W Barnicoat,    
                    P McTavish, G Bennett, C Hunter Brown, C Muntz, H H Stafford, A S Collins,
                    A S Braithwaite, J T Lowe, H Martin, S H Pike, W S Mortimer, A J Richmond, H Beitt,   
                    J Bentley Esqs      
Thur - 21 -- ANDERSON - DREW, 21 Nov, at res of brides father, by Rev David Bruce of Auckland, 
                    J G Anderson, Audit Dept, General Gov, Wellington, to Ellen, only daughter of 
                    Mr Henry Drew, Trafalgar St, Nelson
                    Death--ATWOOD, 21 Nov, at Sandhills, Blenheim, of diptheria, Sarah, 
                    16yrs, daughter of Mr John Atwood
Fri -- 22 ---- Death-- THOMPSON, 21 Nov, John, eldest son of Mr W M Thompson of Dunedin     
                     Mataura arrived at Pt Nicholson today from Panama with about 40 passengers (named)   
                     for various ports ------- Mr A FLETCHER for Nelson     
Sat -- 23 ---- Nelson College sports --------------- prize winners listed 
Tue - 26 ---- HODGSON, 25 Nov, Mrs G Hodgson, a son 
                     ROBERTS - ATTENBOROUGH, 12 Nov, at Hope, by Mr J Davis, 
                     Mr J Roberts sen, of Hope to Mrs Attenborough of Nelson
                     Death--STONE, 22 Nov, at Nelson Hospital, Samuel Stone, miner, late of West  Coast aged 34yrs
                     ROBERTS, 23 Nov, at Hope, the wife of Mr J Roberts sen, aged 53yrs 
Wed - 27 --- ROBERTSON, 25 Nov, ahr,Beachville, Haven Rd, Mrs J Robertson, a son
Fri --- 29 ---- PHILLIPS, 28 Nov, ahr, Waimea St, Mrs P Phillips, a son
                     Death,--LUCAS, 27 Nov, Florence Fanny, 10yrs, youngest daughter of Mr J Lucas
Sat -- 30 ---- LUCAS, 30 Nov, ahr, Washington Valley, Mrs R Lucas, a daughter

December --- 1867

Mon - 02 --- PORCELLI - FLING, 19 Nov, at St Marys Church, by Rev Father Garin, Mr Francis Porcelli ,to Miss Ellen Fling
                     PARMENTER - REARDON, 28 Nov, at St Marys, by Rev Father Garin, Mr W R Parmenter to Miss Catherine Reardon
Tue -- 03 --- BREMNER - Mc EACHEN, 14 Nov, at Dunedin, by Rev Dr Burns, Mr Joseph Bremner, Hamilton, 2nd son of the late Mr Joseph                      Bremner, Aberdeenshire, Scotland, to Miss Maria Mc Eachen, 3rd daughter of Mr A Mc Eachenn Nelson
Wed - 04 --- HARGRAVES, 26 Nov, ahr, Saltwater Bridge, Mrs W Hargreaves, a daughter
Fri --- 06 --- HODSON, 5 Dec, at Thurston Cottage, Blenheim, Mrs James E Hodson, a son
Sat -- 07 ---- LAST - SHARP, 5 Dec at Christ Church, by Rev G H Johnston, Frederick Last, 2nd son
                     of W N Last Esq, of Bury St Edmunds, to Mary Ann, eldest daughter of the late Mr John Sharp
Mon - 09 --- Death-- ELLIS, 9 Sept, ahr, Gloucester St, Pimlico, London, after long suffering of cancer
                     on the chest, Julia, wife of Mr John Ellis, Nelson, aged 47
Fri --- 13 ---- Death--WHITE, 12 Dec, ahlr, Russell St, the Port, George White, Esq, Clerk to the Provincial Council, aged 81yrs
                     TUCKER, 12 Dec, Charles Henry, 12mths, the only son of Mr Thomas Tucker
Sat -- 14 ---- WEBLEY - WHITE, 11 Dec, by Rev J Davis, Mr Joseph Webley, jun, to Helen, eldest daughter of Mr Joseph White, Bridge St
Mon - 16 --- Death-- GENTRY, 14 Dec, ahlr, Shelbourne Place, Mr Charles Gentry, 45yrs
Tue -- 17 --- WEBLEY, 8 Dec, ahr, Alton St, Mrs H Webley, a son
Thur - 19 --- Mc VICAR, 18 Dec, Mrs W Mc Vicar, a son
Sat --- 21 --- Death--Mc Donald, 20 Dec, in Nelson Hospital, John Mc Donald, miner from West Coast, aged 36
Thur - 26 --- WRIGHT - AIKEN, 19 Dec, at res of brides uncle, Willow Bank, Canterbury, by 
                     Rev J Cambell, Mr Frederick Wright, to Margaret, eldest daughter of Mr George
                     Aiken, Nelson      
Fri --- 27 ---- Kaikoura arrived at Wellington from Panama on the 26th with over 30 passengers    
                     for various ports -------------------- includes Mr Coombs and Mr and Miss Wilkie for Nelson
                     Presentation of prizes for the various volunteer companies
Sat -- 28 ---- EDWARDS - YORK, 26 Dec, at Richmond, by Rev W D R Lewis, Mr W Edwards
                     of Bishopsdale, to Harriet, 2nd daughter of Mr York, Nelson
                     ALLDRIDGE - WALKER, 26 Dec, at Stoke, by Rev W D R Lewis, John, son of 
                     Mr Henry Alldridge of Nelson, to Mary Maria, eldest daughter of Mr John Walker
                     of Richmond
                     KIDSON - NEWPORT, 27 Dec, by Rev E Thomas, Charles, 3rd son of Mr J Kidson,
                     to Eliza, youngest daughter of Mr S Newport
Mon - 30 --- CAMERON - SHEPPARD, 26 Dec, at res of brides father, by Rev P Calder, Mr George
                     Cameron, to Elizabeth, eldest daughter of Mr John Sheppard, Waimea Rd      
                     Schools prize lists
Tue -- 31 --- CLEMENTS - NEWTON, 29 Dec, by Rev E Thomas, Mr J Clements, to Miss S Newton

January --- 1868

Thur - 02 -- LLOYD, 1 Jan, ahr, Gloucester St, Mrs W Lloyd, a son 
                    WILSON - BIRD, 1 Jan, at Christ Church, by Rev R J Thorpe, H C Wilson, to 
                    Mary, youngest daughter of the late R Bird
Mon - 06 -- SMITH - STIRLING, 1 Jan, at Upper Moutere, by Rev S Poole, M A, Frederic Smith,
                    of Dovedale, to Elanor Kimber, only daughter of the late James Stirling of Nelson
Tue -- 07 --- Death--PIKE, 2 Jan, at College Hill, Grace Elanor, 5, child of S H Pike Esq
                    LOCKE, 4 Jan at Nelson Hospital, Edmund John Locke, 37yrs    
                    Queen Bee arrived from London on Sun Morning  ==== Mrs J Phillips, Mr  Bernard,
                    Mr and Mrs Meredith, Mr Sheat, Mr Campbell, Miss Williams  ---steerage====
                    Messrs Hill, Baker, Skinner,Cookes, Muncaster (2), Brocksmit, Barnes, Hughes,   
                    Chapman, Johnson, Mr and Mrs Pain and 2 children, Mr and Mrs Mears and 3 children,  
                    Mr and Mrs Nuttman, Mr and Mrs Loucent, Miss Field 
Thur - 09 -- WOOLLEY - FLETCHER, 7 Jan, at Christ Church,by Rev G H Johnstone, James, 
                    son of the late Mr John Woolley of Denby, to Sarah, eldest daughter of the late
                    W H Fletcher of Pentrich Mills, Derbyshire
Sat -- 11 --- DECK, 9 Jan, at Motueka, Mrs G Deck, a daughter
                    Death-- AMOS, 19 Jan, ahr Grove St, Francis Amos, 61yrs
Mon - 13 -- DAVIS, 12 Jan, ahr, Collingwood St, Mrs W Davis, a son
Tue - 14 --- BUCHHOLZ, 12 Jan, ahr, Motueka, Mrs S Buchholz, a son
                    Death--LEVIEN, 11 Jan, at res of her parents, Annette Eliza, 15mths, only daughter 
                   of Robert and Henrietta Levien
Wed - 15 -- NISBET - HUGHES, 8 Jan, by Rev E Thomas, Mr G Nisbet, to 
                   Miss E Hughes, both of Foxhill
Thur - 16 -- PILLIET, 12 Jan, at res of her father, D Johnston, Esq, J P, Collector of Customs, 
                    Greymouth, the wife of W H Pilliet, esq, J P, a daughter
                    Death--BROCK, 13 Jan, at Spring Grove, Mrs E Brock, 75yrs, late of South Bank, 
                    Regents Park, London
Sat -- 18 --- BIRD - GILBERTSON, 16 Jan, by Rev P Calder, Mr Charles Bird, to Miss Isabella 
                    Death--TINLINE, 15 Dec, at Adelaide, Mr John Tinline, father of John Tinline Esq, Amuri
Tue - 21 --- BOLTON, 12 Jan, at the Nursery Gardens, Waimea Rd, Mrs S Bolton, a daughter
                    GRANT - BIRD, 11 Jan, by Rev P Calder, Mr Robert Grant to Miss Susannah Bird,
                    both of Nelson
Thur - 23 --- Death--MARTIN, 16 Jan, Charles Butt, infant son of Hugh Martin Esq, jun, Wairoa Gorge
Fri -- 24 ---- NATION, 23 Jan, ahr, Christchurch, Mrs W C Nation, a daughter
                    LEVESTAM, 24 Jan, in Washington Valley, Mrs H A Levestam, a daughter
                    ROBERTS - SMART, 20 Jan, Mr J Roberts, sen, of Hope, to Miss S M Smart, Nelson
                    Death--MILNER, 7 Jan, at Taranaki, Mr W Milner, 68yrs
Mon - 27 -- FRAZER - TURNER, 7 Jan, at St Marys Cathedral, Wellington, by Rt Rev Bishop Viard,
                    Mr Charles Frazer, Wellington, to Catherine Bridget, eldest daughter of 
                    Mr R K Turner of Nelson
Wed - 29 -- GILSON, 28Jan,ahr, Grove St, Mrs Gilson, a daughter
                    BUNKELL, 29 Jan, ahr, Burns Lane, Mrs Bunkell, a daughter
                    DRAPER - RICKETTS, 22 Jan, by Rev J Crump, Mr R Draper, to Miss Emma Jane,
                    only daughter of Mr A Ricketts
                    Death--PICTON, 24 Jan, at Renwicktown, after a long painfull ilness, Anne Hughes, wife
                    of Mr W Picton, of the Plough Inn, Lower Wairau, aged 34yrs       
Thur - 30 -- Cricket teams -------- Kakapuaka and Nelson butchers and blacksmiths       
Fri -- 31 ---- SMALLBONE, 28 Jan,ahr, Waimea St, Mrs F Smallbone, a daughter
                    LUCKIE, 30 Jan, ahr, Shelbourne St, Mrs Luckie, a son
                    Death--BUNKELL, 31 Jan, at parents resid, Harris St, Elizabeth, infant daughter of 

February --- 1868

Sat -- 01 ---- Death--CANNING, 6 Nov, at Weyhill, nearAndover, Elizabeth, relict of the late Davis 
                     Canning, Esq, of Ogbourne St Andrew, Wiltshire, aged 74     
                     List of names on a petition for a public meeting in Nelson ========= about 72 names       
Thur - 06 --- MILLS, 4 Jan, ahr, Hardy St, Mrs T H Mills, a daughter
                     Death-- HOUNSELL, 4 Jan, Esther Alice, 5mths, youngest daughter of Mr J Hounsell
                     WALKER, 4 Jan, in Washington Valley, George, 27mths, youngest son of Mr J Walker
Fri -- 07 ----- HOLDAWAY - MEAR, 4 Feb, by Rev J Thorpe, Mr J C Holdaway of Richmond, to
                     Miss Ellen ??? Mear, eldest daughter of Mr D Mear of the Wood
Sat -- 08 ---- NEEDHAM, 2 Feb, ahr, Tadmore, Mrs F Needham, a daughter
                     PIKE, 7 Feb, ahr, College Hill, Mrs J H Pike, a daughter
Mon - 10 --- LUCAS, 4 Feb, ahr, Westport, Mrs S Lucas, a son
                     MORRISON - KIDSON, 8 Feb, at res of brides father, by Rev E Thomas, Mr W A 
                     Morrison, jun, to Miss Catherine, 4th daughter of Mr J Kidson
                     ERECSON - KIDSON, 8 Feb, at res of brides father, by Rev E Thomas, Mr F Erecson, 
                     to Miss Charlotte, 5th daughter of Mr J Kidson
                     Death-- NASH, 9 Feb, at Brook St Valley, Joseph John , 3yrs, son of John and Sarah Nash
                     FARQUHAR, 9 Feb, Amy, 2yr 12day, youngest daughter of Mr H B Farquhar
Wed - 12 --- NEWTON, 10 Feb, ahr, Hardy St, Mrs T Newton, a son
Thur - 13 --- Death--MIDGELEY, 30 Jan, at Foxhill, Jane Emma,16Yrs, daughter of Mr Midgeley
Fri --- 14 --- CURNOW, 8 Feb, at Collingwood, Mrs W H Curnow, a son
                     Death-- LUMLEY, 10 Feb, ahr, Westport, Mr G Lumley, aged 50yrs
Sat -- 15 ---- JENNINGS - WESTROP, 13 Feb, by Rev J Crump, J Jennings, 2nd son of Mr W 
                     Jennings, to Susan Westrop         
                      === Some names of electors in the Golden Bay District============ 
                     Jabez M Gibsen, H W Burt, George C Gilbert, Robert R Fellowes, James Baird,
                     Patrick Byrne, Joseph Packard, S W Sigley, Francis H M Ellis, E Tolley, C Nicollsen,   
                     Peter Hunter, Robt Ray, Robert Andrew, A T Burt, James Bridger, Magnus Munson,   
                     Henry Cook, Henry Wallis, Duncan McCallum, Charles Nicoll jun, Robt Scott,   
                     Thomas Harwood, Alexander Mc Donald, R Blandell King, Thomas McDonald,  
                     John Evans, John Walker, Daniel Moulder, John Lake, George Moulder, 
                     Walter H Haines, Joseph Susans, Bownas Handcock, Robert Manson, H J Pollard,   
                     Frances Yarde Hicks, William Page, James Lovell      
Tue -- 18 --- GIBBONS, 16 Feb, Mrs R G Gibbons, a daughter
                     ROGERS - BURNETT, 17 Feb, at Stoke, by Rev J Crump, Mr J Rogers of Takaka,
                     to Ann Elizabeth, 2nd daughter of Mr R Burnett
Wed - 19 --- JENNINGS - WORSTER, 13 Feb, by Rev J Crump, J Jennings to S E Worster
Thur - 20 --- ROWE, 12 Feb, at Brompton House, Collingwood St, Mrs Rowe, widow of the late
                     J H Rowe, a daughter, stillborn
                     TURNER, 17 Feb, at Hillmore, Suburban North, Mrs W H Turner, a daughter
                      Death--SHEPHARD, 17 Feb, at Fernlin, Waimea South, Agnes Ann, 15yrs, 2nd daughter
                      of Joseph Shephard Esq
Tue -- 25 ---- TOMLINSON - FORD, 24 Feb, at Catholic Chapel, Waimea West, by Rev A M Garin,
                      James, 2nd son of Mr R Tomlinson, to Elizabeth Ford, both of Waimea West
                      Death--LINES, 23 Feb, at Hope, Mrs B Lines, aged 66yrs
Wed - 26 ---- Death--FARQUHAR, 26 Feb, Albert Edward, 10wks, youngest son of Mr H B Farquhar,
                      H M Customs
Fri --- 28 ----- DARGIVILLE, 26 Feb, Mrs J M Dargiville, a son
                      LEDGER - HOGG, 29 Oct, at St Bartholomews-the-Less, London, by Rev W C F
                      Webber, Ernest Walt??, 3rd son of the late John Ledger, Esq, of St Johns, Southwark
                      and Abbey Wood, Kent, to Ellen Charlotte, eldest daughter of Dr Charles Hogg,
                      F R C S, of 12 Charterhouse Sq, London
                      LEVER - MILLER, 25 Feb, by Rev J Davis, Mr S Leaver to Miss Agnes Miller,
                      youngest daughter of Mr John Miller of Glasgow, Scotland

March --- 1868   

Tue -- 03 ---- YOUNG, 2 Mar, ahr, Tasman St, the Wood, Mrs J W Young, a son
                      BARTROP, 3 Mar, at Nile St East, Mrs H Bartrop, a daughter
Thur - 05 ---- SPEED, 5 Mar, ahr, Eden Grove Cottage, Mrs J P Speed, a son     
                      ===== Electors in Collingwood petitioning Arthur Collins Esq to stand for election ====
                      William Stuart Forbes Bart, W C Riley, Thos Heyward,  Walter Cole, H G Pollard,  
                      William Butcher, Wm Scrimgeor, J B Riley, A Harvey, Francis Skilton, John  G Lash,   
                      R G Clarke, William Green, Oswald Johnston, John McKellah, E Smyth, G Clear,   
                      Thomas Hall, Patrick J Hughes, Joseph Constable, John Ayles, Cornelius Driscoll, 
                      Walter Shaw, I Scrimgeor, R B Powell, Charles M Ellis, John Riley, James McKenzie,    
                      John E Fletcher, Frank Flowers, Job Flowers, W Hough, Thos Askew, Joseph H Levien,  
                      C Elliott, T C Batchelor, W Adams, J Wigzell, Robert R R Fellowes, Henry Byrne,    
                      Owen Koghan, John William Sigley, Thomas McDonald, Alexander McDonald,    
                      Alex Macfarlane, John Sleding, John McPhie, Thomas Sigley, Henry Wallis, 
                      Edmund Gardner, Thomas Edwards, T H Burrows, Joseph Webley, William Goldney,  
                      Daniel Bate, Thomas Bate, John Rogers, Henry Bate, Arthur Handcocks, George
                     Hailes, Thomas Symes, Edw Stony, William Bayford, Michael Campeon, 
Fri -- 06 ----- WALKLING, 6 Mar, ahr, Vanguard St, Toi-toi Valley, Mrs Walkling, a daughter
Mon - 09 --- LUSTY - STREETER, 5 Mar, By Rev E Thomas, Mr F Lusty, son of Mr D Lusty,
                     Richmond, to Miss A Streeter, daughter of Mr R Streeter of Canterbury
Tue - 10 ---- DALY, 6 Mar, ahr, Motueka, Mrs Daly, a son
                     JOHNSTON - GORING, 24 Feb, at St Marys Cathedral, Wellington, by Rt Rev Bishop
                     Viard, and at St Pauls Cathedral, by Rev, W H St Hill, Walter Woods, eldest son of the 
                     Hon John Johnston, M L C, to Cecilia Augusta, 2nd daughter of Foster Goring Esq
                     and the Hon Sydney Eloise Goring
                     KEELING - HOBY, 25 Feb, at St Marys Church, New Plymouth, Mr R North Keeling,
                     to Hannah Amy, eldest daughter of Mr G Hoby, late of Nelson
                     JONES - TURNER, 27 Feb, by Rev Wm Shaw, at Greymouth, James Jones Esq of 
                     Greymouth to Maria Turner, of Nelson
Wed - 11 --- GREENFIELD, 11 Mar, ahr, Milton Grove, Mrs a Greenfield, a daughter
Thur - 12 --- MOONLIGHT, 10 Mar, ahr, White Hart Hotel, Richmond, Mrs Moonlight, a son
                     Death--NEIL, 10 Mar, at Waimea East, William Neil, 57yrs
                     EYLES, 11 Mar, at Richmond, after 3 mths severe suffering, Mrs Eyles, 84 yrs
Fri --- 13 --- CROUCHER, 10 Mar, ahr, Richmond, Mrs Croucher a son
Sat -- 14 ---- Death-- ADAM, 13 Mar, at Anchor Tavern, Haven Rd, Mr A Adam, 36yrs     
Mon - 16 --- =====Item -- bankruptcy notices in the Provincial Gazette ===========
                     Fredk Jones, publican, Westport; Hugh Robertson, baker, Mokihinui; James Hayes,    
                     storekeeper, Addisons Flat; Leonard Whittington, trading in co-partnership with
                     T W Scanlan, publicans, Addisons Flat; H E Campbell, solicitor, Westport; George   
                     Blair, publican, Westport; T W Melville, publican, Westport      
Tue - 17 ---- Insolvency ===== Louis and Bernhard Ehrenfried, storekeepers, Westport;    
                                                     Jeremiah Creed, brewer, Addisons Flat, near Westport
                                                    George Huyler Chitsam, comedian, Westport
                                                     James Gellibrand, commission agent, Westport           
Thur - 19 --- TIBBLE, 18 Mar, Mrs R Tibble, a son
                     Death-- SHANNON, 17 Mar, Daniel, 14yrs, son of Mr M Shannon
Fri --- 20 ---- ALLEN, 6 Mar, ahr, Lower Moutere, Mrs B S Allen, a daughter
Wed - 25 --- Death--HARLEY, 16 Mar, at Stoke, Leonard Harvey, 11mths, youngest son of
                     Mr Alfred Harley
Thur - 26 --- names of players in Nelson v Wakefield cricket match    
Fri --- 27 ---- RMS Mataura arrived at Wellington 26 March from Panama ======= list of      
                     passengers for different ports ==== none for Nelson==
Sat -- 28 ---- BLACK, 28 Mar, ahr, Bridge St, Mrs H Black, a son     
Mon - 30 --- Insolvency ======= James Henelly  and Robert Millen, merchants, each of Westport   
                                                        William Strackan, farmer, Picton     
Tue - 31 ---- LEWIS, 8 Mar, at Spring Grove, Mrs Edward Lewis, twin daughters
                     Death-- COATES, 11 Jan, at Edgware, shortly after his arrival in England, Mr Giles Coates formerly of Nelson and Christchurch
                     BAIGENT, 28 Mar, at Lower Wakefield, Frederick Henry Nelson, 7mths, only child of Henry and Margaret Inglis Baigent         
                     Notice ===== list of Immigrants for Nelson, on "Gertrude" which left England about 19 Feb =====
                     BODEN,  Mrs S + Emma  + Phoebe
                     HALPIN, Mary + John    
                     HOLLYMAN, James + Martha + Martha + J W + W J    
                     CULLEN, William + Louisa + Rosalie + Catherine    
                     REARDON, Hannah + Shea + Daniel        

April --- 1868

Wed - 01 --- FIRTH, 22 Mar, at Wanganui, Mrs H N Firth, a daughter
Thur - 02 --- BOYCE, 24 Mar, at Upper Motueka Valley, Mrs G Boyce, a daughter   
                     Inquest ===== Frederick TOFFT, Waimea S -- death
Fri --- 03 --- CHING - DOIDGE, 2 Ap, at Wesleyan Chapel, Stoke, by Rev J Cromp, William, 2nd son
                     of R Ching Esq, to Elizabeth, eldest daughter of Mr J Doige, both of Stoke   
Sat -- 04 ---- Insolvency ===== Thomas William MEDVILLE, hotelkeeper, Westport   
                                                     William NAHR, hotelkeeper, Charleston   
                                                     Henry Lamb KENNEDY, hotelkeeper, Charleston      
Mon - 06 --- MACEY, 5 Ap, ahr, Harley St, Mrs W Macey, a son
Tue -- 07 --- GARNER, 6 Ap, ahr, Upper Bridge St, Mrs H Garner, a son
                     Death-- ASHCROFT, 5 Ap, at Nelson Hospital, Mr W Ashcroft, 60yrs
Wed - 08 --- RUSDEN, 2 Ap, ahr, Brook St, Mrs T Rusden, jun, a son
Sat -- 11 ---- ELLIOTT, 10 Ap, Mrs A Elliott, a daughter
                     Death--WALKER, 9 Ap, Ralph Leo, 9 mths, youngest child of Capt J Walker
Tue - 14 ---- STAVERT, 13 Ap, ahr, Bronti St, Mrs William Stavert, a premature daughter
Thur - 16 --- SUTHERLAND - FINLAYSON, 9 Ap, at the Presbyterian Church, by Rev P Calder
                     Alex Sutherland, to Elizabeth Finlayson
                     Death-- SMALL, 14 Ap, Waimea South, Emma, 21yrs, wife of Mr Robert Small
Sat -- 18 ---- Death--CAIGOU, lately at Camberwell, Surrey, Mrs J D Caigou, 74yrs
                     TUCKER, at Frome, Somerset, Mrs E Tucker, 85yrs, mother of Mr E Tucker, Nelson
Mon - 20 --- FLETCHER, 19 Ap, at Russell St, Mrs W Fletcher, a son
Tue - 21 ---- FIVEN, 17 Ap, ahr, Stoke, Mrs A Fiven, a daughter       
                     Insolvency======== Phillip McCARTHY, brewer, Westport   
                                                          John Shields WILLIAMS, storekeeper, Mokihinni    
                                                          John Smart CRATE, commission agent, Nelson 
Thur - 23 --- BENNETT, 23 Ap, Mrs J Bennett, a daughter    
                     Notice=== John CRAIK, Bridge St, will not be responsible for debts contracted by his   
                                        wife Minna Craik      
Fri -- 24 ---- GODDARD, 20 Ap, ahr, Toi-toi Valley, Mrs H Goddard, a son
                    MOFFATT, 23 Ap, Mrs H Moffatt, Washington Valley, a daughter
Mon - 27 -- SHERWOOD, 2 Ap, at Nile St East, Mrs Sherwood, a daughter
                    HOLDER, 26 Ap, at Foxhill, Mrs Francis Holder, a son
Tue - 28 ---- Death -- HURLEY, 27 Ap, of the Wood, Nelson, Mr Maurice Hurley, 78yrs
                     Death -- ENGHMAN, 26 Ap, at Hospital, of apoplexy,  Henry Enghman, 67yrs
                     COWLES - PACKER, 21 Ap, at the res of Mr J A Packer, Hardy St, by Rev J Davis,
                     Edward, 2nd son of Mr R Cowles of London, to Sarah, 2nd daughter of the late 
                     Mr J Packer, of Hope
Thur - 30 --- WILSON, 29 Ap, ahr, Vanguard St, Mrs P C Wilson, a daughter

May --- 1868

Fri -- 01 ---- Mc CONCHIE, 28 Ap, ahr, New St, Mrs Mc Conchie, a son
                    LOCKYER, 1 May, ahr, Nile St, Mrs W Lockyer, a son
                    SOWMAN - MATTHEWS, 25 Ap, at resid of the bridegroom, by Rev E Thomas, Alfred,
                    2nd son of  Mr W Sowman, to Jane Eliza, eldest daughter of Mr G Matthews
                    Death-- BLICK, 27 Ap, at Brook St, Lucy Charlotte, 3mths, daughter of Mr  Benjamin Blick
                    NATION, 21 Ap, at Christchurch, Eliza, 3mths, daughter of Mr W C Nation
Mon - 04 -- BIGGS - Dee CARLE, 15 Jan, at Merton, Surrey, John Grove Biggs, Esq, Swansea, to
                    Jane Hannah, 2nd daughter of the late Thomas De Carle, Esq,Bury St, Edmonds, Suffolk
Tue -- 05 -- COLES, 4 May, ahr, Waimea Rd, Mrs S Coles, a daughter
Wed - 06 -- Death, MOFFITT, 6 May, at Blenheim, of diptheria, H Moffit Esq       
Thur - 07 -- Census figures (totals) for Christchurch     
Fri --- 08 -- CUSACK, 3 may, at Wellington, Mrs Cusack, a daughter
                   Mc CABE - CURRY, 26 Ap, at St Marys by Rev Father Garin, William Henry, son of 
                   Charles Mc Cabe, Esq, Pall Mall, London, to Catherine M daughter of Mr Peter Curry,
                   County Cavan, Ireland
Sat -- 09 -- MURRAY, 7 May, Mrs R Murray, a son
                   CHAPMAN - CARR, 11 April, at residence of C Warburton Carr Esq, Avoca, Victoria, Hon H S
                   Chapman, Judge of the Supreme Court of NZ, to Selina Frances, 2nd daughter of the late 
                   T S Carr, MA, Rector of Aghavoe, Queens County, Ireland
                   WIGZELL - TAYLOR, 7 May, at Christ Church, by Rev G H Johnston, J W Wigzell, 
                   to Elizabeth, 3rd daughter of the late Mr W Taylor
Tue - 12 -- WINDELBORN, 6 May, Mrs L Windelborn, a son
                   REDWORTH, 11 May, ahr, Nile St West, Mrs J W Redworth, a daughter
                   RUTHERFORD - WHITE, 11 May, at St Marys, by Rev Father Garin, Ralph, 2nd son of
                   John Rutherford, Weardale, County Durham, to mary, 3rd daughter of James White
                   Castle Ray, County Roscommon, Ireland
Thur - 14 - SCAIFE, 13 May, ahr, Toi-toi Valley, Mrs T Scaife, a son
                   HOBHOUSE - WILLIAMS, 14 Jan, at Bramshot, the Rt Rev Bishop Hobhouse, to
                   Anna Maria Williams, youngest daughter of the late Warden of New College, Oxford
                   JELLYMAN - WELLS, 13 May, at the Wesleyan Chapel, Stoke, by Rev J Crump,
                   Henry, 3rd son of Mr E Jellyman, to Elizabeth Wells
Fri -- 15 --- ATMORE, 14 May, ahr, Collingwood St, Mrs E Atmore, twin sons
Sat - 16 ---- Death--BAILEY, 16 May, ahlr, Trafalgar Square, Isabella, 40yrs, relict of the late
                    Mr J L Bailey of Nelson
Tue - 19 --- PRIMMER, 16 May, at Sunrising Valley, Upper Moutere, Mrs B Primmer, a daughter
                    EVANS - CROSS, 19 May, at the Wesleyan Church, by Rev J Crump, Charles Evans, 
                    Chief Officer of the SS Claud Hamilton, to Mary Ann, eldest daughter of 
                    James S Cross Esq, Harbour Master of this city
                    Death--FORD, 13 May, Betsy, Wife of Mr C Ford, of Waimea West
Wed - 20 -- LEVIEN, 20 May, ahr, Trafalgar Sq, Mrs R Levien, a daughter
                    Mc CONKY - HAASE, 15 May, By Rev E Thomas, James Mc Conky, to Louisa, 
                    eldest daughter of Mr L Haase
Sat -- 23 --- CAREY, 21 May, Mrs M Carey, a daughter
                    THOMAS, 23 May, ahr Vanguard St, Mrs Thomas, a son
Tue --26 --- Death-- HODGSON, 23 May, Ernest Howard, 6mths, son of Mr George Hodgson
                    PALMER, 23 May, Elizabeth, 67yrs, wife of Mr John Palmer and mother of Capt Palmer
                    TROWER, 25 May, at Sunningdale, 88 Valley, Mr Thomas Noel Trower, 46yrs   
                    Ruahine arrived at Wellington today, from Panama ========
                    passengers for Nelson = Mr A M WEX  --- about 12 for other ports    
Thur - 28 -- STRATFORD - SMALL, 26 May, at St Pauls, Spring Grove, by Rev C O Mules,
                    Mr Frederick Stratford of Aniseed Valley, to Louisa, youngest daughter of 
                    Mr J Small of Waimea South
Sat -- 30 --- KING - BURT, 12 May, at Wesleyan Chapel by Rev J Crump, Robert B King Esq, to
                    Anna, 3rd daughter of H W Burt Esq, both of Motupipi
                    GAY - BINNING, 28 May, at Christ Church, by Rev G H Johnston, Mr John Gay to Miss Louisa Binning

June --- 1868   

Mon -- 01 - BLACKMORE, 28 May ahr, Russell St, Mrs G Blackmore, a daughter
                    WADE - BOYD, 1 June, at res of the bride, by Rev P Calder, Mr Thomas Wade,
                    to Miss Jane Boyd, of Glasgow
Tue -- 02 --- Death-- RUSSELL, 2 June, at Blenheim, the Rev A Russell, Presbyterian Minister
Wed - 03 --- BECKMAN - HAVLIND, 3 June, at Mr Beckmans, Maitai, by Rev J Crump,
                     Peter P ? Beckman, to Elizabeth Havlind
Thur - 04 --- Death--ATMORE, 4 June, George, 3wks, youngest son of Mr E Atmore
Sat --- 06 --- THORPE, 21 May, at Richmond, Mrs S Thorpe, a daughter
                     CLARK, 5 June, at Westport, Mrs G Clark, a son
Mon - 08 --- WILKINS, 7 June, Mrs W C Wilkins, a daughter
                     Death--ELSON, 8 June, ahlr, Hardy St, Mrs G Elson
Wed - 10 --- VANT, 6 June, at Takaka, Mrs W Vant, a daughter
Thur - 11 --- Death--CHAPLIN, 10 June, at resid of Mr Henry, Selwyn Place, William Chaplin, 26yrs   
                     Subscription List for erection of a Catholic Church in Takaka district  =========    
                      ===== Messrs J Reilly, M Enright, T Windle, G Hailes, T Ryan, M Hoolihan,
                                  P Byrne, M Champion, O Koghan, H Byrne, G Taylor, W Haines, J Walker, 
                                  H Pollard, W Goldney, Mrs Kealy, Dr Tilby, Messrs T Plummier, J Sullivan,   
                                  J McCormic, J Slading       
                      From Nelson and Waimea ===Rt Rev Bishop Viard, Rev Father Garin, Rev Father 
                                  Tresallet, Rev Father Martin, Count and Countess de Lapasture, Mrs Redwood sen, 
                                  Messrs H Redwood sen, Mereweather, Parmenter, G Houtsen, R Tomlinson,   
                                  P Byrue, C Frank, H Corrigan, P O'Connor, John Mercier, M Shannon sen,
                                  W Condell, Leonard, Hayday, J James, Mrs Flood, Miss Ann Leary, Mrs Shaw,    
                                  Mrs Reardon sen, Miss A Mullin, Mrs Martin              
Fri -- 12 ---- HAMMOND, 12 June, ahr, Richmond, Mrs H Hammond, a son
                     ARNOLD - REARDON, 20 May, at St Marys by Rev Father Chareyre, 
                     Mr John Arnold of Waimea, to Miss Johannah Reardon of Nelson
                     SCOTT - TEW, 11 June, at St Marys, by Rev Father Garin,
                     Mr Charles Scott to Miss mary Anne Tew
                     Death-- LLOYD, 11 June, ahlr, Nile St East, after 2 yrs painful illness, Mrs E Lloyd, 42    
                     Insolvency ======= John Hassard Deey, storekeeper, Karamea       
Sat -- 13 ---- Death-- GALLAND, 12 June, ahlr, Vincent St, Mrs J B Galland, 52yrs   
                     Nominations for Nelson Education Committee +  nominators + seconders      
Tue - 16 ---- MACKAY - BUDGE, 4 June, at Christ Church, by Rev G H Johnstone, Robert Mackay
                     Esq, of Wangamoa, to Miss Elizabeth A L Budge, late of Godmanchester, Huntingdonshire
                     Death--BARRETT, 11 June, at Takaka, by drowning, Mr John Barrett     
                     Election for local committee at Stoke.==== names of some people there =====   
                     === H D Williams esq, John Morrison, Mr Rowbottom, Mr Ching, Mr Rout, 
                             H Parker, W Parker, Hicks Parker, Hugh Parker, Cresswell, A Harley, Doidge,
                             Cowen, Tear, Gardiner, Richard Ching        
Wed - 17 --- Rakaia arrived at Wellington from Panama ======= about 46 passengers for     
                     various ports======== Mrs Braithwaite and child for Nelson 
Thur - 18 --- THOMAS, 16 June, ahr, Brook St Valley, Mrs H C Thomas, a son
                     GIBBS, 17 June, ahr, Washington Valley, Mrs T Gibbs, a son
                     HARVEY - BURNETT, 17 June, at brides fathers resid, Stoke, by Rev J Crump, 
                     John William Harvey to Alice H Burnett
                     BEST - BURNETT, 17 June at resid of brides father, Stoke, by Rev J Crump, 
                     James Best to Catherine Mary Burnett
Fri -- 19 ---- CORRIGAN, 18 June, ahr, Miners Arms, Collingwood St, Mrs H Corrigan, a daughter
                     WALKER, 19 June, ahr, Hampden Trce, Waimea Rd, Mrs M Walker, a son
Sat -- 20 ---- CUNDY, 18 June, ahr, Stoke, Mrs F Cundy, a son  
Tue - 23 ---- CHAYTOR, 21 June, at Northwood, Motueka, Mrs J C Chaytor, a son
                     Death--BROWN, 22 June, Reginald, 3yrs, 2nd son of C Hunter Brown Esq
Thur - 25 --- PULLEINE - BUTT, 20 June, at Blenheim, by the father of the bride, F A Pulleine Esq,
                     to Lucy, eldest daughter of Rev H F Butt
                     Death--WILKINS, 18 April, at Calne, Wilshire, Eng, Mrs H Wilkins, mother of 
                     Mr W C Wilkins of Hardy St
Fri -- 26 ----- SIMONS, 22 June, at Upper Moutere, Mrs R Simons, a son
                     FREEMAN - CROSS, 24 June, at Christ Church, by Rev G H Johnstone, Henry,
                      youngest son of the late Mr Thomas Freeman, to Hannah, 2nd daughter of 
                     Mr Thomas Cross, Lower Walmer, Kent, Eng
Mon - 29 --- ASTLE, 28 June, ahr, Collingwood St, Mrs W Astle, a daughter

July --- 1868  

Wed -- 01 --- Sworn in as Supreme Court jurors ============ J Burnett, H Davis, J R Dodson,
                      T R Fisher, N Goulston, W C Hodgson, A G Jenkins, F Kelling, R Levien, J T Lowe,  
                      D M Luckie, P McTavish, J G Miles, S Pike, R Pollock, D Sclanders, A J Richmond,  
                      W S Mortimer, N Edwards        
Thur - 02 ---- Shooting licences issued ============ Charles Fry, John Saxon, William Giblin,   
                      Robert Disher, Daniel Talbot, Samuel Carter, J G Gore, Edward Cutts, Henry Talbot,  
                      H D Williams, Charles Herrick Thorp, Edward Fearon, Frederick Guerin, Charles Wise, 
                      Samuel Bastard, N G Morse, Henry Redwood jun, Benjamin Worthington, 
                      Alfred Greenfield          
Fri -- 03 ----- WEBSTER, 21 June, Mrs M M Webster, a daughter
                     GRAHAM - BULLARD, 25 June, at the resid of Mr H C Bullard, by Rev P Calder,
                      James, 2nd son of Mr J Graham, to Emily, 3rd daughter of Mr T R Bullard sen    
                      Item ===== death of Stephen J Maclay and James Green near Greymouth    
 Sat - 04 ---- NEWPORT - POLGLAZE, 3 July, at brides resid, by Rev J Crump, Mr Joshua Newport, 
                     of Takaka, to Miss Elizabeth Ellen, eldest daughter of Mrs Polglaze, Brook St, Valley
Mon - 06 --- FORBES, 5 July, at Lurline Lodge, the Wood, Nelson, Lady Stewart Forbes, a daughter
                     CATLEY, 5 July, Mrs Catley, a daughter
                     Death-- MAXTED, 5 July, at Motueka, Elizabeth Maxted, 30yrs
Wed - 08 --- Death--CHAMBERS, 7 July, at Collingwood St, of consumption, W Chambers Esq, 27yrs,
                     of Charlestown
Mon - 13 --- SIGLEY - HOUGH, 8 July, at Mr Burns, by Rev P Calder, Mr Joshua Sigley, 
                     to Miss Ellen Hough   
                     Members of a special Jury ====== F Kelling, J Bentley, A S Braithwaite, J Burnett, 
                      J Beit, H Williams, W Goulston, J Pearson, J R Dodson, E Davidson, 
                      W S Mortimer, Thos Cawthron =====     
Fri -- 17 ----- ELLIOT - CAREW GIBSON, 14 July, at Christ Church, by Rev G H Johnstone,
                     Gilbert Erskine Hugh Elliot Esq, Minto, to Bertha Mary, 3rd daughter of 
                     George Carew Gibson Esq, of Sandgate, Sussex
Sat -- 18 ---- PAGE, 11 July, at Greendale, Wakapuaka, Mrs W Page, a daughter
                     HOUNSELL, 14 July, ahr, Nile St East, Mrs H Hounsell, a son
                     GRAHAM, 16 July, ahr, Trafalgar St South, Mrs John Graham, a son
                     CLARKE, 17 July, ahr, Hardy St, Mrs T P Clarke, a son
                     Mc GLASHEN - EGINTON, 14 July, at St Thomas's Church, Motueka, by Rev S Poole,
                     MA, Mr James Mc Glashen, to mary Ann, daughter of Mr S Eginton of Motueka
Mon - 20 --- VERCOE, 13 July, at Motueka, Mrs A Vercoe` a son
                     MILNER - SWANSON, 15 July, at res of brides father, by Rev J Davis, William Milner,
                     to Annie Dodson Swanson
                     Death-- JACKSON, 18 July, Maud Douglas, 3 yrs, daughter of Mr H D Jackson
Wed - 22 --- FERGUSON - CLARK, 21 July, at St Marys, by Rev A M Garin, Mr Hugh Ferguson,
                     Massacre Bay, to Mary Anne, 3rd daugh. of the late John Clark of Nelson and Pakawau   
                     Mataura arrived Wellington today from Panama ===== 37 passengers for various     
                     ports =========Mr J Mackay for Nelson        
Thur - 23 --- KIDSON, 22 July, Mrs J Kidson jun, a son
Fri -- 24 ----- Death--WHENT, 24 July ahlr, Princ Albert Hotel, Nile St East, Harriet Maria, 47yrs, 
                      wife of Mr John Whent
Sat -- 25 ---- MORTON, 12 May, at resid of her mother-in-law, Claughton, Cheshire,
                     Mrs R R Morton, a daughter
                     FRY, 7 July, at Riwaka, Mrs R Fry, a son
                     BLACK, 19 July, ahr, Nile St East, Mrs R Black, a daughter
                     COLLINS, 24 July, ahr, Hillwood, Mrs A S Collins, a son      
Mon - 27 --- Board of Works election ========= Nominated, proposers and seconders
Tue -- 28 --- Death-- RODGERSON, 26 July at Capt Cloustons, Maitai Valley, Melinda, 64, wife of
                     Mr Wm Rodgerson      
Fri --- 31 ---- Population of principal towns of the colony as given in the census     

August --- 1868

Mon - 03 -- GLASS - HOWELL, 3 July, by Rev E Thomas, William H Glass to Maria N Howell ??
Tue -- 04 -- CLARK - JESSOP, 24 June, by Rev E Thomas, Mr J Clark to Mrs S Jessop, both of 
                    Spring Grove
                    GLASS - HOWELL, 31 July, by Rev E Thomas, William H Glass to Maria W  Howell ?? 
                    BROWN - BROWN, 3 Aug, by Rev P Calder, Mr J Brown, to Miss I Brown, 2nd 
                    daughter of Mr J Brown
Thur - 06 -- THOMSON, 6 Aug, ahr, Trafalgar St, mrs W Thompson, a son and daughter
                    Death--BLACK, 5 Aug, ahlr, Collingwood St, Mrs A Black, 47yrs
Fri --- 07 --- DRAGER, 1 Aug, ahr, Willow Cottage, Mrs L Drager, a daughter
                    BEAVER, 5 Aug, ahr, Toi-toi Valley, Mrs C Beaver, a son
Mon - 10 -- SHORE, 7 Aug, ahr, Bridge St East, Mrs Jas Shore, a son
                    ROBINSON, 7 Aug, ahr, Washington Valley, Mrs Robinson, a daughter
Tue - 11 --- TREGEA, 11 Aug, ahr, Collingwood St, Mrs J H Tregea, a daughter
                    RICHMOND - PARRIS, 15 July, at St Marys, New Plymouth, by the Ven Archdeacon
                    Govett, Henry Robert Richmond Esq, to Emma Jane, youngest daug of Robert Parris Esq
                    Death--GODFREY, 6 Aug, at Woodburn, Wairau Plains, of diptheria, Alice, 3rd daughter,
                     4yrs, and on the 10th, Ellen, eldest daughter, aged 11 yrs, of Mr H Godfrey    
                    Insolvency==== Robert Speer, brewer, Charleston (former partnership with Joseph Lamber Clark )        
                                                Charles Bonner, master mariner, Charleston
                                                Edward Frederick Williams, storekeeper, Westport
                                                Richard Bird Pringle, storekeeper, Nelson       
Wed - 12 --- HENRY, 11 Aug, ahr, Selwyn Place, Mrs A Henry, a daughter
Thur - 13 --- Death--JENNER, 12 Aug, Frederick Jenner Esq, 25yrs, of H M Customs, Greymouth
Fri --- 14 ---- HALL, 22 July, ahr, Bush Tavern, the Wood, Mrs H T Hall, a daughter
Sat -- 15 ---- NEALE, 12 Aug, ahr, Waimea Rd, Mrs J W Neale, a daughter 
Mon - 17 --- CHING, 15 Aug, ahr, Stoke, Mrs R Ching, a son
Tue -- 18 --- BLACK, 16 Aug, ahr, Washington Valley, Mrs David Black, a son and daughter
                     FRASER, 17 Aug, ahr, Haven Rd, Mrs D Fraser, twin daughters      
                     Ballarat arrived from London ============= passengers =Rev Mr and Mrs   
                     Paterson, Messrs Downie, monro, Holmer, Rowland, Misses Haynes (2), Messrs   
                     Hitchings, Harper, T Squires, J Squires, Carter, Cock, Phillips, Stirling, Kerr, Wheddon,    
                     Shutler, Pavitt, Wallace, Mr and Mrs Barker and 7 children, Mr and Mrs Drummond and 
                     child, Miss Davidson     
                     Kaikoura arrived at Wellington this morning from Panama   ===== passengers for 
                     various ports === none for Nelson                      
Wed - 19 --- HORNEMAN, 16 Aug, at Motueka, Emma Frances, wife of Major Horneman, JP,and
                     eldest daughter of the late Henry Devis Esq, of Stoke, Newington, Middlesex 
                     == Correction to 18 Aug Ballarat list === 
                     Miss Hayes and Miss Ingamells  -not Misses Haynes(2)                                      
Thur - 20 --- ERECSON, 19 Aug, ahr, Port Hills, Mrs Erecson, a son
                     SOLOMON, 20 Aug, ahr, Nile St West, Mrs S M Solomon, a son
Sat --- 22 --- REDWOOD, 11 Aug, at Riverlands, Wairau, Mrs C Redwood, a son
                     SNOW, 18 Aug, ahr, Trafalgar St, Mrs T Snow, a son
                     Death--FRAZER, 18 and 20 Aug, the twin daughters of Mr D Frazer, Haven Rd
                     FLOWER, 21 Aug, at Spring Grove, Mrs W Flower, 72yrs
Mon - 24 --- MOORE - CANNING, 25 June, at Weyhill, Hants, George Moore, Esq, of Wellington,
                     NZ, to Elizabeth Mary, 3rd daughter of the late Davis Canning Esq, of Ogbourne St Andrews, Wilts
                     Death--GODFREY, 22 Aug, at Woodbourne, Wairau Plains, of diptheria, Henry Godfrey 
                     Esq, aged 45yrs, and on the same day, Charles, his 2nd son aged 7yrs
                     WILSON, 23 Aug, at Motueka, Joseph Foord Wilson Esq, aged 66yrs
Tue - 25 ---- Death--PERCY, 1 June, at Howick, Northumberland, Mrs Anne Percy, mother of  Mr J Percy of Nelson
                     MORTON, 30 June, at Claughton, Cheshire, Fanny May Marion, infant daughter
                      of R R Morton Esq
                      HAGAN, 24 Aug, at Spring Grove, Mr Hagan, 51yrs
                      FROST, 25 Aug, ahlr, Toi-toi Valley, of consumption, Henry Frost Esq, 32yrs
Wed - 26 ---- Death--BARNES, 25 Aug, Jane Stewart, 20yrs, daughter of Mr R Barnes, Hardy St
Thur? -27? or 28? - WILLIAMS, 18 Aug, at Brooklands, Mrs F Williams, sen
                      BEIT, 27 Aug, ahr, Haven Rd, Mrs John Beit, a daughter
                      CRISPIN- NEUMANN, 26 Aug, at the resid of the bride, by Rev J Crump, Mr F J 
                      Crispin to Mary Elizabeth, only daughter of Mr W Newmann
Sat -- 29 ----- GOWER, 25 Aug, ahr, Riwaka, Mrs J W Gower, a son
                      KENYON, 25 Aug, at Dovedale, Mrs H Kenyon, a daughter
                      SCOTT - EDEN, 9 Aug, at resid of the brides father, by Rev J Crump, Andrew Scott,
                      to Sarah Ann, daughter of Mr Richard Eden, Ranzau
                      RICHARDSON - HAY, 27 Aug, at Wesleyan Parsonage, by Rev J Crump,
                      Rev J B Richardson, Wesleyan Minister, Kaiapoi, to Mary Ann, eldest daughter of
                      David Hay of Yarbro'  Grange, Lincolnshire 
Mon - 31 ---- LEVY, 29 Aug, ahr, Thornton Villa, the Wood, the wife of Capt Levy, a son
                      Death--POYNTER, 30 Aug, ahlr, the Port, John Poynter Esq, JP, in his 68th yr
                      OGILVIE, 31 Aug, ahlr, Nile St East, Mr James Ogilvie of H M Customs, 38yrs   
                      Obituary for J Poynter

September --- 1868  

Tue -- 01 ---- GLOVER, 1 Sept, ahr, South St, Mrs J Glover, a daughter
                      BARNETT - SELMES,  29 Aug, at Christ Church, by Rev G H Johnstone, Arthur W,
                      3rd son of W Barnett of Wakapuaka, to Anna Julia, only daughter of Mr J Selmes of Marlborough 
Thur - 03 ---- Death--BLACK, 3 Sept, Andrew, 13yrs, youngest son of Andrew Black, Collingwood St   
Sat -- 05 ----- Inquest==== death of Henry Powell at Upper Moutere         
Mon - 07 ---- BREWERTON - EVES, 3 Sept, by Rev E Thomas, Mr S R Brewerton, of Motueka
                      Valley, to Miss Ann, 5th daughter of Mr W Eves, Spring Grove     
                      Insolvency ====== Joseph Watkins, farmer Quail Valley      
                                                        Adam Porter, Westport        
Tue - 08 ----- MARTIN, 30 Aug, Mrs H Martin, Wairoa Gorge, a daughter
                      BOHEN - BURKE, 10 Aug, at St Marys, by Rev Father Garin, Mr Martin Bohen, to Miss Margaret Burke
                      THOMPSON - MARTEN, 22 Aug, at SS Peter and Pauls Church, Waimea West, by
                       Rev Father Chareyre, Mr G W Thompson, to Miss Bridget Marten, both of Waimea
                       SPARROW - HAILES, 2 Sept, at St Marys, by Rev Father Chareyre, Eric, son of 
                       G F Sparrow Esq, MPC, to Miss L M Hailes, both of Takaka
                       CURTIS - FLEMING, & Sept, at St Marys, by Rev Father Chareyre, Mr Chas Curtis,
                       Charleston, to Mrs Eleanor Fleming, Nelson
Mon - 14 ---- CORDIAL, 13 Sept, ahr, Washington Valley, Mrs I Cordial, a son
                       Death--STRINGER, 24 Aug, at Wesdale, Waimea West, of water on the brain, Ellen, 2yrs, daughter of Mr James Stringer
                        WILKIE, 1 Sept, at Oxford  Hotel, King St, Sydney, George Wilkie Esq, 63yrs,
                        brother of Mr James Wilkie, of this city
Tue -- 15 ----- FITTALL, 15 Sept, ahr, Hardy St, wife of Mr S Fittall, a daughter
Wed - 16 ----- Death--BUNGATE, 15 Sept, at Nelson Hospital, Hannah, 58, wife of Joseph Bungate, Wakapuaka      
Thur - 17 ----- Appointments of clerks etc to various courts in Nelson area ======         
Fri --- 18 ---- HANCOCK, 18 Sept, Mrs Hancock, Washington Valley, a son
                     WILSON, 17 Sept, wife of Mr H C Wilson, Bridge St, a daughter
                     FREESTONE - HEMMING, 26 Aug, at Merivale Church, Mr G E Freestone, 
                     Christchurch, to Miss Frances B Hemming, of Nelson
                     LANGDON - CARNES, 16 Sept, at Takaka, by Rev Mr Halcombe, Mr Thomas Langdon
                     of Collingwood to Miss Carnes of Takaka
                     Death-- SAYWELL, 18 Sept, at Richmond, Mrs Thomas Saywell      
Sat -- 19 ---- Election of officers for the Nelson Fire Brigade  ============     
Tue -- 22 --- BREMNER, 11 Sept, at Hamilton, Otago, Mrs J R Bremner, a daughter
Wed - 23 --- Death-- D'ALBEDYHLL, 23 Sept, Harriet, 13mths, 2nd daughter, of Mr J L D'Albedyhll    
                     Insolvency====== William Henry Longbottom, ironmonger, Westport =======
Thur - 24 --- BIRD, 21 Sept, Mrs J Bird, Lower Wakefield, a son
                     Death--PITT, 23 Sept, at Westport, Mrs W Pitt
Fri -- 25 ---- HARPER, 23 Sept, Mrs M H Harper, Bridge St, a daughter
Sat -- 26 --- SHARP, 25 Sept, Mrs H H Sharp, a daughter
                    FREMANTLE - ISAACS, 19 Aug, at Darlinghurst, Sydney, Delovin David, Lieut RN,
                    HMS Brisk, son of the late Major General John Fremantle, CB, to Emma Horsford,
                    2nd daughter of the Hon R M Isaacs, Solicitor General of NSW
Mon - 28 -- ROUT, 27 Sept, at Stoke Mrs W Rout, a daughter
Tue -- 29 -- FRANK, 26 Sept, Mrs P Frank, Vineyard, a daughter   
                    A list of steamers lost on the NZ coast since 1856 and where lost   ===========
Wed - 30 -- Mc RAE - MOORE, 30 Sept, at resid of brides father, by Rev P Calder, George, 
                   eldest son of the late Mr W Mc Rae, Richmond, to Mary, eldest daughter of Mr D Moore   

October --- 1868

Fri -- 02 ---- SHAND, 30 Sept, at Dunedin, Mrs Thomas Shand, a daughter
                    BENNETT, 1 Oct, ahr, Brook St, Mrs J J Bennett, a daughter
                    Death--NEWCOMBE, 30 Sept,ahr, Manuka St East, Eliza, aged 41, relict of the late 
                    Major Newcombe      
                    === Ruahine arrives from Panama ====== passengers for various ports ===
                                       Mr Allen for Nelson          
Sat -- 03 --- Inquest ==== death of Eliza Newmann, 5yrs, Spring Grove on tue 29th     
Tue - 06 --- SIMPSON, 5 Oct, ahr, Bridge St, Mrs R Simpson, a daughter
                    RILEY - STRANGE, 23 Sept,at res of the brides father, Collingwood, by Rev C H J 
                    Halcombe, John Boulton Riley, to Mary Frances Eveline, only daughter of Robert Strange,
                    Death-- Mc DONALD, 3 Oct, at resid of her son, Mr A Fletcher, Bronti St, Janet, 68yrs, 
                    wife of Mr D Mc Donald
Thur - 08 -- LEECH, 7 Oct, ahr, Washington Valley, Mrs A Leech, a son    
                    Item === Edward McClusky, Canadian, 39yrs == death in Auckland, had been a cab   
                                    driver in Nelson and only recently shifted       
Fri -- 09 --- WRIGHT, 7 Oct, at Springston, near Christchurch, Mrs F Wright, a son
                   GARRARD, 9 Oct, ahr, Hill Cottage, Mrs W Garrard, a son
Sat - 10 --- SMITH, 4 Oct, at Upper Moutere, Mrs F Smith of Dovedale, a son
                   COOKE, 8 Oct, ahr, Manuka St, Mrs P Cooke, a daughter
                   FLETT - FLETT, 7 Oct, at resid of brides brother, Collingwood St, by Rev P Calder
                   John, 2nd son of Mr J Flett of Orkney, Scotland, to Isabella, youngest daughter of
                   Mr J Flett of Melbourne     
                    Item === Thomas Cross, settler of Amuri === death today      
Mon - 12 -- Inquest== John Ryan, 26, labourer, Suburban Nth, died fri 9th      
                    Insolvency ===  Phillip Rooney, hotelkeeper, Charleston     
                                                Michael Roche, storekeeper, Brighton      
Tue - 13 --- Death-- SMITH, 10 Oct, at Upper Moutere, Mrs F Smith, in 20th year, of Dovedale
                    HARGREAVES, 12 Oct, ahr, Waimea St, John Beanland Hargreaves, 45yrs
Thur - 15 -- HODGSON - SMITH, 13 Oct, by Rev P Calder, Mr T Hodgson to Miss C Smith
Sat -- 17 --- JOHNS, 16 Oct, Mrs I Johns, Trafalgar St, a daughter
Mon - 19 -- Death--PERCY, 18 Oct, Ernest Noble, 10th yr, 3rd and only son of John Percy
Wed - 21 -- Death-- DAVIS, 19 Oct, ahlr, Richmond, Mr Richard Davis, 50yrs 
Thur - 22 -- WIN, 20 Oct, at Ranzau, Mrs William Win, a daughter     
                    Rakaia ==== arrived Wellington from Panama last evening === passengers various ports   
                                        == none Nelson       
Fri -- 23 ---- SMITH, 21 Oct, ahr, Forest Inn, Wakefield, Mrs R Smith, a son
                    LOWE, 23 Oct, ahr, College Hill, Mrs J T Lowe, a son
                    Death--CLARK, ahlr, Harley St, Mrs S Clark, 40yrs       
Mon - 26 -- Item === Charles Powell, about 30yrs, death in the Maitai      
Tue -- 27 -- Wesleyan Church Ladies Committee === Mrs Crump, Burn, H D Jackson, Lucas,
                    Blick, Askew, Hornby, M Lightband, Usher, Wagg            
Wed - 28 -- WATTS - KAY, 21 Oct, by Rev J Crump, Mr S Watts to Miss A Kay
Thur - 29 -- DEARE, 19 Oct, at Greymouth, Mrs W J Deare, a daughter
                    COTTERELL, 28 Oct, ahr, Waimea St, Mrs C Cotterell, a son    
                    === Nelson Gov Gazette === notifies==Alfred Greenfield Esq, resignation ===
                           appointments == Charles Broad, Charleston-- Joseph Giles, Westport--
                           J R Dutton, Cobden    
                           Insolvency ===Henry Bradley, publican, Westport
                                                     Thomas Tracy, storekeeper, Addisons Flat     
                                                     J H Graham, miner, late of Packers Point, near Westport   
Fri -- 30 ---- Death-- BENSEMAN, 21 Oct, at Upper Moutere, William, 17yr, 5th son of C H Benseman
Sat -- 31 --- GRANT, 31 Oct, ahr Hardy St, Mrs P Grant, a son        
                    Names from the Magistrates Court ========= Robert Grant, W Phillips, W Lloyd,     
                    H Sharp, James Downes, J S Gunther, Janet McDonald, Hugh Martin, of Stoke,  
                    Hicks Parker          

November --- 1868     

Mon - 02 --- Death--DAVISON, 30 oct, at Motueka, Mr Elgar Davison, 46yrs   
                     COOKE, 1 Nov, at Spring Grove, Major Cooke      
                     Item ==== accident causing death to E Davison at Motueka on fri 30th -- 
                                        leaves a wife and several children 
Tue -- 03 --- EDWARDS, 3 Nov, ahr, Sunnyside, Mrs N Edwards, a daughter
Thur - 05 --- BRIND, 4 Nov, Mrs A H Brind, a daughter
                     WATERS - PERRY, 4 Nov, at Trinity Temporary Church, Richmond, by 
                     Rev W D R Lewis, Mr A Waters of Spring Grove, to Miss M Perry of Richmond    
                     Stewards for IOOF Lodge Ball ==== H Ruffell, H Fayen, J Lammas, E Lammas,  
                                                       T J Thompson, J  Tasker, B Rawlings, H Hammond, C P Kearns        
 Fri -- 06 ---- Death--BARNES, 6 Nov, at her fathers resid, New St, Charlotte, 11yr 4 mth, only daughter 
                     of Mr Eli Barnes, formerly of 5 New Steine, Brighton, Sussex
Sat -- 07 ---- MORRISON, 6 Nov, ahr, Haven Rd, Mrs W Morrison, a son
                     Death--HARGREAVES, 4 Nov, ahlr, Waimea St, Sarah Ann, 41yrs, relict of late 
                     Mr J B Hargreaves
Tue - 10 ---- TURRELL, 7 Nov, ahr, Bridge St, Mrs T Turrell, a daughter
                     KIDSON, 7 Nov, ahr, Russell St, Mrs C Kidson, a son
                     Death--GRIFFITHS, 6 Nov, at the resid of S Muller Esq, RM, Blenheim,  
                     Mary Elizabeth Griffiths, 24yrs       
                     Insolvency ======= Richard Sutcliffe, storekeeper, Motueka        
                                                          Richard Percival, plasterer, Nelson       
Wed - 11 --- Death--CAMPBELL, 1 Sept, at Helensbury, Scotland, Alexander Campbell Esq
                     DICK, 2 Sept, at Edinburgh, Mr John Dick, brother of Mr Dick, Chief Postmaster
                     MOORE, 11 Nov, at her fathers resid, Trafalgar St, Helen Bisset, 16yrs,
                     3rd daughter of Mr Moore       
                     Names of casualties from fighting at Wanganui  ========      
Thur - 12 --- Mc Intosh, 10 Nov, ahr, Hampden St, Mrs A Mc Intosh, a son
                     MOORE - GILL, 10 Nov, at bridegrooms resid, by Rev E Thomas, Henry, eldest son
                     of Mr C Moore, to Emily, eldest daughter of Mr H Gill      
                     Names of dead in Poverty Bay attack =============
Fri -- 13 ----- LLOYD - DENNE, 7 Nov, at bridegrooms resid, Nile St, by Rev J Crump, 
                     Evan Lloyd to Louisa Denne      
                     Names on public notices ============= Edward Everett, C Elliott, Henry Drew,     
                                    F W Irvine, Joseph Webb, Ron Jackson, David Grant, John Jervis, M Lightband,  
                                    Geo Bonington, Oswald Curtis, Fredk Huddleston, R E McRae, J Sharland, 
                                    T C Batchelor, Ralph Richardson, Wm Wells, Jas Newport        
Mon - 16 --- GILBERTSON, 20 Oct, at Awaroa, Mrs David Gilbertson, a son
                     MOSS, 23 Oct, at Auckland, Mrs E M Moss, a son
                     RICHMOND, 15 Nov, ahr, the Cliffs, Mrs A J Richmond, a daughter
                     SHALLCRASS, 15 Nov, ahr, Brougham St, Mrs Shallcrass, a son      
                     Sworn in for Supreme Court Jury =======     
                     Item ==== William  O?? Sealy, resided about 8yrs in the colony, --- suicide     
Tue - 17 ---- BURFORD - FIELD, 16 Nov, at All Saints Church, by Rev R J Thorpe, 
                     Mr J C Burford, to Martha, eldest daughter of Mr T Field
                     GOODMAN - GROOBY, 17 Nov, at resid of Mr F B Josephs, Mr T Goodman, to
                     Harriet, 2nd daughter of Mr J Grooby
                     Death--TROWER, 15 Nov, at Eighty-eight Valley, Mary Anne Trower Esq, 58yrs
Thur - 19 --- AMOS, 16 Nov, ahr, Trafalgar Sq, Mrs Amos, a daughter
                     ELLIOTT, 18 Nov, at Medowlands, Marlborough, Mrs C Elliott, jun, a daughter    
Sat -- 21 ---- S S Mataura, arrived Wellington this morning from Panama =========     
                     passengers for various ports + Mr and Mrs R J Creasy, Mrs Weitzel, 
                     Mrs Finney and child for Nelson          
Mon - 23 --- Death--BURNETT, 17 July, on board the Lincolnshire at sea, Mr W Burnett, late Nelson    
                     Item ===== Thomas Bird, Washington Valley --- death by suicide       
                     Insolvency ===== George Somner, architect and builder, Westport       
                                                     William Rodgers, miner, Addisons Flat       
Tue - 24 ---- Death--FINNEY, 2 Oct, at Panama, Mr R J Finney, 24, of Hobart Town, formerly Motueka    
Wed - 25 --- Members of a special jury ======
Thur - 26 --- LEECH - AUGARDE, 26 Nov, at Christ Church, by Rev G H Johnstone, William
                     Haydon, 2nd son of E J Leech Esq, Chichester, Sussex, to Pauline Constance,
                     3rd daughter of Mr H J L Augarde
Fri --- 27 ---- DAVIES, 24 Nov, ahr, Waimea West, the wife of Mr J Davies, a son
                     Death--ROGERSON, 25 Nov, at Hospital, Thomas Rogerson of Waimea East, aged 40
Sat -- 28 ---- PIERSON, 26 Nov, ahr, Waimea St, Mrs H Pierson, twin daughters
Mon - 30 --- JOHNSON, 26 Nov, at Blenheim, Mrs S Johnson, a daughter
                     Death--BURSILL, 27 Nov, at resid of Mr Atkinson, Awatere, Mr W H Bursill of 
                     Glen Lee, Marlborough

December --- 1868    

Tue -- 01 --- Death--SCOTT, 1 Dec, ahlr, Grove St, Mrs W J Scott   
                     John Bunyan (barque), from London arrived in the bay last night. Brings the following    
                     passengers ===== Mr and Mrs Wilson, Mrs Joseph Redwood, Messrs Flaherty, Lake,   
                                                     Giles (2), F A Kehwst, H Pike       
                     Perhaps interesting --- a strange anomaly brought to light in a S London Coroners Court.   
                     If a man finds a drowned body and informs the authorities he gets 8shillings and   
                     6 pence ---- but if he saves the life of a drowning man he receives nothing. The 
                     Coroner for E Surrey says he has been informed that drunken men are pushed into     
                     the water to get the 8/6 for each body            
Wed - 02 --- PHILLIPS, 30 Nov, ahr, Haven Rd, Mrs H Phillips, a daughter
Thur - 03 --- Death--ELLIS, 27 Nov, at Collingwood, Emma Florence, 14yrs, 2nd daughter of 
                     Mr M A Ellis
Fri -- 04 ----- BECK, 30 Nov, at Forbank House, Mrs G A Beck, a daughter
                     Death--HARPER, 2 Dec, at Spring Grove, Isaac, 23yrs, son of Mr James Harper,
                     of Hilsborough, County Down, Ireland
Sat -- 05 ---- GRANT, 3 Dec, at Motueka, Mrs W Grant, a son
                     Hodgson, 5 Dec, Mrs George Hodgson, a daughter      
Mon - 07 --- Notice ==== copied from the Nelson Marriage Register ----- Married, 20 Oct, 1860,     
                                           J G Dene, bachelor, to E D Estcourt, widow       
Wed - 09 --- FLETT, 8 Dec, ahr, Collingwood St, Mrs Flett, a daughter    
Thur - 10 --- Inquest ===== Thomas Lake, carpenter, of the barque John Bunyan, drowned Tue night               
Fri --- 11 --- THOMSON, 11 Dec, ahr, Haven Rd, Mrs J P Thomson, a daughter
                     WRIGHT - JOHNSTON, 5 Dec, at Blenheim, by Rev A C Soutar, Thomas M Wright, of
                     Drummoyne, NSW, to Margaret Hepburn, 3rd daughter of the late Rev J J Johnston,
                     Newburgh, Fife
                     Death-- MERRINGTON, 29 Nov, at Paddington, NSW, Mrs J M Merrington, 44, late of Nelson
Mon - 14 --- HARRIS, 5 Dec, at Westport, Mrs F Harris, a daughter
Tue -- 15 --- Death--TALBOT, 8 Dec, ahlr, Upper Moutere, Mrs Robert Talbot, 25yrs      
Wed - 16 --- Nelson College prize list ============     
                     Scoring in Champion shot of the province competition =================     
Thur - 17 --- PHILLIPS, 16 Dec, ahr, Waimea St, Mrs P Phillips, a daughter
                     Death-- JENNINS, 10 Dec, at Collingwood, Mrs G Jennings, 24th yr     
                     Insolvency ======== William Akersten, ship handler     
                                                           John Lockett, gentleman, both of Nelson      
Fri -- 18 ---- DODSON, 14 Dec, ahr, Suburban North, Mrs T Dodson, a daughter
                     Death--SHEPHARD, 18 Dec, ahlr, Fernhill, Mrs Ann Shephard, 90th yr
Mon - 21 --- SOWMAN, 13 Dec, Mrs W Sowman, jun,a daughter      
                     Kaikoura arrived Wellington, from Panama this morning ====== passengers for     
                     various ports=== Mr Milner for Nelson      
Tue -- 22 --- GREENWOOD, 15 Dec, at the Grange, Motueka, Mrs F D Greenwood, a son
                     ROSE, 21 Dec, ahr, Spring Grove, Mrs J Rose, a son      
                     Prize list for Bishops School exams ================      
                     Death--BRAY, 21 Dec, ahlr, Saltwater Bridge, Mr Charles Bray sen, 59yrs
Wed - 23 --- WHEELER, 22 Dec, Mrs E Wheeler, a son 
Thur - 24 --- Death--Davis, 24 Oct, ahlr, Great Alie St, London, England, Moses Davis Esq, ?4yrs,
                     father of Hyam Davis Esq, merchant of this city      
                     Item ==== Death of only son of W J Cobb of Takaka on 11 Dec (aged 15mths)       
Sat -- 26 ---- SADD, 25 Dec, ahr, Tory St, Mrs J B Sadd, a son
Mon - 28 --- HODGSON, 25 Dec, Mrs J L Hodgson, a son
Tue -- 29 --- TOWNSEND, 27 Dec, at the Greyhound Inn, Bridge St, Mrs R Townsend, a daughter
                     Death--HARFORD, 28 Dec, ahlr, Collingwood St, of consumption, James Harford jun, 27
                     WILLSON, 28 Dec, ahlr, Invercargill, Southland, after a painfull illness,
                     Dr W Willson, father of Mr P C Willson of this city
Wed - 30 --- SHEATHER, 30 Dec, ahr, Brook St Valley, Mrs L Sheather, a daughter     
                     Item ====== Account of wedding of Dr Hector to Miss Munro =======     
 Thur - 31 -- JENNINGS, 30 Dec, ahr, Collingwood St, Mrs Jas Jennings, a daughter
                     Death--LOCKHART, 30 Dec, at Nile St East, Berenice Horton, 27mth, daughter of Mr T Lockhart

January --- 1869       

Sa t-- 02 --- ATTWOOD - GENTRY, 19 Dec, at the brides resid, by Rev E Thomas, J Attwood Esq, 
                    Blenheim, to Mary Ann, relict of the late Mr C Gentry
                    SCOTT - ARMSTRONG, 28 Dec, at St Marys, by Rev A M Garin, 
                    Mr J S Scott, to Miss B E Armstrong
                    Death-- MOORE, 1 Jan, ahlr, Trafalgar St, Mr D Moore, 50 yrs
                    CATE, 1 Jan, in Hospital, Nehemiah Cate, 20yrs
Mon - 04 -- HART, 29 Dec, ahr, Collingwood St, Mrs Hart, a son
                    DELANY - HAWKEN, 29 dec, at resid of brides brother, Motueka, by Rev R L Vickers
                    Mr John Delany, to Jane Blake, 2nd daughter of late Mr S Hawken, formerly of Taranaki
Tue -- 05 -- THOMAS- BOYD, 5 Jan, at Mr Thomsons, Collingwood St, by Rev P Calder, 
                    Rev E Thomas, to Margaret, only daug of late David Boyd Esq, of St Vincent,  W Indies
Fri -- 08 ---- WEBLEY - NATION, 1 Jan, at the brides resid, Mr Joshua Webley, to Eliza Jane, 2nd 
                    daughter of Mr W Nation
                    FISHER - HADFIELD, 6 Jan, at the Wesleyan Church, by Rev J Crump
                    T R Fisher Esq, to Fanny F, eldest daughter of F B Hadfield Esq      
                    ==== Letters detained at Nelson PO (Insufficient postage) =======
                               G H Williams, Albert Town, Otago ; A Harley, Stoke ; Wm Schaffer, Collingwood ;  
                               Miss Emma Beasley, Prussia ; Edwin Grove, London ; Mrs Jas H Bryant, NSW ;   
                               A Reid, Westport ; F W Hickey, Bendigo, Victoria ; Mrs Moonlight, Richmond     
Mon - 11 -- Mc INTOSH, 9 Jan, ahr, Toi-toi Valley, Mrs D Mc Intosh, a son        
                    Louis Martin --- real name Carl Ludwig Martin ----- found drowned near Greymouth   
Tue -- 12 -- COOK, 11 Jan, ahr, Tasman St, Mrs G Cook, a son
                    Death--BARTLETT, 11 Jan, Emma Fletcher Bartlett, 16mths, only daug Mr R H Bartlett    
                    Inquest ==== into death of E F Bartlett     
                    Inquest ==== death of John Plunkett, 26yrs, Riwaka     
                    Letters detained === C W Price, Wakefield ; Mrs T Gifford, Appleby ; W White,      
                                                         Spring Grove ; Col Thomas, Riwaka ; Mr Strange, Motueka ;     
                                                         Miss M A Leewright, Pennsylvania, U S     
Fri -- 15 ---- Death--POWELL, 24 Oct, at 220 Cable St, London East, Mary Walker, wife of 
                    Mr E J Powell, and eldest daughter of Mrs D Wagg, of this city     
                    Item ==== Ebenezer Enoch Barraclough, 6yrs, drowned this morning ===     
Tue - 19 --- DICKSON - Mc MILLAN, 9 Jan, at the Manse, by Rev P Calder, William Dickson
                    to Margaret Mc Millan       
                    Letters detained ============ Hyde, Blenheim ; Job Lines, Spring Grove ;   
                                                                             Isaac Baigent jun,Wakefield                    
Wed - 20 -- STALLARD, 18 jan, ahr, Bridge St, Mrs W Stallard, a daughter
Thur - 21 -- GUNTHER, 20 Jan, Ann, aged 18 mths, 3rd child of Mr J Gunther, Waimea Rd    
                    Item ===== death of A Gunther
Fri -- 22 ---- WEBLEY - OXLEY, 14 Jan, by Rev J Crump, at resid of bridegroom, Bridge St
                    W Webley to Miss Fanny Oxley     
                    Joseph Porthouse, Royal Hotel, Bridge St ===== suicide         
Sat -- 23 --- Inquest into death of Joseph Porthouse
                    Also names and amounts of rates for Nelson ratepayers
Mon - 25 -- GILL, 23 Jan, ahr, Manuka St, Mrs C Gill, a daughter   
                    James Reid== suicide, Marlborough      
                    Letters detained =============== Phillip Mybud, Ohio, America             
Tue - 26 --- WEBLEY, 21 Jan, ahr, Alton St, Mrs H Webley, a son
                    SAXON - DOWKER, 26 Jan, at All Saints, by the Bishop of Nelson, assisted  by Rev
                    R J Thorpe MA, Incumbent of All Saints, George, 2nd son of the late Samuel Saxon 
                    Esq, of Bruton, near Bath, Somersetshire, to Caroline Augusta, youngest daughter of
                    the late Henry Dowker Esq, of Laysthorpe Hall, near York      
                    Item ====== 2 daughters of Mr Willis, farmer, Motueka, poisoned, youngest, 7yrs,    
                                             dead and other very ill
Wed - 27 -- Death--ATMORE, 27 Jan, William, 8mths, son of Mr E Atmore
                   ESCOTT - COTTON, 24 Jan, at resid of Mr F Akersten, by Rev E Thomas,Chas Hugh
                   Escott to Elizabeth Ann Cotton       
Fri -- 29 --- Letters detained ====== M Vernazani, schooner Glengary, Havelock     
Sat - 30 --- NATIOM, 29 Jan, at Christchurch, Mrs W C Nation, a daughter
                   Death-- SPENCER, 12 Nov 1868, Elija Spencer, 58yrs, late of Stacksteads, Lancashire,
                   father of John and William Spencer of this city

Febuary --- 1869 

Tue -- 02 -- MOREY - GREEN, 1 Feb, at resid of brides father, Walter, youngest son of the late 
                    Mr James Morey, of Hobarton, Tasmania, to Martha Elizabeth, eldest daughter of 
                    Edward Green Esq, Brougham St, Nelson
Wed - 03 -- WALCOT, 2 Feb, ahr, Clifton Cottage, Trafalgar St South, the wife of R B Walcot, daug. 
                    Detained letters ==== Mrs Emily Hill, New St, Nelson ; J McIntosh, Wellington ;   
                                                           Miss harvey, Hospital, Carlton,Melbourne        
                    Unclaimed letters from Sept ===== Mrs H Ancock, Nelson ; Mr Bernard, Motueka ; 
                                  Capt Bernard, Nelson ; Antonio Berseris, Nelson ; Capt Charlesworth, Hebe ;  
                                   Mrs Cherry, Richmond ; James Craig jun, Nelson ; D Collie, Nelson ; 
                                   Mrs M Connelly, John Penn ; Albert Christmas, Kate Waters ; Joseph Hadley,    
                                   John Penn ; William Lees, Nelson ; Mr Moller, Nelson ; Mary Mullins, Nelson ;  
                                   John Martin, Nelson ; Daniel O'Shea, Nelson ; Charles Price, Wangapeka ? ;   
                                   Mrs W Ryan, Nelson ; Thomas Stiles, Collingwood, Mrs Emily Thompson, Nelson   
                                   Peter Thomings, Nelson ; George Varley, Nelson ; J F Wilson, Nelson ;    
                                   Miss S A Williams, Nelson ; Joseph Ward, Nelson ; Cornelius W?ur, Nelson         
Thur - 04 --- CARTER - MILES, 3 Feb, at resid of Mr George King, Bridge St, by Rev J Crump
                     John Carter to Sarah Miles
Fri --- 05 ---- Death--CUNDY, 3 Feb, George, 8mths, only son of Frederick Cundy    
                     Item === Richard Phipps-- on Wed 3 at Spring Grove, son of a farmer--- fatal accident
Sat -- 06 ---- Death--INGLIS, 2 Feb, at Riwaka, Elizabeth Pattie, 46yrs, wife of John Inglis, farmer
                     COOKE, 3 Feb, Frances, 4mths, youngest daughter of Peter Cooke
Tue -- 09 --- Death--GILL, 8 Feb, Mary Eva, 2wks, only daughter of Mr Carlin Gill
Wed - 10 --- WILLIAMS, 30 Jan, at Guthrie Grange, Stoke, the wife of Henry D Williams, a son
                     TASKER, 7 Feb, ahr, Ranzau, Mrs Thomas Tasker, a daughter
                     Mc INTOSH - BENTLEY, 10 Feb, John Mc Intosh Esq, late of Glasgow, to
                     Euphemia Watt, eldest daughter of James Bentley Esq MPC, merchant, Nelson
                     Death-- WOOLF, 4 Feb,at Riwaka, Cordelia Shute, 22yrs, wife of Thomas Woolf
Thur - 11 --- BERRY, 8 Feb, the wife of Mr Berry, of Wakapuaka Rd, a daughter      
                     Inquest ===== Thomas Dudley, death         
Fri --- 12 --- CAMP - GOODMAN, 5 Feb, at resid of brides father, Motueka, by Rev Mr Sheriffe,
                     Jas Camp, to Mary Goodman, 2nd daughter of Mr T Goodman
                     Death--SHEATHER, 12 Feb, Fanny, 6mths, only daughter of Lewis and Phoebe Sheather
Sat -- 13 ---- DARKE - RENTOUL, 26 Jan, at St James Church, Sydney, by Rev W C Cave 
                     Brown-Cave, John William Darke Esq, Commander RMS Kaikoura, to Margaret Anne,
                     eldest daug of the late Major William Rentoul of Myroe, County Londonderry, Ireland
Mon - 15 --- HARGREAVES, 12 Feb, ahr, Waimea St, Mrs L Hargreaves, a daughter
Tue -- 16 --- CARTER, 9 Feb, at the Bridge Inn, Lower Moutere, Mrs S Carter, a son
                     TREWHEELLAR, 12 Feb, Mrs Trewheellar, premature twin daughters, 1 stillborn
                     Death--CRAIG, 9 Feb, at Picton, Marlborough, NZ, after a long painfull illness, Mr Titus 
                     Craig, formerly of Clevely Bank Farm, near Lancaster, Eng, aged 40
Thur - 18 --- BRADLEY, 17 Feb, ahr, in the Wood, Mrs H J Bradley, a son
Fri --- 19 ---- MARKS, 14 Feb, at Glenbervie Terrace, Sidney St, Wellington, Mrs L Marks, a daughter
                     SCOTT, 14 Feb, at the Pilot Station, Wellington, the wife of John Scott, a son
                     CRISP - LINES, 17 Feb, at resid of the bridegrooms father, by Rev John Crump,
                     Joseph, eldest son of Benjamin Crisp, to Mary Ann, 2nd daughter of Thomas Lines of Hope
                     STEVENS - STAPLES, 18 Feb at All Saints Church by his Lordship the Bishop,
                     Richard Stevens, to Miss Julia Staples, both of Nelson
Mon - 22 --- List of unclaimed and short postage letters
Wed - 24 --- POOLE, 10 Feb, at the Parsonage, Motueka, the wife of Rev S Poole, a son
                     WIGZELL, 20 Feb, Mrs John Wigzell, a son
                     SIMPSON, 23 Feb ahr, Washington Valley, Mrs A Simpson, a daughter
                     GAY, 23 Feb, ahr, Hardy St, Mrs John Gay, a daughter
                     Death--PRITCHARD, 21 Jan, at the Station, Rangitoto, (D'Urvilles Is) wife of Evan Pritchard Esq, aged 38
                     POOLE, 13 Feb, at Motueka Gorge, infant son of Rev S Poole, aged 3 days
                     TREWHEELLAR, 20 Feb, Miriam, infant daughter of Mr Trewheellar    
                     Detained letters ======
                     Rakaia arrived at Wellington today from Panama === passengers various ports======= none Nelson     
Thur - 25 --- Insolvency ====== William Green, farmer, Waimea
                                                       John Jones Hornby, auctioneer and commissioon agent, Nelson      
Fri -- 26 ---- BAYLY - HILL, 26 Feb, at resid of brides father, by Rev W Biss, Mr Wm Bayley,
                    of Taranaki, to D G M Hill, eldest daughter of I M Hill, ironmonger, Waimea St
Sat -- 27 --- CURTIS, 27 Feb, the wife of H E Curtis Esq, a son
                    HOLDAWAY - DAVIDSON, 25 Feb, at resid of bridegrooms father, by Rev R L Vickers,
                    Edwin Holdaway, of Richmond, to Miss Helen Davidson, of Nelson      
                    Item======== fatal accident, son, 5yrs of Mr Bradshaw, the Wood, on thur 25 

March ---1869

Mon - 01 -- FRASER, 18 Feb, ahr, Gloucester House, Gloucester St, Mrs Fraser, a son
                    LIGHTBAND, 26 Feb, wife of M Lightband, a son
                    Death--HAYCOCK, 1 Mar, at Richmond, Elizabeth, 49yrs, wife of John Haycock     
                    Sworn in for Grand jury duty ============== H Baly, J R Dodson, T R Fisher,    
                                    H Goulstone, Wc Hodgson, P McTavish, D Luckie, S H Pike, D Sclanders,    
                                    S Robinson, E Davidson, J Pierson, J G Miles, D Pollock, W S Mortimer,    
                                    A Collins, A J Richmond, W Burnett, R Levien, J Lowe, W Wells,     
                                    F Huddleston, N Edwards             
Tue - 02 --- MIDWINTER, 28 Feb, wife of Adolphus Midwinter, of Gloucester St, a son
                    DICKENS, 1 Mar, ahr, Harley St, wife of George Dickens, a stillborn infant
                    Death-- EMERSON, 31 Oct, 1868, ahr, Military Rd, St Johns, Newfoundland,
                    John Archibald Sinclair Emerson Esq, barrister of the Supreme Court, and son of the 
                    Hon George Henry Emerson QC, Virginia Water, Newfoundland, aged 35yrs      
Wed - 03 -- Detained letters  =============
Thur - 04 -- LOCKETT, 4 Mar, wife of Capt Lockett, a son
                    SMITH - ROBERTSON, 3 Mar, at Trinity Church, Nelson, by Rev P Calder, Charles Smith.
                    of Stoke to Ann eldest daughter of the late Andrew Robertson, of Glasgow
Fri -- 05 ---- Death--CALDER, 4 Mar, at the Manse, Nelson, Mrs James Calder, 70yrs
                    WHITWORTH, 4 Mar, Thomas Robert, 34mths, eldest son of Thomas Witworth
                    HILL - LAING, 4 Mar, at resid of brides brother, by Rev J Crump, James Hill, Dovedale,
                    to Margaret Kulsen, only daughter of  P Laing, Bridge St, Nelson     
Sat -- 06 --- KEILL - LAING, 4 Mar  exactly as above but surname is Keill instead of Hill
                    SMITH - HARGREAVES, 4 Mar, by Rev J Crump, W Smith, to Lucy, eldest daughter
                    the late B Hargreaves, Waimea Rd, Nelson
Mon - 08 -- FIRTH, 4 Oct, 1868, at Launceston, Tasmania, Mrs Joe Firth, a son        
                    Rangatira arrived Nelson from Manakau and Taranaki with 150 miners 
Tue -- 09 -- Letters detained
Wed - 10 -- BEATSON - Mc HARDY, 8 Mar, at Brook St Valley, Arthur Henry, son of William
                    Beatson Esq, Nelson to Jane Isabella, youngest daughter of the late Thomas Hardy Esq
                    HARLEY - BLACKMORE, 9 Mar, at Christ Church, Nelson, by Rev G H Johnstone,
                    William Charles, eldest son of Charles Harley, brewer of Nelson, to Laura Harriet, 
                     eldest daughter of the late Dr Blackmore
Fri -- 12 ---- WINTER, 8 Mar, at St Vincent St, Mrs George Winter a daughter
Mon - 15 -- TALBOT, 14 Mar, at Richmond, wife of G Talbot, a son
                    STEVENSON - COOMBS, 13 Mar, at resid of brides father, by Rev E Thomas,
                    Malcomb Stevenson, clothmaker, to Annie, 6th daughter of Henry Coombs of Nelson
Tue -- 16 -- BEATSON - GRIFFIN, 11 Mar, at resid of brides father, by Mr W M Bliss, David 
                    Guthrie, 4th son of William Beatson Esq, of Nelson, to Helen 3rd daughter of John 
                    Griffin, Manuka St, Nelson
                    Death--HOPGOOD, 15 Mar, ahr, the Toll Gate House, Stephen Hopgood, 33yrs
                    LIGHTBAND, 16 Mar, of diptheria, Louisa, 11yrs, eldest daug of Mr M Lightband
Wed - 17 -- NUTTALL, 15 Mar, ahr, Tasman St, Mrs J Nuttall, a daughter
                    Death--St Clair, 16 Mar, at Hospital, Henry St Clair, 46yrs
Fri -- 19 ---- NEWLAND, 18 Mar, ahr, Grove St, Mrs E Newland, a daughter   
Mon - 22 --- Wakapuaka, Nelson and Waimea shooting teams  =================
Tue - 23 ---- Death--STEPHENSON, 28 Jan, at Dunedin Hospital, W H Stephenson, formerly of Nelson, of typhoid fever
Thur - 25 --- PITT, 23 Mar, Mrs A Pitt, a daughter
Mon - 29 --- COWEN, 28 Mar, ahr, Stoke, Mrs Cowen, a daughter      
Wed - 31 --- Upper Moutere provincial school exam prize list  ==================
                     Letter === One persons impressions on a ride into the Waimea  ====

April --- 1869

Thur - 01 -- THORNS, 1 Ap, ahr, Shelbourne St, wife of james Thorns, a daughter
Mon - 05 -- CLOUSTON, 5 Ap, at Nelson, Mrs Clouston, a son
Tue -- 06 -- SCOTT, 30 Mar, ahr, Toi-toi Valley, Mrs C Scott, a daughter
                    EDELSTEN, 3 Ap, at Riwaka, Mrs J S Edelsten, a daughter
                    PATTERSON, 4 Ap, ahr, Waimea St, Mrs W Patterson, a daughter
Wed - 07 -- BORNEFORD, 5 Ap, at Washington Valley, Mrs Borneford, a daughter
                    BURRELL - BOWDEN, 30 Mar, at Trentham, Upper Hutt, by Rev Dan Debois, Edward
                    Fearon Burrell, of Ngatimoti, Motueka, Nelson, to Emily Ellen, 2nd daughter of
                    T A Bowden, Esq, BA, Wellington
Thur - 08 -- SUTCLIFFE - OXLEY, 7 Ap, at All Saints Church, by Rev R J Thorpe, 
                    J W Sutcliffe to Georgiana Oxley
Fri --- 09 --- Death-- MYERS, at Nelson Hospital, ob 8 Ap, John T Myers, a native of Holland, 33yrs
                    BUSH, Ellen, 31yrs, wife of Mr H S Bush of Steamboat Tavern
Sat -- 10 --- BEST, 7 Ap, ahr, Stoke, Mrs J Best, a daughter
                    PERCIVAL, 7 Ap, wife of R Percival, a son      
                    Court === not having dog tickets ====== Hyam Davis, Judah Myers, William Gibson,   
                                  J Braddock, W Lightfoot, David Grant, A Waxman, Mary Scott, William Moirs,     
                                  Thomas Newton, John Deey (Decy ?), Frederick Stork, Thomas Freeman,   
                                  Henry Paap, Henry Black, N T Lockhart, Henry Warren, Robert Ware,     
                                  J S Gunther =========== Alfred Jones allowing 2 cows on the Waimea Rd,,
                                  ======= John mackay, using provoking and insulting language to F J Hill        
Mon - 12 -- Death--BURN, 10 Ap, ahr, Toi-toi Valley, Elizabeth, 41yrs, wife of Daniel Burn
                    POLLOCK, 11 Ap, ahr, Waimea St, David Pollock, 32yrs
Tue -- 13 -- BOYES, 3 Ap, ahlr, Motueka, John Boyes, 59
Sat --- 17 -- Death--DAKERS,16Ap, at resid of Mr I Johns, Trafalgar St, Nelson, Harry, 14yrs, son 
                    of Dr Dakers of Charleston, West Coast     
                    Detained letters =========== J McIntosh, Wellington ; Mrs Camd, King St Sydney ;   
                                     Mr Caray East Collingwood, Melbourne ; J H Parkinson, Cheshire, England ;    
                                     Mr Crowther, Wellington ; T S Scantlebury, Cape of Good Hope ; 
                                     S Groves, Bath, Eng ; Mrs William Finlayson, Napier ; Serjt Halbrough,    
                                     Wakapuaka ; H Bennett, Billinger River, NSW ; T Hunt, 88 Valley ;     
                                     E H Walker, Sardinia ; Miss Taylor, Wurtemburgh, Germany            
Tue - 20 --- HUSBAND, 17 Ap, wife of S Husband, Bronte St, a daughter     
Wed - 21 -- John Mahoney, jockey --- accidental death + more in Thur 22 paper --- his parents live in Auckland       
Thur - 22 -- COOPER - BRADLEY, 18 Ap, at resid of brides father, by Rev John Crump, Thos W
                    Cooper, of Westport, to Harriet Eliza, youngest daughter of Arthur Bradley, farmer, Stoke
Fri --- 23 --- Death--GARNER, 23 Ap, at Nelson, Emma Garner, 31yrs, wife of Henry Garner
Sat -- 24 ---- WOOD, 23 Ap, ahr, Trafalgar St, Mrs Joseph Wood, a son
Mon - 26 --- Death--BARNES, 28 Jan, 1869, at Geraldine, Corbally, near Limerick, Jane Robson
                     Halliburton, 22 yrs, eldest daughter of Wm Barnes Esq  
Tue -- 27 --- Detained letters ====== John Steele, c/o Ray, Cobden ; Mr Small, Waimea Sth     
Thur - 29 --- BARCLAY - MARTIN, 29 Ap, at St Marts Church, by Rev E M Garin, Mr John 
                     Harrison Barclay, to Miss Elanor Martin, both of Nelson
Fri --- 30 ---- Death--CRUMP, 23 Jan, ahr, Wolverhampton, Elizabeth, 68yrs, wife of Thomas Crump

May --- 1869

Mon - 03 --- WHITE, at Hardy St, Nelson, Mrs G W White, a daughter
                     STEPHENSON, 2 May, ahr, Washington Valley, Mrs  W H Stephenson, a daughter
 Tue - 04 --- TURNER, 28 Ap, ahr, Wakapuaka, wife of H W K Turner, son
Thur - 06 --- DAVIDSON - FIELDES, 6 May, at All Saints Church, Rev R J Thorpe, William Davidson,
                     cabinetmaker, to Mary Ann, youngest daughter of William Fieldes, the Wood, Nelson
Sat -- 08 ---- Unclaimed letters from June  ====      
                     Detained letters ============     
Mon - 10 --- LAMMAS, 4 May, at Richmond, wife of E A Lammas, a daughter
Tue -- 11 --- FAIRY, 10 May at Brighton Cottage, Alton St, wife of T H Fairy, a son
Wed - 12 --- WINSTANLEY, 11 May, ahr, Shelbourne St, wife of T F Winstanley Esq, Postmaster,
                     Westport, a son       
Fri --- 14 --- Inquest ====== George Richardson, Landlord of Golden Fleece Hotel, died suddenly  Wed 12th      
Sat -- 15 --- PELLEW, 15 May, wife of E T Pellew, a daughter      
                    Inquest ===== Twin children born 24 April === father was Peter Hawkins         
Mon - 17 -= Death--HODGSON, 15 May, Martha, 23, wife of George Hodson
Tue -- 18 --- CRISP, 14 May, ahr, Church St, Mrs Joe Crisp, a daughter
Fri --- 21 --- SIMPSON, 21 May, ahr, Washington Valley, mrs james Simpson, a daughter
Tue -- 25 --- THOMSON, 23 May, ahr, Tasman St, the Wood, the wife of Mr Thomson, a daughter
                     BURCH, 24 May, at Brook St Valley, wife of Henry Burch, a son
                     Death--WEBSTER, 22 May, Mrs Phoebe Webster, 76yrs
Wed - 26 --- MURRELL, ahr, New St, the wife of E Murrell, a daughter
Mon - 31 --- ABSOLON, ahr, Washington Valley, wife of B Absolon, a daughter

June --- 1869

Wed - 02 --- CAREY, ahr, Tasman St, wife of Capt Carey, a son
Sat --- 05 --- Death--LIGHTBAND, 4 June, Louis Alfred, 3mths, son of Mr M Lightband
Mon - 07 --- McRAE, 2 June, at Welds Hill, Marlborough Province, wife N McRae, a son
                     JEFFRIES, 5 June,ahr, Washington Valley, wife of J Jeffries, a son    
                     ==== Account of the loss of the Blue Jacket on 9th March, with names of some of the  passengers ====     
Tue -- 08 --- MEADS, 6 June, ahr, Nile St East, wife William Meads, a son
Wed - 09 --- MYERS, 9 June, ahr, Waimea Rd, Mrs J Myers, a son
Fri --- 11 --- CALVERT - OKEY, 11 June, by Rev P Calder,G W Calvert, to Mrs Okey, late of Collingwood
                    Death-- GRAESER, 11 June, ahr, Collingwood St, J G Graeser
Sat -- 12 --- GREIG, 9 June, Mrs David Greig, a son      
                    ==== Names mentioned -- Magistrates Court === T B Louisson, J C Burford, Wm Lloyd,   
                              T Foy, J Stockwell, J Walker, Henry Deane 16yrs, James Harman a Spring Grove     
                              farmer, Wm Hill, George Beck       
Tue - 15 --- CUNDY, 5 June, ahr, Stoke, Mrs F Cundy, a daughter
                    INGLES - JOHNSTON, 14 June, at Kaikoura, Marlborough, at res of brides brother-in-law
                    W H Pilliet, Esq RM, by Ven Archdeacon Butt, Alexander Wighton Ingles Esq, JP
                    of Kincaid, to Ellen Amelia, 4th daughter of David Johnston Esq, collector HM Customs
Thur - 17 -- AUSTIN, 16 June, at College Hill, Mrs A D Austin, a daughter
                    DONALDSON - BEAMSLEY, 16 June, by Rev E Thomas, James Donaldson, to Martha 
                    Beamsley, both of Nelson
                    NEWPORT - WOOLLEY, 17 June, by Rev E Thomas, Samuel Job Newport, to Mary 
                    Ann Wooley, of Appleby     
Fri -- 18 ---- Notice==== Marrige purported to have taken place between Mrs Oakley and Geo W Calvert, totally denied 
Mon - 21 -- PERCEVAL - SICKLER, 19 June, by Rev Patrick Calder, Charles John Perceval Esq,
                    son of late Hon and Rev A P Percival,to Marin, relict of late Alfred Sickler MD esq
Wed - 23 -- DECK, 21 June, at Pangatotara, Mrs George Deck, a son     
Sat -- 26 --- A reporters account of going across the Hokatika bar in a gale ========

July --- 1869

Thur - 01 -- === Sworn in for Grand jury duty =======
Sat --- 03 -- Death--MONRO, 3 July, at Newstead, Nelson, of consumption, David, 21, 2nd son of
                    Sir David and Lady Monro
Tue -- 06 -- Death--COFFEY, 5 July, at Collingwood St, Lucy Ann, 4yrs, only daughter of 
                    James and Elizabeth Coffey
Thur - 08 -- ATHERTON - BASS, 6 July, by Rev J Crump, at the Rectory, Hardy St, George Atherton,
                    to Julia Elizabeth, eldest daughter of the late James Bass Esq, contractor, Brunswick, Aust
Fri --- 09 --- Inquest into death of George Thomason, Spring Grove and Meta, child of Augustus Neave
Sat -- 10 --- McVicar, 10 July, ahr, Waimea St, Mrs J McVicar, a daughter
                    PRIMMER, 4 July, at Upper Moutere, Mrs B Primmer, a daughter
                    Death-- McNAB, 4 July, at Riwaka, Jessie, 20mths, only daughter of Mr R McNab    
Mon - 12 -- Names of subscribers to Christ Church organ fund ==========
Tue -- 13 -- DRANE, 9 July, wife of J G Drane, Providore of the SS Murray, a daughter
                    LUCAS - WHITE, 12 July, at the residence of R Lucas Esq, Washington Valley,
                    Nelson, br Rev John Crump, Josiah Lucas, 2nd son of Mr J Lucas, Bruton, Somerset,
                    Eng, to Elizabeth White, 3rd daughter of Jacob White Esq, Cavendish House, 
                    Fitzroy Rd, Lambeth, London
                    Death--RYDER, 2 July at Riwaka, Charles Malcom Ryder, 6 mths
Wed - 14 -- Death, DISHER, 14 July, at the Trafalgar Hotel, Margaret, 51yrs, wife of Robert Disher
Fri --- 16 -- HARVEY, 2 July, at Dovedale, wife of J W Harvey, a daughter
                   Death--HAMMERICH, 5 July, ahr, Upper Moutere, Catherine, 18yr 6mth, 3rd daughter
                   of Charles Hammerich     
                   Notice === Son of the late Dr Bush of Nelson, drowned on fri night in the Ahaura River 
Mon - 19 -- MORTON, 19 July, Mrs R Ramsey Morton, a son
Thur - 22 -- WHITING, 22 July, ahr, Nile St East, Mrs D Whiting, a son 
Fri --- 23 --- JONES - DIAMOND, 21 July, at Christ Church, by Rev G H Johnstone, William
                    Henry, eldest son of James Jones sen, to Elizabeth, eldest daughter of Andrew Diamond,
                    both of Tasmania     
                    == Names of Town Club and College Boys  football teams for a match tomorrow ===    
Sat -- 24 --- Death--WHITE, 23 July, at Spring Grove, Mr Charles White, in 62 yr
Mon - 26 -- BEALE, 25 July, ahr, Nile St, wife of Francis Beale, Hokitika, and daughter of 
                    W H Watson, a son
                    PAAP, 25 July, ahr, Morrison St, Mrs H Paap, a son      
Tue -- 27 -- == Election for Nelson Board of Works == proposer, proposed and seconder named ==  
Wed - 28 -- SNOW, 28 July, Mrs J Snow, a son    
                    W Costello (Sydney Bill)== suicide on thur 22nd at Devils Grip, Buller River ===
Sat -- 31 --- NALDER, 31 July, ahr, Alton Place, Mrs J V Nalder, a son

August --- 1869

Mon - 02 -- DOBSON, 31 July, Mrs A D Dodson, a son
                    JAMES, 31 July, ahr, Bridge St, wife of John James, a son
Wed - 04 -- Death--McGEE, 4 Aug, Annie, 5yr, daughter of Mr C McGee,
                    WINSTANLEY, 1 Aug, at Molesworth St, Westport, Percy Tyler, 11wks, son of T F Winstanley Esq
                     WILLIAMS, 3 Aug, at Brooklands, near Blenheim, Marlborough, Frederick Williams Esq, JP     
Thur - 05 --- Inquest === Thomas Darke, digger, from West Coast and lately the Asylum == death  
Fri --- 06 ---- === Item == Mary Ann Bradcock == drowned last night        
Sat -- 07 ---- Death--BRADCOCK, 5 Aug, Mary Ann Bradcock, 38yrs
Thur - 12 --- EURE, 11 Aug, ahr, Hardy St, Mrs Eure, a son
                     Death--BECK, 11 Aug, Sophia, 8mths, only daughter of George Alfred Beck     
Fri -- 13 ----- List of immigrants for Nelson, embarked on the Halcyon on 25 may 1869   =====
                      ===== James Sedgwick, Michael Sheils, Frederick Rose, Katherine D Rose,     
                                  Mary Louise Rose, J Henry Rose, Andrew Graham, Denis Costello,     
                                  Mary Costello, Margaret Costello, Elizabeth Newton, Henry Lange, Mary Holtz,  
                                  Augusta Holtz, Catherine Kelling       
Mon - 16 --- WHITING, 14 Aug, at Brook St Valley, wife of Henry Whiting, a son      
                     ===== Shareholders in the Neptune Gold Mining Co  ======= George Pound, 
                     Thomas Liddell, William Morris, Henry Evans, John King, Charles Weitzell, 
                     John William Rowe (all of Charleston)       
                     === Agents for the paper ==== W Marris, Waimea Rd = J Gilbert, Wakapuaka =  
                             J Smith, Stoke = W Galbraith, Richmond = W Jessop, Hope = W Bottrell, Spring    
                             Grove = E Hooper, Wakefield = J Grove, Foxhill and Upper Lyell = 
                             R Sutcliffe, Baton = L Dron, Waimea W and Appleby = P Spanger, Waimea W =   
                             Mr Benseman, Upper Motere = J Clark and Co and S Buchholz, Motueka and    
                             Riwaka = J Reilly, Waitapu = W C Riley, Collingwood = A Dodson-- and -- 
                             G Taylor, both Takaka = J Silcocks, Bridge Hotel = T Anslow, Westport ===== 
Tue - 17 ---- NATHAN, 14 Aug, ahr, Bridge St, Nelson, Mrs H E Nathan, a son      
Wed - 18 --- === Ploughing competition at Mr Thompsons farm, Richmond == names mentioned  
                            including prize winners === Thomas Russ, John Satherly, George Satherly,    
                            Wm Russ, William Biggar ( all Waimea West),  Wm Eden, J Silcock, William Hill   
                            James Leighton, William Eden ( all Waimea East), J Ching, Wakapuaka ==  
                            William Eyles, Richmond == C Gapper, Appleby == E Cresswell, Stoke  =====
Thur - 19 --- GRAHAM, 19 Aug, ahr, Waimea St, wife of James Graham jun, a daughter
Fri --- 20 ---- GIBBS, 20 Aug, wife of Thos Gibbs, South St, son
                     GRAHAM, 19 Aug, at St Kilda Cottage, Trafalgar St South, Mrs John Graham, a son
Tue -- 24 --- DOIDGE - COLES, 19 Aug, at Stoke, by Rev J Crump, William, eldest son of John 
                     Doidge, to Elizabeth, eldest daughter of the late William Coles, Yaxley,
                     Huntingdonshire, Eng
Mon - 30 --- ATMORE, 29 Aug, wife of C Atmore, a son
                     Death-- EURE, 29 Aug, at Harley st, William, 18days, son of Henry and Elizabeth Eure
Tue -- 31 --- CRUMP, 31 Aug, at Wesleyan Parsonage, Hardy St, wife of Rev John Crump, a daughter
                     BURFORD, ahr, Cambria St, the Wood, Mrs Burford, a son
                     NAYLOR - DARBY, 31 Aug, at All Saints Church, by Rev R J Thorpe, George, eldest 
                     son of late Rev George Naylor of Bamford, Suffolk, Eng, to Louisa, 2nd daughter of
                     Wm Darby, of Nelson
                     Item, death of Mr Gapper, from Waimea East, one of the oldest settlers

September --- 1869

Wed - 01 --- McCABE, 28, Aug, ahr, Nelson, wife of Lieut McCabe, a daughter
Thur - 02 --- Death--GARDINER, 2 Sept, at Nelson, William Gardiner, 67yrs
Sat --- 04 --- WEBLEY, 31 Aug, ahr, Nelson, Mrs J Webley, a son
                     Death--FRANK, 3 Sept, ahr, Tasman St, Mrs Jacob Frank, 73yrs      
                      === Inquest== Matthew Combe  ==suicide 
Mon - 06 --- STEER, 3 Sept, Mrs W Steer, a son
                     Death--MARRIS, 4 Sept, ahr, Waimea Rd, W Marris, 43yrs
Tue -- 07 --- CONSTABLE, 6 Sept,ahr, Nile St East, Mrs F Constable, a daughter
Wed - 08 --- BLACK, 7 Sept, ahr, the Wood, Mrs H Black, daughter
Thur - 09 --- FELL - BAINBRIDGE, 3 July, at the parish Church, Putney, by Rev A A Trimmer,
                     assisted by Rev Laxon E Sweet, Charles Y Fell Esq, of the Inner Temple, Barrister-at-law
                     eldest son of Alfred Fell Esq, late of Nelson, NZ, to Edith Louisa, 4th daughter of 
                     Anthony F Bainbridge Esq, of Holmswood, Pufney Hill
                     Death--FAIREY, 30 June, at Bognor, Sussex, quite suddenly, Mr J Fairey, late of Brighton, Sussex, Eng, aged 61yrs
Sat -- 11 ---- Death--NICHOLL, 16 July, at Ghazepore, East Indies, Edward Nicholl, youngest son of
                     late Capt T Nicholl, Bengal Horse Artillery, 29yrs
                     BECK, 11 Sept, after a painfull illness, Ellen, 25yrs, wife of G A Beck
Mon - 13 --- SAXON - Horneman, 8 Sept, at St Thomas's, Motueka, John Saxon Esq, of Wai-Wero,
                     to Henrietta Laura, 3rd daughter of Major Horneman, JP, of Pangatotara
                     Death--SCHUMACHER, 12 Sept, at Nile St East, Mary, 66yrs, wife of Frederick
                     Schumacher, after a long painfull illness
Tue -- 14 --- NICHOL, 11 Sept, at Alma St, Mrs Nichol, a son
                     BRAY, 14 Sept, at Gloucester St, Mrs C Bray, a daughter
Thur - 16 --- LEECH, 16 Sept, at Nelson, Mrs William Haydn Leech, a daughter
Sat --- 18 --- Death-- BETTS, 18 Sept, at Hardy St, Nelson, Amy Gertrude, 27mth youngest child
                     of A G and E S Betts
Mon - 20 --- Death--COX, 20 Sept, at Spring Grove, Charles Henry Cox, 58yrs 
Mon - 27 --- PILLIET, 26 Sept, at Kiakoura, Mrs W H Pilliet, a son
                     Death--Mc CABE, 25 Sept, at Nelson, Sarah, 1 mth, daughter of H McCabe
                     GILBERT, 27 Sept, at the Royal Hotel, after a painfull illness, Mary, 20, wife of H Gilbert
Tue - 28 ---- ROCKSTROW, 26 Sept, at Axe Farm, Appleby, wife of Dr Rockstrow, a daughter
                     LEVIEN, 27 Sept, ahr, Trafalgar Square, Mrs R Levien, a son
Thur - 30 --- TUCKEY, 25 Sept, at Wellington, wife of H E Tuckey Esq, a daughter
                     SIMSON, 29 Sept, Waimea Rd, Mrs James Simson, a son  

October --- 1869    

Fri --- 01 --- Death--SIMSON, 30 Sept, Waimea Rd, infant son of J and M Simson
Sat --- 02 -- PARKER, 29 Sept, ahr, Stoke, Mrs H ParkeThurr, a son
                    ANDERSON, 29 Sept, ahr, Upper Trce, Wellington, wife J G Anderson Esq, a son
Thur - 07 -- LLOYD, 7 Oct, wife of W Lloyd, a daughter
                    Death--FOY, 5 Oct, ahr, Waimea Rd, Mrs T Foy, 69yrs
Fri --- 08 --- Death--GROSSMAN, 5 Oct, of congestion of the lungs
                                 Ester Lizzie, 11 mths, daughter of Jacob and Lizzie Grossman     
                    === Inquest === William Abbott, Motueka Valley, (skeleton found) went missing 6 to 7 yrs ago
Mon - 11 -- ADAMS - LEADHAM, 27 July, at St Marylebone Church, London, by Rev John Langley, 
                    MA, Rector of Wallingford, Berks, grandfather of the bridegroom, and Rev C Phipps
                    Evre, MA, Rector of St Marylebone, William Acton Blakeway Adams, eldest son of 
                    William Adams esq, of Wilden, Nelson, NZ, to Harriette Frances, eldest daughter of 
                    Dr Leadham, No 1, York Place, Portman Square
Tue -- 12 -- JOHNSTON, 30 Sept, at Parnell, Auck, Mrs David Johnston, a daughter 
Wed - 13 -- === Winners in a draw for pictures by Mr Gully in order 1 - 12 ===
                           N Edwards, Nelson = J Saxon, Motueka = S H Drew, Nelson = W M Stanton, 
                           Nelson - C R Howdon, Dunedin = T Garrard, Nelson = Miss Adams, Nelson =   
                           C C Schaw, Hokitika = Messrs Broad and Jones, Hokitika = J O Eva, Dunedin = 
                           H Redwood jun, Nelson = H Martin, Stoke   === Writing from San Francisco === 
Thur - 14 -- DANVERS, 14 Oct, wife of Capt Herbert Ellis Danvers, a daughter
                    HAMMOND, 13 Oct, at the Swamp, Richmond, Mrs Henry Hammond, a daughter
Fri --- 15 --- Death--MOORE, 13 Oct, at Washington Valley, Elizabeth Ann, 4and a half yrs, only
                    daughter of James and Annie Maria Moore
Sat --- 16 -- AVERY, 15 Oct, ahr,Collingwood Bridge, wife of John Avery, a son
Mon - 18 -- HALL, 16 Oct, ahr, Bush Tavern, Grove St, the Wood, Mrs H T Hall, a son
Tue -- 19 -- exactly the same but changed to a daughter
Thur - 22 -- Death--PATERSON, at Mr Crawfords, Toi-toi Valley, of cancer, William Tennant
                    Paterson, formerly of Newton-on -Ayr, Scotland, aged 59
                    OVERTON, 7 Oct, at Springton, Mr Thomas Overton
Mon - 25 -- Death--YOUNG, 14 Oct, Ernest Frederick, 5mths, youngest child of Mr S Young
Tue -- 26 -- MOORE, 23 Oct, Nelson, Mrs H Moore, a son
Thur - 28 -- Item -- fatal accident to 5yr old son of Mr AVERY, Collingwood St

November --- 1869

Mon - 01 -- ===Cattle trespass == J Bradcock, E Bradley, E Newland, G Cook, W Harley,   
                           W J Frost, J Donaldson, all fined 5 shillings and costs for allowing horses to stray 
                            J Hunter 25 shillings and costs for allowing 5 cows to stray      
                            J Carter, labourer, Nelson, 1 mth inprisonment with hard labour for stealing 
                            one pound and 10 pence     
Tue -- 02 -- Death-LEONARD, 29 Sept, from drowning, at Onehunga, Auckland, William  Leonard, 29yr of Nelson
                    DOUGHTY, 1 Nov, ahlr, Suburban North, Thomas Doughty, 56yrs    
                    Obituary === Thomas Doughty
Wed - 03 --- DIX - USHER, 23 Oct, at the Congregational Church, Dawson St, Ballarat, by 
                     Rev J J Halley, Henry Ross Dix, to Amelia, eldest daughter of Thomas Usher, Nelson, NZ
                     Death--HUSBAND, 3 Nov, Emma Jane, 6mths, youngest daughter of Mr S Husband 
Thur - 04 --- ===Collingwood v Takaka teenage cricket match ====  
Fri --- 05 ---- Death--SHANNON, 5 Nov, ahlr, Nile St East, Michael Shannon, 56yrs    
                     Margaret Herdman, about 80yrs, death in a fire last night at the Port 
Sat -- 06 ---- YOUNG, 4 Nov, ahr, the Wood, Mrs J W Young, a daughter
Wed -10 ---- HARRIS - RODGERSON, 10 Nov, at res of brides father, By Rev P Calder, Joseph
                     Harris, BNZ, to Sarah Janet, youngest daughter of Wm Rogerson Esq, Annandale, Maitai  
Thur - 11 --- === Cricket match Town v College names ====
Fri --- 12 --- McINTOSH, 11 Nov, at Wakefield Cottage, Mrs John McIntosh, a son
                    SMITH - WOODHOUSE, 2 Nov, by Rev E Thomas, John Thomas Smith, to Mrs Elizabeth Ann Woodhouse, both of Foxhill
                    STEVENSON - WOLFENDEN, 9 Nov, by Rev E Thomas, George Stevenson, to 
                    Miss Ellen Wolfenden, both of Nelson
Mon - 15 -- DOUGLAS - GILLET, 13 Nov, by Rev E Thomas, William Douglas, to Miss Esther Gillet both of Nelson     
                    === James Davidson === fatal accident at Collingwood      
Thur - 18 -- GIBBS - BAIGENT, 17 Nov, at St Johns Church, Wakefield, by Rev C O Mules, 
                    Charles Gibbs, late of London, to Sarah, 2nd daughter of Edward Baigent Esq, Wakefield
Sat -- 20 --- LEVEY, 19 Nov, wife of Capt Levey, a son
                    MILLS, 19 Nov, wife 0f T H Mills, a daughter   
                    === Cattle trespass ==== J Simpson, G McHardy, J Sigley, C W moore, R G Turner, 
                                             G Cook
Mon - 22 -- MOORE - SNOW, 20 Nov, At Christ Church, by Rev R J Thorpe MA, Ambrose E Moore, to Sarah Snow, both of Nelson
                    Death--FEARON, 21 Nov, at Nelson, Capt Edward Fearon, 55yrs     
                    ==== Sworn in for Grand Jury duty === R Morton, H E Curris (?), D M Luckie,   
                              H Greenfield, J C Phillips, Thos Mackey, A G Jenkins, H Goulston, C Elliott,
                              R M Patton, J Gully, J Webb, H Drew, H Stafford, H Baly, J Burnett, 
                              C H Brown, F Rutter, H Beitt, W M Stanton, J W Barnicoat       
                    ==== Item == Peter Risk, miner, Charleston, dead John McLouglin arrested

December --- 1869

Thur - 02 -- HARLEY, 2 Dec, wife of J A Harley, a son
Fri --- 03 -- GRANT, 25 Nov, ahr, Hardy St , wife of Robert Grant, a daughter    
                    ==== College Sports results ========
Mon - 06 -- McGEE, 5 Nov, ahr, Nelson Hotel, wife of C McGee, a daughter
Tue -- 07 -- MACINTOSH - HARWOOD, 4 Dec, by Rev J Crump, James, youngest son of 
                    W Macintosh, Cambridge, Eng, to Mary, 2nd daughter of G Harwood, Clifton, Motupipi
Thur - 09 -- SPEED, 9 Nov, ahr, Eden Grove Cottage, Mrs J P Speed, a daughter
Sat --- 11 -- SHEATHER, 10 Dec, wife of L Sheather, a son
Mon - 13 -- BATCHELOR, 13 Dec, ahr, Nile St West, Mrs James Batchelor, a son
Tue -- 14 -- RHODES - MOORHOUSE, 29 Nov, at St Marys Church, Merivale, by very Rev, 
                    Dean of Christchurch, Wm Barnard Rhodes Esq  JP, of Wellington, eldest son of  
                    William Rhodes Esq, of Balby, Yorkshire, to Sarah Ann, 2nd daughter of the late 
                    William Moorhouse Esq JP, Knottingsley, Yorkshire
Thu r- 16 -- BRAY - RAMM, 14 Dec, at ALL Saints Church, by Rev W D Rusz, Bernard Noah
                    Bray, to Hannah Maria Ramm, 2nd daughter of late William Ramm, Norwich, Norfolk, Eng
                    NALDER - HALE, 14 Dec, at ALL Saints, by Rev W D Rusz, Frederick Newton, 3rd
                    son of C Nalder, Hardy St, to Eliza, 2nd daughter of W Hale, of Tory St
                    CARO - DAVIS, 15 Dec, at the Synagogue, by Rev D M Isaacs, David Caro, of
                    Canterbury, NZ, son of Rev S Care of Norwich, Eng, to Julia, eldest daughter of Hyam Davis, Nelson   
                    === Item == 12yr old son of E T Conolly, barrister-at-law was struck dead lightning at Picton yesterday      
                    === About wedding  Coro - Davis      
Fri -- 17 ---- TAYLOR, 16 Dec, at Richmond, wife of Rev J A Taylor, a daughter
                    NORTON, 14 Dec, at the York Station, Croixelles, Mrs W Norton, a daughter   
                    === Nelson College prizes and scholarships =======      
Mon - 20 -- ==More exam results === H Graham, C Hardy, W Hornby, A Everett, R Hunter,     
                             T Hooper, W Tregea ( all Bridge St School ), F Severne, Riwaka School =    
                             C Newman, Hampden St School = W Condell, St Marys School     
Tue -- 21 -- == Item == death of a young man  named M'Turk (about 26yrs) on SS Gothenberg   
                                       on her passage from Nelson to Greymouth   ===     
Wed - 22 -- === Bishops School exams  =====
Fri --- 24 -- COTTON, 23 Dec, ahr, Toi-toi Valley, Mrs Cotton, a son
Mon - 27 -- Death--BARTLETT, 24 Dec, ahr, Grove St, Mrs C J Bartlett
                    PACKER, Dec 25, at the resid of Mr W Nation, Manuka St, Nelson, Charlotte, 
                    32yrs, eldest daughter of the late Jabez Packer      
                    == Town Schools prize giving (around 1200 pupils)  === Hugh Graham, Robert
                          Hunter, Thomas Sadd, James Barltropp, W Lechner, J Wylie, A Everett, T
                          Chisholm, J Moore, J Ogilvie, A Wylie, L Augarde, W Hibble, W Rout, A Karsten,
                          H Ryder, M Karsten, J Hollyman  ------ Euphemia Clark, Emily Hough, Matilda
                          Lechner, Phoebe Cator, Rose Clark, Mary Atmore, Esther Sowman, Emma Elvy,
                          Jane Batchelor, Isabella Haddow, Annie Coward, Naomi Hibble, Annie Capper,
                          Eliza York, Bertha Hooper, Julia Chisholm, Annie Clark, Lucy Leaper, Emily
                          Jefferies, Eliza Hubbard  ------- Susan Witney, Barbara Robb, Robert Simpson,
                          Frederick Witney, Grace Lockerbie, Agnes Simpson, Grace Vaughn, Alice
                          Witney, Frank Hodgson, Charles Hart ------- Mary Barton, Caroline Haase,
                          William Batchelor, C Halliday, Peter Wooton, Richard Lechner, James Rodney, 
                          Catherine Cator, Alice Bailey, Priscilla Stringer, Andrew Bogle, Mary Simpson, 
                          George Hingston      
Tue -- 28 -- BARNETT, 26 Dec, wife of A W Barnett, a daughter      
Wed - 29 -- === Account of the lightning bolt that killed young Conolly on 15 Dec
Fri --- 31 -- SMITH, 27 Dec, Mrs John Smith, a son