Name of Elector

Place of Abode

Where property situated

ALBOROUGH, William Suburban North part of section V
ALDRIDGE, Henry (senior) Suburban North section 17
ALDRIDGE, John South Street, Nelson part of 17, suburban north
ALLPORT, Henry Suburban South house and land, part section 52
ALLPORT, Thomas Suburban South house and land, part section 52
ANDERSON, Robert Suburban North house sec: 25
BARNETT, Henry Nelson part's of sect: Vand 2, suburban north
BARNETT, William Suburban North house & land,part sect: 15
BATCHELOR, Thomas C Nelson section 4, suburban north
BELL, William Hillwood section 29, Hillwood
BERRY, William Henry Cemetery Lodge Cemetery Ground, Suburban North
BETIE, John Suburban South Stoke, section 79
BLANCHETT, George Suburban North house, part sect: 24
BLANCHETT, Thomas Suburban North house, section 27, Happy valley
BLICK, Benjamin Brook Street part section 1, Brook Street
BOSELEY, Newman Suburban North part of section 4
BRADLEY, Arthur John Suburban South house, section 75
BROWN, John Happy Valley part of sect's: 55,33.
BROWN, John (junior) Happy Valley section 76
BUNGATE, John Suburban North section 28, Happy Valley
BUNGETT, Joseph Suburban North house on section 3
BURLACE, William Stoke house on section 42
BUXTON, Edmund Stoke house & land on section 77
CARTER, James Wakapuaka Road part of section 2, suburban north
CHING, John Harris Wakapuaka house on section 25, suburban north
CHING, Richard Stoke house & land section 59
CHING, William Wakapuaka house on section 68, suburban north
CHISNELL, Thomas Stoke part of section 63
CLOSE, James Nelson Suburban North part of sect: 13, Happy Valley
CLOSE, Stephen Suburban North house & land, sect: 53, Happy Valley
COLLINS, Arthur Nelson house & land sect 5, suburban north
COLLINS, William Nelson section 16, suburban north
COWIN, James Suburban South part of section 42
CRESSWELL, Edward Suburban South house on part of section 52
CRIGHTON, George Port Ligar sect's: 5,6,7, Dora Bay, Run 263 Port Ligar
CUMMINGS, George Wakapuaka sections 11 & 12,
CURTIS, Herbert Evelyn Nelson 50 acres, part of sect: 1, suburban north
CURTIS, Oswald Nelson 50 acres, part of sect: 1, suburban north
DAVIDSON, Edmund Suburban North part of sect's: 32 & 33, Fairfield part sect: 10
DODSON, Thomas Suburban North part of section 18
DODSON, Thomas Suburban North part of section 18
DONALD, Robert Suburban North Black Horse Hotel
DOUGHTY, Thomas Suburban North section 34
DWYER, Henry Maitai Goverment Reserve, Maitai Junction
DYSON, William Suburban North house & land, part of section 5
EDWARDS, Alfred Rutland Waimea Road Bishopdale on section 6
EDWARDS, William Bishopdale house at Bishopdale
FLOWER, Henry (junior) Happy Valley part of section 4
FLOWER, John Suburban North house & land, part of section 16
FLOWERS, Henry Nelson house & land, part of section 16
FOY, Thomas Nelson part of section 18
FROST, Dennis Suburban North house on section 5
FROST, Dennis (junior) Suburban North part 2 of section 10
FROST, Edward Suburban North part of sect's: 84 & 85, Happy Valley
FROST, George Suburban North Richmond Hill
FROST, Thomas Wakapuaka sections 83 & 84, block 23
FROST, Walter Wakapuaka sections 84 & 85, Happy Valley
FULLER, John Suburban North house & land, section 5
GIBLIN, Frederick Stoke house & land, part of section 59
GILBERT, Thomas Suburban North section 18
GILL, Benjamin Wairau house & land, part section 17, suburban north
GILL, Edward Suburban North 10 acres, part of section 16
GILL, Edward Wakapuaka Road section 16
GILL, Frederick Suburban North section 21
GILL, Henry Suburban North part of section 15
GILL, William Suburban North house & land, sect 18 & 19
GREEN, Edward The Sands sections 1,2,3 & 4
GROOM, William Nelson Brook Street & Maitai Valley
HACKETT, Thomas Ridge Nelson part of section 1
HARLEY, Alfred Stoke part of section 18
HARLEY, Charles Nelson house & land, part of section 57
HARPER, George Nelson part of section 4, suburban north
HARVEY, Isaac Suburban North house on section 19, Happy Valley
HIBBERD, Cornelius Suburban North part of no: 15,
HIBBERD, Isaac Weldon Suburban North house on section 10
HOLLAND, George Suburban South house on part of section 4
HOLLIS, James Suburban North house & land, section 59
HOLLIS, Rueben Happy Valley section 28
HOOPER, George Nelson Black Horse Inn, Happy Valley
HORNBY, John James Wakapuaka Road Cottage
HUMPHREY, George Suburban North sections, 84 & 85
HUMPHREYS, John Suburban North house on section 28
HUMPHRIES, John (junior) Suburban North section 42
JELLYMAN, Enoch Suburban South house & land part of section 70
JENKINS, Alfred George Suburban South house & land on section 70
KIDSON, John Brook Street Valley 21 acres, part of section 27
KIDSON, John (senior) Brook Street Swiss Cottage, section 27
LEECH, William Hayden L Nelson sec's 57,58 & 66
LOCKETT, John William Wakapuaka Road 12 acres (belongs to Mr Townsend)
LYFORD, Absolem Happy Valley section 15
MACINTOSH, Alexander Nelson section 75
MACINTOSH, Duncan Nelson 24acres, section 8
MACKAY, James Suburban North Drumduan, section 35
MACKAY, Robert Wangamoa sections 1,2,5,6,7 & 8
MANSSEN, George Henry Suburban North part of section 20
MARSDEN, Thomas Suburban South house & land part of section 50
MARTIN, Henry Suburban North house on part of section 20
MARTIN, Hugh Stoke No. 25
MARTIN, Hugh Stoke house & land, section 48
MORISON, John Stoke section 52
NEWPORT, James Brook Street Valley part of section 3
NORGATE, David Suburban South part of section 76
NORTHAM, William Wakapuaka house & 70 acres, section 16
PAGE, William Suburban North section 20
PARKER, William Suburban South part of section 42
PIERSON, Joseph Margetts Thackwood section 29
PITCHER, Thomas Suburban North part of sections 26 & 27
POLLOCK, Robert Suburban North house & land, part of section 6
POWELL, John Happy Valley section 24
POWELL, John Wakapuaka sections 24 & 44
RAYNER, William Suburban North house on part of section 17
RENWICK, Thomas Nelson section 53
RICHARDSON, Ralph Nelson sec's 8 & 9, Matai District & suburban north
ROSS, Kenneth Suburban North section 53
ROUT, William Stoke section 51
ROWBOTHAM, James Suburban South house on part of section 61
SCHUMACHER, Frederick Nelson part of section 3, suburban north
SHALLERASS, Robert Nelson section 18, suburban north
SHARLAND, James Nelson 84 acres, Greenland, Maitai
SHEDY, James Suburban South part of section 18
SLATER, Danie Suburban North part of section 20 & 21
SMALL, William Marshall Suburban North Sunnyside, part of section 20
SMITH, James Suburban North section 35, Maitai Valley
SMITH, James William N Maitai house, Maitai Valley
SMITH, John Waimea East house on part of section 78
SMITH, John Tippett Stoke part of section 53
STAFFORD, Hugh Stoke house, Woodstock
STUART, Joseph Brook Street part of section 1
TURNER, William Henry Suburban North part of section 15
WALKER, Charles Suburban South house on section 45
WALKER, John Nelson section 4, suburban north
WALKER, William Nelson land, section 50
WARD, John Suburban South land, sect: 42 & sect: 78, Waimea East
WASTNEY, Edmund Suburban North section 34
WASTNEY, John Suburban North house on section 34
WASTNEY, William Suburban North house & land called Wortwell
WATSON, William Happy Valley section 61
WELLS, William Suburban North Marybank, sections 13 & 14
WESTLEY, William Suburban North part of section 11
WILKIE, William Nelson part of section 3
WILKINS, Thomas Suburban North house on part of section 11
WILLIAMS, Henry Davis Waihopai section 54.
WILSON, John Pelorus section 42, Maitai
WITHERS, John Suburban North part of section 24 & 33
WRAGG, Alexander Nelson Palm Grove, back of section 22, suburban north
WRIGHT, William Nelson section 33, block 18, Maitai Valley