Nelson Evening Mail

The following list of Names taken from extracts of birth, burial, and marriage notices and miscellanous notes of other events were extracted and kindly provided by Ted Wright. Actual images of the Nelson Evening Mail from 1866 through to 1900 can be found on the NZ National Library Website.

January --- 1870

Mon - 03 -- GODDARD, 29 Dec, ahr, Russel St, Mrs Goddard, a son
                    SOLOMON, 2 Jan, ahr, Nile St West, Mrs S M Solomon, a son    
                    ==== Results of the Caledonian Games    ====
Tue -- 04 -- WRIGHT, 4 Dec, wife of Thos M Wright, a daughter
                    PIKE, 29 Dec, at College Hill, wife of I H Pike, a daughter
Wed - 05 -- MABIN, 3 Jan, wife of John R Mabin, a son
                    RAY, 27 Dec, at Cobden, wife of R Ray, a daughter      
Fri --- 07 --- Morris Cahill, jockey of Wellington ==== killed in a steeplechase accident at Hokitika
Mon - 10 -- Death--ROURKE, 3 Jan, Thomas Rourke, 27yrs
                    PLANK, 8 Jan, at Wakefield, Edward Plank, 20mths      
                    === Item ==David Clark, Wakefield, one of Nelsons oldest settlers in fatal accident      
Wed - 12 -- HAMILTON, 11 Jan, Mrs Henry Hamilton, of Beachville, nelson, a son
                    GARDINER - POWELL, 8 Jan, at Upper Moutere, Mr Isaac Gardiner, to Mrs E Powell
Thur - 13 -- FISHER, 12 Jan, wife of Thomas R Fisher Esq, a son    
Fri --- 14 --- == Riwaka v Motueka ---- cricket teams
Fri --- 14 --- REYNOLDS, 13 Jan, ahr, Shelbourne St, wife John Reynolds, a son                     
                    Sat---15-Death--BEATSON, 13 Jan, ahlr, Selwyn Place, William Beatson Esq, 62yrs
                    O'REILLY - BLACKWOOD, 15 Jan, by Rev Richard J Thorpe, Fleming Pinkstone
                    O.Reilly Esq, Dublin, To Elizabeth, eldest daughter of John O'Reilly Blackwood Esq,
                    Ballymenoch, Hollywood, County Down, Ireland
Mon - 16 -- BOURKE - MURPHY, Jan 8, at St Marys, Nelson, William Joseph Bourke, to 
                    Miss Honoria Murrphy
                    PATCHING - FLEMMING, 11 Jan, by Rev E Thomas, John, eldest son of John Patching,
                    late of Nelson, to Fanny, 3rd daughter of George Flemming of Nelson        
Mon - 17 -- Interesting ====== penny dinners in London
Tue -- 18 -- MOREY, 18 Jan, ahr, Nelson, wife of Walter Morey a son      
                   == John Bunyan, barque arrived from London ==== passengers = Mrs Sarah Robbins,     
                         William Robbins, Mrs Sarah A Elder, Henry Damon, Ezakiel Shannon,      
                         Mrs Matilda Tingle and 3 children, Major and Mrs Erskin and 5 children,  
                         Mr and Mrs Welsh, John Harris       
Wed - 19 -- BETIE, 18 Jan, ahr, Stoke, wife of J Betie, a son
Thur - 20 -- MULES - BLUNDELL, 19 Jan, at St Michaels Church, Waimea West, by Rt Rev Bishop
                   of Nelson, assisted by Rev R J Thorpe, Rev Charles Oliver Mules, of Spring Grove,
                   Nelson, to Laura, 3rd daug of late Capt F H Blundell of HM Light Dragoons
                   Death--KEILL, 19 Jan, at Dovedale, Margaret, wife of James Keill
Fri --- 21 -- POWICK - LUCAS, 8 Jan, at resid of father of the bride, Thomas Powick of 
                   Tua Marina, to Ellen Elizabeth, only daughter of Charles Lucas, farmer, Lower Wairau
Tue - 25 --- TAYLOR, 16 Jan, at Takaka, Mrs Frederick Taylor, a son
                    Death--COX, 21 Jan, at Spring Grove, Alfred Cox, of Northleigh, Oxfordshire, 52yrs
                    HODGSON, 23 Jan, at the Wood, Nelson, Alfred, 6mth, son of W C Hodgson Esq    
Sat -- 29 --- ==== A trip to see the Flying Squadron at Wellington ==========
Mon - 31 -- Death--LAKING, 30 Jan, at Richmond, Mary Laking, 63, wife of Frederick Laking

February --- 1870

Thur - 03 -- WALCOT, 30 Jan, ahr, Trafalgar St South, Mrs R B Walcot, a son
                    BUCHANAN - ROBERTSON, 1 Feb, at Washington Valley, by Rev John Crump, 
                    Peter Buchanan of Callender, Scotland, to Isabella, 5th daughter of of the late 
                    Andrew Robertson, Glasgow, Scotland
                    FIVEN - JASPER, 1 Feb, Mr John Fiven , to Mrs Jasper, both of Nelson
Fri -- 04 ---- JOHNSON - FREEMAN, 1 Feb, by Rev E Thomas, James, youngest son of James
                    Johnson, Collingwood St, to Grace Eliza, youngest daughter of the late Mr Freeman
                    PARMENTER - JOHNSON, 1 Feb, by Rev E Thomas, Alfred Parmenter, builder, to 
                    Matilda, eldest daugh of James Johnson, Collingwood St
                    SPEAR - GALLAND, 1 Feb, by Mr W M Biss, Frederick Spear to Lucy Burfield Galland
Sat -- 05 --- CROSS - ASKEW, 5 Feb, at resid of father of the bride, J S Cross jun, eldest son of 
                    J S Cross Esq, to Elizabeth, eldest daughter of James Askew, both of Nelson
Tue - 08 --- Death-BLACK, 6 Feb, in Grove St, the Wood, Helen Fraser, 5mth, daughter 
                    of Henry and Helen Black
Wed - 09 -- HAYCOCK - ROBINS, 7 Feb, by Rev J A Taylor, John Haycock Esq, to Mrs Sarah
                    Robins both of Hope
Thur - 10 -- PARMENTER, 10 Feb, at Russell St, the Port, Mrs W H Parmenter, a daughter
                    Death--LEONARD, 10 Feb, Mary Hannah, 8mths, youngest child of late William Leonard   
                    === Nelson Regatta race winners =====h
Sat -- 12 --- Death--HARPER, 12 Feb, at the Mitre hotel, Rosetta Mary Louisa, 17mths, only
                    daughter of Mr and Mrs R H Harper
Mon - 14 -- HALES, 3 Feb, ahr, Nelson, wife of W H Hales, a son
                    HOGG, 6 Feb, ahr, the Wood, Mrs J Hogg, a son
                    Death--DIXON, 12 Feb, at Brook St, Alice, 5mth, daughter of D Dixon
                    HALES, 9 Feb, at Nelson, infant son of Mr and Mrs W H Hales
                    WOOD, 13 Feb, at Halifax St, Charles Thomas, 3 and half yrs, eldest son of
                     Joseph Wood
Tue - 15 ---- LAING,14 Feb, ahr, Bridge St, Mrs J Laing, daughter
                     Death-- DAVIS, 13 Feb, at Mrs Burn's house, Washington Valley, Jane Selanders, in 
                     27th yr, wife of W Davis, photographer, Nelson
                     MORTON, 13 Feb, Richard Ramsey Morton Esq, 27th yr
                     SMITH, 14 Feb, Arthur Thomas, 5wks, son of Mr John Smith
                     MONRO, 20 Nov 1869, at Malaga, Spain, Henry Munro Esq, formerly a
                     Port Phillip settler and brother of Sir David Munro 
Wed - 16 --- SMITH - WIN, 15 Feb, at Ranzau, by Rev J A Taylor, James Smith of Dovedale, to 
                     Mary Elizabeth, eldest daughter of John Win of Ranzau
                     DOUGLAS - PARKES, 10 Feb, at house of brides father, by Rev William G Thomas, 
                     William, eldest son of W Douglas, to Phoebe, 6th daughter of
                     Benjamin Parkes, both of Motueka
Thur - 17 --- PHARAZYN - GREENWOOD, 17 Feb, at Christ Church, Nelson, by Rev G H Johnstone
                     William Pharazyn Esq, of Wellington, barrister at law, to Frances, daughter of
                     J D Greenwood Esq, Woodland House, Nelson
                     KEMP - GREENWOOD, 17 Feb, at Christ Church, Nelson, by Rev G H Johnstone, 
                     William George Kemp Esq, to Charlotte, daughter of J D Greenwood Esq, 
                     Woodland House, Nelson        
                      == Item === the double wedding of  the Greenwood sisters ======
Fri --- 18 ---- STEWART - BLOOMFIELD, 17 Feb, at resid of brides mother, Spring Grove, by Rev 
                     T E Bowen, Alexander Stewart, Nelson, to Miss Emma Bloomfield
Sat -- 19 ---- Death--KERWIN, 17 Feb, at Nelson Hospital, Isabella, 35yrs, wife of Patrick Kerwin,
                     Late of the West Coast
                     LAING, 14 Feb, at Dovedale, Peter Laing, 79yrs
                     NICOL, 19 Feb, at Alma St, Eric, 5mths, youngest son of Mr and Mrs Nicol      
                     === Court === Samuel Adams --- furious riding
                                               T B Louisson, Samuel Wakeley --- allowing horses to stray
                                               Richard Green, miner, Matakitaki --- vagrancy              
Mon - 21 -- WARREN, 18 Feb, wife of Alfred Warren, a son     
                    Thomas Gedddies, sluicer  == Charleston Herald reports his death last week   
Tue - 22 --- EVERETT, 21 Feb, ahr, Collingwood St, Mrs Everett, a son
Wed - 23 -- NALDER, 3 Feb, at Takaka, wife of C W Nalder, a daughter
                    HARRIS, 19 Feb,ahr, Tasman St, Mrs Thomas Harris, a son
                    PRICE, 19 Feb, ahr, Lower Wakefield, Mrs W Price a son           
                    SNOW, 23 Feb, at Toi-toi Valley, mrs Edwin Snow, a son
                    WHITWELL, 23 Feb, ahr, Cambra St, the Wood, Mrs Whitwell, a son
Thur - 24 -- Death--SHEET, 23 Feb, at Richmond, Eliza, 50yrs, wife of John Sheet
Fri --- 25 --- McKAY, 24 Feb, ahr, wife of John McKay, a daughter
                    Death--GILLSON, 14 Jan, in Patea Hospital, Joseph Gillson, in 44th yr
Sat -- 26 --- THOMPSON, 26 Feb,at Headingly, Richmond, Mrs T J Thompson, a son
                    YOUNG - AREY, 26 Feb, at All Saints Church, by Rev R J Thorpe, Henry Young, to
                    Miss Mary Ann Arey, both of England
Mon - 28 -- DECK - CARROLL, 22 Feb, at Wellington, by Rev R Ward,Samuel John, eldest son of
                    James G Deck, to Ann, 3rd daughter of the late Samuel Carroll, of London
                    NEAME - LODGE, 26 Feb, at resid of Rev Edward Thomas, Nelson, by rev John Crump,
                    John Edward Neame, to Matilda Jane Lodge

March --- 1870

Tue -- 01 -- MITCHELL, 28 Feb, At St Vincent St, wife John Mitchell, a son
                    Death--ROBINSON, at resid of his brother, Richmond, B G Robinson, 32yrs     
                    === Sworn in for Grand Jury duty =======     
Thur - 03 -- CONWAY - REARDON, 25 Feb, at St Marys, Nelson, Rev Father Garin, William 
                    Conway to Susan Reardon, both of Nelson     
Fri --- 04 --- == Arrived today Alpington from London === passengers = Mr Newton, Mr Tanner    
                    == Reported missing from the Kennedy  == Robert Nurse      
Sat -- 05 --- Court === J Shepherd, J Bradcock, Thos Shortliffe, J Wakely, A Le G Campbell --      
                    allowing cattle to stray       
                    R Grant ---- using insulting language           
Mon - 07 -- YATES - FOX, 26 Feb, at resid of John Brown, Molesworth St, Wellington, Sam, 
                    youngest son of John Yates, to Miss Eliza Ann Fox, both of Wellington
Tue -- 08 -- BARLTROP, 7 Mar, at Nile St East, wife of Henry Barltrop, a son
                    DARKE, 6 Dec, at Fisherwick Place, Belfast, Ireland, Mrs Darke, a son
Fri --- 11 --- ELLIOTT, 11 Mar, wife of Alfred Elliott, a son
                    DODSON, 2 Mar, at Takaka Hotel, wife of A Dodson, a son
Mon - 14 -- CURNOW, 5 Mar, at Collingwood, wife of W H Curnow, a son
                    TASKER, 6 Mar, at Richmond, Mrs James Tasker, a son
Tue -- 15 --- HALL, 11 Mar, at Richmond, Mrs J H Hall, a son, premature
                     MEADOWS, 12 Mar, at Turf Hotel, Stoke, wife of T Meadows,a son
                     MOFFATT, 15 Mar, ahr, Hardy St, Mrs H Moffatt, a son
                     Death--HALL, 11 Mar, at Richmond, infant son of Mrs J H Hall
                     NATION, 14 Mar, at Christchurch, Alice, 15mths, daughter of W C Nation, and 
                     granddaughter of Wm Nation of Nelson
Wed - 16 --- Death--YOUNG, 15 Mar, at Nelson, Bessie, 4mth, daughter of J W Young    
Thur - 17 --- Henry Cleaver, son of Mr Cleaver, former landlord of the Plough Inn, Richmond, and    
                     ----- White both drowned in the Wairau  
                     Robert Charles Hannah, 20mths, Cambria St, drowned        
Fri --- 18 --- == A trip to Wangapeka ====
Sat --- 19 -- GIBBONS, 19 Mar, ahr, Cambria St, Mrs R G Gibbons, a daughter
Mon - 21 -- FOGDEN, 20 Mar, ahr, Grove St, the Wood, Mrs W F Fogden, a son
Tue -- 22 -- HOOPER, 19 Mar, ahr, Nile St West, wife of G Hooper, a son
Wed - 23 -- COCKRAM, 19 Mar, ahr, Waimea Rd, wife of John Cockram, stillborn son
                    WELLS, 22 Mar, at resid of Mrs W J Parker, Russell St Nelson, wife of Daniel Wells, 
                    Pelorous Valley, Marlborough, a daughter
Fri --- 25 --- WEBLEY, 25 Mar, ahr, Alton St, wife of Henry  Webley, twin sons
Sat -- 26 --- Funeral notice for wife of J Edwards, Shelbourne St
Mon - 28 -- Death--EDWARDS, 25 Mar, at Shelbourne St, Nelson, Jane, 43, wife of Joseph Edwards
Tue -- 29 -- GOODMAN- TALBOTT, 28 Mar, by Rev E Thomas, Robert J Goodman, to
                    Elizabeth Talbot, both of Motueka     
                    === Bankruptcy == Messrs Munro Brothers, sheepfarmers, Marlborough       
                    === Inquest === George Gadson died Sun 27 March     
Wed - 31 -- TASKER, 28 Mar, at Richmond, Mrs Harry Tasker, a daughter

April --- 1870

please note April 01 to and including Ap 25 missing

Tue - 26 --- THOMAS, 24 Ap, ahr, Brook St Valley, wife of H C Thomas, a son
                    Death--MEREWETHER, 10Jan, Maria, wife of H Alworth Merewether, Esq QC, of Bowden
                    Hill, Wilts, and eldest daughter of Sir James Fellowes
Thur - 28 -- GUNTHER, 28 Ap, ahr Waimea Rd, Mrs Gunther, a son
                    BOWEN - COOKE, 27 Ap, at St Pauls, Spring Grove, Charles Hugh Webb
                    Bowen, eldest son of Rev W W Webb Bowen, of Camrose Vicarage, Haverford West,
                    Pembrokeshire, Sth Wales, to Florence Angela, 3rd daughter of late Major Cooke, HEICS  
                    ===Short account about  Charleston and Brighton districts   =======        
                    === Notice == Valentine Bunkell,miner, Bedstead Gully, Collingwood, will not be      
                                             responsible for his wife, Elizabeth Ann Bunkells debts       
Fri -- 29 --- CHANT - EDEN, 21 Ap, at St Pauls, Spring Grove, by Rev C O Mules, William H Chant,
                   2nd son of W Chant, Motueka, to Louisa, 2nd daughter of T Eden, Waimea West
                   EDEN - LINES, 21 Ap, at St Michaels, Waimea West, by Rev C O Mules, Charles H Eden,
                   to Sarah Ann Lines, of Wakefield

May --- 1870

Mon - 02 -- COWLES, 29 Ap, ahr, Nile St East, Mrs E Cowles, a son
                    MACKAY - WILLEY, 27 Ap, at Blenheim, by Registrar, S L Muller Esq, Thomas, 3rd 
                    son of James Mackay Esq, of Drumduan, Nelson, to Mary, only daughter of the late
                    John Willey Esq, London
                    Death--NEWTON, 2 May, at Nelson, Eliza, 32, wife of Thomas Newton
Tue -- 03 -- GAY, 30 Ap, ahr, Hardy St, Mrs John Gay, a son
Wed - 04 -- ADAMSON, 4 May, ahr, Collingwood St, wife of C Adamson, a son
                   TOWNSEND - GILLETT, 26 Ap, by the Registrar, Nelson, Matthew Townsend, 
                    to Frances Elizabeth Gillett
Thur - 05 -- HUBBARD - MAIR, 21 Ap, at Oamaru, by Rev A B Todd, Frank, 2nd son of Charles
                    John Hubbard, to Marion Johanna Jemima Mair, adopted daughter of 
                    William J Harper of Nelson
Fri --- 06 --- COLE, 2 May, at Quail Valley, Waimea South, Mrs W H Cole, a daughter
Tue - 10 ---- HAASE - HOUNSELL, 5 May, at resid of the bridegroom, by Rev W J Watkin, 
                     John Edward Haase, to Emily Hounsell, both of Nelson     
Sat -- 14 ---- Herbert Grooby who had been working on Salisbury Plain disappeared on the way    
                     to Motueka last week     
                     ==Body of  --- Moorhead, miner, missing for about a fortnight found  2nd May     
                                             in the Grey River          
Mon - 16 --- JONES - THOMAS, 12 May, at the resid and by the father of the bride, assisted by Rev 
                     P Calder, Edmund, eldest son of W R Jones, to Elizabeth Howell, youngest daughter
                     of Rev E Thomas     
                     == A tailor named McKinley, formerly working in Nelson, jumped into the river     
                          at Westport and was drowned       
Thur - 19 --- Death--CALDER, 11 May, at Auckland, Capt Calder of the barque, Island City
                    FISHER, 18 May, Frederick Welby Fisher, infant son of Thomas Richard Fisher Esq  
                    == Inquest ==Ralph Turner, 70yrs, Wakefield, died mon 16th     
                                            Thomas Welby, infant son of T R Fisher, death on wed 18th        
Mon - 23 -- LUCAS, 22 May, ahr, Upper Bridge St, Mrs Josiah Lucas, a son
Wed - 25 -- Naylor, 25 May, Mrs George Naylor, a daughter
                    KINGHAM - HERON, 12 may, at Registrars office, Amuri, by G W Schroder Esq,
                    Registrar for the district,  David Kingham of Ahaura, to Miss Catherine Heron of Waiau
Thur - 26 -- ALLDRIDGE, 23 May, ahr, Tasman St, wife of J Alldridge, a daughter
Fri --- 27 -- JOHNS, 24 May, Mrs Israel Johns, a daughter
                   LINDSAY, 11 May, at Upper Takaka, Mrs James Lindsay, a daughter
                   Death--JACOBSEN, 27 May, Emma, 48yrs, wife of Andreas Jacobsen, of Westport     
                   == A letter from Thomas Grooby about Herbert Grooby        
Mon - 30 -- SOWMAN - NICOL, 24 May, at his resid, Tasman St, the Wood, by Rev J Thomas,
                    Richard, 3rd son of William Sowman, to Janetta Kate, 2nd daughter of 
                    James F Nicol, Nelson

June --- 1870

All June missing except for 1,2,3,4,11 -- nothing in these

July --- 1870

Fri --- 01 -- THOMAS, 30 June, at Vanguard St, Nelson, wife of Geo Thomas, a son      
                   Missing girl, daughter of Mr W W Williams, Collingwood   === note  Wed 13 she is 
                   reported as found and well ====        
                   ====Annual Education Rate -- will be received by === Alfred Hibble, Nelson = 
                            Alexander Wragg, Clifton Trce, Suburban N = E Cresswell, Stoke = William Steer,   
                            Waimea E = George Walker, Waimea W = Charles Knapp, Spring Grove = 
                            H Benseman, Upper moutere = W Guy, Lower Moutere = E F Burrell, Motueka = 
                            R Brown, Pangatotara = C P Pattie, Riwaka = J Baird, Motapipi = G Taylor, Takaka,   
                            John Fisher, Collingwood = S G Rowley, Cobden = W A Kiely (Sgt Police), Westport  
                            George Flower, Motupiko = George Young, Ngatimoti = Job Best, Dovedale     
Sat -- 02 -- ===List of citizens requesting a meeting ==== C Elliott, Fras L Vickerman,   
                          J R Dodson, Joseph Webb, R Preston Bain, D Isaacs, E Smallbone, R G Gibbons, 
                          William Cooksey, A Scaife, Alexander Sclanders, James T Lowe, E Buxton and Co,   
                          H E Curtis, James Tingle, Thos Mackay, W M Stanton, John Percy, Edward Everett,    
                          M Lightband, P Cooke, Geo Bonnington, M M Webster, Joseph Paul, Joseph White    
                    ===Nelson Patent Slip Co - provisional directors === Thomas Renwick,       
                           Alexander Brown, James Barnett, Arthur S Collins, James Cross, J R Dodson,     
                           Henry Drew, Edward Everett, Thomas R Fisher, Thomas Freeman, J Henry,     
                           Henry Hounsell, M Lightband, J R Mabin, Thomas Mackay, John Scott               
Tue -- 05 --- Death--PALMER, 23 June, at the Kaikoras, Charles Palmer, for many yrs a resident
                     at Apleby, Waimea
Wed - 06 --- SHORE, 4 July, wife of J Shore, a daughter      
                     === Leases granted for gold mining =====
Fri --- 08 --- MILNER, 8 July, wife W Milner, Trafalgar St, a son
Sat --- 09 -- KINZETT - ELLIS, 1 July, at resid of Thomas Kinzett, Eighty Eight Valley, by Mr W M
                    Biss, G W Kinzett, to Miss Jane Ellis
                    MEAD - LOUDON, 7 July, at Foxhill, by Mr W M Biss, T W Mead, to Miss Elizabeth 
                    Loudon, of Motueka Valley
                    Death--BONNINGTON, 8 July, Joseph Bonnington, 66 yrs
                    FARQUAHAR, 9 July, Mrs Elizabeth Farquahar, 41yrs       
                    === Suburban Nth Gold Reefs Prospecting Co === Prov directors === 
                            T C Batchelor, H E Curtis, W Hale, A Helps, T Mackay sen, J Sharp,    
                             J W Tatton, John Thornton, W Wells          
Mon - 11 -- MUNTZ, 10 July, at Arthingworth, near Richmond, wife of C A Muntz Esq, son, stillborn
Tue -- 12 -- HOOPER, 10 July, at Milton Grove St, the Wood, wife of Thomas Hooper, a son
Wed - 13 -- SUTCLIFFE, 11 July, at Pokororo, wife of John W Sutcliffe, twin sons, 1 stillborn
                    GARRARD - CASILL, 15 April, at resid of brides father, by Rev H H Cand, Wesleyan
                    Minister, Jacob Garrad, to Rebecca, youngest daughter of John Casill, Union St,
                    Balhain, NSW
                    Death--SUTCLIFFE, 11 July, at Pokororo, Georgina, 27yrs, wife of John W Sutcliffe
Thur - 14 -- JOHNSTON, 10 July, at Washington Valley, Mrs J Johnston, a son
                    KNIGHT, 13 July, at Westbank Trce, Nelson, Mrs A Knight, a son
                    GARRARD - CAVILL, 15 Ap, see Wed 13, change CASILL to CAVILL and 
                                            Rev H H Cand to Rev H H Gaud
                    JACKSON - BEST, 14 July, by Rev E Thomas, Mr Mello William Jackson, to 
                    Miss Elizabeth Jane Best, both of Nelson
Fri --- 15 --- Death--SUTCLIFFE, July 13, at Pokororo, infant son, 2 days, of John Wm and the late 
                    Georgina Sutcliffe
                     LITTLE, 14 July, at Nelson, Florence, 4th daughter of Mr and Mrs J K Little    
                     === Ploughing competition in Mr Saxtons paddock at Stoke === Prize winners and        
                      commended === J Satherly, G Satherly, T Russ, W Russ, W Eyles, F Primmer,   
                      W Biggar, M O'connor, J Leighton, C Gapper --- judges = Stratford, Bird, Songer     
Sat -- 16 ---- PROSSER - TIDD, 22 June, at St Peters Church, Wellington, by Rev A Stock,
                     Samuel Prosser to Miss Elizabeth Ophelia Isabella, 3rd daughter of Thomas Samuel
                     Tidd, of Stoke, Nelson
Wed - 20 --- Death--COLEMAN, 19 July, at hospital, Edward Coleman, 65yrs, cabinetmaker
Thur - 21 --- DAVIDSON, 20 July, at Taupata, Golden Bay, Mrs E Davidson, a son
Fri --- 22 --- LAIRD, 21 July, ahr, Russell St, wife of A Laird, a son
                     BARTLETT - SCADDEN, 21 July at Christ Church, by Rev G H Johnstone, C J Bartlett,
                     of Collingwood, 2nd son of the late Mrs E Bartlett of Nelson, to Miss E Scadden,
                     4th daughter of Richard Scadden of Nelson
                     BUCHANAN - SAUNDERS, Atabove-Bar Congregational Church, John Edgar Buchanan
                    of Shirley Warren, to Elizabeth, eldest daughter of A Saunders, Esq of Aldermoor,
                    late Superintendent of Province of Nelson, NZ
                    Death-- HOLLIS, 13 July, at Hospital, Thames Gold Fields, Joseph Samual Hollis, 38yrs,
                    late of Nelson
                    RENWICK, 11 May, at Rochester Sq, London, Adeline, 51yrs, wife of 
                    Hon T Renwick, of Nelson
                    STEPHENSON, 18 July, Mary, infant daughter of Wm Stephenson
 Sat -- 23 -- PERCIVAL, 22 July,ahr, Brook St, wife of R Percival, a son       
                    === Item ==Adolphe Eisfelder, butcher, Hokitika, found dead in bed, Wed 13 July      
Mon - 25 -- == Nelson Board of Works == nominations, nominators and seconders for members    
                             to fill vacancies      ====      
Wed - 27 -- Death--McRAE, 24 July,at Waipapa, Station, W McRae, 45yrs, eldest son of the late
                   George McRae Esq, of Blarick, Marlborough
Sat -- 30 --- WIGZELL, 26 July, Mrs Jno W Wigzell, a daughter        
                    === Prisoners to appear in the Supreme Court ===== G H Winter, John Fielding,     
                            Thomas Murcott, John White, Alexander McPherson, John Curtayne, Luke Morris,   
                            Robert Woolf, Cornelius O'Connor, Michael Culhane, Daniel Lathum, John Kiernan   

August --- 1870

Mon - 01 --- MACNAIRN, 30 July, wife of William Macnairn, a son
                     REDHEAD, 12 July, at Kawaraw Gorge, near Cromwell, wife of George Redhead, a son
                     TOWAN, 7 July, at Grove Farm, near Cromwell, Otago,wife John Towan,a daughter
                     Death--LAMMAS, 31 July, at Richmond, Mary Oram, 24yrs, wife of Edwin Lammas     
                     === Sworn in for jury  ====== 
Tue -- 02 --- RONALDSON, 31 July, at Wakarewa, Motueka, wife of Rev Ronaldson, a daughter
                     Death--WATTS, 1 Aug, Eleanor White, 48yrs, wife of T Watts, the Wood       
Wed - 03 --- == Inquest === Mary Spanton, 65, found dead yesterday morning           
Thur - 04 --- Death--CRUMPTON, 8 Aug, at Oaklands, Stoke,  resid of her daughter Mrs J W
                     Saxton, Elleanor Crumpton, 81yrs
Sat --- 06 --- WEBLEY, 4 Aug, Mrs William Webley, a daughter       
                     ==Correction to a paragraph in the Examiner ---- Mrs Hopgood, 70yrs died in Hospital    
                          from inflammation of the bowels   ====
Fri --- 12 --- WIMSETT - JONES, 11 Aug, at Christ Church, Nelson, by Rev G H Johnstone,
                     Thomas Martin Wimsett, 2nd son of Thomas Martin Wimsett, to Elizabeth Ann, eldest
                     daughter of William Jones, Bridge St, Nelson
Mon - 15 --- JACOBS, 1 May, at Castle Cary, Somersetshire, Eng, wife of Thomas Jacobs, a son
                     BAIGENT, 15 Aug, ahr, Church St, Mrs Baigent, a son
                     Death--JACOBS, 1 May, at Castle Cary, Somersetshire, Eliza, 37yrs, wife of T Jacobs, 
                     and then on 10 May, the infant son of T and Eliza Jacobs
Wed - 17 --- WILSON, 15 Aug, Mrs H Wilson, a son
                     CHAPMAN - IRONSIDE, 21 July, at Longford, by Rev John Harcourt, assisted by
                     Rev N Bennett, Henry William, eldest son  of I E Chapman, of Hobart Town, to 
                     Sarah Louisa, 2nd daughter of Rev S Ironside, of Longford, Tasmania
Mon - 22 --- CROUCHER, 19 Aug, wife of J Croucher, Richmond, a son
Wed - 24 --- NALDER, 23 Aug, wife of F N Nalder, Nile St East, a son
                     LEECH, 10 Aug, at Richmond, Mrs A Leech, a son
Thur - 25 --- GRANT, 17 Aug,  ahr, Motueka, Mrs W Grant, a daughter
Fri --- 26 ---- TOWNSEND, 21 Aug, in Bridge St, Mrs R Townsend, a daughter       
Sat -- 27 ---- ==Names from the Magistrates Court === George Thomas, Mary Day, Richard 
                     McRae, Ralph Richardson, W M Biss, Mrs Donaldson, G H Miller, Mrs Stuart,    
                     Jessie Chapman         
Mon - 29 --- Death--SIGLEY, 28 Aug, Sarah Ann, 67yrs, wife of Joshua Sigley

September --- 1870

Thur - 01 --- CLARKE, 31 Aug, wife of H L N Clark, a son
                     SIMPSON, 1 Sept, ahr, Bridge St, Mrs Robert Simpson, a son
                     Death--HARRIS, 31 Aug, Augusta, 22yrs, 5th daughter of Edwin Harris Esq, late of Taranaki
Fri --- 02 --- RICHARDSON - THORNTON, 1 Sept, at Christ Church, Nelson, by Rev R J Thorpe, 
                    assisted by Rev G H Johnston, Mr John Moore Richardson, to Frances Ann,
                    only daughter of John Thornton    
Mon - 05 -- == Returned to Nelson after a short visit to England === Mr and Mrs Charles Canning    
                    == Martin Gibbs, lately employed at the signal station ==fatal accident Sat 3 Sept   
Tue -- 06 -- DIX, 12 Aug, at Ballarat, wife of H R Dix, a son
                    FLETCHER - McGEE, 3 Sept, at the Manse, by Rev P Calder, Alexander Fletcher,
                    photographer, to Misss Catherine Reid McGee, both of Nelson     
                    === Inquest == son 16mth, of Hermann Fayen, Spring Grove ==drowned    
                    == Wm George Hall, brother of H Hall, Waimea Rd, fell off the wharf at Greymouth   
                         on Tue 30 Aug        
Sat -- 10 --- NEWPORT, 9 Sept, wife of James Newport, Takaka, a son
                    Death-- CARTER, 7 Sept, at Lower Moutere, Louisa, 32, wife of Samuel Carter
Wed - 14 -- BENNETT, 6 July, at Elm Bank, Barnet, Herts, Eng, wife of George Bennett Esq, 
                   a son
Thur - 15 -- Death--SOUTTER, 6 Sept, at Wellington, Emma, 38yrs, wife of William Soutter
Mon - 19 -- LOCKYER, 18 Sept, wife of William Lockyer, Brook 
                    St, Valley, a daughter
Tue -- 20 -- DRAPER, 18 Sept, ahr, Russel St, wife of R Draper, a daughter
                    PALMER, 18 Sept, at Motueka, Mrs George Palmer, a son
Thur - 22 -- CARO, 21 Sept, at Christchurch, wife of D Caro, a son
Fri --- 23 --- EURE, 23 Sept, ahr, Harley St, wife of H Eure, a daughter
                    WRIGHT - AVERY, 22 Sept, by Rev E Thomas, Richard Thomas Wright, to
                     Miss Ann Avery, both of Nelson
                     LAWRENCE - ADAM, 12 Sept, by Rev E Thomas, Francis Lawrence, to  
                     Miss Mary Adam, both of Nelson
Mon - 26 --- GOULSTONE, 24 Sept, at Bank NSW, wife of H Goulstone, triplets, 
                     2 sons and a daughter
Tue -- 27 --- SHALLCRASS, 27 Sept, at Merton Cottage, Mrs Shallcrass, a  son
                     Death-- CATE, 26 Sept, at Nelson Hospital, William Cate, 71yrs
Thur - 29 --- ROCHFORTH, 28 Sept, at Brook St, Mrs John Rochforth, a daughter
Fri --- 30 ---- SOWMAN, 25 Sept, at Hardy St East, Mrs William Sowman, a daughter
                     LAMMAS - HART, 28 Sept, by Rev E Thomas, Mark William Lammas, to Elizabeth,
                     youngest daughter of Richard Hart, farmer, Richmond

October --- 1870

Sat --- 01 --- Death--NEALE, 1 Oct, at Collingwood St, Charlotte, 3wks, daughter of J W Neale
                     PERCY, 30 Sept, at Russell St, John Thomas, 11mths, 2nd son of Edward Percy
Mon - 03 --- COOMBS - ROBINSON, 2 Oct, by Rev e Thomas, James Fieldes Coombs, to Ellen
                      youngest daughter of James Robinson, builder, Motueka      
                      ==== On 1 Oct -- Challenger, from London === passengers = Geo Newall, Miss Bridge,  
                                Miss Kate Evans, Miss Louisa Morris, H W Langdon, Thomas M Skilton,    
                                James Freeman, Mrs Freeman, Mr and Mrs Shaughnessey and infant, Misses  
                                Shaughnessey (3), James Nolan, Thomas White, A White, Mr and Mrs Infild,    
                                Thomas, Annie and Grounds Infild            
Wed - 05 --- McRAE, 23 Sept, at the Glens of Tekoa, Hurunui River, Amuri, wife of G W McRae,     
                     a daughter 
Thur - 06 --- BERRY, 4 Oct, ahr, Mrs T Berry, a son
                     Death--JOHNSON, 5 Oct, at Beachville, Elizabeth Eleanor, 17mths, youngest daughter 
                     of J and Charlotte Johnson
Fri --- 07 ---- Death--EYLES, 7 Oct, at Stoke, Daniel Eyles, 80yrs 
                     HARRIS, 7 Oct, at Brook St, George John Harris, 9yr 10mth, eldest son of
                     George and Elizabeth Scott Harris
Sat -- 08 ---- MOORE, 7 Oct, wife of Ambrose E Moore, a daughter        
                     === John Dawkins, tailor, late of the North Island Malitia hung himself at Hokitika  
                            on Wed night 5 Oct          
Tue -- 11 --- AVERY - HAMMOND, 7 Oct, at Richmond, by Rev J A Taylor, Mr Avery, to Alice
                     eldest daughter of David Hammond
Thur - 13 --- HOCTON, 12 Oct, ahr, Washington Valley, Mrs Appo Hocton, a daughter
Sat --- 15 --- NUTTALL, ahr, Tasman St, wife of J Nuttall, a son
Mon - 17 --- MOUTRAY, 15 Oct,Bridge St, Mrs J C Moutray, a son
                     PALMER, 11 Oct, at Waimea West, wife of John Palmer, a son     
                     Nelson Province Teachers Association ===== provisional committee  ======
                     == Frank Simmons, Joseph Mackay, John Smith, Thomas Gilbert, C Richards,      
                           A McIntosh, J T Smith, James Hodgson      
                     == Bankruptcies in N Z for 1869  =====     
                     ==  Edward Harnott Bullen, Ahaura died Sat evening  15 Oct ====       
Tue -- 18 --- == Bankrupts == John McIntosh, Nelson, merchant has executed a deed of assignment   
                                                  James Fowler jun, farmer, Motueka       
                                                  James Bentley, merchant, Nelson         
Thur - 20 --- HARPER, 18 Oct, ahr, Grove St, the Wood, wife of R H Harper, a son
Mon - 24 --- CAREY, 20 Oct, at Norman Hill, Onehunga, Wife of Capt Carey, a son
                     PARKINSON - JORDAN, 20 Oct, at Richmond, By Rev J A TaylorMr Parkinson, 
                     of Dovedale, to Ann Elizabeth, youngest daughter of Mr Jordan of Richmond        
Fri --- 28 ---- === Very large fire in Lyttleton == about 2/3 of the town -- about 4-5 acres   
                              List of buildings lost and their occupiers     
Sat -- 29 ---- BURNETT, 29 Oct, at College Hill, wife of James Burnett, a daughter, stillborn
Mon - 31 --- LEE - GULLY, 29 Oct, at Christ Church, by Rt Rev, Lord Bishop of Nelson, Robert
                     Lee Esq, Headmaster of the Bishops School, Nelson, to Fanny Thompson, only 
                     daughter of John Gully Esq
                     Death--LADLEY, 29 Oct, at Spring Grove, Mrs Ladley, 54yrs

November --- 1870

Tue -- 01 --- SHANNON, 1 Nov, ahr, Bronti St, wife of G V Shannon, a son
                     DAY - MURPHY, 20 Oct, at the Catholic Station, by Rev Father Garin, Francis Day,
                     to Annie Murphy, both of Nelson
Wed - 02 --- Death--FOGDEN, 27 Oct, at Nelson Hospital, Thomas Fogden, 70yrs
                    CONDELL, 1 Nov, at Stoke, wife of B Condell, 40yrs
Thur - 03 -- HAYCOCK - DRUMMOND, 29 Oct, at Richmond, by Rev J A  Taylor, Herbert,
                    youngest son of the late James Haycock, to Jane daughter of Mr Drummond, Lower Moutere
                    COUPER - HAYCOCK, 29 Oct, at Richmond, by Rev J A Taylor, John Alexander, only
                    son of Daniel Couper, of Pelorus, to Amy Grace, youngest daughter of the late
                    James Haycock, of Richmond         
Fri --- 04 --- ==Description of fire at Lyttleton   ===
Mon - 07 -- CORRIGAN, 5 Nov, ahr, Royal Hotel, wife of H M Corrigan, a daughter
                    FIELDES, 5 Nov, ahr, Cambria St, Mrs Walter Fieldes, a daughter
                    GRANT - SIMMONS, 5 Nov, by Rev E Thomas, Archibald Grant, to Miss Louisa 
                    Simmons, daughter of W Simmons, Nelson
                    HAINES - WALKER, 5 Nov, by Rev E Thomas, George Haines, to Miss Fanny Walker,
                    daughter of Charles Walker, farmer, Stoke
                    Death-- WAGSTAFF, 6 Nov, at Spring Grove, Thomas Wagstaff, 72yrs
Wed - 09 -- MACINTOSH, 7 Nov, ahr, Toi-toi Valley, wife of D Macintosh,a son
                    DAKERS, 8 Nov, at the resid of Mr Johns, Trafalgar St, Nelson, wife Dr Dakers, 
                    a daughter, stillborn
                    HENDERSON - MOULDER, 26 Oct, at Trinity Church, Greymouth, by Rev G T N
                    Watkins James, only son of George Henderson Esq, Blenheim, to Agatha Susan, youngest
                    daughter of the late Joseph Moulder Esq, Endsleigh, Orange, NSW
Thur - 10 -- HUBERT, 4 Nov, at nelson, wife of T K Hubert, MD, a daughter
                    CHAMBERLAIN - HAYCOCK, 3 Nov, at the resid of James Delaney, Motueka, by Rev
                    W G Thomas, Thomas Chamberlain, to Elizabeth, daughter of John Haycock
Mon - 14 -- LEECH, 13 Nov, Mrs W Haydon Leech, a daughter        
Tue -- 15 -- Names == Resident Magistrates Court === Richard Dolan, R Phillips, D Stewart,    
                                      A Black, J Mills, J McDonald, R Townsend, Frederick Thomason,    
                                      Elizabeth Mayo          
Wed - 16 -- EMANUEL - EDWARDS, 5 Nov, at Registrars Office, Amuri, by G W Schroder Esq,
                   Registrar, John Emanuel, to Miss Mary Jane Edwards, both of Mt Parnassus Station, Amuri   
                   === Nelson Suburbs electors who put their names to a petition =======
                           J M Pierson, W H Turner, George Blanchett, Stephen Close, John Humphries,   
                           William Rayner, Dennis Frost jun, Benjamin Gill, Henry Aldridge, Henry Flower,      
                           Thomas Dodson, George Frost, John Powell, Kenneth Ross, John Bungate,     
                           Robert Donald, Isaac Harvey, Thomas Blanchett, John Flower, C J Chamberlain,     
                           A G Brock, H Fiven, E Malcolm, R Malcolm, James Shedy, Charles Walker,        
                           Newman Boseley, John Fuller, John Walker, John Aldridge, James Mackay, A S Collins,  
                           John Wastney, Daniel Slater, William Small, William Gill, Samuel Kingdon,     
                           Alexander Wragg, John Flower, S B Silcock, Robert Hooker, A Edwards, J Cundy,    
                           W Parker, B Condell, J Smith, F Giblin, E Cresswell, R Tear, D Norgate, John Bradley,   
                           Thomas Tidd, John Morrison, W Wright, William Westley, Benjamin Lines, G Harper,   
                           F H Gapper, John Haycock, John Smith, T C Batchelor, R Pollock, R Disher, 
                           J H Sharland, Henry Dwyer, John Kidson, James Newport 
Sat -- 19 --- CASTLE - COX, 19 Nov, by Rev E Thomas, George Castle, farmer, Richmond, to
                    Mrs Mary Cox, of Nelson
Mon - 21 -- BALL, 20 Nov, ahr, Port Fruit Garden, wife of R Ball, a daughter
                    TUCKER, 21 Nov, wife of George E Tucker of Nichol and Tucker, Bluff Harbour, daug    
                    === Sworn in, members for Grand Jury  ======     
Thur - 24 -- == Item === Henry Perry, 19yrs, digger, with a claim on the Maruia is thought to have    
                                          been drowned Fri, 11 Nov        
Fri --- 25 --- Death--TARR, 25 Nov, ahlr, Washington Valley, wife of G Tarr, 76yrs    
                     == Bankruptcy === John Disher, publican, Spring Grove    
                                                       Richard Bradcock, labourer, Nelson     
Sat -- 26 --- REARDON, 26 Nov, at the resid of Mr Berry, Shelbourne St, wife of J H Reardon
                    Maude Is, Pelorus Sound, a daughter
Mon - 28 -- Nelson and Motueka cricket teams
Wed - 30 -- PHARAZYN, 28 Nov, at Khandella, Kaiwara Rd, Wellington, wife of Wm Pharazyn
                    Esq, a daughter
                    Death--CLARKE, 21 Sept, at Bridgewater, Somerset, ran over by a railway train, 
                    Frederick Ricketts Clarke, of Taunton, Somerset, brother of H L N Clarke of this city

December --- 1870

Thur - 01 -- CATLEY, 1 Dec, wife of J T Catley, a daughter
                    Death--SMITH, 1 Oct, at Nth Hallerton, Yorkshire, Lucy, 23yrs, wife of William Smith
                    and eldest daughter of late J B Hargreaves, of Nelson
Fri --- 02 --- BANNATYNE - ROSS, 1 Dec, at Trinity Church, Nelson, by Rev P Calder, Rev John
                    Bannatyne, Union Church, Picton, to Marianne Ross, widow, daughter of the late
                    Alexander Macdonald, of Blandfield house, Edinburgh
Sat -- 03 --- MACINTOSH, 2 Dec, at Nile St East, wife James Macintosh, bookbinder, a son
                    Death--JOLLIE, 30 Nov, ahr, Mount Peel, Canterbury, Francis Jollie Esq MHR
Mon - 05 -- BRADCOCK, 4 Dec, at Toi-toi Valley, Mrs Bradcock, a son
                    NICOLL, 4 Dec, at Toi-toi Valley, Mrs R Nicoll, a son
Wed - 07 -- PILLIET, 30 Nov, at Mt Leinster, Akaroa, Canterbury, Mrs W H Pilliet, a daughter
Thur - 08 -- Death--FLOWERS, 8 Dec, ahr, Spring Grove, Mr Flowers       
Sat --- 10 -- == People who will loose their shares unless they pay outstanding call on them  ====   
                          J B Armstrong, --- Buchholz, W Conway, S Cohen, R G Gibbons, Harry Hall,     
                          Henry Hammond, J Hollis, G Jones, J P Lowe, John McArtney, J T Pope, J Percy,     
                          R W Stewart, T H Scott, W C Scott, Thos Oxley, W G White, P O'Dwyer     
Mon - 12 -- MULES, 11 Dec, at the Parsonage, Spring Grove, wife of Rev C O Mules, a son
                    HARE - CROSSMAN, 1 Dec, at All Saints Church, Hokitika, by Ven Archdeacon Harper,
                    James Thomas, 3rd son of W M Hare, stationer, late of Geelong, Victoria, to
                    Anna Elizabeth, only daughter of J G Crossman, Toi-toi Valley, Nelson
                    KNYVETT - HORNEMAN, 23 Nov, at Motueka, by Rev Samuel Poole, assisted by
                    Rev Wm Ronaldson, John George Knyvett Esq, of Motueka Valley, to Frederica Jane,
                    2nd daughter of Major Horneman, JP, of Pangatotara
                    Death--GOULSTONE, 17 Dec, Cyril Thorpe, infant son of H Goulstone of Bank NSW
                                 THOMPSON, 26 Nov, at Waikato, Auckland, George, 17yrs, eldest son of
                                 George Thompson, late of Wakapuaka, Nelson
Wed - 14 -- McINTOSH, 12 Dec, ahr, Waimea Rd, wife of A McIntosh, a daughter
Thur - 15 -- Death--ERSKINE, 13 Dec, Ethel Annie, 5mths, daughter of Major the Hon E T Erskine
                                 of Suburban North
                                 WELLS, 14 Dec,  at Halifax St, the Wood, Eliza, 49yrs, wife of William Wells
                    == Item-- results of Nelson College sports ==   
                                      Nelson College exam prize list ====
Fri --- 16 --- HARRIS, 15 Dec, at Annandale, Maitai, wife of Joseph Harris, a son
                    TREGEA, 9 Dec, wife of James Tregea, a daughter, stillborn
                    WEBLEY, 12 Dec, at Motupipi, wife of J Webley, a daughter
                    Death--LOWE, 15 Dec, at Nelson, son of J T Lowe Esq, 6wks
                                 BRADSHAW, 11 Dec, at Collingwood St North, Christopher, 6mths, youngest
                                 son of Mr and Mrs Bradshaw        
                     == Inquest == John Harris Ching, 27yrs, drowned Wed evening, 14th Dec ===
                                              leaves a wife and 3 children       
                     == Bankruptcy ==Frank Rutter and Arthur Biddell, ironmongers, Nelson     
                     == Town Schools prize list ====
Sat -- 17 --- Death--HOOD, 16 Dec, Jessie, 4mths, daughter of James Hood, Waimea Rd
Mon - 19 -- LOCKETT, 18 Dec, at Wakefield, wife of Capt Lockett, a daughter      
                    == Bishops School prize list ===  
Tue -- 20 -- CHING, 17 Dec, at Stoke, wife of late John Harris Ching, a son
Thur - 22 -- DOIDGE, 22 Dec, ahr, Stoke, wife of William Doidge, a son
                    === Collingwood electors signing a petition asking Arthur Shuckburg Collins to stand     
                            for election ===== C Henry, J Halcombe, William Stuart Forbes, Bart, (?),     
                            W C Riley, Thomas A Cook, Thomas Miles, W Schater, Charles Landon , 
                            F O'Sullivan, E Jennins, James T Scrimgeor, Edward Dow, J Green, J D Baker,    
                            W R Turner, William Green, Thomas Snow, John Cann, Francis McGrane, T L Gibson,   
                            James Johns, William King, John Allen, D Angus, Reginald McGrane, George Heslop,   
                            David McCracken, Matthew Barten, John Cann jun, W J Burnett, Henry Moore,     
                            John Eyles, John Macmahon, Francis Roach, Valentine Bunkell, Sandy Gibson,     
                            Henry Carlson, Hugh Ferguson, A Hardy (his mark), James Reilly, Edmund Gardner,    
                            Charles Cates, Robert E Fellowes, S G Robinson, F T Hicks, James Bumforth,   
                            F Taylor, John Jones, John S Capstick, Alexander Bord, Henry Clark, Edward Story,     
                            John Gordon, W Rodgers, Thomas Driscoll, George Peters, Thomas B Scott,     
                            James McGowan, T C Burton, E Derenn, Charles Kidson, F Stallard, Daniel McKenzie,   
                            Thomas Heywood, Mont H Ellis, Robert Besgrove, J Bray jun, Henry Humphrey,   
                            John Mitchell, J Hambrook, Frederick Harvey,  William H R Nicholas, Stephen Harris,   
                            E Field, John Murray, Thomas Jones, Charles John Percival, C E Austin,         
                            Ernest James Tornes, John Taylor Pope, Peter Smith, William Butcher, David Farnest,   
                            Nicholas Francis, Peter Williams, George Manuel, G W W Lightband, Frederick West,  
                            Benjamin Earl, William Bray, John Bray sen, W Cole, George Joseph Hailes,   
                            Robert McGillan, William Bairford, Frederick Sparrow, James Smith,      
                            Joseph Breadmore, William Harvey, William Duncan, Thomas Bates, Daniel Bates,   
                           Henry Bates, John Rogers, Thomas Scott, Thomas Sigley, Edward Ganning          
Sat - 24 --- Report- child of George Frost aged 3 yrs, fell down a well at Wakapuaka and drowned
                   ===== List of Nelson ratepayers and amount of rates due ==========  
Mon - 26 - WRIGHT, 25 Dec, wife of Thos M Wright, a son, stillborn
                   JORDAN - HURST, 24 Dec, at All Saints Church, by Rev R J Thorpe, John Boughton 
                   Jordan, to Miss Sarah Hurst, both of Nelson
Tue -- 27 - WOOLCOTT, 25 Dec, at Bridge St, Nelson, wife of E G Woolcott, a daughter
                  ==== Items-- cricket teams- Hope, Spring Grove , Stoke and also boat races =====  
Wed - 28 - PITT, 24 Dec, Mrs Albert Pitt, a daughter
                  Death--KARSTEN, 27 Dec, ahr, Collingwood St, John Christoph Martin Karsten, 61yrs
Sat -- 31 -- RENTOUL - BURT, 1 Dec, at Motupipi, by the registrar, J Tilby Esq, Walter Oudney, 
                   3rd son of the late Major Rentoul, to Lucy, 5th daughter of H R Burt Esq, Motupipi

January --- 1871   

Tue - 03 --- === Caledonian Games ----- results    ====     
                   === Cricket match  -- Waimea E  v  Stoke  ===
Sat -- 07 -- WOOD, 6 Jan, wife of J Wood, Halifax St, a daughter
                  AUSTIN, 7 Jan, at College Hill, wife of A D Austin Esq, a daughter
                  MACKAY - WILKIE, 5 Jan, at the Mimosa's, by Rev Patrick Calder, Joseph Mackay, MA,
                  to Jessie, 2nd daughter of Wm Wilkie, Nelson
                  Death--RILEY, 5 Jan, at Collingwood, Mary, wife of John Riley     
                  === Inquest == James Hyde, Spring Grove --- drowned   
Tue - 10 -- === Bankruptcy === Michael Billows, mariner, Nelson         
                  === John Kissling, manager BNZ, Blenheim died suddenly this morning      
Wed - 11 - === Rai Valley, Motueka electors who want Sir David Munro to stand for election ==
                            H Redwood sen, H Redwood jun, James Kerr, Fred H Blundell, Mark Newth sen,     
                            Edwin Thomas, Edward Challis, Job Russ, Patrick O'Connor, W McGown,    
                            William Ratt, Joshua Bird, George Schewcher, J W Barnicoat, F D Greenwood,   
                            W Chamberlain, W Egginton, W Taylor, James Fowler jun, John Fowler sen,     
                            Alex Drummond, R J Foley, John Inglis, John Dron, William Bell, James Arnold,   
                            Thomas Eden, William D Scott,  James Tomlinson, Henry Richard Tomlinson,      
                            Joseph Tomlinson, Charles Tomlinson, George Tomlinson, John Livingston,    
                            James Gledhill, George Thorburn, John O'Connor, G S Bell, William Satherly,   
                            Thomas Atkins, W Douglas, R Trew??as, Thomas Rowling, Edward Rowling,     
                            Robert Pattie, C Thynne Thomas, E W Thomas, Charles Thomas, Henry York,     
                            David Goodall, Thomas Goodall, Adolphus Dodson, E McNabb, W Scot,       
                            Robert Staples,  John Staples sen, F C Guerin, J McDonald, J Shipley, Samuel Pinny,    
                            Charles Austin, Samuel Saxon, W Ronaldson, John Saxon, W B Wright, 
                            David Jennings, William McCall, James Plumridge, C M Gascoigne, G Gooby,    
                            E Gooby, R Lloyd, J M Code, G Code, J C McGaveston, George Remnant,     
                            George Young, Walter Guy, Walter Funnell, George Canton, John Saxton jun,    
                            J Parsons, Henry A Tarrant MPC, John Chamberlain, E Chamberlain,         
                            T Chamberlain, John Egginton, Henry Nason, William Ryder, James Locke,          
                            Robert Cross, W Giblin, Charles F Stafford, W Jones sen, R Wallis, John Alexander,   
                            Joseph Foord Wilson, B Worthington, W H Jones, L Francois, Thomas Poole,     
                            J Diggens, R Funnell, J Machonichie, W Satherley, William Wildman, Joseph R Sigley,  
                            J Deblois, T Austin, James Bradley, Stephen Eglaton, Hamilton B White, W Cook,   
                            Joseph Hewetson sen, Joseph Hewetson jun, Thomas Hewetson, George Bensemann,  
                            Diedrich Wilkens, Frederick Sixtus, F Ewers,  H Korte, C Hoffmann, W Sixtus,          
                            F Blundell, J Watkins, B Walmsley, C Kelling, F Bensemann, William Best, 
                            C H Bensemann, James Drummond, William Drummond, Henry Bensemann,      
                            John Bensemann, T  ?ade, J W C Heine, Nath Edwards, E F Burrell,Frederick Smith,    
                         --- Stade, H E Curtis, J W Greenwood     
Fri -- 13 --- KEMP, 12 Jan, Terrace, Wellington, the wife Dr Kemp, a son
                   WEBSTER, 8 Jan, wife of M M Webster a son
                   Death-- KERR, 31 Dec, at Sydney, Alexander Kerr, 43yrs, formerly manager of 
                                 Union Bank of Australia, Nelson
Mon - 16 - LAMMAS, 14 Jan, at Richmond, Mrs John Lammas jun, a son
                   Death--MONRO, Nov 3, 1870, in London, James Monro Esq, MD, late Surgeon-Major
                                to the Cold Stream Guards and brother of Sir David Monro    
Tue - 17 --- == Nelson Auxiliary Fire Brigade officers ==== Joseph Carrard, Thomas Freeman,    
                          J B Calder, J Lukins, --- Duckett, J Calder jun, J Akersten, J Jacks     
Thur - 19 -- BONNINGTON - SAYWELL, 10 Jan, at resid of father of the bride, by Rev J A Taylor,
                    Herbert Bonnington, Gordon Downs, Motueka Valley, to Susan Quafe, daughter of
                    George Saywell, Richmond
                    Death--SOLOMON, 4 Jan, ahr, North Terrace, Adelaide, Mrs Moss Solomon, mother of
                                 S M Solomon, Nelson
Fri -- 20 --- BEST - BEST, 19 Jan, at St Albans Church, Appleby, by Rev W D Rusz, John Best,
                   2nd son of Charles Best of Appleby, to Elizabeth Mary Best, of Nelson    
                    === Prize giving at St Marys School ==== Christopher Frank, H S Richards, 
                            James Speed, M Cohen, W Blick, L Cohen, A J Berry, Josh Leach, Christina Frank,   
                            Mary Kealy, Catherine Ryan, Josephine Frank, Elizabeth Thompson, Mary Gardiner,   
                            Catherine Kealy, Emily Brunetti, Elizabeth Leach, Mary Yarrall  ==== 
Mon -23 -- Death--BEALE, 22 Jan, at Wellington, Mr Beale, late clerk in Native Dept
Wed - 25 - CROSS, 23 Jan, ahr, Henry Cottage, the Rocks, Nelson, wife J S Cross jun, a daughter
Thur - 26 - ROSE, 23 Jan, at Spring Grove, wife of John Rose, a son
                   STAFFORD - FINNEY, 17 Jan, at Motueka, Charles T Stafford esq, late of Hyde Park Sq,
                    London, to Amelia Olympia, relict of the late Robert J Finney, of Panama
                    NORRIS - BORLASE, 24 Jan at St Pauls Cathedral, Wellington, by Rt Rev Lord Bishop
                    of Wellington, assisted by Rev W H Ewald, Henry Frederic Norris, eldest son of
                    H E Norris, Esq, Charmonth, Dorset, to Charlotte Emma, eldest daughter of 
                    C B Borlase Esq, Wellington, NZ
Fri --- 27 --- PICKERING, 23 Jan, wife of Francis H Pickering, a premature daughter  
                    STRUTHERS - BRADLEY, 26 Jan, at resid of brides father, William Struthers, late of
                    Westport, to Miss Lydia jane, 2nd daughter of Arthur Bradley, Stoke, Nelson

February --- 1871

Thur - 02 --- ANDREWS - LIVINGSTON, 1 Feb, at St Michaels, Waimea West, by Rev C O Mules,
                     Charles Andrews, to Miss Jane Livingston,  Nelson       
                     === Item == Norwegian and Swedish immigrants arrived at Wellington on the Celoeno     
                             on Sat ------- Gov doesn't know what to do with them now ======
Wed - 08 --- Death--ADAM, 7 Feb, at Hospital, Nelson, James Adam, 43? yrs, late of No Town,
Sat -- 11 ---- FISHER, 11 Feb, Trafalgar St South, wife T R Fisher Esq, a son
                     SADD, 12 Feb, wife of J B Sadd, a daughter
                     HUNTER - KERR, 9 Feb, at resid of brides father, by Rev E Thomas, Wm Hunter, to  
                     Magdalene, eldest daughter ofDavid Ker of Waimea South district, Nelson
Mon - 13 --- PILKINGTON - AKERSTEN, 12 Feb, by Rev E Thomas, James Pilkington, to
                     Mary Lucy, daughter of William Akersten, of Hampden St, Nelson
Wed - 15 --- Death--BRIGHT, 14 Feb, Thomas Bright, carpenter, 63yrs, one of the first body of 
                                  settlers to Nelson, arrived in the Bolton in early 1842  
Fri --- 17 --- CREAGH, 15 Feb, ahr, Russel St, the Port, wife of B B Creagh, a daughter
                     Death--ACKLAND, 6 Dec, at Nassau St, Soho, London, Mrs C Ackland, 63yrs, 
                                  sister of J B Sadd, Nelson       
                     == Item === Paul Doran dies in an accident at Wangapeka on Wed 15 Feb ===       
Sat -- 18 ---- MYERS, 9 Feb, at Motueka, Mrs J Myers, a daughter          
                     ==== Moutere Road Board rates payable by ==== Anthony, James = Alexander, John =    
                          Aitken, Robert = Auty, William = Allen, Ben S jun = Barton, William =      
                          Bensemann, C H + John + Henry + George + Fred + D + A = Barlow, W H =     
                          Bockmann, J = Bosselmann, D W + William = Bruning, M = Buxton, Edward =    
                          Best, Thomas + William = Brougham, John = Brown and Taylor = Chamberlain, John =
                          Cook, William = Cresswell and Holdaway = Collins, Arthur S = Clark, Gosling Henry 
                          Claasen, John and H = Ching, R = Davey, Samuel = Samuel jun (arreas) =       
                           William (arreas) = Darby, William = Drummond, James = Drummond, James and    
                           Daniel = Drummond, James and William = Diggens, John = Duval,H =      
                           Drogemuller, C = Evers, H J W = Eggers, H = Ewers, Frederick = Ewers, Henry =     
                           Drogemuller, William =  Edwards Bros = Fanzelow, H = Flett, James =     
                           Funnell, Walter = Funnell, Richard = Funnell, Franklyn = Funnell, Mrs = Foote, R =     
                           Garrard, Joseph = Gifford, Thomas = Gillett, John = Gay, Walter = Giblin, W (arreas)=  
                           Gardner, Isaac = Holdaway, Charles = Herrick, W J = Hoffmann, C = Hartwig, G =    
                           Hammerich, F = Heine, J W C = Hyland, Richard = Hewetson, J and Son =     
                           Hewetson, Thomas = Hollis, J = Harvey, George = Hillmer, F = Jellicoe, Frank =    
                           Jacka, Mrs = Jordan, J (executors of) = Jordan, George = Jordan, William =      
                           Jellyman = Kelling, R C F = Kelling, Charles = Knight, --- = Koite, H = 
                           Limmer, Stephen = Lock. James = Lines, George and Job (arreas) = Lankow, H = 
                           Lange, H = Maund or Mitchell (arreas) = Neumann, H = Nagel, C = North, George =   
                           Primmer, Jos = Primmer, Ben = Primmer, J W = Primmer, F = Perry, William = 
                           Prestidge, H = Price, Thomas = Pilcher, -- -- Rose = Pilcher, F (executors of) =   
                           Rose, H J C = Rover, H = Roberts, J T = Ross, James = Rennell, E G = Rout, George = 
                           Rout, William = Stringer, --- = Sinclair, George = Schildhauer, A = Stade, Fred = 
                           Stade, C = Stade, J = Strong, Samuel = Satherley, William = Story, H A =       
                           Scholly , G and W = Stelly, P = Schwass, A = Steward = Sixtus, Charles =      
                           Schwass, F or Seiboth, F (arreas) = Sixtus, William = Sixtus, Fred = Sixtus, G =     
                           Sixtus, Christian = Seiboth, F = Senior, S and Hewetson, J jun =  Tarr, --- =     
                           Thorpe, Charles = Tarrant, H A = Tannant, Richard = Thompson, T J = Thomas, James =  
                           Talbot, Robert = Tucker, M = Tucker, E = Van, H = Vyvyan, T H = Wilkins, D =     
                           Wilkins, James = Wills, James = Williams, --- = Woodcock, Thomas =      
                           Woodcock, Worthington = Woodcock, T K = Wooley, W = Wills, A F W =    
                           Yarrell, -- =    
                    ===== plus in Wed 22 paper some additions   ===== Hulpin, J (arreas) =         
                           Foresters of Nelson = Knarston and Flett = Reimstedt   = Dencker, Fred = 
                           Dencker, William = Beuke, D
Tue -- 21 --- ANDERSON, 15 Feb, at Wellington, wife of J Graham Anderson Esq, a son
                     DUPPA - MILES, 17 Dec, at St Georges, Hanover Sq, London, by the Hon and Rev
                     E-? B??g, uncle of the bride, George Duppa Esq,of Hollingbourne, Kent, to Alice 
                     Catherine, eldest daughter of P J Miles Esq, of Bolton St ?, london, and g/daughter of 
                     Sir W Miles, Bart, of Leigh Court, Somerset    
                     == Inquest === James Hughes found drowned at the Port, Nelson  Last seen alive   
                                                10pm Sun night the 19 Feb           
Fri --- 24 --- == Inquest === Mrs Elizabeth Marten, 53yrs, found dead ahr Thur 23    
Sat -- 25 --- O'SULLIVAN - ELLIS, 21 Feb, at resid of the bride,Collingwood, Nelson, by Rev Father
                    Chareyre, Francis, 6th son of John O'Sullivan, Picton, to Grace Emily, widow of the
                    late C M Ellis of Collingwood
Mon - 27 -- CLEMENS, 26 Feb, ahr, Harley St, wife of G Clemens, a daughter
                    HODGSON, 25 Feb, Mrs James L Hodgson, a daughter

March --- 1871

Wed - 01 -- BRIND, 28 Feb, Mrs A H Brind, a daughter
                    Death--MILLS, 28 Feb, Samuel Edward, 21mth, 2nd son of John Mills, Alton St
                                 HENRY, 1 Mar, ahr, Tasman St, Nelson, Mary, 37 yrs, wife of James Henry
Thur - 02 -- CARTHEW, 11 Feb, at New Plymouth, wife of Edward Carthew Esq, twin boys
                    HADDOW, 1 Mar, ahr, Washington Valley, Mrs William Haddow, a daughter
Sat --- 04 -- Death--THOMPSON, 4 Mar, Robert, 9wks, youngest son of Mr Thompson, Harley St     
                    ==Unregistered dogs ==== William Stavert, Frank Simmons, Henry Crawford,  
                                          Mary Scott, Joseph Ellis, John Whent, Samuel Wakely     =====         
Mon - 06 -- === Sworn in for Grand Jury duty     
                            Petty Jury empanelled        
Tue - 07 --- Death--GIFFORD, 5 Mar, at Stoke, Eliza Ann, 16yrs, daughter of Samuel and Eliza                                  Gifford    
                    ==== List of names of Perseverance shareholders who have enough shares to qualify       
                               as a director  (about 36)======
Wed - 08 -- FRANCOIS - TALBOT, 3 Mar, by Rev W G Thomas, Louis Francois, to 
                    Miss Sarah Talbot, both of Motueka
                    COPPINS - STAGG, 4 Mar, at Motueka, by Rev W G Thomas, W W Coppins, eldest
                    son of William Coppins, of Motueka, to Sarah Ann, 2nd daughter of Charles Stagg,
                    Waimea West
                    Death--HAYNES, 5 Mar, at Hardy St, Frank, 11wks, son of Thomas Haynes
                                 FLOWERS, 7 Mar, at Wakapuaka, suddenly, Henry T Flowers, 68yrs
Thur - 09 -- ==== Item--Alexander Millar, school boy of Cobden, drowned recently
Fri --- 10 --- NEAVE, ahr, Waimea Rd, Mrs R Neave, a son
Sat -- 11 --- FAIREY, 9 Mar, at Nile St, Nelson, wife of T H Fairey, a son
Mon - 13 -- AITKEN - PORTHOUSE, 1 Mar, by Rev W J Watkin, John Aitken, late of St Monnace, 
                    Fifeshire, Scotland, to Miss Jane Porthouse, Nelson
                    Death--COTTERELL, 11 Mar, at Crayfield, Nelson, Charles Edward Cotterell, RN, 78yrs     
                    ==== Item === Mr and Mrs Alexander Sclanders and family, long time residents of     
                                               Nelson, left on the Alhambra for England this afternoon      
Tue - 14 --- ==== A trip to Collingwood    
14 ??           TEPHCOATE, 12 Mar,ahr,  Halifax St, wife of Thomas Tephcoate, a son   
Thur - 16 -- SPEAR, 16 Mar, wife of Frederick Spear, a daughter
                    STACE - JOHNSTON, 15 Mar, at Christ Church, Nelson, by Rev G H Johnstone, Walter  
                    Maunsell Stace Esq, of Cloverside, Kaikoura, Marlborough, son of late Colonel Stace,
                    RE, to Julia, daughter of David Johnston Esq, Collector of Customs, Nelson          
                    ==== Court === Arthur Helps and Joseph Needham charged with furious driving ====
Sat -- 18 --- Death--CLARKE, 2 Mar, at resid of his nephew, R K Turner, Charles M Clarke, 68yrs,
                                 formerly of Sydney           
                    ===== Court === William Gavin, carpenter, barque Malay,    === theft
                                           R K Turner, R Bray, -- Moore    == cattle trespass      
                                           R Henry, L Manning, -- Bennett, A Helps, W R Cator, H Harman === 
                                                                                  unregistered dogs        
                                            H T Hall, Rising Sun Inn  === breach of licensing act
                                            Mark Blythe ===== maliciously damaging a dog
Mon - 20 -- Death--APPLETON, 17 Mar, at Milton-Grove St, the Wood, Bethia Hamilton, 58yrs,  
                    wife of Rev William Appleton, and daughter of the late Capt Donaldson, Royal Navy   
Tue -- 21 -- LIDGERTON - YOUNGER, 26 Dec, at the U P Church, Monkwearmouth, Sunderland,  
                    by Rev J Mathison, Miss Agnes, daughter of Thomas Younger, Borough Surveyor,  
                    and sister to Thomas Younger, of Nelson, to Thomas Lidgerton, shipbroker, son of 
                    late Richard Robinson Lidgerton, late of Monkwearmouth, England   
Thur - 23 -- Death--BEITT, 22 Mar, Louisa, wife of Henry Beitt Esq, JP, of Richmond      
Fri --- 24 --- COLLINS, 22 Mar, at Hillside, Wakapuaka, Mrs H Collins, a daughter   
                    LLOYD, 23 Mar, wife of H D Lloyd, Collingwood St, a son
                    HART - Davis, 15 Mar, at resid of Mrs Stanton, Collingwood St, by Rev E Thomas,  
                    James Hart, farmer, Richmond, to Sarah, eldest daughter of the late Rev John Davis, 
                    sometime Minister of Bridge St Chapel, Nelson
                    Death--CROSSMAN, 24 Mar, ahr, Toi-toi Valley, Mr G Crossman
Wed - 29 --- ASTLE, 28 Mar, ahr, Harper St, the wife of W Astle, a daughter
Fri --- 31 --- GROSSMAN, 30 Mar, wife of Jacob Grossman, a daughter

April --- 1871

Sat --- 01 --- Death-- AIKEN, 1 Ap, the wife of George Aiken, Waimea Rd
                                   HOWELL, 29 Dec, 1870, at Great R?burg, England, wife of Henry Howell, and  
                                   mother of Mrs David Burns of Nelson, aged 68yrs       
                     ===School Prize List == Takaka, Long Plain School  === Herbert Langford, Jessie Scott,  
                                      Jessie Spittal, Jane Hitchcock, Annie Dodson, William Goldney, Isabella Scott,  
                                      Annie McCallum, Charles Hitchcock, Eliza Mary Walker, Alfred Dodson,   
                                      Archibald McCallum, H Langford, Margaret McCallum  -- ----       
                                                     schoolmaster Mr A Langford                        
Mon - 03 --- THOMSON, 2 Ap, Mrs W Thomson, a son
Tue -- 04 --- DODSON, 2 Ap, at Blenheim, wife Henry Dodson Esq, a daughter
                     PITT - TAYLOR, 30 Mar, at Church of Holy Nativity, Blenheim, by Archdeacon Butt,
                     Henry Pitt of Blenheim, solicitor, to Mary Ann, youngest daughter of late William 
                     Taylor, of Nelson
Wed - 05 --- PHARAZYN - LOMAX, 29 Mar, by Rev W H Ewald, MA, at St Pauls, Thorndon,
                     Wellington, Robert, eldest son of Hon C J Parazyn, MLC, to Emily Waitbread Lomax,  
                     widow, 5th daughter of the late W N Cole Esq, solicitor, London
Sat -- 08 ---- BENNETTS, 8 Ap, at Waimea Rd, wife of J J Bennetts, a daughter         
                     ==== No dog tickets ===== Robert Burns, Stephen Leaver, Abraham Palmer,     
                                           Daniel Godfrey, Henry Lovell, Elijah Fuller, Wm Lloyd, Richard Roberts,   
                                           James Blick, Adam Crowdis, George Wilkes, Charles King      
                               Cattle trespass ==== George Thomas, Thomas Hunter                 
Mon - 10 --- DAVIS - JACOBS, 29 Mar, at Werescot, St Kilda, Melbourne, by Rev A F Ornestein,
                     Moss, eldest son of Hyam Davis Esq, of this city, to Leah, 5th daughter of Elias Jacobs  
                     Esq, of Grandenz, late of Manchester
                     Death--PITT, 10 Ap, Annie Ida Ruby, 3mths, daughter of Albert Pitt Esq
                                  REAY, 29 Mar, at Lampton Quay, Wellington, Mr John Reay, 38yrs          
Tue -- 11 --- PERKINS - BLYTHE, 10 Ap, at the Baptist Chapel, Bridge St, by Mr W M Biss,
                    Charles Perkins, to Miss Sarah Blythe, both of Nelson
                    STEWART - WHITE, 10 Ap, at resid of brides father, by W M Biss, John Stewart, to
                    Miss Sarah White, both of Nelson
Fri --- 14 --- Death--MOORE, 13 Ap, at resid of Mrs Snow, Waimea Rd, Mabel Mary, 6mths, 
                    daughter of Ambrose E Moore
Sat --- 15 -- CHRISTIAN, 14 Ap, ahr, Harley St, wife of M Christian, a daughter
Mon - 17 -- CORBETT, 15 Ap, Mrs W H Corbett, a daughter
Tue -- 18 --- Death--BAIN, 4 Feb, at Dublin, Lady Bain, 82yrs, widow of the late Sir William Bain RN
                                  MOREY, 18 Ap, ahr, Nelson, wife, 26yrs, of Walter Morey, and eldest daugter  
                                  of E Green, of Nelson
Wed - 19 --- Death--WEBLEY, 18 Ap, Edward, 13mth, twin son of Henry Webley, Alton St
                                  HAWDON, 12 Ap, at Christchurch, Canterbury, Hon Joseph Hawdon MLC, 57yr
Thur - 20 --- MURRELL, 19 Ap, at Dunedin, wife of E Murrell, twin sons
                     LLOYD, 18 Ap, at Upper Bridge St, wife of E Lloyd, a daughter
Fri --- 21 --- KENNING, 20 Ap, ahr, Stoke, wife of W Kenning, twin daughters
                    HODGSON, 21 Ap, wife of W C Hodgson, a son
                    Death--WRIGHT, 21 Ap, at Panama House, Nelson, Capt W R Wright, of Pangatotara,
                                 Motueka, 67yrs
                    Item--- census figures ( population numbers) for Nelson province          
Mon - 24 -- WHENT - BRAY, 20 Ap, by Rev E Thomas, John Whent, publican, to Mrs M A Bray,   
                    both of Nelson
Tue -- 25 -- CHALMERS - SCOTT, 55 Ap, by Rev E Thomas, Alexander Chalmers, carpenter and   
                    builder, to Miss Scott, both of Nelson
                    Death--STANTON, 21 Ap, drowned at Opotiki, Edward Stanton, late of Nelson     
                    === Bankruptcy === Avery Bros, flax dressers, Bridge St        
Wed - 26 -- SCOTT - PAGE, 20 Ap, by Rev Richardson, W R Scott, Master of the ps Lyttleton,   
                    to Miss Rebecca Page of Blenheim   
Thur - 27 -- SIMMONDS - HOLDAWAY, 26 Ap, by Rev W J Watkin, at resid of the brides father,
                    Rev J A Simmonds, son of J Simmonds of Spring Grove, to Sarah, 2nd daughter of 
                    John Holdaway of Richmond
                    Death--CLISSOLD, 21 Ap, S H Clissold, 4mth, son of Peter and Mary Clissold        
Fri --- 28 --- === Insolvency==Beilby Walcot, writing clerk, Nelson     
                    Vasila Mitri, a Greek -- fatal accident at Irishmans Creek, Lyell on Thur 14  April    
                    === The Valley of the Motupiko ===   
Sat -- 29 --- LEVY, 27 Ap, ahr, Waimea Rd, Mrs Morris Levy, a daughter
                    Death--SOWMAN, 27 Ap, at Nile St, Nelson, William Sowman, 52yrs

May --- 1871

Thur - 02 -- HAASE, 2 Ap, at Melbourne, wife of John Haase, compositor, a son
                    WORTHINGTON, 16 Ap, at Upper Moutere, wife of T K Worthington, a son
                    MEADS, 2 May, at Nile St East, wife of William Meads, a son
                    NEUMAN - SCHWASS, 1 May, by Rev E Thomas, William John Neuman, to
                    Miss Louisa Henrietta Schwass, both of Waimea West
Wed - 03 -- BOURKE, 1 May, wife of W J Bourke, a son
                    McARTHUR, 2 May, ahr, the Port, Nelson, wife of Findley McArthur, a son
                    SENIOR - HEWETSON, 29 Ap, at resid of brides father, by Mr W M Biss, Samuel, only
                    son of Joseph Senior of Attercliffe, Sheffield, to Elennor, only daughter of Joseph
                    Hewetson of Kendal Grove, Upper Moutere
Thur - 04 -- HILL - JARY, 3 May, at St Albans Church, Appleby, by Rev C O Mules, William, 4th son  
                    of Thomas Hill of Waimea East, to Mary Ann, 2nd daughter of Ja??ies Jary, Richmond
                    Death--WHEELER, 4th May, Jessie Maud, 10 and 1/2mths, daughter of 
                                 Capt E Wheeler, Shelbourne St             
Mon - 08 -- DAVIS - CHAMBERLAIN, at resid of John Moore, by Rev P Calder, William Davis, to
                    Catherine Chamberlain, both of Nelson    
Tue -- 09 --- BRAY, 7 May, Mrs Bernard Bray, a son
                     NALDER, 8 May, at Nile St East, wife of John Valentine Nalder, a son
                     Death--HORSFORD, 7 March, at Stanley, Kimbolton, Huntingdonshire, England,
                                  John Horsford, aged 52yrs         
                     ===== Prize list for the Richmond Agricultural Show            
                     James Baird drowned crossing the Motupipi River on Sat evening --6 May        
Wed - 10 --- HOLLOWAY - THORPE, May 9, at All Saints Church, Nelson, by Rt Rev Bishop of 
                     Nelson, assisted by Rev G H Johnstone, John Holloway, Bank of NZ, Nelson, to Anna,
                     4th daughter of the late Rev Richard Hall Thorpe, Hoyhton Parsonage, Lancashire
                     GRIFFITH - BURBUSH, 9 May, at resid of John Griffith, Wakefield, by Mr W M Biss,
                     Thomas Griffith, to Miss Ellen Burbush, both of Wakefield   
                     Death--SAXTON, 28 Ap, at Christchurch, Canterbury, of typhoid fever, Charles, 3rd son of  
                                  the late Jno W Saxton Esq, of Oaklands, Waimea East, aged 33 yrs
Fri --- 12 --- Death--HODGSON, 12 May, infant son of W C Hodgson Esq, the Wood    

May ---1871

Sat --- 13 --- Death--WEBLEY, 13 May, wife, 23yrs, of W Webley, cloth manufacturer, of this city
Tue -- 16 --- CUNDY, 14 May, at Richmond, wife of F Cundy, twins, stillborn
Thur - 18 --- NORTON, 17 May, in Wellington St, Mrs William Norton, a son
Mon -- 22 -- McRAE, 17 May, at Weldhill, Province of Marlborough, Mrs N McRae, a son
Tue -- 23 --- CRUMP, 12 May, at Taranaki, wife of Rev J Crump, a daughter
Fri --- 26 ---- Death--TUNNICLIFFE, 24 May, ahr, Upper Wakefield, the wife of Thomas Tunnicliffe sen, 62
                                   LEECH, 24 May, ahr New St, Mrs Elizabeth Leech, 70, relict of late Jonathan Leech
Sat --- 27 --- Death--BIDDLE, at Upper Wakefield, E Biddle, 50yrs
                                  BERRY, 22 May, at Westport, Rebecca Kesley, 49yrs, relict of Thomas Richard 
                                  Berry of Nelson  
Tue -- 30 --- WATTY, 27 May, at Nile St East, at Nile St East, wife of P K Watty, a daughter

June --- 1871      

Thur - 01 --- STOWE - GREENWOOD, 31 May, at Christ Church, Nelson, by Rev G H Johnstone, 
                     Leonard Stowe Esq, of Wellington, NZ, son of the late William Stowe Esq, Surgeon of 
                     Buckingham, England, to Jane, 3rd daughter of J D Greenwood Esq, of Nelson      
                     == Nebraska arrived Auck at 8 am yesterday from San Francisco with 11 passengers for     
                         Auckland  =====         
Fri --- 02 --- GRAHAM, 1 June, ahr, Waimea St,  wife of James Graham, a son
                     LUCKIE, 1 June, at Shelbourne St, Nelson, Mr D M Luckie, a daughter
                     WINTER, 26 May, at St Vincent St, Nelson, Mrs George Winter, a son
                     SEYMOUR, 5 May, at Picton, wife of H C Seymour, a daughter
Sat --- 03 --- FORBES, 3 June, at Bridgerd, Nelson, NZ, wife of Sir William Hepburn-Stuart-Forbes,
                     a son and heir
                     FRANK, 2 June, ahr, Tasman St, wife of Peter Frank, a daughter
Mon - 05 --- DONALDSON, ahr, Hardy St, wife of James Donaldson, a son         
                     ==== Divorce == James Thomas v Emily Thomas (formerly Emily Jolly, spinster of    
                                                   Blenheim) --- Elijah Bythell, co-respondent ====        
Wed - 07 --- CANNELL, 3 June, at Richmond, wife of Rev W Cannell, Wesleyan Minister, a daughter
                     FREEMAN, 6 June, at Spring Grove, wife of Thomas G Freeman, a son
Thur - 08 --- JACKSON, 7 June, ahr, Alton Place, wife Alfred B Jackson, a daughter
                     GANE, 27 May, ahr, Marlborough town, Wairau, wife of James Gane, a daughter
Mon - 12 --- BETIE, 7 June, ahr, Stoke, wife of John Betie, a daughter
                     PHILLIPS, 11 June, ahr, Mrs P Phillips, a son
Tue -- 13 --- JACKSON, wife of M W Jackson, a son   
Wed - 14 --- WESTROP, 13 June, ahr, the Port, wife of JohnWestrop, a son, stillborn
Thur - 15 --- LEVESTAM, 14 June, Mrs H A Levestam, a son
Fri --- 16 ---- ROACH - CANN, 14 June, at Takaka, by J Tilby, Francis Roach of Collingwood,
                      to Agnes, 3rd daughter of John Cann, Takaka   
                      GILROY - TAYLOR, 23 May, at resid of brides father, by Rev Father Chateyre, 
                      Patrick Gilroy, late of Carick-on-Shannon, Ireland, to Jane, 2nd daughter of 
                      John Taylor, Baton, formerly of Clapham, London
                      Death--FULLER, at Brook St, Valley, Harriet Jane, 16yrs, daughter of Elijah and Sarah 
                                   Jane Fuller         
                      ===  Election of new members for various  Education Committees   ====          
Sat --- 17 ---- SOLOMON, 16 June, ahr, Nile St West, Mrs S M Solomon, a son      
                       ==== Court == Walter Harford, Lewis Wells, Joseph Richards, Andrew Loasby,    
                                                 Edwin Thomas Mills, Evan Hargreaves, Arthur Henry Leaper,     
                                                 Frank Ricketts, James Thomas Constable, William Henry Constable,    
                                                 Thomas Woodworth -- youthful offenders charged with passing off     
                                                 counters as half sovereigns               
Tue -- 20 ---- FITTALL, 18 June, at Wakefield, wife of S Fittall, a son
Wed - 21 ---- MABIN, 19 June, wife of John R Mabin, a daughter
                      FLETCHER, 20 June, ahr, Nelson, wife of William Fletcher, a daughter
Thur - 22 ---- Death--MAJOR, 19 May, by drowning, George Major, 27, mate of the brigatine "FLIRT"   
Fri --- 23 ---- Death--HALL, 22 June, ahr, Waimea St, Nelson, Ada, 27yrs, wife of J H Hall, and eldest
                     daughter of R Smart         
Sat -- 24 ---- === A Russian, name unknown, found dead in his hut in Lightbands Gully,     
                             Golden Bay, on Tue 20th           
Mon - 26 --- Death--DAVIES, 25 June,  at Maitai, Nelson, Thomas Davies, 70yrs
Tue -- 27 --- Death--CAMPBELL, ahr, Howard Place, Edinburgh, Margaret, Dowager Lady Campbell,
                     relict of late Sir Alexander Campbell, Bart, of Aberuchill, and of Kilbryde Castle, 
Wed - 28 --- === William Beere, an old settler was killed on 17 May at Havelock        
Thur - 29 --- WATKIN, 29 June, at Wesleyan Manse, wife of Rev W J Watkin, a son      
                     === John Mounce == burned to death on Fri 23 according to the Grey River Argus      
July --- 1871

Mon -- 03--- McDONALD, 2  July, at Waimea Rd, wife of T McDonald, a daughter
Tue --- 04 --- WEBLEY, 1 July, wife of Joshua Webley, a son   
                      COOMBS, 1 July, ahr, the Wood, wife of J F Coombs, a son
                      HECTOR, 3 July, at Wellington, wife of James Hector Esq, MD, a son   
                      LLOYD, 3 July, ahr, Hardy St, wife of W Lloyd, a daughter  
Fri --- 07 ---- Death--CLOUSTON, 6 July, Jessie Mitchell, infant daug of Henry  and Mary Clouston
Sat -- 08 ----- SCOTT, 5 July, at Tasman St, Nelson, wife of Joseph Scott, a son   
Mon - 10 ---- Death--HANSON, 8 July, at Harley St, Nelson, Frederick Hanson, 4 yrs        
Tue -- 11 ---- === Mr Manson Sinclair == serious accident, not expected to live  ===        
Wed - 12 ---- Death--SCHAFER, 11 July, at Collingwood, Sarah Ann, 38, wife of William Schafer   
Fri --- 14 ---- SIMSON, 12 July, at Hopewell Cottage, Waimea Rd, Mrs James Simson, a daughter
Sat --- 15 --- GREEN, 14 July, ahr, the Sands, Stoke, Mrs E Green, a son
Mon - 17 --- Item----Death of Mr Mason Sinclair, Bronti St
Tue -- 18 --- JACKSON - HALPIN, at Cathilic Church, by Rev Father Chareyre, William, 3rd son of
                     late John Jackson, of Enfield, Middlesex, toBridget Mary, 3rd daugter of 
                     Christopher Halpin, of Navan, County Meath, Ireland
                     Death--SINCLAIR, 17 July, Manson Sinclair, 26yrs
                                  STREET, 17 July, John Street, 80yrs
Fri --- 21 ---- SMITH, 6 June, wife of James Smith, Dovedale, a daughter    
                     MACLAINE, 10 July, at Erina Run, Marlborough, wife of Alexander Maclaine Esq, daugh
                     BOOKER, 12 July, at Blenheim, wife of W Booker jun, a daughter
                     PARKER - GIFFORD, 11 July, at resid of brides father, by Rev J B Richardson,
                     William B, 6th son of the late E S Parker Esq, JP, of Mt Franklin, Victoria, to Emily,   
                     3rd daughter  of Isaac Gifford, Spring Creek, Marlborough  
                     MAXTED - HAINES, 11 July, at Blenheim, Richard Maxted, to Miss Eliza Haines,
                     of Blenheim
                     SHIRIFFS - McHUTCHESON, 11 July, at Blenheim, by Rev John Bannatyne, Rev 
                     William Shiriffs, Presbyterian Minister, Blenheim, to Wilhelmina, daughter of 
                     W McHutcheson Esq, late of HM Inland Revenue, Scotland   
Sat --- 22 --- WHITING, 21 July, ahr, Nile St East, wife of Henry Whiting, a son
Mon - 24 --- CULLEN, 23 July, ahr, Washington Valley, wife of W G Cullen, a daughter
Tue -- 25 --- TUCKEY, 13 July, at Pipitea Point, Wellington, Mrs H E Tuckey, a son
Thur - 27 --- Death--WHEADON, 11 April, at South St, Crewkerne, John Wheadon, farmer, 64yrs
                                  CAMPBELL, 20 April, at Thornhill, Scotland, Ann, 64yrs, wife of James Campbell
Fri --- 28 ---- THORPE, 27 July, at All Saints Parsonage, wife of Rev R J Thorpe, a son  
                      Death--CLARKE, 9 May, at Weymouth, Dorset, W H J Clarke, of Bath, Somerset,   
                                   brother of H L N Clarke of this city
Sat -- 29 ---- TURNER, 29 July, ahr, Russell St, Haven Rd, wife of John Turner, a daughter
                     AVERY, 26 July, at Omaka, near Blenheim, wife of William Avery, a daughter    
                     === Ploughing competition at Richmond -- place getters === T Russ = G Satherley =    
                             J Satherley = W Hill = C Eyles = W Biggar = and under 21yrs age ===    
                             T Giblin = G Russ = --- Neale  =====       
Mon - 31 --- WHITEHORN, 22 July, at Havelock, Mrs Whitehorn, a daughter
                     GREENFIELD, 30 July, at Milton St , Nelson, Mrs Greenfield, a son  
                     Death--SIGLEY, 31 July, at Toi-toi Valley, Charles Hepworth, 9 days, son of J Sigley    
                      ==== Nelson Board of Works -- nomination of members-- candidates, proposers    
                                and seconders --- D Burns = J R Dodson = J Webb = C Elliott = J Hounsell =     
                                H Levestam = C Y Fell = J P Cook = J Smith = D Burns = W M Stanton =      
                                W Lane = W Jones = C Harley = W Thomson = W Bettany = J Haines ====    
                      ==== Sworn in for Grand Jury duty == H Beitt = H Lewis = T Cawthron = J Lewis =   
                                G H Myers = J Watkins = C Watts = H Davis = D McDonald = J Scotland =    
                                H Baly = H Martin = S H Pike = T R Hodder = J Gully = J H Levien = T Mackay  
                                = D M Luckie = A Warren = J W Barnicoat  =====
August --- 1871

Tue -- 01 --- McVICAR, 30 July, ahr, Trafalgar Sq, Nelson, wife of W McVicar, a son   
Wed - 02 --- === Alhambra arrived at Bluff with passengers for Dunedin, Lyttleton and Wellington    
Thur - 03 --- ADAMSON, 3 Aug, at Collingwood St, wife of Charles Adamson, a son   
Fri --- 04 --- GARRARD, 4 Aug, ahr, Haven Rd, Mrs Joseph Garrard, a son, stillborn       
                     === Mrs Aylmer, a recent resident of Nelson died on the Rangitoto on her way to     
                     === Central Board of Education --  members and district they represent   ====     
Tue -- 08 --- LIGHTBAND, 3 Aug, Mrs M Lightband, a daughter   
                     WOODHOUSE, 7 Aug, Mrs John Woodhouse, a daughter
                     Death--ROSE, 6 Aug, at Spring Grove, Richard Glover, 6mth, son of John Rose   
Fri --- 11 --- RICHARDS, 10 Aug, at  Nile St East, wife of James H Richards, a daughter   
Sat -- 12 ---- LIGHTBAND, 6 Aug, at Collingwood, wife of G W W Lightband, a son       
                     ==== Court === James Kearse = Alfred Carter = Henry Rough =  drunk and disorderly  
                                                     and assaulting Hugh Carrigan        
                                         === James Thomas, charged by Emily Thomas, his wife, unlawfully 
                                                   deserting his children       
Mon - 14 --- McINTOSH, 12 June, at No 1 Middleton Row, Calcutta, wife of John McIntosh, a son    
Wed - 16 --- Death--SIMPSON, 16 Aug, at Washington Valley, Nelson, William, 4+1/2yrs, 2nd son   
                                 of James Simpson
Thur - 17 --- HARLEY, 11 Aug, wife of J A Harley, a daughter
Fri --- 18 ---- LEE, 15 Aug, wife of R Lee, a daughter
                     Death--DROGUET, 17 Aug, at St Marys Convent, Nelson, Madam Presoiine Droguet,
                                  Sister Mary St Stanislaus Joseph    
                     === Nevada arrives in Auckland, ---- passengers for Auckland and Melbourne    
Sat -- 19 ---- Death--SNOWDEN, at Hope, Waimea East, George Edward Snowden, 27+3/4yrs
Mon - 21 --- HAYCOCK, 16 Aug, ahr, Appleby, Waimea East, Mrs H Haycock, a daughter
                     Death--HODDER, 9 June, at Staines, England, Henry Hodder Esq, 68yrs     
                     === Mr and Mrs Domett passed through Nelson on way to England  He was one of 
                                  Nelsons oldest settlers  ----- few details of his life     
Wed - 23 --- PELLEW, 20 Aug, Mrs E T Pellew, a daughter
Fri --- 25 ---- DOUGLAS, 26 Aug, ahr, Toi-toi Valley, wife of W Douglas, a son   
Sat -- 26 ---- === Report of mortgage land sales and prices received  ====       
Mon - 28 --- BURNS, 22 Aug, ahr, Waimea Rd, Mrs Robert Burns, twin sons
                     HORNE - ANTHONY, 26 Aug, by Mr W M Biss, James P Horne, Waimea, East, to
                     Miss Mary Ann Anthony, of Upper Moutere
Tue -- 29 --- JONES, 16 Aug, at Bank NSW, Charleston, wife of Hugh Jones, a daughter
Wed - 30 --- CLARKE, 6 Aug, at Mississippi Villa, Havelock, wife of Charles A Clarke, a daughter
Thur - 31 --- Death--AUSTIN, 31 Aug, Edwin Austin, 51yrs, of Waimea Rd

September --- 1871

Sat --- 02 --- BARTLETT, 4 Aug, at Collingwood, Mrs H Bartlett, a son   
                     SMITH, 1 Sept, at the Forest Inn, Mrs Robert M Smith, a son       
Mon - 04 --- === Mary Elizabeth Lovegrove, 9yrs, at Kekerangu on Mon evening 30 Aug --drowned ==   
Tue -- 05 --- CAMERON, 3 Sept, at resid of Mr J Shepherd, Waimea Rd, wife of George Cameron
                     of Hokitika, a daughter
                     BLINCOE, 3 Sept, ahr, Waimea Rd, wife of Francis Blincoe, a son        
                     === Bankrupt -- Edwin Smallbone, writing clerk   ===      
Wed - 06 --- DONKIN - JENNINGS, 4 Sept, at All Saints Church, Nelson, by Rev R J Thorpe,
                     Herbert Donkin, to Ellen, 6th daugh of William Jennings, the Wood, Nelson
Thur - 07 --- CHANT, 5 Sept, Waimea West, wife of W H Chant, a son  
                     Death--HURLEY, 7 Sept, Margaret Hurley, 61yrs, Collingwood St, Nelson  
Mon - 11 --- HIBBLE, 8 Sept, Mrs A Hibble, a daughter       
Tue -- 13 --- ===Nebraska arrives Auckland from San Francisco, 12 Sept == 15 passengers Auckland  
Thur - 14 --- Death--SINCLAIR, 13 Sept, ahr, Bronte St, Donald Sinclair Esq, 69yrs
Fri --- 15 ---- BURLACE-POTE, 14 Sept, at Stoke, wife of William Burlace-Pote, a daughter
                     GUEST - TAYLOR, 12 Sept, at Pokororo, by Rev S Poole MA, Thomas Guest, of Baton,
                     to Miss Ann Elizabeth Taylor of Baton      
                     == Fatal boating accident == Mr Webber and Miss Caroline Reynolds of Nelson,     
                           missing and Annie Leaver, 16mths, drowned == ( inquest in Sat 16 paper )
Sat -- 16 ---- Death--WILKINS, 7 July, at Calne, Wilts, England, Lydia Fanny, 25yrs, sister of 
                                  W C Wilkins of Nelson
                                  REYNOLDS, 14 Sept, drowned Nelson harbour, Caroline F Reynolds, 20yrs,
                                  g/daughter of Adam Wallace Elmslie Esq, of Montabella, Ellenborough Park,
                                  near  Weston Super-mare, Somersetshire      
Mon - 18 ---- ==== W Wastney, MPC, died early this morning He has resided in Suburban Nth for     
                                 more than 25yrs        
                      ==== Adelina Evans, 45yrs, (married) gored to death by a cow at  Shakespeare Bay,     
                                near Picton. Only recently moved there from Takaka Valley   == 
Wed - 20 ---- Death--WROUGHTON, 17 July, at Dum-Dum, India, Colonel Frederick Turner Wroughton,
                                   CB, Bengal Infantry, aged 51yrs
                                   HANDCOCK, 13 Ap, at Clonmed, Ireland, Tobias Handcock Esq, 27 Reg,
                                   79yrs, father of Mr Handcock of Takaka
Thur - 21 ---- RICHARDSON, 20 Sept, ahr, the Port, wife of J M Richardson, a daughter
Fri --- 22 ---- Death--BUSBY, 15 July, at Anerley, near London, James Busby Esq, of Waitangi,     
                      Bay of Islands, formerly British Resident in NZ, aged 72yrs      
Mon - 25 --- GRUNT, 17 Sept, at resid of her father, Nelson, wife of Archibald Reacock Grant, daugh
Tues - 26 --- === Bankruptcy == John MUNRO, publican, the Grove, Marlborough     
                                                  == George HARRIS, writing clerk, Nelson         
Fri --- 29 ---- RENTOUL, 19 Sept, at Fortchester, Motupipi, wife of Walter O Rentoul, a daughter     
Sat -- 30 ---- WAKELIN, 29 Sept, ahr, Waimea Rd, wife of James Robert Wakelin, a son  

October --- 1871

Mon - 02 --- === Mrs Rohloff, wife of Carl Rohloff, baker, Hokitika --- death ==   
Tue -- 03 --- MYERS, 3 Oct, wife of Morris Meyers Esq, a son    
                     MILLS, 4 Sept, at Hopai, Pelorus Sound, wife of T H Mills, a daughter   
Wed - 04 --- WINTER, 29 Sept, at Brook St Valley, wife of Wm Winter, a son    
                     === Jackson, shoemaker, Blenheim,  --- suicide ===
                     === Mr Joseph Kilgour, Greymouth ---- death ===
                    STEVENS, 1 Oct, ahr, Waimea Rd, wife of Richard Stevens, a son     
Fri --- 06 --- WHEELER, 6 Oct, at Shelbourne St, wife of Capt Wheeler, a son       
Tue - 10 ---- === Isador HAMMEL, driver of one of Lewis's  mail coaches drowned in the Opawa River   
                             near Blenheim, on Fri 6   =====
Thur - 12 --- WARREN, 9 Oct, at Nile St East, wife of Alfred Warren, a son   
Fri --- 13 ---- BEATSON, 8 Oct, at Ngatimoti, Mrs Arthur Beatson, a son   
                     GUEST - TAYLOR, 12 Sept, at Pokororo, by Rev S Poole, Thomas Guest, 3rd son of
                     John C Guest,of Kent, Eng, to Miss Ann Elizabeth Taylor, eldest daughter of 
                     John Taylor, Baton Hotel, formerly of Clapham, England     
Sat --- 14 --- === Nevada arrived Auckland on Thur 12 from San Francisco -- passengers for  Auckland   
                             and Pt Chalmers           
Mon - 16 --- Death--EVES, 14 Oct, late of Spring Grove, William Eves, 65yrs    
Wed - 18 --- DRANE, 14 Oct, ahr, Alton St, Mrs J G Drane, a daughter   
Sat --- 21 --- EDLESTEN, 9 Oct, at Riwaka, wife of J S Edelsten, a son       
Fri --- 27 ---- === Alhambra, arrived today at Bluff from Melbourne -- pasengers for  Otago and     
                             Wellington  and for Nelson  == Mr Warmoll                
Mon - 30 --- GARRARD - WASTNEY, 28 Oct, at St Andrews Church, Suburban Nth, by Rev G H  
                     Johnstone, Thomas Garrard, Nelson, to Miss Mary  Wastney, Suburban Nth    
Tue -- 31 --- === People supporting a Foxhill railway scheme ==== M Myers = James T Lowe =     
                             Wm Stavert = Robert Lucas = John Thornton = H Goodman = William Healy =    
                             Wm H West = Thomas R Fisher = William Evans = Thos Askew = Henry Baly =    
                             John R Mabin = George B Sinclair = Joseph H Levien = Robt Burn =      
                             Geo Bonnington = Eli Barnes = Fras J Blundell = J W Wigzell = S M Solomon =    
                             George Harper = Peter Cooke = John Jervis = J P Speed - Edward Buxton and Co =  
                             James P Black = Theodore  Wm Rentoul = Thos Newton = A Hibble = H C Wilson =  
                             John M Richardson = H G Gouland = W Milner = H J L Augarde, John Pratt =   
                             Henry Drew = Thomas McDonald = Alfred B Jackson = John Tregea = 
                             Jno Moutray = A W Scaife = W Harper = H Davis, W Russell = T S Wymond and Co   
                             = T Cawthron     ====    

November --- 1871

Thur - 02 --- Death--BUDGE, 30 Oct, at Blenheim, William Budge, surveyor, aged 55yrs
Fri --- 03 ---- BARTLETT, 21 Oct, at Collingwood, wife of Charles Bartlett, a daughter   
                     GILBERT - CROUCHER, 31 Oct, at Motupipi, by Rev W G Thomas, George C Gilbert, 
                     to Grace, youngest daughter of John Croucher, Wellington
Sat --- 04 --- Death--GUNN, 3 Nov, at hospital, John Gunn, aged 44yrs
Mon - 06 --- SHEATHER, 4 Nov, wife of L Sheather, a daughter   
Tue -- 07 --- PARKER, 4 Nov, ahr, Stoke, wife of William Parker, a son
Thur - 09 --- DELANEY, 7 Nov, at Motueka, Mrs John Delaney, a son
                     O'REILLY - BLACKWOOD, 24 Oct, at St Marys Church, Auckland, by Ven Archdeacon
                     Maunsell, Caleb Barnes O'Reilly Esq, youngest son of the late C B O'Reilly Esq, Dublin, 
                     and g/son of the late Fleming Pinkston O'Reilly `Esq, treasurer for the County of Meath, 
                     Ireland, to Sophie, 2nd daughter of John O  R Blackwood Esq, Ballymenoch House,  
                     Holywood, County Down, Ireland
                     Death--WAKELIN, 9 Nov, at Waimea Rd, infant son, 6 wks, of J R Wakelin      
                     === Nebraska arrived Auck 9am Tue from San Francisco  passengers for Auck and     
                             Lyttleton  ===        
Mon - 13 --- === Cricket ==== Motueka v Riwaka   ====                  
Wed - 15 --- Death--MARSHALL, 15 Nov, at Port Nelson, Mrs Esther Marshall, 64, of Motueka
Thur - 16 --- Death--LEWIS, 16 Nov, at Washington Valley, Ellen Goulstone Lewis, 48yrs, late of 
                                  Llandovery, Caermarthenshire, and Merthyr Tydfil, Glamorganshire, St Wales   
Fri --- 17 --- LITTLE, 16 Nov, wife of J K Little, Hardy St, a son  
                    GANE, 9 Nov, at Park Farm, Spring Creek, wife of F J Gane, a daughter
                    Death--NEWMAN, 16 Nov, at Lower Wakefield, Alfred Newman, 26yrs   
Sat -- 18 --- FOGDEN, 15 Nov, at Grove St, Mrs Fogden, a daughter   
                    ==== James Hedge, miner, fatal accident at Inangahua on Wed 15 ======
Mon - 20 -- Death--CROSS, 19 Nov, at St Leonards, Amuri, George, 26yrs, 2nd son of J S Cross,
                                 Harbourmaster of this port     
                    ==== Sworn in for Supreme Court jury duty  ========      
Tue -- 21 -- CHING - DOIDGE, 18 Nov, at Nelson, by Rev E Thomas, James, 3rd son of Richard
                    Ching, Stoke, to Mary Ann, 2nd daughter of John Doidge of the same place     
Thur - 23 -- Item--- funeral of a volunteer----- Alfred Newman
Fri --- 24 --- KEILL - MOORE, 20 Nov, at the Scotch Church, by Rev P Calder, James Keill,
                    Dovedale, to Jane, 3rd daughter of C Moore, Nelson    
                    === Alhambra arrived at Bluff this morning with passengers for Dunedin , Wellington    
                            and Mrs and Master Horne for Nelson  ======       
Sat -- 25 --- THOMSON, 24 Nov, ahr, Haven Rd, wife of J P Thomson, a son  
Mon - 27 -- ROBINSON, 25 Nov, at Washington Valley, wife of John Robinson, Engineer of
                    SS Kennedy, a son
                    Item---- fatal accident to Mr George Cross
Wed - 29 -- WHITE, 28 Nov, ahr, Trafalgar Sq, Mrs Henry White, a daughter
                   GULLY - HODGSON, 25 Nov, at All Saints Church, by Rev R J Thorpe, Phillip Lewis,  
                   eldest son of John Gully Esq, of Nelson, to Mary Elizabeth, eldest daughter of the late 
                   B O Hodgson Esq
Thur - 30-- CRESSWELL - ST JOHN, 29 Nov, at the Wesleyan Church, Stoke, by Rev W Cannell, 
                   William Daniel, eldest son of Edward Cresswell, Stoke, to Fanny Elizabeth, only 
                   daughter of late John St John, of Auckland, formerly of Nelson    

December --- 1871

Mon - 04 -- Death--NEALE, 4 Dec, at resid of her father, Waimea Rd, Isabella Bournman, 8+1/2yrs   
                                 eldest daughter of John and Annie Neale
Wed - 06 --- BIRD, 6 Dec, Mrs Charles Bird, Trafalgar St, a son
                     ANDREWS, 2 Dec, at Manuka St, wife of C Andrews, a son
Thur - 07 --- McGEE, 4 Dec, wife of Charles McGee, Nelson Hotel, a son
                     BARNETT, 7 Dec, wife of A W Barnet, a daughter
Tue -- 12 --- Death--Palmer, 4 Nov, at Sydney, Henry Palmer, brother of John Palmer of Waimea West Hotel
                                  KEMPTHORNE, 10 Dec, at Wellington, Frederick Kempthorne, 32yrs, of   
                                  HM Customs, eldest son of S Kempthorne Esq, JP, Auckland     
                     ==== Cricket == Wakefield v Motueka    ==== 
Wed - 13 --- Death--CONNEL, 30 Nov, ahr, Karangahape Rd, Auckland, Thomas Connell, solicitor,  
                                  late of Cork, Ireland
                                  BLINCOE, 12 Dec, ahlr, Toi-toi Valley, Francis Blincoe, 81yrs, one of the early
                                  settlers of Nelson
                     ====== Rates assesments =====  names and amounts for Nelson == large number     
Thur - 14 --- AITKEN, 13 Dec, ahr, Gloucester St, Mrs John Aitken, a son
Fri --- 15 --- MILLER, 15 Dec, wife of C Miller, a daughter    
Sat --- 16 --- ==== Nelson College prize list and scholarships ========
Mon - 18 --- BRADSHAW, 16 Dec, wife of Thomas Bradshaw, Collingwood St, a daughter     
                     ==== Bishops School prize list    =====
Tue -- 19 --- Death--CARSTENS, 17 Dec, at Greymouth, Mr William Carstens, native of Schelswig,
                     Holstein, late Master of the Mary Louisa, aged about 35yrs     
                     === College sports results === see also Wed 20 for more results  =======       
Wed - 20 --- WRIGHT, 18 Dec, wife of R T Wright, Nile St, a son
                     JENNINGS, 20 Dec, wife of J Jennings, Nile St West, a daughter
Fri --- 22 --- Death--BLICK, 21 Dec, ahr, Brook St Valley, Mrs Hannah, Blick, 78yrs, relict of the
                                 late Thomas Blick        
                     === Motueka Gov Schools ----- results   ====
                     ==== Cricket === Richmond  v Waimea  ===       
                     ===  Goldmining leases at Wangapeka for == Donald McKay = John Stanger =   
                              James Anderson = John Bailie = John Everett = Alexander Thompson = Peter Watt =    
                              Leonard Truelove = William O'Brien = Joseph Baigent = Levi James =      
                              George Verry = Thomas Marshall = W R James = William Newton = A F James = 
                              Henry Mallett = J E Jessop = James Anderson = John Wagstaff = Roger Pollock  as  
                              curator = William Griffith = Samuel Baigent  ======
                    ==== Prize list for Town and Country Schools  ========   
Tue - 26 --- HODSON, 25 Dec, at Thurston Cottage, Blenheim, wife of Jas E Hodson Esq, a son
                    Death--SCOTT, 24 Dec, Mrs R Scott, 64yrs, wife of Capt R Scott
Wed - 27 -- BERRY, 24 Dec, at Suburban Nth, wife of T Berry, a son
                    WHEADON - READER, 20 Dec, by Rev E Thomas, John Wheadon, to Miss Reader,
                    both of Nelson
                    SIGLEY - MACFARLANE, 24 Dec, by Rev E Thomas, Joshua Sigley, to Mrs Mary 
                    Macfarlane, both of Nelson
Thur - 28--- JACKSON, 18 Dec, wife of Jas Jackson, Harper St, a daughter   
                    BROAD - BEALL, 24 Aug, at St Marys Billericay, Essex, by Rev Wm Ismay, assisted
                    by Rev Walter East, Vicar of Hounslow, and Rev R C Webb, Vicar of St Marys Billericay, 
                    Alfred Audrey, 6th son of the late Rev John Broad, of Hitchin, Herts, to Jessie Mary, 
                    3rd daughter of Wm Beall Esq, Mountnessing Grange, Billericay   
                    BEALL - LUCAS, 24 Aug, as above but William Grierson, eldest son of Wm Beall Esq, to 
                    Mary Annie Lucas, daughter of William Lucas Esq, of Billericay   
                    BROAD - BROAD, 14 Sept, at St Marks, Reigate, Ernest Broad Esq, of Rood Lane, and 
                    Fernside, Bickley Park, son of the late Rev J Broad of Hitchin, Herts, to Charlotte
                    Elizabeth, 2nd daughter of P Broad Esq, of Beechwood, Reigate    
                    Death--JACKSON, 27 Dec, wife of James Jackson, 39yrs        
                    ===== Lower Wakefield prize list  ============               
Fri --- 29 --- Death--WAKEFORD, at Collingwood St, Nelson, Samuel Wakeford, 42yrs
                                 ANDERSON, 27 Dec, at Nelson Hospital, John Anderson, miner, late from
                    ===== Inquest into death of John Anderson    ============         

January --- 1872
Tue --- 02 --- NAYLOR, 30 Dec, Mrs G Naylor, a daughter       
                      === Caledonian Sports results  ====     
                      === Married  v Single  cricket    ====
Wed -- 03 --- WRIGHT, 22 Dec, at Picton, wife of T M Wright, a daughter  
                      SEYMOUR, 22 Dec, at Picton, wife of his honour A P Seymour Esq, a son
                      Ray, 26 Dec, at Cobden, wife of R Ray, a son
                      Death--FELL, 2 Nov,1871, ahr, Greenwich, near London, Alfred Fell Esq, late of Nelson, NZ
                                   Arrived in Nelson on "Lord Auckland" in Feb 1842 and returned to Eng about 1857
                      Item--- fatal accident--Robert Blaymire, an old settler of Marlborough, 0n 27 Dec   
                      ===  List of ratepayers affected by the new sewage works ======
Thur - 04 --- WALCOT, 2 Jan, Mrs R B Walcot, a daughter
                     RENWICK - SMITH, 4 Jan, at Presbyterian Church, Nelson, by Rev Patrick Calder, Hon  
                     T Renwick MD, to Annie, 2nd daughter of John Smith, Aberdeen, Scotland     
Fri --- 05 --- === Bankruptcy ==George Charles Anderson, accomodation house keeper, Upper Buller  
Wed - 10 --- Death--WARREN, 10 Jan, Percy, 3mth, son of Alfred Warren Esq
Thur - 11 --- HAMILTON, 7 Jan, at Beachville, wife of H Hamilton, a daughter
                     HOLYOAKE - JACKA, 30 Dec, at St Thomas Church, Motueka, by Rev S Poole, assisted
                     by Rev T L Tudor, Thomas Holyoake of Riwaka, to Miss Laura Ellen Jacka
                     McLEAN - LODDER, 18 Dec, at St Thomas Church, Motueka, by Rev S Poole,
                     William McLean of Riwaka, to Miss Jane Lodder   
                     MALPAS - SAXON, 12 Dec, at St Thomas Church, Motueka, by Rev S Poole,
                     Charles Malpas Esq, of Ngatimoti, to Susan Neate, daught of John Saxon Esq, Wakarewa   
                     Death--McEACHEN, 10 Jan, ahr, Alton St, Mrs Maria McFachen, 62yrs          
                     === Inquest == into death of  Maria McEachen   ==
                     === Missed from the prize list for Motueka Gov Schools == Morris Buchholz and  
                             Louis Buchholz  ====      
Sat --- 13 --- === Inquest == Hugh Patchell, miner, Fox Creek, Hokitika, death   ===    
Tue -- 16 --- NICE - AUSTIN, at the Registrars Office, Motueka, William Nice, of Motueka, to
                     Annie, only daughter of the late Edward Austin, Nelson   
Thur - 18 --- === St Marys School boys prize giving  ====
Fri --- 19 ---- FOY, 7 Jan, the wife of T H Foy, a daughter   
                     MAVOR - HARDY, 19 jan, at resid of brides father, by Rev E Thomas, John Mavor, of 
                     Charleston, to Sarah Elizabeth, eldest daughter of J Hardy of Nelson
                     Death--FOY, 19 Jan, Eliza,33yrs, wife of T H Foy  
Sat --- 20 --- ORCHARD - LUCAS, 16 Jan, at St Johns, Wakefield, by Rev R J Thorpe, Charles
                     Orchard, of Upper Motueka Valley, to Mary, eldest daughter of James Lucas,
                     Brook St, Nelson    
                     === Extensive fire at Stanley Brook  ===
                     === Richmond  v  Waimea W --- cricket ====
Mon - 22 --- Death--BEST, 21 Jan, at Appleby, Ann, 52, wife of Charles Best    
Tue -- 23 --- ===  Charles Theomartyr Stafford, Motueka --- sudden death ==
                              Inquest reported Wed 31 Jan  ======     
Wed - 24 --- ==== Archibald Dewar, miner, Upper Buller, accidental death, Tue 16 ====
Thur - 25 --- RICKETTS - COX, 24 Jan, at St Johns, Wakefield, by Rev C O Mules, John James 
                     Ricketts, to Mary Ann Cox   
                     ===== St Marys Girls School prize giving    ======
Fri --- 26 --- CONSTABLE, 25 Jan, wife of F Constable, Nile St East, a daughter  
Sat --- 27 --- COCKRAM, 25 Jan, ahr, Waimea Rd, Wife of John Cockram, a son, stillborn
                     Death--WARNER, 26 jan, at the Wood, Nelson, Amelia, 18yrs, daug of Richard Warner   
                                 MURRELL, 25 Jan, at Dunedin, Charles, 9mth,twin son of Edward and Mary Ann Murrell   
Mon - 29 --- WILLSON, 29 Jan, ahr, Alon St, Mrs A Willson, a son     
Tue -- 30 ---- ==== Ngatimoti School prize list  =======

February --- 1872

Fri --- 02 ---- OWEN, 20 Jan, wife of Thomas Owen, Haven Rd, a son      
Sat --- 03 --- === Provincial Scolarship candidates    =====       
Fri --- 09 ---- === Nevada arrived Auckland on 7th from San Francisco --- passengers for Auckland ===   
Mon - 12 --- HOOK, 10 Feb, at Tasman St, the Wood, wife of John Hook, a daughter
                     Death--WELCH, ahr, Hardy St, Thomas H Welch, 42yrs   
                     ==== Forfeited leases === Askew, W and P = Jackson, H D = Lyford, A = Limmer and    
                               others = Martin, G = McIntosh, A = Newport, H = Parker, C = Power, W =     
                               Parish, W = Thomas, J = ===   
Tue -- 13 --- HOLLOWAY, 12 Feb, at Bank NZ, Nelson, Mrs J Holloway, a daughter  
                     ==== Bankruptcy ==== Walter Harry Cousins, storekeeper and bootmaker ====      
Wed -- 14 -- ==== Wesleyan Church appointments for NZ for 1872 - 73 year
Fri --- 16 ---- AVERY, 10 Feb, at Washbourne Bush, Aorere, wife of John Avery, a son  
                     DOIDGE, 15 Feb, ahr, Stoke, wife of William Doidge, a daughter  
                     Death--FELL, 9 Feb, accidental drowning Queen Charlotte Sound, Samuel Irton Fell,  
                                  of Brooklyn, Arapawa Is  
                     Item--- details of drowning
Sat -- 17 ---- Death--BLICK, 13 Feb, at resid of George Blick, Nelson, Dora, 4yrs, daughter of 
                                  William Blick of Blenheim
Mon - 19 --- Death--YULE, at Masterton, Wairarapa, at the resid of her father, Susannah, 21, wife of 
                                  Alexander Yule jun     
Tue -- 20 --- PITT, 20 Feb, at Blenheim, Mrs Harry Pitt, a daughter   
Thur - 22 --- COWLES, 10 Feb, at Riwaka, Mrs E Cowles, a son
                     ELOY, 21 Feb, at Cambria St, the Wood, wife of W Elroy, a son
Fri --- 23 ---- DAVIS, 17 Feb, at Nile St East, Mrs Moss Davis, a son
                      ELVY, 21 Feb, at Cambria St, the Wood. wife of W Elvy, a son
                      HARRIS, 23 Feb, at Annandale, Maitai, wife of Joseph Harris, a daughter
Sat --- 24 ---- Death--BURNETT, 24 Feb, ahr, Waimea St, James Burnett, 46yrs     
Mon - 26 ---- ==== Thomas John Tester ----- charged with wife desertion  ======       
Tue -- 27 ---- GILROY, 27 Feb, at Collingwood St, Mrs Gilroy, a son
Wed - 28 ---- Death--HUDDLESTON, 28 Feb, at the Cliffs, Nelson, Octavia Maria, 23yrs, daughter
                                   of Frederick Huddleston Esq

March --- 1872

Mon - 04 ---- MULES, 3 Mar, wife of Rev C O Mules, Spring Grove Parsonage, a son       
                      ===== Motueka  v  Riwaka -- cricket  ===         
Wed - 06 ---- ==== Mr Archibald Bonar, an old resident of Hokitika,  death ===
                      ==== Prize shooting competitors  ===== 
Fri --- 08 ---- MACKAY, 8 Mar, at Highbury, Mrs T Mackay, a son
                      WHITING, 7 Mar, at Brook St Valley, wife of David Whiting, a son  
Sat --- 09 ---- MILLER - VOLLER, 1 Mar, at Tichmond, by Rev W Cannel, H Miller, to Elizabeth
                      Voller, both of Nelson
Mon - 11 ---- Death--CLARKE, 6 Mar, at resid of her father Karangahape Rd, Auckland, Annie, 7 mths, 
                                  daughter of Charles and Marianne Clark
Tue -- 12 ---- CLINCH - ROWBOTHAM, 4 Mar, by Rev E Thomas, Stephen Clinch, to Sarah,
                      youngest daughter of James Rowbotham, farmer, Stoke  
                      ==== Stoke  v  Spring Grove -- cricket ====
Wed - 13 --- CARTER, 13 Mar, at Hardy St, Mrs Alfred Carter, a daughter
Thur - 14 --- GARDNER - WARNOCK, 11 Mar, by Rev E Thomas, Thomas Gardner, to Mrs Warnock, 
                     both of Nelson
                     McRAE - MacSHANE, 14 Mar, at Christ church, Nelson, by Rev G H Johnstone,
                     Richard England, youngest son of the late George McRae Esq, of Blairich, Awatere,
                     Marlborough, to Florence, youngest daughter of the late Alexander MacShane Esq,  
                     surgeon, of Nelson  
Sat -- 17 ---- BOVEY, 8 Mar, ahr, Stoke, Mrs Bovey, a son
Mon - 18 --- FELL, 14 Mar, at St Johns, wife of Charles Y Fell, a daughter
Tue -- 19 --- JORDAN, 15 Mar, at Motueka, Mrs J B Jordan, a daughter  
                     BOYD - PAHL, 19 Mar, by Rev E Thomas, William Boyd, to Miss Pahl, both of Nelson  
                     Death--HARRINGTON, 18 Mar, at the Schoolhouse, Richmond, James B F Harrington, 62 
Thur - 21 --- LLOYD - ANTHONY, 19 Mar, at Wakefield, by Rev D Dolamore, George Lloyd, of 
                     the Buller, to Miss Jane Anthony, Waimea South
Fri --- 22 --- OSBORNE, 20 Mar, ahr, South St, Mrs W F Osborne, a son
                     Death--JENNENS, 22 Mar, at Grove St, the Wood, Sarah Ann, 54, wife Charles Jennens   
                     ==== William Goodwin --- attempt suicide ====
Sat -- 23 --- ADAMS - MILES, 21 Mar,at resid of brides father, Collingwood, Thomas Adams, mining 
                    manager, eldest son of the late John Adams Esq, of Stoney Lowe, Newcastle, Staffordshire 
                    to Caroline Jane, 4th daughter of Thomas Miles, late of Chippenham, Wilts    
                    Death--CARTER, 23 Mar, infant daughter of Alfred and Ellen Carter, aged 12 days
Tue -- 26 -- HOOPER, 24 Mar, at Milton St, the Wood, wife of T Hooper, a son
Wed - 27 -- Death--BURNETT, 26 Mar, 13mth old son of Mr and Mrs H Mitchell Burnett, Russel St  
                    ==== Collingwood Road Board === names and amounts due from ratepayers =====      
                         Adams, Henry = Adams, W  = Aitken, Robert = Ainsworth, James = Akersten, W   
                         (trustees of) = Allport, Henry = Ayers, Charles = Allen, Henry = Arnold, A =    
                         Bain, --- = Bartlett Bros = Berry, F T = Barleyman, John = Barry, William =     
                         Berry, A C (assigns of) = Bell and Renwick = Brooks, A W = Biggs, George = 
                         Buxton, Edmund = Bishop of NZ = Baigent, E = Bishop, W = Cook, T A (arreas ) = 
                         Carrie, Mrs S = Champion Bros = Clear, Owen = Connell and Ridings = Clark, Dr = 
                         Curtis, Brothers = Cattew, Richard = Curtis Wells and Curtis = Clarke, Mrs John      
                         (arreas) = Curtis, S S = Dow, Edward = Duncan, Andrew = Duppa, George =    
                         Davis, Wilkie and Watkins = Davidson, Alexander = Davis, H = Ellis, M A sen (arreas)  
                         = Ellis, M M = Ellis, C M (executors of) = Ellis, John = Farnell, William = 
                         Fields, William = Frazer, James = Fell, Alfred = Gibbs, William = Gilbertson, David =   
                         Greenwood, J D = Gorrie, James jun = Green, John = Gouland, H G = Greaves, --- = 
                         Green, Mrs = Harris, Maurice = Harris, Charles (arreas) = Hayes, J R (executors of) =   
                         Hart, George = Harman, Alfred (arreas) = Heyward, Thomas = Heyward, William =     
                         Hooper, J R = Hughes, Benjamin = Halcombe, Rev C H J = Hutchinson and Nicholson  
                         = Hackett, T R = Hopwood, T = Jellicoe, Frank = Jenkins, A G = Joseph and Weil     
                        (assigns of) = Johnston, D sen = James, John = Kerr, Alex = Keith, A = Leckie, John =   
                        Levien and Co (assigns of) = Langdon, T = Lamb, E W = Lusty, Francis =     
                        Lewthwaite, John = Lucas, R S = McKenzie, James = Mackay, James jun =      
                        Mackay, Alexander (arreas) = Moore, Daniel (executors of - arreas)= Munro, Sir D = 
                        Mortimer, --- = McArtney, Robert = Miles, J W = Pember, J E R = Paul, Archdeacon =   
                        Poynter, John (executors of) = Phillips, Phillip = Prichard, Evan = Preston, --- =      
                        Renwick, Thomas = Reilly, James = Ross, John = Ridings, George = Reid, Elizabeth =  
                        Rodgerson, J W = Reardon, Stephen = Schafer, William = Sclanders, David =      
                        Smith, Lawrence = Skilton, John = Salmon, Edward = Stewart and Kinross =       
                        Strange, Robert = Thompson, William = Travers, W T L = Taylor, Frederick = 
                        Vaughan, Benjamin = Walker, J sen = Warnock, --- = Webb, Joseph = Weld, F A =   
                        Williams, William = Wilkie and Connell = Washbourne, W E  ======== 

April --- 1872

Mon -- 01 --- === Victoria  v Waimea Rd  --- cricket match 
Wed -- 03 --- Death--GLOVER, 1 Ap, Grace, 6mth, daughter of John and Bridget Glover   
Thur -- 04 --- WATKINS, 28 Mar, at Wakefield, wife pf J Watkins, a son
                      GRIFFITH - DRON, 3 Ap, at Spring Grove, by Rev D Dollomore, John Griffith jun, of  
                      Wakefield, to Elizabeth, daughter of John Dron, Spring Grove   
Sat --- 06 ---- LIVICK, 5 Ap, at Milton St, wife of J Livick, a son
                      WIX - DODSON, 6 Ap, at St Barnabas, Stoke, by Rt Rev Bishop of Nelson, Arthur
                      McKellar, late HM 5th Fusiliers, and eldest son of Samuel Wix Esq, of Broadwater
                      Down, Tunbridge Wells, Kent, to Emma, 2nd daughter of J R Dodson Esq, Nelson, NZ     
                      ==== Riwaka  v  Takaka --- cricket  
Mon - 08 ----CHATTOCK - ALFORD, 2 Ap, at All Saints, Nelson, by Rt Rev Bishop of Nelson,   
                      Richard Chattock, of Wakefield, to Hannah, daughter of the late J Alford Esq, of
                      Lincolnshire, England       
Tue -- 09 ---- GRUT, 4 Ap,ahr, Smiths Trce, Greymouth, Mrs Alfred Grut, a son
                      =====  Stoke v  Richmond -- cricket ---- juvenile teams
Wed - 10 ---- MUNCASTER - RANKIN, 28 Mar, by Rev W J Watkin, George Muncaster, of Douglas, 
                      Isle of Man, to Miss Jane Elizabeth Rankin of Nelson
Thur - 11 ---- BRADLEY - OLIVER, 10 Ap, at resid of bridegrooms father, by Rev W J Watkin, 
                      Alfred William, youngest son of Arthur Bradley of Stoke, to Mary, 3rd daughter of the   
                      late John Oliver of Nelson   
Sat --- 13 ---- 9 Ap, at St Thomas's, Motueka, by Rev S Poole the following marriages
                      TUDOR - BURRELL, Rev T L Tudor, of Picton, Marlborough, to Emma Hardy, 2nd
                      daughter of the late Thomas Gibbard Burrell Esq, of Blackheath, Kent   
                      CHAYTOR - BURRELL, Arthur, 4 son of John Clervaux Chaytor Esq, of Croft,
                      Darlington, Eng, to Mary Ellen Gibbard, youngest daughter of the above T G Burrell
                      LUXTON - BISHOP, Robert Willoughby Luxton Esq, eldest son of Robert Luxton Esq, 
                      of Brushford, Devon, to Alice Lucy, 2nd daughter of Rev Alfred Bishop, Rector of
                      Bramdean, Hants, and g/daug of the late Sir James and Lady Frances Wedderburn   
Mon - 15 ---- COWIE - PETER, 30 Jan, at 29 Albyn Place, Aberdeen, by Rev George Peter, of Kemnay,
                      George Cowie, Assistant Inspector of Union Bank of Australia, to Frances, younger 
                      daughter of the late Rev James Peter of Leslie   
Tue -- 16 ---- Death--SHEPPARD, 15 Ap, ahr, Waimea Rd, Mr John Sheppard   
Wed -- 17 --- ==== Ploughing match at Stoke -- only open to residents of the district  ====        
                                J Paynter = H Ching = J Doige = T Giblin = C Norgate = H Parker = C Ching ===
Fri ---- 19 --- ====== prize winners at a show at Richmond  ========
Sat --- 20 --- MILNER, 20 Ap, at Trafalgar St, wife of Mr Milner, a son
                     Death--HILL, at resid of his sister, Mrs Scadden, Washington Valley, William Hill, 48yrs  
Mon - 22 --- ROCHFORT, 12 Ap, at Motupipi, Mrs John Rochfort, a daughter   
                     Death--McCOLL, 21 Ap, at Nelson, William McColl, 41yrs   
                     === Candidates for member for Grey Valley  == F Guiness, Ahaura = J W Jones, No Town  
                            = Arthur Ellis, Nelson Creek = J Taylor, Cobden = A E Drury and C H Crampton,     
                            Reefton =======
                     Item---Talk of building a butter factory in Otago   
Tue -- 23 --- NALDER, 21 Ap, wife of F N Nalder, a daughter
Wed - 24 --- SQUIRES - SIMPSON, 23 Ap, at resid of the brides father, by Rev G H Johnstone,  
                     William Westbrooke Squires, MD, MRCS, of Nelson, to Catherine Jane, 2nd daughter 
                     of William Simpson Esq, of Lower Moutere, Nelson, and late of Medowfield,
                     Milburne, Inverness
Thur - 25 --- Death--McGILLIVRAY, 24 Ap, at the resid of Mr Kidson, Britannia Heights, Louisa, 29,  
                     wife of Alexander McGillivray of Westport
                     DREYER, 25 Ap, at the resid of her g/father, Tasman St, the Wood, Kale, 34mths, 
                     daughter of Alexander Svend Dreyer   
Mon - 29 --- HARLEY, 28 Ap, ahr, the Turf Hotel, Stoke, wife of Alfred Harley, a daughter  
                     HARRIS, 28 Ap, wife of Thos Harris, Lower Tasman St, a son   
                     PICKERING, 26 Ap, Mrs Francis H Pickering, a son  

May --- 1872

Wed - 01 --- MYERS, 27 Ap, at Moutere, Mrs J Meyers, a son, stillborn   
Thur - 02 --- Death--WALTHAM, 1 May, at Nelson Hospital, Thomas Waltham, 38, late Kaituna Valley    
                     ==== Applications for leases === Henry Baxter, West Wanganui = Charles Manders,     
                               Hamner Plain = E W Thomas, Riwaka = Joseph Greaves, Ngatimoti = 
                               G H Turner, West Wanganui = H B White, Kaiteriteri    ======
Fri --- 03 ---- WYLIE, 30 Ap, at Manuka St, wife of Wm Wylie, twin sons  
                     TOMS, 3 May, at Brook St, wife of James Toms, a daughter  
                     BUNN - JAMES, 29 Ap, at resid of father of the bride, by Rev D Dolamore, Elija Bunn 
                     of Riwaka, to Miss Amy James of  Eighty-eight Valley, Waimea South   
                     === Paul Miller recently died at Hokitika of want and exposure  =======     
Sat -- 04 ---- KNIGHT, 24 Ap, ahr, Toi-toi Valley, Mrs A Knight, a son  
                     Death--TIMMS, 2 May, at Nelson, Mr Charles Timms, 57yrs  
Tue - 07 ---- CLOUSTON, 3 May, wife of Capt Clouston, a son  
                     KNIGHT, 4 May, ahr, Toi-toi Valley, Mrs A Knight, a son
Fri --- 10 ---- EVERETT - HARLEY, 8 May, at Christ Church, Nelson, by Bishop of Nelson, Charles  
                      Alexander, 2nd son of E Everett Esq, Collingwood St, to Emma, youngest daughter of   
                     C Harley Esq, the Wood, Nelson
                     Death--BEATSON, 8 May, Maria, 36yrs, eldest daughter of the late Wm Beatson Esq
Sat -- 11 ---- FAIRHALL, 10 May, Lower Wakefield, Nelson, Edward Fairhall Esq, sen, 84yrs  
Tue - 14 ---- FAIREY - CHITTENDEN, 12 May, at their resid, by the Rev J Watkin, Edward Sunmer  
                     Fairey, late of Brighton, Sussex, Eng, to Sarah Ellen Chittenden, youngest daughter of  
                     George Chittenden, Nelson
Wed - 15 --- GIBSON - McRAE, 6 Ap, at the Manour House, Waipapa, Clarence River, by Rev  
                     Mr Porrit, Walter Gibson, to Sarah, widow of the late William McRae
Thur - 16 --- Death--DeCARLE, 14 May, drowned in the Buller River, at Westport, Edward, 45yrs, 
                            son of the late B DeCarle, of Bury St, Edmonds, England
                            McRAE, 15 May, drowned Awatere River, Marlborough, Mr Nehemiah McRae
Fri --- 17 --- HASLAM - POTE, 15 May, at resid of brides father, by Rev W J Watkin, George,  
                    youngest son of the late Jonathan Haslam, Nelson, to Grace Emily Burlace, 2nd daughter  
                    of William Burlace Pote of Stoke
Sat -- 18 --- JOHNSTON, 17 May, at Parnell, Auckland, Mrs David Johnston jun, a son       
Mon - 20 -- === Mr Nelson, solicitor, Blenheim, died suddenly yesterday  ====       
Tue -- 21 -- ==== Founding members of the Oddfellows Lodge --- 25 March 1846 ===     
                              John Tinline (only survivor) = Alexander Perry = Reuben Bird = Thomas Bright =    
                              Archibald McEwan = F McDonald = John McDonald = James Craig =     
                              William McRae ==== In May Thomas Dodson of Wakapuaka became a member      
                              and 3months later Bernard Mac (rest missing)   
Fri --- 24 --- STALLARD, 19 May, Mrs W Stallard, a son  
                    SALMON, 23 May, ahr, the Wood, Mrs Salmon, a daughter
                    WELLS, 23 May, ahr, Collingwood St, Mrs Thomas Wells, a son  
                    DREW - BEATSON, 8 May, by Rev R J Thorpe, Samuel Henry, eldest son of H Drew,  
                    to Catherine Alice, youngest daughter of the late W Beatson Esq, both of nelson
                    WIESENHAVERN - RICHARDSON, 21 May at resid of the bride, by Rev P Calder,  
                    Charles Frederick, eldest son of Rt Rev Sir Christian Wiesenhavern, Munstedt, Germany, 
                    to Mary Jane, widow of the late George Richardson, Nelson             
                    ==== Nehemiah McRae = eye witness account of his drowning in the Awatere River last week        
                    ===== Mr Ernest, miner, Appos Gully, Collingwood, death Wed 22 =====     
Sat -- 25 --- Death--LEMOILE, 23 May, at Nelson Hospital, Jean M Lemoile, 30yrs, of Stanley Brook     
Mon - 27 -- Death--RODGERSON, 26 May, ahr, Annandale, Maitai Valley, William Rodgerson, 71yrs, 
                    late of Leamington, Eng  
Tue -- 28 -- ===== Notice ==== Immigration = arrangements to send 2,200 emigrants to NZ during    
                                April and May  == 120 to Auckland = 150 to Wellington = 400 to Napier = 
                               130 to Picton (via Wellington) = 500 to Canterbury = 600 to Otago = and about    
                               300 to various ports --- 1400 British = 600 Germans  (300 each to Canterbury     
                               and Otago) = 200 Scandinavians (to Napier)         
Wed - 29 -- PILLIET, 22 May, at Mt Leinster, Akaroa, Canterbury, Mrs W H Pilliet, a daughter  
Thur - 30 -- Death--SAIT, 30 May, ahlr, Cambria St, the Wood, Francis Sait, 67yrs
Fri --- 31 --- BERRY, 26 May, wife of J T Berry, Selwyn St, a son
                    DECK, 24 May, at Pangatotara, Mrs George Deck, a daughter    

June --- 1872

Sat --- 01 --- ROACH, 22 May, at Takaka, Golden Bay, wife of Francis Roach, a son   
                     Death--HAASE, 31 May, ahr, Waimea St, Nelson, Emily, 23 wife of Edward Haase jun  
Mon - 03 --- Death--VIARD, 1 June, his Lordship Dr Viard, Catholic Bishop of Wellington  
                                  HARRIS, 3 June, at their resid, Collingwood St, John Woodward, 7+2/3yrs, 3rd son 
                                 of George and Elizabeth Scott Harris
Tue -- 04 --- Death--PILLIET, 31 May, at Mt Leinster, Akaroa, Canterbury, Mary Anne, 26yrs, wife of 
                                   Walter H Pilliet Esq, Resident Magistrate, and daughter of D Johnston Esq, 
                                   collector of Customs, Nelson      
                     ==== Mr Ernest, American, miner, long resident of Appos Gully, Collingwood,        
                               married, no children == death           
Thur - 06 --- Death--ROACH, 3 June, at Takaka, Golden Bay, Agnes, 21yrs, wife of Francis Roach   
Fri --- 07 --- CUNDY, 4 June, at Richmond, Mrs Cundy, a daughter   
Tue -- 11 --- MACEY, 11 June, ahr, Waimea Rd, Wife of W Macey, a daughter      
                     ==== Elections for various School Boards     =======    
Wed - 12 --- ==== Inquest -- Thomas Brown --- death at the asylum  ========       
Fri --- 14 --- NATTRASS - HAYES, 11 June, By Rev P Calder, Luke John Nattrass, of Takaka,  
                    to Miss Maria Hayes
Mon -17 --- Death--HART 15 June, Mary Ann, 21yrs, wife of John Hart, Picton Rd
                                 O'DOWD, 15 June, ahr, Collingwood St, Elizabeth O'Dowd, 68yrs   
Tue -- 18 -- Death--YOUNG, 18 June, ahr, Rising Star Hotel, Nelson, Mrs Hugh Young, 68yrs,   
                                one of the oldest Nelson settlers having lived here 30yrs   
Thur - 20 -- Death--DREYER, 20 June, at the resid of her g/father Milton Grove, the Wood,
                                 Ada Dreyer, 15yrs
Fri --- 21 --- DAVIS, 10 June, ahr, Waimea Rd, Mrs Hyam Davis, a daughter
Mon - 24 -- Death--SCRIVINER, 16 June, at Thames, Auckland, Annie, 31yrs, wife Cephas Scriviner    
Tue -- 25 -- DICK, 16 June, at Mr Cato's resid, Reefton, wife of John Dick Esq, a daughter
                    WIGZELL, 22 June, Mrs J W Wigzell, a son
                    HALL, 24 June, ahr, the Rising Sun Hotel, Nelson, Mrs H T Hall, a son  
Wed - 26 -- BEAR - BRUCE, 25 June, by Mr W M Biss, Thomas William Bear, of Westport, to  
                    Miss Eliza Bruce, of Nelson  
Thur - 27 -- TRASK, 27 June, ahr, Collingwood St, wife of F Trask, a son     
                    ====== Perseverance Mining Co shareholders in arreas  =====  Frederick C Guerin = 
                         Mary Harwood = George M Dodd = Nicholas Smith = Susan Phillips =     
                         Thomas Conway = Elizabeth Howson = David Fox = John W Taylor = Robert Kaye =     
                         Robson B Walcot = John G Fawcett = Arthur Horsenaile = Duncan Anderson =      
                         John Christian = George Field = Hannah Field = Mary Field = Keziah Jay = Eliza Jay =  
                         Esther A Middlemas = James Morecombe =  John Hammond = Michael Connor = 
                         Hannah Alford = Clara Palmer = Wm Walker sen, in trust for Charlotte M Walker = 
                         William B Gibbs, Robert V Smith = Mary Ashton Wemyss = James Wilkins  =====    
Fri --- 28 -- JACKSON, 23 June, at Motueka, Mrs Wm Jackson, a daughter, stillborn
Sat -- 29 -- JONES, 20 June, at Hokitika, wife of Edmund Jones, a son

Shooting licences taken out in June - July 1872


Sat -- 29 -- 1 pound licences == James Robson jun = George Haycock = Thomas Chamberlain =    
                   John Fiven = Henry Wimsett = Michael Simpson = Joseph Duncan jun = William Oldham =    
                   Eruera Te Rawhibi = James Disher = Charles Fry = George Duncan = George Painter =    
                   F H Blundell = Daniel Stewart = John Saxon = Alfred Greenfield = N G Morse =    
                   Leonard W Morse = Arthur W Morse = Edward Cutts = John Jervis = W S Mortimer = 
                   Edward Fearon = Henry Redwood jun = Henry D Williams = E W Stafford = C S Saxton =    
                   Samuel Powell = Henry Barnett = Alexander Knyvett = George Elliott = John Guy =    
                   John Pratt = Thomas Nicholson = Henry Adams = Edward Adams = Roderick McRae =    
                   Nathaniel Fowler = Charles Bird = Stephen Starnes = Daniel Talbot = Chas F Watts =    
                   Arthur Gundry = Langley Adams = Fredk  Wither = George Muir    ========
                   1 shilling licences === John Kelling = Thomas Macmahon = William Wastney =      
                   R W Jenkins = A J Jenkins = Waring Saxton = B Saxton = F C Batchelor = James Macmahon     
                   = Frank Fry = George Cook = A J Palmer = Alexander Wragg = Henry York = Alfred Harley    
                   = W J Rogerson = Fitzroy Horneman = W Chamberlain = Wynford Horneman,      
                   Samuel Carter = John Wright = R E McRae = Scott Wells = C H Thorp = William Clouston   
                   = James Newport = Alfred Edwards = Thomas Dodson jun = John Oldham = James Jary =    
                   David Mickle = Henry Aldridge jun = Alexander Drummond = August Heine = 
                   George Austin = John Walker = Samuel Penny = Josh Hewitson jun = W M Thomson =    
                   William Edwards = Thomas Haycock = Samuel Senior = A J Richmond = George Dodson =   
                   M Richmond = W Northam = Joseph Herrick = D Slater = Alfred Herrick = T Small = 
                   B H Darnell = J Powell = Samuel Saxon = C Hebberd = Thomas Heath = W Westley = 
                   C Jennings = Wm Bell = Major Erskine = A S Collins == 


Mon -- 01 -- ==== 1 pound licences === H Parker = John Skiggelkow = William Stavert =      
                              Francis Trask = John Delaney  ====
                     ==== 1 shilling licences == William Higgs = Joseph Duncan = Thomas Renwick    
                            = D Wilkins = Newman Bosely = W Drogmuller = Thomas Ingles = C W Moore  =   
Thur - 04 -- 1/- licences == H H Stafford = William Cook = George North = Noah Primmer = 
                                B Lusty = George Herwin = George Saunders       ====               
Sat --- 06 -- 1 pound licences === Charles Sharp = Joseph Bolton = Charles Seymour = Herbert Willis =  
                    1/- licences ====== John Wastney =  Charles Knight = Thomas Cummins =       
                                                      John Coleridge = Joseph Cummins = William Harvey =   
                                                      William Turner = Isaac Harvey ======          
Sat -- 13 -- 1 pound === Charles Frankeene - W B Thompson = Melville Sellon = John Leslie ===
                   1/- ======  George Browning = Charles Tomlinson = Wm Giblin = George Walker =      
                                        Robert Donald = Henry Walker = Mark Newth jun = P Hunter = W C Close =

July --- 1872

Mon - 01 --- DARKE, 6 Ap, at 15 Dublin St, Edinburgh, wife of J W B Darke Esq, Commander Pacific  
                     Steam Navigation Co Service, a daughter, stillborn  
                     BRAY, 29  June, at Gloucester St, wife of Charles Bray, a daughter
                     Item----- list of shareholders of Perseverance Mining Co
Tue -- 02 --- Death-HODGES, 16 June, at Burkes Creek, near Reefton, through exposure, Frederick  
                     Hodges, 34yrs, compositor, of Shepton-Mallet, Somersetshire   
                     === Waimea Road Board ==== candidates, proposers and seconders  ========       
Thur - 04 --- ====Standing for Pangatotara Rd Bd === H Young = A O'Brien = T Grooby = W Spicer =  
                               W Hildreth = W Guy = A Beatson = W Jennings = E Grooby = F Grooby
Fri --- 05 ---- EDWARDS, 5 July, at Sunnyside, wife of Nath Edwards Esq, a daughter   
Mon - 08 --- ==== Nelson Gollege winners of NZ University scholarships  ========     
Tue -- 09 --- Death--BARNES, at Beachville, Alice Eveleene, 10mth, daug of Henry and Elizabeth Barnes  
Thur - 11 --- JACKSON, 9 July, wife of M W Jackson, a son     
                     GARRARD, 10 July, wife of William Garrard, a daughter  
                     Death--ASTLE, 10 July, ahr, Tasman St the Wood, Sarah, 62yrs  
Fri --- 12 --- LUCRE, 12 July, at Nelson, wife of James Lucre, a daughter     
                     KING - BERRY, 6 July, at Collingwood, Golden Bay, by Rev R H Gasking, William King, 
                     to Margaret, youngest daughter of F T Berry
Sat -- 13 ---- Death--KNIGHT, 13 July, at Toi-toi Valley, Nelson, Louis Alexander, 10wks, son of 
                     Mr and Mrs A Knight       
                     ==== Thomas Berry, 96yrs,  death last night   ===== 
Mon - 15 --- Death--MYERS, 13 July, ahr, the Wood, Mr Myers, 52yrs
Tue -- 16 --- STEVENSON, 12 July, Mrs George Stevenson, a daughter  
                     GUBB - CUNDY, 4 July, Charles Baker, youngest son of the late Baker Gabb Esq, of  
                     Llewellyn-du-Court, Monmouthshire, to Eliza Margaret, youngest daughter of the late   
                     John Cundy, Nelson   
                     FLEMING - DURRANT, 13 July, at resid of brides father, Halifax St, by Mr W M Biss,  
                     George Fleming, of Nelson, to Lucy, youngest daughter of Robert Durrant
                     Death--De BERRY, 13 July, ahr, Washington Valley, Thomas De Berry, 96yrs
                                  MYERS, 13 July, ahr, Grove St, George Henry Myers Esq, 52yrs, 3rd son of the late  
                     Jesse Myers Esq, of Leeds, Yorkshire, Eng
Wed - 17 --- PHARAZYN, 15 July, at Porirua Rd, Wellington, Mrs William Pharazyv, a son  
Fri --- 19 --- BRIND, 18 July, at Nelson, wife of A H Brind, a son
                     WILKINS, 19 July, wife of W C Wilkins, a daughter
Sat -- 20 ---- SHORE, 16 July, at Tory St, the Wood, Wife of James Shore, a son  
Mon - 22 --- Death--ORNE, 20 July, at Nelson Hospital, Mary Elizabeth, 23yrs, wife of C Orne   
Tue -- 23 --- Item---Mr George Harding drowned         
Wed - 24 --- ==== Details of bad flooding at Motueka    =========          
Thur - 25 --- SIMPSON, 24 July, ahr, Nelson, wife of R Simpson, a son          
                     ===== Information received  == Hugh Roress = Edward Murphy = Edward Tim =      
                                 Peter McMahon buried alive in a claim near junction of Half Ounce with 
                                 Duffers Creek, Greymouth  ====
Mon - 29 -- MAIN, 26 July, Mrs Fred Main, a son
                    BRADDOCK, 27 July, ahr, Waimea St, Mrs J Braddock, a son  
                    Item---Board of Works election  

August --- 1872

Sat -- 03 --- PRATT, 28 July,ahr, Bridge St, wife of John Pratt, a son  
                    BIGGS - SHARP, 2 Aug, by Rev D Dolamore, William Biggs, of Motueka Valley, 
                    to Miss Isabella Loveday Sharp  
                    Death--WYLIE, 3 Aug, at Manuka St, Nelson, Archibald McMillan, infant son of William 
Tue -- 06 --- Death--McCONICHIE, 5 Aug, at Collingwood St, Agnes, infant daughter of William   
Fri --- 09 --- CORDOZA - LAND, at St Marys Catholic Church, by Rev Father Garin, Joseph Viera  
                     Cordoza, to Ellen, eldest daughter of George Land, shipwright, nelson
Sat -- 10 ---- HODGKINSON, 20 July, at Motueka Valley, wife of Thomas Hodgkinson, a daughter   
Mon - 12 --- McRAE - MOFFIT, 7 Aug, at resid of brides father, Maxwell Rd, Blenheim, by Rev  
                     W Sheriffs, Roderick, 2nd son of the late Wm McRae Esq, of Bonovore, Nelson, to Alice, 
                     widow of the late Charles Henry Moffit, solicitor, Blenheim   
Tue -- 13 --- BARLTROP, 12 Aug, wife of H Barltrop, a daughter
                     Death--MANE,12 Aug, at Nelson Hospital, Christian Mane, native of Switzerland, late of 
                                  West Coast, NZ, aged 30yrs
Wed - 14 --- MAY, 14 Aug, at Washington Valley, wife of John May, a son  
                     COTTERELL, 14 Aug, Mrs Charles Cotterell, a daughter
                     Death--HAASE, 12 Aug, Johan Ludwig Haase, 60yrs, of Waimea Rd, Nelson   
                                  PRITT, 13 Aug, at Auckland Point, Nelson, Mary, 30yrs, wife of Ven Archdeacon  
                                  Pritt, of Remuera, Auckland, and daughter of the late Francis Otterson Esq 
                                  of Rostrevor, Waimea East
Fri --- 16 --- ALLDRIDGE, 11 Aug, at Tasman St, wife of John Alldridge, a son  
                    BEAVER, 14  Aug, at Toi-toi Valley, wife of Charles Beaver, a daughter 
Sat -- 17 --- McDONALD, 15 Aug, wife of  John McDonald, a daughter   
                    SCOLES - RICHARDSON, 21 July, at Bedstead Gully, Collingwood, by Rev R H Gaskin,  
                    Joseph Robert Scoles, of Bedstead Gully, miner, to Clara Emma, 5th daughter of 
                    James Richardson, nelson
                    Death--BARRETT, 17 Aug, at resid of her son-in-law, George Hodgson, St Vincent St,   
                                 Nelson, Sarah Anne, 49, widow of the late John Barrett    
                    ==== T R Bullard, storekeeper, Spring Grove, dropped dead last evening === leaves 
                               a wife and several children =======   
Mon -19 -- LEECH, 17 Aug, Mrs W H Leech, a son        
                   ===== Sworn in for Supreme Court jury duty  ======
Wed - 21 -- BEATSON, 15 Aug, at Nga-Timoti, Mrs D G Beatson, a daughter   
                    Death--ARMSTRONG, 20 Aug, ahr, Collingwood St, Mrs Elizabeth Armstrong   
                                 THORBURN, 19 Aug, at Waimea West, Reginald James, 34mths, youngest son of   
                                 Mr and Mrs George Thorburn   
Fri --- 23 -- BAIGENT, 22 Aug, at Church St, Mrs H Baigent, a daughter
                   Death--POTTER, 22 Aug, at Dunedin, George Potter, 59yrs, late of Nelson       
                   ==== Mr Arthur Bumford, late of Spring Grove, killed by a fall of eart at the Sherry River   
                              on Wed 21 July     ====
Sat -- 24 --- ANDREWS - LOCKE, 5 Aug, at  Goldsborough, Westland, by Ven Archdeacon Harper,  
                    Simon Andrews, of Norfolk, Eng, to Elizabeth Alice, 4th daugh of John Locke, Nelson    
Mon - 26 -- ROBERTSON, 23 Aug, ahr, Smith St, Mrs William Robertson, a son
                    LEE, 24 Aug, at the Cypresses,Bronti St, Nelson, Mrs Robert Lee, a son
                    KENNEDY, 24 Aug, at Washington Valley, Mrs James Kennedy, a daughter   
                    === Charles Kearns, storekeeper, 22yrs, Upper Buller, drowned Wed or Thur  =====
Tue -- 27 --- Death--BARTLETT, 26 Aug, at resid of Mr Scadden, Letitia Emily Bartlett, 10mths,   
                     daughter of Mr and Mrs Charles Bartlett, late of Collingwood
Wed - 28 --- VERCOE, 25 Aug, ahr, Russell St, wife of Arthur Vercoe, a son    
Thur - 29 --- === Blacksmiths of Nelson (town and country)  ==== J R Hargreaves = J Sherratt =    
                             H Whiting = A Robertson = William Price = John Lammas = T Wimsett and Son =   
                             Mark Lammas = James Robertson = Joseph Price = J Gorrie and Sons =   
                             William May ======= 
Sat --- 31 --- PAGE, 15 Aug, ahr, Wakapuaka, Mrs W Page, a daughter     

September --- 1872

Mon -- 02 -- Death--ROBERTS, 30 Aug, Charles Roberts, 61yrs   
Tue --- 03 -- MACINTOSH, 2 Sept, ahr, Nile St East, wife of James Macintosh, bookbinder, daughter   
                     Death--GOULSTONE, 3 Sept, infant son of H Goulstone, Bank NSW
Thur - 05 --- CURNOW, 25 Aug, ahr, Collingwood, wife of W H Curnow, a son   
                     GILBERT, 1 Sept, at Clifton Cottage, Motupipi. wife of George C Golbert, a son
                     BISS, 5 Sept, ahr, Tasman St, Mrs W M Biss, a daughter
                     KEILE, 5 Sept, at Windsor Castle Hotel, Mrs James Keile, a son    
                     Death--BAIGENT, 3 Sept, Edith Emily, 12days, daughter of H Baigent   
Sat -- 07 ---- WOODWARD, 7 Sept, ahr, Nelson, wife of E Woodward, a daughter
Mon - 09 --- PALMER, 8 Sept, Mrs George Palmer, a son
                     GUNTHER, 9 Sept, ahr, Nelson, Mrs Gunther, a son    
Thur - 12 --- SNOW, 10 Sept, Mrs Edwin Snow, Vanguard St, a daughter
Fri --- 13 --- Death--LIGHTFOOT, 13 Sept, Emma, 58mths, eldest daug of William and Fanny Lightfoot  
Sat --- 14 --- REILLY, 10 Sept, wife of James Reilly, Takaka, a son  
Mon - 16 --- NEVE, 11 Sept, Mrs Neve, Waimea Rd, a daughter    
Tue -- 24 --- === Application for leases === George Nesbit, Wairoa Valley = Arthur Chaytor,   
                            Moutere Hills = George Gay, Upper Wairau Valley = Edward Newth, Wairoa Valley =  
                            A C Elmslie and W Webber, French Pass    ============ 
Wed - 25 --- DAVIS, 24 Sept, at her mothers resid, Motueka, Mrs W Davis, a daughter    
                     Death--GREEN, 21 Sept, at the Sands, Nelson, Gordon Augustus, 14mth, youngest son   
                                  of Edward and Isabella Green
                                  HOPEWELL, 24 Sept, at hospital, Nelson, James Hopewell, 22yrs  
Fri --- 27 ---- ADAMS, 27Sept, at Wilden Lodge, Nelson, wife of Acton Adams Esq, a son   
Mon - 30 --- HAMPTON - DICKSON, 7 Sept, at Melbourne, Herbert Hampton, to Mary Ann,  
                     2nd daughter of John Dickson, late of Nelson     

October --- 1872

Tue --- 01 -- CRUMP, 13 Sept, at Taranaki, wife of Rev J Crump, a son   
                     PAYNTER, 22 Sept, at Wakapuaka, wife of John Paynter, of Stoke, a son
                     BATCHELOR, 23 Sept, wife of James Batchelor, a daughter
                     LEVIEN, 28 Sept, Mrs R Levien, a son
                     LUCKIE, 28 Sept, at Shelbourne St, Mrs Luckie, a son
                     Death--BAILEY, 9 July, William Bailey, 72yrs, Interred at Woodhouse Cemetery, Leeds,  
                                  Yorkshire, 12 July, 1872  
Wed - 02 --- WORTHINGTON, 1 Oct, at Hamilton, Waikato, Mrs T K Worthington, a son
                     AINESWORTH, 29 Sept, at Russell St, wife of H B Ainesworth, a daugh----died Sept 30  
Thur - 03 --- Death--CRISPIN, 2 Oct, at St Vincent St, Toi-toi Valley, Alfred Ernest, 18mths, youngest  
                                  son of J Francis and Mary Crispin   
Fri --- 04 ---- WILSON, 28 July, ahr, Lonsdale House, Hansler Grove, Fast Moulsey, Surrey, wife of  
                     H C Wilson, a son
                     =====  Motueka Road Board Rates ====  Atkinson, Thomas = Alley, Charles =     
                             Auty, William = Austin, Thomas = Austin, Mrs Charles = Austin, George =    
                             Andrews, William = Alexander, John = Allen, Benjamin = Baker, Joseph = 
                             Buchholtz, S = Bradley, J = Boyes, Mrs = Boyes, Thomas = Boyes, Edward = 
                             Boyce, William = Burrell, William = Bisley, Frederick = Baigent, --- =     
                             Chamberlain, John = Chamberlain, Edward = Chamberlain, Thomas = Chamberlain,    
                             William = Curtis, H and O = Chant, William = Coppins, William =          
                             Coppins, William W = Cook, Samuel = Clarkson, Thomas = Carter, Samuel =       
                             Cacutt, John = Cross, Robert = Cassaday, M = Deblois, James = Douglas, William =    
                             Douglas, William jun = Daly, John = Delaney, John = Delaney, James = Deck, J G =   
                             Davey, Samuel = Davidson, Mrs = Eggington, Stephen = Eggington, William =     
                             Eggington, John = Edelsten, S E = Francois, John = Fearon, Mrs = Funnell, Walter =   
                             Foote, R = Flowers, Charles = Greenwood, F D = Green, Charles = Giblin, William =  
                             Gillett, John = Gladstone and Morrison = Grey, Walter = Glover, George =      
                             Grant, William = Goodman, Thomas = Gibson, Jabez M = Hogan, James =      
                             Herrick, William J = Hall, David = Hawken, George = Heath, Thomas =      
                             Hale, W or Limmer, John = Harford, Arthur = Howard, Mrs = Jordan, J B =     
                             Jellicoe, Frank = Jones, William = Jones, William Henry = Jackson, --- =   
                             Lund, Charles =  Lund, James = Limmer, Charles = Limmer, Stephen = Limmer, John = 
                             Lovel, Benjamin = Lovel, Benjamin jun = Lovel, Thomas = Lock, James =    
                             Lyne, George = Leech, James = Myers, Judah = McDonald, James, McGlashan, James  
                             = Nason, Henry = Nice, William = Noden, John = Nicholson or Worthington, B = 
                            Park, Dr J S = Parker, Charles = Parker, Charles jun = Parker, Joseph =      
                            Parkinson, Edmund = Pinny, Samuel = Parsons, John = Parsons, Henry =    
                            Robinson, James = Revel, --- = Rumbold, John = Rumbold, John jun = Rackley, --- =    
                            Rose, Frederick = Satherly, James = Staples, John = Staples, Robert = Staples, Henry = 
                            Staples, John jun = Starnes, Stephen = Simpson, John = Simpson, William =     
                            Shipley, John F = Saxon, John = Strong, Samuel = Siggelkow, --- Stafford, Mrs =    
                            Sigley, J = Smith, --- = Smith, John = Stone, Samuel = Talbot, Daniel =    
                            Talbot, Daniel jun = Talbot, Henry = Taylor, William = Thorpe, Charles =     
                            Thorn, Joseph = Tennent, Thomas = Tasker, --- = Tunnicliffe and Co = Vercoe, Phillip = 
                            Wilkie, James = Wise, Charles = Wilson, Mrs = Weld, F A = Wildman, William = 
                            Wallis, R = Wills, Mrs = Wills, James = Watts, Mrs = Willson, James E =     
                            Wilkie, Buchholz and Myers = Weston, John = Curtis Bros, agents    =====
                            ====     Tue 15 ==== missed from Rd Bd list === Atkins, William =====               
Sat --- 05 --- ==== Changes to road in Upper Moutere -- gives section owners, occupiers and numbers   
                                ( 11 of) ==========          
Mon - 07 --- BROAD, 5 Oct, wife of Lowther Broad Esq, Resid Magistrate, a son  
                     STACE, 28 Sept, at Cloverside, Kaikoura, Mrs W M Stace, a son   
                     Death--LAING, 4 Oct, at hospital, Nelson, Philip Laing, 46yrs, late of Waimea South,  
                                  formerly in the Volunteer force at Taranaki
Wed - 09 --- Death--HARGREAVES, 9 Oct, at Trafalgar St North, J R Hargreaves, 44yrs, blacksmith  
Thur - 10 --- Death--WOOD, 9 Oct, at the Elms, Stoke, George Wood Esq, 72yrs
Sat --- 12 --- Death--GREEN, 11 Oct, at the Sands, Stoke, Edward Marchant Green, 24yrs, eldest son  
                                  of Edward Green Esq   
Mon - 14 --- GIBLIN, 13 Oct, at Motueka, Mrs Giblin, a daughter
                     MEREDITH - JENKINS, 26 Sept, at Carlyle, by Rev E B Neville, Edward Charles   
                     Meredith, to Clara Elizabeth Jenkins, 5 daugh of late William Jenkins Esq, both of Patea   
 Fri -- 18 ---- NEWPORT, 13 Oct, wife of Joshua Newport, Takaka, a daughter   
                     RICKETTS, 17 Oct, at Spring Grove, wife of J J Ricketts, a son   
                     ===== Bankruptcy  == William Wylie, lithographer  ======        
Sat --- 19 --- PRICE, 13 Oct, at Lower Wakefield, wife of W Price, a daughter
Mon - 21 --- ROSE, 20 Oct, wife of John Rose,Spring Grove, a daughter   
                     Death--STYLES, 2 Oct, at Broadway, Reefton, Ellen Ann, 21mths, youngest daughter of  
                                  William and Lydia Styles   
Wed - 23 --- HOUNSELL, 22 Oct, Mrs J Hounsell, a son    
                     EARNSHAW - RUFF, 22 Oct, by Rev E Thomas, Arthur Earnshaw, mariner, to 
                     Miss Gertrude Ruff, both of Nelson   
                     Death--FITTALL, 19 Aug, ahr in London, Stephen Fittall, father of S Fittall of Wakefield   
Thur - 24 --- PAULING, 23 Oct, at Cambria St, Mrs Pauling, a daughter   
Fri --- 25 ---- === Inquest ==== into discovery of a skeleton ==== continued on  Mon 28 ===     
                             decided was  Rodolfe de Campo --- died about 4th Sept =========
Mon - 28 --- KREHEGEN, 24 Oct, at Wellington St, Mrs Walter Krehegen, a son
Tue -- 29 --- CURTIS, 28 Oct, wife of H E Curtis Esq, a daughter        
Wed - 30 --- ==== Cab owners and/or operators === Twist and Gay = John Spencer = John McKay =   
                               D Whiting =  W Lockyer = Jas Andrews = Otto Haase = George McDonald = 
                               G Thomas = R Thomas = Jos Bradcock = William Pickett   =========

November --- 1872

Fri --- 01 --- Death--YOUNG, 29 Oct, at Nelson Hospital, James Young, 59yrs  
Sat --- 02 --- Death--HUDSON, 29 Oct, Spring Grove, Hanna Emma, infant daugh of Henry Hudsom jun   
Mon - 04 --- Death--PHARAZYN, 31 Oct, at his fathers resid, Tinakori Rd, Wellington, William, 30yrs,  
                     youngest son of Hon C J Pharazyn MLC  
Tue -- 05 --- MOORE, 4 Nov, wife of Ambrose E Moore, a son   
Wed - 06 --- Inquest--- body, possibly Charles Frederick Kearns   
Thur - 07 --- RENTOUL, 3 Nov, at Motupipi, Golden Bay, with W O Rentoul, a son   
                     KERR, 4 Nov, at Motupiko, Mrs David Kerr, daughter    
                     DENTIS, 4 Nov, at Washington Valley, wife of Leoport Dentis, a daughter   
                     Death--CLARK, 21 Aug, ahr, Blackburn, Lancashire, Elizabeth Dufaur Clarke, 84+2/3yrs     
                     relict of the late Richard Clark RN     
Fri -- 08 ---- JOHNSTON, 6 Nov,wife John Johnston, Washington Valley, a daughter    
                    ELLIOTT, 7 Nov, wife Alfred Elliott, a daughter    
                    Death--LAING, 8 Nov, at New St, Alice Maude, 32mths, 2nd daughter of John Laing     
                    === Bankruptcy ==William Henry McCabe, merchants clerk  =====        
                    ==== forfeited leases === Beckman, P- Maitai Valley = Chattock, R - Dovedale =    
                              Grooby, J sen - Motueka Valley = Gower, A - Ngatimoti = Langford, J - Takaka =     
                              Newport, W - Takaka = Symes, H A - Stanley Brook = Saywell, J - Richmond Hills =   
                    ====mineral leases === Bellam, D - Charleston = Maver, J - Charleston =====     
Tue -- 12 --- Item---2yr old son of Arthur Baigent drowned   Mon 11th
Wed - 13 --- HAGARTY, 13 Nov, at Hopewell Cottage, Waimea Rd, Mrs James Hagarty, a daughter   
Fri --- 15 --- SHERWOOD - WALKER, 15 Nov, at resid of the brides father, Waimea Rd, by Rev  
                     D Dolamore, John Farle Sherwood, Nelson, to Miss Hannah B Walker   
                     Death--WHITE, 12 Nov, at Napier, Anthony St George White, 32yrs
Sat -- 16 ---- JACKSON, 16 Nov, Mrs H D Jackson, a son
                     ARMSTRONG - TIMBS, 14 Nov, at St Marys Church, by Rev Father Garin,   
                     John Armstrong, to Mrs Margaret Timbs, both of Nelson   
Mon - 18 --- HOUNSELL, 17 Nov, Mrs H Hounsell, a son   
                     RONALDSON, 4 Nov, at the Parsonage, Picton, wife of Rev Ronaldson, a daughter   
Tue -- 19 --- PARSONS - KNYVETT, 19 Nov, at All Saints Church, by Rev R J Thorpe, Henry 
                     William Parsons, of Pelorus Valley, 2nd son of George Parsons of Martock, Somerset,  
                     to Gertrude, 3rd daug of Mr Knyvett of 88 Valley, Wakefield, and Toi-toi Valley, Nelson  
                     === Court == Jacobine Reimer, 22yrs, v Robert Diederich (alias Carl Blecher)  for 
                                              maintenance of 3 illegitemate children  =====
Wed - 20 --- MONRO, 16 Nov, Mrs A B Monro, Valleyfield, Marlborough, a daughter   
                     McGEE - DAVIDSON, 16 Nov, at the Presbyterian Church, by Rev P Calder, W G McGee   
                     to Miss N Davidson, both of Nelson     
                     Death--TOWNSEND, 17 Nov, at Bridge St, Rosetta, 27mths, youngest daughter of   
                                  Richard Frances Townsend    
Fri -- 22 ---- ==== Bankruptcy ==William Astle, carpenter, Nelson        
Sat -- 23 ---- WARREN, 19 Nov, wife of Alfred Warren, a son   
                     JAMES - PALMER, 20 Nov, at St Michaels, Waimea West, by Rev W D Rusz, Alfred J  
                     James, of Waimea Sth, to Emily, eldest daughter of John Palmer of Waimea West    
                     Death--EDWARDS, 23 Nov, at his brothers resid, Sunnyside, Nelson, 
                                  Frederic Gisbome Edwards, 44yrs   
Mon - 25 --- CAESAR, 23 Nov, at Waimea West, wife of Tom Caesar, twins, one stillborn    
                     Death--ABBOTT, 10 Nov, at Takaka, Maude Gertrude Abbott, 6wks  
                     === Mr Small, Todds Bush, Wakapuaka,  death by poisoning    
                     ==== Application for agricultural leases  === Thomas Miles - Milnthorp =        
                               Henry Philip and Arthur Joseph  Washbourn - Parapara =====       
Tue -- 26 --- == Inquest into death of Mr Small   =======                           
Wed - 27 --- LARKINS - BETTS, 27 Nov, by Rev W J Watkin, Charles Larkins, to Frances, 2nd   
                     daughter of Alfred George Betts    
                     THOMAS - WILKIE, 26 Nov, at Wesleyan Church, Motueka, by Rev W Cannell,    
                     W G Thomas, Wesleyan Minister of Hokitika, to Mary, eadest daughter of 
                     James Wilkie, of Motueka    
Thur - 28 --- MANNING, 26 Nov, ahr, Waimea Rd, Mrs Manning, a son   
Fri --- 29 ---- MILLS, 27 Nov, ahr, Brook St, Valley, Mrs J Mills, twins, a son and daughter   
                     Death--SNOW, 28 Nov, at Vanguard St, Clara, 10wks, daughter of E Snow   
Sat --- 30 --- BARNICOAT, Nov 27, at Ashfield, Richmond, Mrs Barnicoat, a daughter   
                     BRADCOCK, 29 Nov, ahr, Vanguard St, Mrs J Bradcock, a daughter   
                     EARNSHAW, 26 Nov, at her mothers resid, Waimea Rd, wife of Arthur Earnshaw,   
                     mariner, a son
                     SANDERS - WIMSETT, 28 Nov, at resid of the bridegroom, Grove St, by Rev E Thomas,  
                     Henry Score Sanders, of Devon, England, to Mary Ann, 3rd daug of T Wimsett, Nelson  

December --- 1872

Mon -- 02 -- Death--HAMMOND, 2 Dec, at hospital, Waimea Rd, wife of Amos Hammond, 38yrs, of   
                                  St Vincent St, Toi-toi Valley, Nelson
Thur - 05 --- Death--THOMAS, 4 Dec, at Brook St, Valley, Frances Alice, 8mths, youngest daughter of
                                  H C Thomas   
Mon - 09 --- ARMSTRONG - MATTHEWS, 8 Dec, at resid of brides father, George, 3rd son of 
                     John Armstrong, to Charlotte Ann, youngest daughter of George Matthews, maltster,  
                     both of Nelson   
                     Death--GIBSON, 9 Dec, at resid of Mr T Gilbert, Clifton Trce, Wakapuaka, Caroline, 50yrs,  
                                  wife of J M Gibson Esq   
Wed - 11 --- Death-- HOLLOWAY, 11 Dec, at BNZ, Nelson, Annie Laura, 10mths, daughter of 
                     John and Anna Holloway        
Thur - 12 --- === Nelson College sports results   ====         
Fri --- 13 ---- === more Nelson College sports results  ======
Sat --- 14 --- HOLLIS, 9 Dec, ahr, Nelson, wife of Joseph Hollis, a son      
Mon - 16 --- ==== Provincial Scholarship results =======            
Thur - 19 --- HOLLAND, 5 Dec, wife of Henry Holland, Wakefield, a son   
                     CARTHEW - BRENT, 7 Dec, by Rev J Buller, at Shortland, William, eldest son of 
                     Capt Edwd Carthew, of Cornhill Green, Cornwall, to Mary, 3rd daug of Wm Brent, Nelson  
Fri --- 20 --- HEWETSON, 18 Dec, at Lower Moutere, Mrs Joseph Hewetson, a daughter   
                    Death--BRIND, 20 Dec, at Nelson, William Henry, 5mth, son of Mr A H Brind   
                    ==== Bishops School results =======       
Sat --- 21 -- FINCH - CARTER, 21 Dec, at resid of Mrs Rankin, Hardy St, by Mr W M Biss, Thomas   
                    Finch of the Telegraph Dept, Westport, to Maria, eldest daughter of George Carter of 
                    the same place        
                    ===== Walter Tunnicliff, son of Henry John Tunnicliff, drowned in the Wai-iti River     
                                  Fri 19th     ===      
                    ===== Notice ==funeral of Mrs Wright will leave her fathers residence --James Avery,   
                                                  Nile St East ====    
Mon - 23 --- === William Scutter == killed in accident some wrere between the Owen and Mangles    
                     === Town Schools prize giving  =======      
Tue -- 24 --- Death--RICHMOND, 19 Dec, at resid of her daughter, Mrs A Atkinson, Mrs Richmond,   
                                  81yrs, mother of his Honour Mr Justice Richmond   
                                  NOSWORTHY, 19 Dec, at Blenheim, Annie Mary, 8+1/2, 3rd daug, R D Nosworthy  
                                  NOSWORTHY, 20 Dec, Mary Desion, 6+1/2yrs, 4th daughter        
                     ==== Application for agriculture lease == Andrew Cockburn, Anatoki (Takaka) known     
                                as Glovers Flat, Anatoki River, and formerly leased to James Glover, deceased === 
Thur - 26 --- Death--HORNEMAN, 20 Dec, at Motueka, Major Frederick Edward Horneman, 69yrs, 
                                  late of Artillery Company     
Fri --- 27 ---- ==== Foresters  v  Oddfellows  cricket match =======    
Sat -- 28 ---- Death--BRIND, 28 Dec, at Nelson, Emily Maria Maud, 22mths, youngest daug A H Brind    
                                  HAYCOCK, 27 Dec, at Kaikoura, Province of Marlborough, John Haycock,    
                                  sheepfarmer, 54yrs
Mon - 30 --- McVICAR, 30 Dec, ahr, Trafalgar Sq, Mrs John McVicar, a son
                     VENDORE - CLIFFORD, 25 Dec, by Rev Father Garin, Nicholas Vendore, to 
                     Fanny Clifford, both of Nelson   
                     Death--DOIDGE, 28 Dec, at Stoke, Laura Ann, 11mths, only daug of William and 
                                  Elizabeth Doidge      
                    ==== Inquest == Ernest Herbert, 4mth, son of Marion Herbert == death Wed 25th ====  
                    ==== Stoke School prize list  ======= 
Tue -- 31 -- GAY, 28 Dec, wife of John Gay, a daughter
                    WEBLEY- 30 Dec, ahr, Bridge St, Mrs Joshua Webley, a daughter   
                    HUNTER, 31 Dec, ahr, Bridge St, Mrs William Hunter, a son
                    Death--LOWAN, 6 Dec, at Grove Farm, Cromwell, Otago, Susan Mary, 2+1/2yr, eldest   
                                 daughter of Mr Lowan     

January --- 1873

Sat -- 04 --- BAKER, 2 Jan, at Motueka, Mrs Joseph G Baker, a daughter    
                    WOOD, 3 Jan, at Halifax St, wife of J Wood, a son   
                    HUNTER, 31 Dec, at resid of Joseph Webley, Bridge St, the wife of William Hunter,  
                    Matakitaki, a son   
Mon - 06 -- ===Sworn in for Supreme Court jury duty ==========
Tue -- 07 -- CLINCH, 6 Jan, ahr, Alton St, wife of Stephen Clinch jun, a daughter
                    Death--RUMBOLD, 3 Jan, at Woodend, Motueka, William Alexander, 14yrs, youngest son  
                                 of John Rumbold     
                                 WHITING, 7 Jan, youngest son, 18mths, of Henry Whiting, blacksmith   
Wed - 08 -- BONNINGTON, 8 Jan, at Richmond, Mrs Herbert Bonnington, a daughter    
Thur - 09 -- SQUIRES, 7 Jan, at Nelson, wife of William Squires MD MRSC, a son
                    Death-- WYLIE, 8 Jan, at Shelbourne St, Nelson, Alexander, youngest son of William and    
                                Elizabeth Wylie   
Fri -- 10 ---- Item---- Takaka School prize winners     
Mon - 13 -- TWIST - WOOLFENDEN, 9 Jan, at resid of the bride, Church St, William Twist, to Miss   
                    Annie Lee Woolfenden, both of Nelson   
                    LASH - DEMENT, 11 Jan, at All Saints Church, by Rev R J Thorpe, Samuel Dession, 3rd   
                    son of Joseph Henry Lash of Paignton, Devon, Eng, to Sarah Ann, 3rd daughter of      
                    William Dement, Hardy St, Nelson    
                    Death--GILBERTSON, 11 Jan, at Nelson, Wilhelmina, 41mths, daughter of Joseph and 
                                 Anna Gilbertson      
Wed - 15 -- === Applications for leases === W Atkinson, Amuri = George Trass, Upper Waiau = 
                           Walter  Rutherford, Amuri = William Atkinson, Hamner Plain = George Mackay,      
                            Hamner Plain = Joseph Holland, David Thomas, George Holland, Wai-iti =    
                            John Woolfe, Richard Holyoke, Sandy Bay = H A E Scheldaur, Upper Moutere = 
                            William Palmer, Wairoa ========
Wed - 15 -- LAMMAS, 12 Jan, at Richmond, wife of J Lammas, a son   
                    Item ----Mr and Mrs Mark Newth's 48th wedding anniversary
                                  Edward BERGER, miner, drowned, Wakamarina River, Mon night 
Thur - 16 -- INGHAM, 11 Jan, at Upper Toi-toi Valley, wife of Elijah Ingham, a son  
                    Death-- FARR, 15 Jan at Nelson Hospital, Mary Farr, 45yrs   
Fri --- 17 --- GASKIN, 13 Jan, at Cobden, Mrs Gaskin, widow of the late Rev R H Gaskin, a son   
Sat -- 18 --- JAMES, 18 Jan, at Nelson, wife of John James, a daughter    
                    === St Marys School prize giving  ========== 
Tue - 21 --- FAIREY, 20 Jan, ahr, Waimea St, Mrs E S Fairey, a daughter    
                    MAVER, 20 Jan, ahr Bridge St, wife of John maver, Charleston, a son
Wed - 22 -- FISHER, 21 Jan, wife of T R Fisher Esq, a son
                    Death--BUSCH, 20 Jan, at Waimea East, Hans Heinrich Busch, 83yrs
Thur - 23 -- Death--HAASE, 22 jan, Emily, 8mths, youngest child of Edward Haase, Nelson   
Fri --- 24 --- === Conflicting notices by Eilliam Henry Eyes and his wife  Eleanor Eyes ========       
Sat -- 25 --- CHAYTOR, 21 Jan, at Seaton, Upper Moutere, wife of A Chaytor Esq, a son
                    LIGHTFOOT, 24 Jan, wife of W Lightfoot a daughter
                    WIX, 12 Jan, at Blenheim, wife of A McKellar Wix, a son   
                    FELL - BUDGE, 18 Jan, at Church of the Nativity, Blenheim, by Ven Archdeacon Butt,   
                    Alfred George Fell, son of the late Alfred Fell Esq, Blackheath, London, to Alice,   
                    daughter of the late William Budge Esq, Blenheim
Tue -- 28 -- STONE, 24 Jan, at Motueka, wife of S Stone, a son
                   CROSS, 27 Jan, at Henry Cottage, the Cliffs, Mrs J S Cross jun, a daughter   
Wed - 29 -- NALDER, 21 Jan, at Motupipi, wife of C W Nalder, a daughter   
                    MONRO - BALDWIN, 27 Jan, at Christ Church, Nelson, by Rev G H Johnstone,   
                   George H B Monro, Netherfield, Marlborough, to Isabella Selina, youngest daughter   
                   of the late William W T Baldwin Esq, of Stedehill, Kent, Eng
Fri -- 31 --- Death--VOLLER, 30 Jan, ahr, Russell St, wife, aged 70 yrs, of A Voller   

February --- 1873

Mon - 03 --- WEBB - LINES< 14 Jan, by Rev G T N Watkins, at resid of Mrs Carlisle, Boundary St   
                     Greymouth, William George Giles, 2 son of Henry Paget Webb,of Newington Butts,   
                     London, to Sarah Jane, 4th daughter of Mr T Lines, Hope, Waimea East    
                     Death--EARNSHAW, 1 Feb, ahr, Waimea Rd, Gloucester Fairbrother, 10wks, son of   
                                  Arthur and Gertrude Earnshaw   
Tue -- 04 --- SHANNON, 20 Jan, at Bronti St, wife of G V Shannon, a daughter   
                     PHILLIPS - CHATTOCK, 1 Feb, at St Johns Church, Wakefield, by Rev R J Thorpe,  
                     William Henry, son of H W Phillips of Tadmor, to Mary Helen, 2nd daughter of  
                     Richard Chattock of Wakefield   
                     ==== Application for agricultural leases ==== James Grove of Foxhill =     
                               John Rait of Ronndell = Benjamin Hill of Buller  ======= 
                     Death--ROSS, 2 Feb, at Suburban North, Kenneth Ross, 42yrs   
Wed - 05 --- NALDER, 5 Feb, wife J C Nalder, a son   
                     FROST - WRIGHT, 4 Feb, at Nelson, by Rev P Calder, Alfred Frost, to Miss Emily  
                     Wright, both of Nelson   
                     Death--MILLS, 30 Jan, at Nelson, George Robert, 9wks, son of Joseph Mills
                                  MILLS, 5 Feb, at Nelson, Hannah Elizabeth, 10wks, daughter of Joseph Mills  
Thur - 06 --- JOHNS, 5 Feb, Mrs I Johns, Trafalgar St, a daughter   
                     McRAE, 5 Feb, ahr, Trafalgar St South, Mrs N McRae, a son   
                     Death--SIGLEY, 4 Feb, ahlr, Toi-toi Valley, Joshua Sigley, 66yrs   
Fri --- 07 ---- THOMAS, 3 Feb, wife of G Thomas, a daughter  
Sat -- 08 ---- Death--CLUTTERBUCK, 7 Feb, at Nelson, Jane, 14mths, youngest daughter of William    
                                  and Lydia Clutterbuck  
Fri --- 14 ---- HECTOR, 13 Feb, wife of Dr Hector, a daughter   
Sat -- 15 ---- COOMBES, 16 Feb, at Nelson, wife of J F Coombes, a daughter   
Mon - 17 ---- === Honaria Boyle died at Nelson Creek, Tue  4th Feb, aged 101yrs  A native of    
                              Arranmore, County Donegal, Ireland  Lived in the colonies for 20yrs, the last 2 
                              with her daughter and 2 sons at Nelson Creek          
Tue -- 18 ---- LEDGER, 13 Feb, wife of H O Ledger, Bridgend, a daughter    
                      ==== Bankruptcy == Morris Levy, general dealer, Nelson         
Wed - 19 ---- CRONK - HAMMERICH, 18 Feb, at resid of brides father, Gloucester St, nelson, by Rev  
                      W M Biss, Charles Cronk, of Stafford Town, West Coast, to Miss Dorathea Hammerich,   
                     of Nelson   
                     Death--BONNINGTON, 17 Feb, at Richmond, Albert George, 29mths, 3rd son of  
                                  Frederick and Mary Ann Bonnington    
                     ==== Item----List of Wesleyan Church Stations in NZ =====           
                     ==== Wakefield  v  Motueka  = cricket ======            
Sat -- 22 ---- Death--CARTER, 21 Feb, at fathers resid, Harley St, 2nd son of Alfred and Ellen Carter, 5yrs  
Mon - 24 --- MABIN, 24 Feb, wife of John R Mabin, a son   
                     McEACHEN - SLATTER, 20 Feb, by Rev W J Watkin, James McEachen, to Agnes  
                     Slatter, both of Nelson
                     Death--ROSE, 23 Feb, Lydia Mary Rose, 4mths   
                                  BENSON, 24 Feb, at nelson, Mr Ambrose Benson, 63yrs   
Tue -- 25 --- POOLE, 23 Feb, at Motueka, wife of Rev S Poole, a son   
Wed - 26 --- CHATTOCH, 24 Feb, Lower Wakefield, wife of Richard Chattock, a son, stillborn   
                     ==== Mr Friend, Hokitika, lithographer and teacher of music, late of Nelson 
                               (formerly  Lysters Eng Opera Co) drowned         
Thur - 27 --- Death--BIRCH, 26 Feb, ahr, Nile St East, Henry Walter Birch, 32yrs    
                     ==== Nelson City Cadets == 1st 7 in shooting == A Gray = T Shone = R Smith =     
                               J Downes = G E Scott = K Horne = E Ricketts =======          
                               Under 14yrs === A Armstrong = H Donkin = R Hooper = W Walker =    
                               T Ruchfort = G Smallbone = F Little =======          
                     ===== Mr Hicks, carpenter, Greymouth    == suicide ======                     

March --- 1873

Wed -- 05 -- SPEAR, 5 Mar, at Nile St East, wife of F Spear, a son
                     SCOTT, 4 Mar, ahr, Tasman St, wife of A Scott, a son   
                     EBAN - BEST, 27 Feb, at resid of brides father, Dovedale, by Rev W J Watkin, Harold  
                     Eban, to Sarah Ellen, 3rd daughter of Job Best of Dovedale   
                     Death--BISLEY, 4 Mar, at Waimea St, Joseph H Bisley, 37yrs    
Thur - 06 --- Item-----Names and placings in NZ shooting competition  (goes on for several days)
Fri --- 07 --- McGLASHAN, 6 Feb, at New St, Nelson, wife of John McGlashen, a daughter   
Sat -- 08 --- DAVIS, 28 Feb, at Nile St East, Mrs Moss Davis, a daughter   
                    GORRIE - BIRD, 6 Mar, at St Johns Church, Wakefield, by Rev J Spear, Peter, youngest  
                    son of J Gorrie, nelson, to Lucy, eldest daughter of Joshua Bird, Wakefield   
                    Death--LUCAS, 28 Feb, at Collingwood, Mr A J Lucas, 28yrs    
Mon - 10 -- GILLON, 3 Mar, Washington Valley, Mrs A Gillon, a daughter    
                    WHITING, 10 Mar, Mrs Whiting, a son   
                    Death--GILLON, 9 Mar, William, 19mths, youngest son, of Arthur and Sarah Gillon   
                                 KERR, 9 Mar, at Waimea West, relict of the late John Kerr, aged 80yrs   
Wed - 12 -- DREW, 12 Mar, at Victoria Ave, Wanganui, wife of S H Drew, a daughter    
                    Item--------- Shooting prize results   
Sat -- 15 --- COMBES, 13 Mar, ahr, Ranzan, wife of T R Combes, a daughter   
                    Death--HARRIS, 14 Mar, at Hospital, John James Harris, 28yrs, eldest son of late
                                 James Harris, baker, Douglas, Isle of Man    
                     ==== Thomas Bullard, Wakefield, charged with assaulting and beating his sister Lucy ===   
Mon - 17 --- ==== Colonial Prize firing === prize giving == there have been results of different   
                               matches in the paper for days     
Tue -- 18 --- Death--Mantell, 15 Mar, Sidney St, Wellington, Mary Sarah, wife Hon W B D Mantell, MLC   
                     ==== Licences granted == Joseph Potter Parker, publicans licence ===    
                                                                  Simon Buchholtz, a bottle licence ==== (both Motueka)      
 Mon - 24 -- GARDNER, 18 Mar, at Reefton, Mrs William Gardner, a son   
                     HARPER, 22 Mar, at the Port, wife of R H Harper, Albion Hotel, a son   
                     Death--LUCAS, 23 Mar, ahr, Opawa, near Blenheim, Marlborough, wife of Charles   
                     Lucas, aged 64yrs   
                     ==== United Band of Hope Gold Mining Co == shareholders who forfeit their shares for    
                               non payment of calls === Charles Cain = Robert McFadden = J S Trelorz =     
                               Michael Keogh = Archibald Prentice = H Prentice = Nicholas Cairn = 
                               Michael Fanning = Charles Norman = Miles McPhadden =====         
Wed - 26 --- HAMILTON, 24 Mar, ahr, Russel St, wife of M Hamilton, a son   
                     MILLS, 18 Mar, at Sunnyside Cottage, Havelock, wife of C H Mills, a son
Thur - 27 --- Death--JENKINS, 18 Feb, at Patea, Annie Maria, 19yrs, daugh of late W Jenkins, Nelson
Sat -- 29 -=- ADAMS, 11 Mar, at Collingwood, wife of Thos Adams, a son   
                     Death--HAYNES, 27 Mar, Frank, 3 wks, youngest son of Thomas Haynes, Hardy St    
Mon - 31 --- Death--WALKER, 30 Mar, at Richmond, Jane, 21yrs, 3rd daughter of  John Walker   

April --- 1873

Wed - 02 --- CRISPIN, 23 Mar, at Nelson, wife of F Crispin, twin sons   
                     ROBERTSON, 31 Mar, at Collingwood St, Nelson, wife of Alexander Robertson   
                     of Collingwood St Dye Works, a son
                     LEVY, 1 Ap, Mrs Morris Levy, a daughter   
                     ===== Nebraska arrived at Auckland last night, from San Francisco === has 8 passengers   
                                 Mr A L Smith for Christchurch and Mr J R Dodson for Nelson  ======= 
Fri --- 04 --- GILLETT, 31 Mar, ahr, Toi-toi Valley, Mrs I T Gillett, a son   
                     Death--DAVIS, 3 Ap, ahr, Waimea Rd, Abraham Davis, 25yrs, son H Davis, Nelson
Mon - 07 --- FLEMING, 5 Ap, at Harley St, Nelson, wife of G Fleming, a son   
                     === Nelson and Marlborough shooting prizes  =========        
Tue -- 08 --- === Rev D Rusz drowned while bathing at Charleston  this morning
Wed - 09 --- Item-----------death of Dr Vickerman, Nelson            
                     Death--VICKERMAN, 9 Ap, Francis Longbourne Vickerman, 52yrs, surgeon
Thur - 10 --- CHRISTIAN, 10 Ap, ahr, Hardy St, wife of H Christian, a daughter    
Sat --- 12 --- Item-----------------the late Rev W D Rusz   
                     DODSON, 30 Mar, at Takaka, wife of A Dodson, a daughter   
                     TARRANT, 8 Ap, at Abb's Court, wife Henry Alex Tarrant, a daughter   
                     YARRALL - VERRY, 10 Ap, at St Johns Church, Wakefield, by Rev Wm Spear,
                     Thomas Walter, 3rd son of Thomas Yarrall, the Wood, Nelson, to Sarah Ann, eldest  
                     daughter of the late Charles Verry, Wakefield     
                      ==== Victoria Quartz Mining Co = F Mathias, manager  = Shareholders loose their      
                                shares for non payment of calls  == Nicholas Caffrey = Alex McCloy =     
                                James McConnell = Thomas Joyce = H Hyams = M Jackson = F Campbell = 
                                R C Maxwell =======      
                     ==== Application for leases == Handcock, W L - Takaka = Gibbons, J - Ngatimoti =    
                               Mellet, H - Inangahua = Murcott, G - Aniseed Valley = Fowler, W L - Upper Waiau   
                               = Barnes, W W - Aniseed Valley or River Lee = Fairhall, B - Pigeon Valley =    
                               Barnett, W - Takaka = Baigent, H - Takaka = Cook, G - Riwaka =  Busch, H -      
                               Aniseed Valley = Johnson, D - Aniseed Valley = Tinline, J - Amuri =======    
Mon - 14 --- EURE, 12 Ap, ahr, Harley St, wife of H Eure, a son
Tue -- 15 --- MUNCASTER, 12 Ap, wife of George Muncaster, a son   
                     Death--DOUTHIT, 14 Ap, at Washington Valley, Joseph Thomas Jones, 16 mths, son of    
                                  Hannah Douthit
                                  HANDYSIDE, 23 Dec 1872, at St Petersburg, James Ronald Handyside Esq, MD,  
                                  father of  Mr Handiside of Nelson ---(resided in St Petersburgh and Alexandroski, 47yrs)  
Fri --- 18 --- MORLEY, 17 Ap, at Blenheim, wife of Richard W Morley, a daughter
                    Death--GILLETT, 14 Ap, at Shady Bank, Toi-toi Valley, George Ernest, infant son of   
                                 Mr and Mrs Gillett     
                    === Shares forfeited == W C Gasquoine = Lewis Bizno = Majory McLearn =      
                                 H J Hansen = John McLean = Edwin Ashton = Peter  Purcell   ====       
                    === North British Gold --James A Thorpe, manager, shares forfeit == John Corcoran =   
                                  Charles Pelle = George Fraser = Alfred Newman = William Reilly ===       
Mon - 21 -- === Annie Kenning, 2yrs, death, at Stoke, Sat 19 == inquest in Wed 23 paper ===      
                    ==== names of grand jury members      
Tue - 22 --- PETRIE, 20 Ap, at Richmond, Mrs J Petrie, a son   
                   STALLARD - RABYJOHNS, 24 Mar, by Rev F R Seabourne, Edward Boxoll, youngest son   
                   of the late Wm Stallard, of Nelson, to Jane, daughter of H Rabyjohns, of Young, NSW   
                   Death--McCONVILL, 21 Ap, at Washington Valley, Ellen McConvill, 6yrs    
Fri --- 25 -- McRAE, 25 Ap, at the Willows, Richmond, Mrs G W McRae, a daughter   
                   ADAMS - COLT, 22 Ap, at Church of the Good Shepherd, Wairau Valley, Marlborough,   
                   by Ven Archdeacon Butt, William Adams jun, 3rd son of William Adams Esq, of Langley   
                   Dale,Marlborough, and Wilden, Nelson, to Isabella Rose, eldest daughter of the late    
                   Capt Colt of 56 Reg
Mon - 28 -- WAHLSTROM - CHARLES, 26 Ap, by Rev E Thomas, Adolph Wahlstrom, to   
                    Miss Mary Ann Charles, both of Nelson          
Tue -- 29 -- Death--COMBES, at Ranzau, Grace, 6wks, daughter of Mr and Mrs T R Combes      
                    ==== A ball in honor of turning the first sod of the Nelson and West Coast Railway    
                              Stewards for ==D Burn = R Burn, -- Corbett = Dr Cotterell = H Edwards =    
                                                         C Elliott = C Y Fell = -- Hibble = T Mackay = C L Maclean   
                                                         A Otterson = Geo Sinclair = -- Stavert = Frank Trask = J W Wigzell  
Wed - 30 -- Death--CAMPBELL, 29 Ap, at Nile St West, Nelson, Collin William, 13yrs, eldest son   
                                 of James Campbell    

May --- 1873

Thur - 01 -- Death--NUNN, 30 Ap, at hospital, George Nunn, 49yrs     
                                 WRATT, 30 Ap, at Spring Grove, Mrs Sarah Wratt, 69, widow of late George Wratt   
Sat --- 03 -- Death--CLARKSON, 30 Ap, at Motueka, Ann, 60yrs, wife of John Thomas Clarkson   
Wed - 07 -- SMITH, 7 May, at Forest Inn, Wakefield, Mrs Robert M Smith, a daughter   
Thur - 08 -- === Letter from the school examiner with prize list for Waimea West School ===   
                           1st class = William Bartlett = Catherine O'Connor = Patrick O'Connor == 
                           2nd class = Georgina Thorburn = Alice Satherly =     
                           3rd class = Sarah Challies = Ellen O'Connor = Esther Satherly =     
                           4th class = Florence Hammond = Owen Newport = Sidney Satherly =      
                           5th class = Herbert Ford = Theresa Mercer =      
                           6th class = Alice Hammond      
                            special prizes === William Challies  ===  Lucy Challies        
Sat --- 10 -- McRAE, 9 May, at Bonovoree, Richmond, Mrs Roderick McRae, a daughter     
                    WEBLEY, 2 May, at Collingwood, wife of john Webley, a son   
                    WAKELIN, 6 May, at Waimea Rd, Mrs J R Wakelin, a daughter   
                    Death--KEARSE, 9 May, at Harris St, Nelson, Elizabeth Painter Kearse, 5+1/2yrs,   
                                 daughter of M Kearse   
 Tue - 13 --- TALBOT, 6 May, at Richmond, Mrs G Talbot, a son   
                     JENNENS - FRANKLIN, 10 May, by Rev D Dolamore, Joseph Jennens, to Miss Alice    
                     Maud Franklin, both of Nelson
Wed - 14 --- SKEET - GILBERT, 13 May, at Clifton Trce Schoolroom, by Rev R J Thorpe, William    
                     Henry, eldest son of W Skeet Esq, CE, Wairarapa, Wellington, to Caroline Elizabeth,   
                     2nd daughter of Rev T Gilbert, Clifton Trce, Suburban North      
Thur - 15 --- GOULSTONE, 12 May, wife of H Goulstone, Bank NSW, a daughter   
Fri --- 16 ---- === People who collected signatures to an anti - seperation petition  === 
                              W N Franklin, Inangahua = F Courtnay, Inangahua = T E Chichester, Buller =     
                              W White, Waimea Sth = J T Mackay, Waimea E = J G Knyvett, Motueka Valley =   
                               A Hibble, Nelson = G F Martin, Stoke = F Smallbone, Nelson = F Blundell, Waimea  
                               West = T C Batchelor, Wakapuaka = W Giblin, Motueka and district =    
                               J Cann, Golden Bay = T Anslow, Buller = R Burn = T Newton =      
Sat --- 17 --- WYLIE, 16 May, at Shelbourne St, William Wylie, a daughter
                     OWEN - COPPINS, 15 May, at resid of brides father, by Rev W Cannell, Charles John    
                     Owen, of Havelock, Marlborough, to Ellen Lauretta, only daug of W Coppins, Motueka
Tue -- 20 --- WATKIN, 19 May at Lyttleton, wife of Rev W J Watkin, a daughter    
Sat --- 24 --- MARSHALL, 20 May, ahr, Russell St, wife of W Marshall, a son   
                     IVESS, 7 May, at Nelson, wife of Joseph Ivess, MPC, a son   
                     MASTERS, 18 May, at Spring Grove, wife of C Masters, a son    
                     CHAMBERLAIN - WHITEFOORD, 12 May, at Ahaura, Grey Valley, by Rev T Flavell,   
                     C W Chamberlain, of H M Customs, Greymouth, to Lucy, youngest daughter of    
                     John Whitefoord, Recorder, Launceston, Tasmania   
                     RICKETTS - SHARP, 17 May, at Shelbourne St, by Rev T Buddle, William C Ricketts,    
                     to Miss Sarah E Sharp, both of Nelson    
                     HASLAM - McCORMACK, 24 May, at Catholic Church, Nelson, Charles Haslam, to   
                     Miss Catherine McCormack, both of Nelson    
                     HILL - SHERRATT, 23 May, at Christ Church, Nelson, by Rev G H Johnstone, Charles   
                     James Hill, Hokitika, to Agnes, only daughter of Joseph Sherratt    
                     MOREY - VEALE, 14 May, at resid of brides father, New Plymouth, by Rev W Kirk,   
                     Walter Morey, formerly of Nelson, to Sophia, youngest daughter of John Veale, both of     
                     Death--STRUTHERS, 3 May at Westport, Edith Evelyn, ?6mths, only child of William   
                                  and Lydia Jane Struthers
                                  SNOW, 2 Mar, at Tiverton, Devonshire, Isaac Snow, 82yrs     
 Mon - 26 -- PEARSON - BECKMAN, 24 May, at St Marys Church, by Rev Father Garin, Peter 
                     Pearson, to Miss Minnie Beckman, both of Nelson
                     Death--EDWARDS, 24 May, John, 28yrs, eld son of Joseph Edwards, Collingwood St, Nelson 
                     === Applications for leases == J C Ponsonby, West Wanganui = Thos Thomas, Wairoa =  
                             William Page jun, Takaka = James Jones, Ada valley, Waiau = Renbena Askew,      
                             Croixelles = Edward Grooby, Ngatimoti = Edward and Orry H Hope, Upper Wairau ==  
Tue --- 27 -- SAXBY, 21 May, at Te Kopanga, Napier, Mrs Gordon Saxby, a son   
                     STAGG, 26 May, at Hope St, wife of W Stagg, a son   
Thur - 29 --- GILROY, 29 Ap, ahr, the Baton, wife of Patrick Gilroy, a son
Fri --- 30 --- SOWMAN, 29 May, ahr,Cambria St, the Wood, wife A Sowman, a son
                    KILGOUR - BROOKS, 28 May, by Mr W M Biss, Thomas Kilgour, of Nelson, to   
                    Miss Elizabeth Brooks, of 88 Valley
                    Death--THORP, 30 May, at Motueka, Herrick, eldest son of Charles and Mary Thorp   
                                 ADAMS, 18 May, at Collingwood, Purser Miles, 10wks, son of Mr and Mrs Thos 
                    === Bankruptcy == George Jacobs, lodging house keeper     
Sat --- 31 -- BARNETT, 27 May, at Nelson, wife of Henry Barnett, a daughter       
                    ==== Shooting licences ===  + additions in Tue 3 June  and Sat 7 June      

June --- 1873

Mon - 02 --- WHEELER, 28 May, wife of Capt Wheeler, twin sons   
                     HENDERSON - MANNERS, 29 May, St Pauls Cathedral, Wellington, by Rev B W Harvey,  
                     John Henderson Esq, to Ada, widow of the late Lieut Arthur Cecil Manners, 18th Royal   
                     Irish, and 3rd daughter of his Honour F A Carrington, MHR,Superintendent of Taranaki   
                     Death-- WIGZELL, 1 June, Emma, 22yrs, daughter of William and Elizabeth Wigzell    
Tue -- 03 --- ==== Bankruptcy notifications--- William McLaren (bootmaker)
                               John Utrage (fisherman)    Charles Spring (brickmaker)      
                     ==== Call for purchase of 100 ac of land as an endowment on Miss Rose Williams,    
                               first child of european parents born in Inangahua district     
                     ==== Additional shooting licences      
Thur - 05 --- ==== James Dall, charged with vagrancy  
Fri --- 06 ---- Death--NASH, 6 June, Brook St, Lucy Isabella, 5+2/3yrs, daughter of John and Sarah Nash   
Sat --- 07 --- DOIDGE, 6 June, ahr, Stoke, wife of William Doidge, a daughter   
                     ==== Additional shooting licences   
Tue -- 10 --- DOBSON, 8 June, Nelson, wife of A Dudley Dobson Esq, a daughter    
Wed - 11 --- === Alfred Rogers, Blenheim, passed final exam and will be admitted as a barrister and   
                             solicitor at the Supreme Court, Picton, next week     
Fri --- 13 --- Death--MERRITT, 13 June, ahr, Bridge St, Charles William Merritt, 40yrs    
Sat -- 14 ----Death--FREWIN, at parents resid, Rose Elizabeth Frewin, 9+1/2mths            
Mon - 16 -- Death--GIFFORD, 11 June, at Upper Moutere, Elizabeth, 36yrs, wife of Thos Gifford   
Tue -- 17 -- Death--STACE, 10 June, at Kaikoura, Marlborough, Julia, 24,wife of Walter M Stace Esq,  
                                and daughter of David Johnston Esq, Collector of Customs, Nelson   
Wed - 18 -- Death-AUGARDE, 14 Mar, Hugh Stephens Augarde, 50yrs, Stock Exchange, London    
                    === accident involving Robert Aiken, 17yrs   
                    === Anita Elizabeth Plank, 2+1/2yrs, daughter of H Plank, Wakefield, drowned  ----
                            Inquest  Thur 19 paper 
Thur - 19 -- Death--EDWARDS, 18 June, Henry John, 5+3/4yrs, eldest son of Henry Edwards    
                                 JACKSON, 19 June, at Grahamstown, Auckland, George, 42, son of B Jackson, Nelson   
                                 BUHCK, 2 June, the Wood, Jessie, 23mths, daughter of William and Julia Buhck    
                     === PLANK, result of inquest into drowning of Anita Elizabeth, 2+1/2yrs   
Fri --- 20 --- Death--REDWOOD, 19 June, at Stafford Place, Waimea West, Henry Redwood Esq, sen, 79  
                                 DAVIDSON, 1 Ap 1873, drowned on SS Atlantic, Lawriston Umphelby, widow, and  
                                 Lillian, daughter of Capt Alex Davidson, formerly of the "William Stoveld" and late of   
                                 Ferryhill, Aberdeen, Scotland    
                     Item----- about the above Henry Redwood    
Sat --- 21 --- SYMES, 30 May, at Takaka, Mrs T Symes, a daughter   
Mon - 23 --- SHEEN - ROBERTSON, at Caversham, near Dunedin, by Rev D Stuart, Jhon Sheen, late  
                     of Nelson, to Miss Jane Robertson, Caversham     
                     THORN - SHEPPARD, 17 June, at Dovedale, by Rev W Cannel, John Thorn, Dovedale    
                     to Mrs J Sheppard, Nelson      
                     LAMMAS - THORN, 17 June, Dovedale, by Rev W Cannel, Jesse Lammas, to Mary,   
                     eldest daughter of John Thorn, both of Dovedale   
                     PACKARD - BAIRD, 21 June, rev P Calder, at resid of George Batchelor, Nile St East,  
                     Peter Bartrum, eldest son of Joseph Packard, to Jane Elizabeth, eldest daughter of the    
                     late James Baird, bothof Clifton, Golden Bay     
Tue -- 24 --- Death--ROBINSON, 23 June, at resid of his brother, Cheviot Hills, Amuri, Samuel   
                                  Robinson Esq, 52yrs     
Wed - 25 --- SPICER - McCOLL, 16 June, at Wroughton, Upper Pangatotara, by Rev S Poole,  
                     G R Spicer, Pangatotara, to Janet, relict of the late Mr McColl, of the same place    
Sat --- 28- -- McCABE, 27 June, at Halifax St, wife of W H McCabe, a daughter     
Mon - 30 --- Death--HAYNES, 28 June, Walter, 9+1/2yrs, 2nd son of Mr Haynes, Hardy St                 

July --- 1873

Wed - 02 --- SENIOR, 29 June, at Woodlands, Upper Moutere, Mrs S Senior, a son
                     HANNEGEN - VOLCKMANN, 26 June, at resid of brides mother, Nelson, by Rev Father   
                     Garin, Daniel Hannegen, to Bridget Volckmann     ?????????
Thur - 03 --- ANDREWS, 25 June, at Spring Grove, Mrs Thomas Andrews, a son
                     JENNINGS, 3 July, ahr, Nile St West, wife of James Jennings, Malster, a daughter    
                     HANNAGAN - FLOCKMANN, 26 June, at Catholic Station, St Marys, by Rev F Bensfeld, 
                     Daniel Hannagan to Clara Flockmann     ???????
                     Death--NUTTALL, 2 July, at the Wood, Nelson, Sarah, 2nd daug of James and Margaret Nuttall   
Fri --- 04 --- JENNINS, 30 June, at Collingwood, wife of Edmund Jennins, a son   
                     ==== Names of Central Board of Education       
Mon - 07 --- Death--AVERY, 30 June, at Blenheim, Alice, 29yrs, wife of W Avery, late of Nelson
                                  REDWOOD, 29 June, Grace Mary, 9mth, daughter of T Redwood Esq   
Tue -- 08 --- Death--SHELLY, ahr, Collingwood St, Samuel Shelly, 28yrs   
                     === Names of subscribers to the Nelson Volunteer Fire Brigade  ===      
Wed - 09 --- BERRY, 8 July, wife of W H Berry, a daughter    
                     ROWLING - SMITH, 5 July, by Rev E Thomas, Thomas Rowling, to Miss 
                     Caroline Smith, both of Nelson
Fri --- 11 ---- DOUTHETT, 11 July, at Washington Valley, wife of A W Douthett, a son
                     PARSONS, 11 July at Pelorus Valley, wife of G E Parsons, a son  
                     Death--RICKETTS, 10 July, at Nelson, Martha Anne, 20yrs, 3rd daughter of 
                                  William Ricketts of Spring Grove
Sat --- 12 --- OXNAN, 27 June, at Upper Buller, wife of John Oxnan, a daughter 
                     Death--ROIL, 11 July, at Waimea East, Sarah, 83yrs, relict of the late Thomas Roil    
Mon - 14 --- GREAGER - AVERY, 12 July, by Rev E Thomas, Christen Eriksen Greager, mariner, to   
                     Miss Annie Elizabeth Avery, 2nd daughter of James Avery, bootmaker, Nelson     
                     McMULLEN - ROSE, 3 July at St Lukes Church, by Rev E A Lingard, John Franklyn  
                     McMullen jun, of Christchurch, NZ, to Cecilia Margaret Rose, eldest daughter of the 
                     late Alex Rose Esq, Corralin, Tasmania   
Tue - 15 ---- PARSONS, 11 July, at res of her father, Mr Knyvett, Franklin St, the wife of   
                     H W Parsons, Pelorus, a son, premature   
                     BATCHELOR - SHERWOOD, 6 July, by Rev T Buddle,at resid of brides father, Hugh,   
                     eldest son of G Batchelor, to Rhoda, eldest daug of T Sherwood, both of Nelson    
Wed - 16 --- GARRARD, 12 July, Mrs Garrard, Haven Rd, a son    
Thur - 17 --- BUCHANNAN, 16 July, at South St, wife of P Buchannan, a son   
                     MORRISON, 16 July, at the Port, wife of W Morrison, a son
                     Death--McNABB, 17 July, at Christchurch, at resid of her daugh, Mrs J Plank, Mrs R McNabb,  
                                  64yrs, late of Sandy Bay    
Fri --- 18 ---- BAIGENT - FOWLER, 15 July, at St Thomas Church, Motueka, by Rev S Poole, 
                     Isaac, 3rd son of Isaac Baigent, of Wakefield, to Elizabeth, eldest daughter of 
                     John Fowler jun, of Riwaka  
Sat --- 19 --- PEARCY,15 July, at Washington Valley, wife of E Percy, a daughter   
                     Death--HUSBAND, at resid of Mrs Gordon, Nelson, Edward Samuel, 16, eldest son of    
                                  Samuel Husband, Upper Buller
                     supplement---------- annual report of Inspector of Schools      
Mon - 21 --- ==== Passed Junior Civil Service Exams = J Burnett = J W Blackett = C R Vickererman =  
                               C E Pratt = F Wither = (all were pupils of Nelson College)   
Tue -- 22 --- ==== bankruptcy == George Edward Levien, storekeeper, Havelock     
Mon - 28 --- ==== Nelson Board of Works == new members -- proposed, proposer and seconder ==     
Tue -- 29 --- Death--CLOUSEN, 26 July, at the Taranaki Buildings, Andrew Clousen, 73yrs, late      
                                  of Collingwood     
Thur - 31 --- Death--EPPS, 29 July, Mary, 66yrs, wife of Thomas Epps
                                  SHEPHARD, 30 July, at Hospital, Nelson, Alexander Shephard, 57yrs   
                     === Receivers of Education Rate for different areas ====   

August --- 1873

Fri --- 01 --- STOWE, 27 July, at Wellington, Mrs Leonard Stowe, a daughter      
                    GILL - HIGGINS, 30 July, at resid of father of the bride, by Rev D Dolamore,
                    Frederick Gill, Wakapuaka, to Mercy, daug of Sidney Higgins, Spring Grove      
                    CANN - SCOTT, 24 July, at Takaka, by Rev R J Thorpe, Robert Cann, to Ellen Brunton,   
                    eldest daughter of David Scott, Clifton     
                    === Wreck of the Rangitoto on the way to Wellington from Nelson === names of   
Sat --- 02 --- ==== Central Buller Mining, David Leslie, manager = forfeited shares = Ewan Kennedy =   
                               Frederick McDowell = Frederick Green = Aaron Carne = Alexander McDowell      
Mon -- 04 -- ==== University Scholarships exam results == Nelson candidates    
                               Frederick Augustus Severac = Hugh Gully = A B Campbell = Frank Witwell =  
                               J T Barnicoat = J L Barnicoat = J H Richardson   (only 3 passed out of 20 and   
                               F A Severac was the only Nelson one)      
                     ==== Golden Ledge Co, L Davies, manager = forfeit shares = Edward Ashton =    
                               Morris Levy     
                     ==== Mrs Morgan, wife of a bucher burnt to death in her own home at Sefton Bridge,   
                               Sat 2nd      
                     ==== Application for leases = Edmund Davidson, Cape Farewell = John Rait, Buller =   
                              George Fairhall, Pigeon Valley = Charles Haycock, Ngatimoti = William Akersten,    
                              Pigeon Valley = Dorothea Busch, Aniseed Valley = Robert Cann, Pohara  ===      
Tue --- 05 -- HOOPER, 2 Aug, at Nile St West, Mrs G Hooper, a son    
Wed -- 06 -- YOUNG, 5 Aug, at Grove St, the Wood, Nelson, wife of Henry R Young, a daughter     
Fri --- 08 --- ROWBOTHAM - RAMM, 6 Aug, by Rev E Thomas, George Moore, son of James     
                    Rowbotham, farmer, Stoke, to Miss Sarah Ramm, Nelson    
                    Death--Parker, 20 May, at resid of her sister at Widford, Mrs Charlotte Parker, late of   
                                 Castle Howard    
                                 PETCHEY, 23 May, ahr, Wilford, near Ware, Mrs Petchey, relict of W Petchey Esq   
Sat --- 09 --- === Break O'Day Mining --- forfeit shares = John Corr = Timothy Sheahan =  John Disher
Mon - 11 --- ALLEN - COOMBS, 9 Aug, by Rev E Thomas, Henry Allen, miner, Collingwood,  
                     to Elizabeth, youngest daug, of Henry Coombs, Grove St, Nelson   
Tue -- 12 --- DRAGER, 5 Aug, at Lower Wakefield, Mrs Drager, a son     
                     === Application for leases = Henry Gilmer, Totara Flat = John Walker, Inangahua =     
                            Charles Quinn, Inangahua = John Kerr, Upper Wairau  ====      
Sat --- 16 --- McDONALD - TREGEA, 9 Aug, by Rev P Calder, George Duncan McDonald, to   
                     Elizabeth Tregea, both of Nelson    
                     SAUNDERS - WILKIE, 13 Aug, at Christchurch, Canterbury, William, eldest son of
                     Alfred Saunders, late Superintendent of Nelson Province, to Jennie, 3rd daughter  
                    of William Wilkie, merchant of Nelson     
                    Death--ELLIOTT, May, 1873, at Sittingbourne, Kent, England, Julia Fanny, wife of George 
                                Elliott, and sisterof J B Sadd, of Nelson   
Mon - 18 --- === Sworn in for Grand Jury duty   ====
Tue -- 19 --- MULES, 19 Aug, at the Parsonage, Spring Grove, wife of Rev C O Mules, a daughter  
                     MALCOLM - WEBB, by Mr W M Biss, Robert Malcolm, of Richmond, to 
                     Harriet, daughter of C Webb, Nelson    
                     Death--WEBLEY, 17 Aug, ahr, Brook St, Valley, James Webley, 60yrs
Wed - 20 --- DELANEY, 17 Aug, at Motueka, Mrs John Delaney, a daughter   
                     Death--ANDREWS, 18 Aug, at Motueka, Mr W Andrews, 75yrs   
                                  SQUIRES, 20 Aug, at Hardy St, Nelson, Catherine Jane, 24yrs, wife of 
                     William Westbrooke Squires, MD, MRCS    
Thur - 21 --- WOOTTON - BURNETT, 21 Aug, by Rev E Thomas, Thomas Edward Wotton, carpenter,   
                     to Miss Elizabeth Frances Burnett, both of Dovedale    
                     Death--WOOD,20 Aug, at resid of her father, Grove St, Elizabeth, 28yrs, wife of 
                     Joseph Wood    
Mon - 25 --- YOUNG - AIKEN, 21 Aug, at resid of brides father, by Rev J McIntosh, R A Young,  
                     civil engineer, 2nd son of the late A D Young Esq, Dundee, to Elizabeth Reid, 3rd   
                     daughter of George Aiken, of Greymouth   
                     Death--SOWMAN, 23 Aug, Edith Sarah, 3yrs, daughterof William and Emoly Sowman   
Tue -- 26 --- === Eyes  v  Henderson court case   ===
Wed - 27 --- Death--AVERY, 25 Aug, at resid of her brother-in-law, Mr James Avery, Nile St East,   
                                  Annie Amelia, 39yrs, wife of William Avery   
                                  CARRIGAN, 25 Aug, ahr, Waimea St, Hugh Carrigan, 39yrs   
                                  DIXON, 26 Aug, at her fathers resid, Tasman St, Lucy Dixon, 16yrs       
Thur - 28 --- SHEATHER, 28 Aug, wife of L Sheather,a daughter   
Sat --- 30 --- Death--TOOMEY, 28 Aug, at Hospital, Nelson, Edward Toomey, late of South West 
                     Gold Fields, 50yrs   

September --- 1873

Mon -- 01 -- Death--BOCKMANN, 3 Aug, at Upper Moutere, wife, 43, of F Bockmann     
                                  GREIG, 31 Aug, Isabella Rollison Greig, 65yrs, wife of Thomas Greig   
                                  WOOD, 30 Auh, at Christchurch, Mary Ann, 60yrs, widow of late George Wood Esq   
Tue -- 02 --- PICARD - MIDGELY, 16 Aug, by Rev E Thomas, William A Picard, to Miss Amelia   
                     Midgely, both of Foxhill    
Thur - 04 --- Death--LOVELL, 28 Aug, at Motueka, Benjamin Lovell sen, 65yrs   
Fri --- 05 ---- TAYLOR - LAIDLER, 1 May 1873, at St Johns Church, Newcastle-on-Tyne, by Rev
                      Robt Daunt, Wm Taylor, HM Customs, Liverpool, to Emma, daughter of Geo Laidler,    
                     accountant, Newcastle-on-Tyne    
Sat --- 06 --- DRANE, 3 Sept, wife of J G Drane, a daughter
Mon - 08 --- CHITTENDEN, 3 Sept, wife of J Chittenden, South St, a daughter   
                     === Large fire in Auckland  58 buildings destroyed   
Wed -09 -???- HARLEY, 2 Sept, ahr, Halifax St, Mrs T Harley, a daughter   
Fri --- 11 -???- HAYCOCK, 8 Sept, at Richmond, wife of Herbert Haycock, a son    
                     SCOTT, 8 Sept, wife of Joseph Scott, Tasman St, a daughter   
                     MYERS, 7 Sept, at Motueka, J Myers, a son   
Fri --- 12 ---- FIRTH, 11 Sept, Mrs H Nelson Firth, a son
                     Death--WHITE, 12 Sept, at resid of her father, Waimea St, Nelson, Hannah Elizabeth,     
                                  12+1/2yrs, late of Merthyr Tydfil, Glamorganshire, South Wales     
                     Item------- death of Capt ROUSE of  "Claud Hamilton"   
Sat -- 13 ---- EDWARDS, 13 Sept, at Sunnyside, wife of N Edwards Esq, a son   
                     Death--BRAYBROOK, 11 Sept, at Hospital, Nelson, George Braybrook, 22yrs, late of   
                                  Victoria and West Coast, NZ    
Mon - 15 --- COMISKEY - HANBURY, 23 June, at St Georges, Hanover Sq, Patrick, 2nd son of   
                     Joseph Comiskey Esq, of Castle Blaney, County Monaghan, to Mary Ann Bamford,   
                     daugh of late Robery Hanbury Esq, of Bole Hall, Tamworth   
Tue -- 16 --- WELLS, 10 Sept, ahr, Russell St, wife of W Wells, a daughter   
                     BLENNERHASSETT - ELIOT, 11 Sept, at resid of Mr J Newman, Bridge St, by Rev   
                     Thomas Buddle, Thomas, youngest son of the late R A Blennerhassett Esq, County
                     Kerry, Ireland, to Anny, daughter of the late Henry Eliot Esq, of Nelson and Richmond   
                     Death--WARNER, ahr, Cambria St, Nelson, Richard Warner, 55yrs   
                                  MITCHELL, 13 Sept, at Picton, Ernest, 3+1/2yrs, youngest son of 
                                  John and Grace Mitchell, late of Nelson   
Fri --- 19 ---- === Bankruptcy  George Silcock, laborer, Spring Grove     
Sat --- 20 --- === Nelson Exhibition special prize list ====
Mon - 22 --- Item---Coroners inquest--- Elizabeth Smith, 39yrs, wife of Capt Smith of the barque    
                     "Annie Braginton"   
Tue -- 23 --- Death--ASKEW, 14 Sept, at Riwaka, William Askew sen, 76yrs   
Wed - 24 --- KNAPP, 23 Sept, at Brookside, Spring Grove, wife of W H Knapp, a daughter   
                     Death--DISHER, 23 Sept, ahr, Leah, 34yrs, wife of John Disher   
                     === Inquest  Jane Pahl, wife of a farmer in Sherry Valley, died Mon 22        
                     === Obituary = James Graham     
Thur - 25 --- NATION, 24 Sept, ahr, Christchurch, NZ, wife of W C Nation, a son   
Mon - 29 --- BURWORD, 28 Sept, at the Wood, wife of J C Burford, a daughter
Tue -- 30 --- WILLIAMS, 29 Sept, Alma St, wife of Richard Oats Williams, a son   
                     === Matilda Ann Thompson, 21 mths, died this morning       

October --- 1873  

Thur - 02 --- ===David Main, drowned crossing the Opawa River       
                     === Dr Besley, late of the Halcione drowned nearby   == both of  Blenheim       
Fri --- 03 ---- === Additions to the special prize fund for the Exhibition    
Tue -- 07 --- JELLYMAN, 30 Sept, at Blenheim, wife of Henry Jellyman, a son   
                     KNIGHT, 2 Oct, at Toi-toi Valley, wife of A Knight, a daughter   
                     SHERWOOD, 5 Oct, ahr, Brook St, wife of J E Sherwood jun, a son   
                     Death--HODGSON, 5 Oct, son, 7mths, of W C Hodgson   
Mon - 13 --- === People selling tickets for Nelson Horti Soc = Mr Gilbert, Wakapuaka = A Barnett,   
                             Stoke = Mr Steer, Richmond = J Rose, Spring Grove = W Ladley, Waimea W =    
                             R M Smith, Wakefield = Wm Cook, Upper Moutere = S Buchholz, Lower Moutere  
                             and Motueka = F Hicks, Takaka = Mr Riley, Collingwood =====          
Tue -- 14 --- === Frederick Waring, mate of the Waihopai  accidental death == Inquest  Thur 16 paper=  
Thur - 16 --- HOGAN, 24 Sept, at Otepopo, Dunedin, wife of J H Hogan, a daughter   
Fri --- 17 ---- DANE - KING, 16 Oct, at Nelson, by Rev D Dolamore, William Frederick  Dane,  
                     Spring Grove, to Miss Susan King, of Nelson    
                     Death--SMART, 16 Oct, ahr, Collingwood St, Nelson, Sarah, 62yrs, wife of R Smart   
                                  WEBLEY, 1 Oct, at Collingwood, son, 5mths, of John Henry Webley   
Mon - 20 --- SANDERS, 17 Oct, ahr, Grove St, the Wood, wife of H Sanders, a daughter   
                     BARTLETT - PRESTIDGE, 16 Oct, by Rev E Thomas, Robert Bartlett, Takaka,       
                     to Martha Ellen, eldest daughter of Mr Prestidge, of Upper Moutere     
Fri --- 24 ---- ===More special prizes for Exhibition       
                     === Applications for leases == James Watkins, Totara Flats = Joses Griggiths, Stanley    
                            Brook = James O'Dwyer, Waimea E = J D Duncan & G Starnes, Riwaka =    
                            Daniel McGinty, Inangahua  ===     
Wed - 29 --- HASLAM, 27 Oct,ahr, Collingwood St, Mrs George Haslam, a son    
                     JELLYMAN, 13 Oct, at Spring Creek, Marlborough, wife of W G Jellyman, a daughter     
                     JORDAN, 23 Oct, at Motueka, wife of J B Jordan, a daughter    
                     KNAPP, 20 Oct, at Spring Grove, wife of C Knapp, a daughter   
                     SELLON, 25 Oct, at Apple Tree Farm, Spring Grove, wife of M Sellon Esq, a daughter    
                     Death--LANGE, 27 Oct, at resid of her son Mr Christien Sixtus, Maria Sophia Elizabeth   
                                  Lange, 75yrs   
Fri --- 31 --- WEBLEY - USHER, 31 Oct, at resid of brides father, by Rev Thos Buddle, W Webley,    
                    to Miss Usher, both of Nelson    
                    Death--LOCKERBIE, 31 Oct, ahr, Collingwood St, Robert Lockerbie, 43yrs, late Glasgow   

November --- 1873

Mon - 03 --- === Notice = james Keill will not be responsible for any debts of his wife Jane Keill == 
Tue -- 04 --- NUTTALL, 30 Oct, wife of J Nuttall, a daughter    
                     LEE, 2 Nov, Mrs Robert Lee, a daughter   
                     PICKERING, 3 Nov, wife of F H Pickering, a daughter   
                     Death--ANDERSON, 5 May, John Watts Anderson, 21yrs, washed overboard from   
                                  Ocean Mail, bound from London to Adelaide   
Wed - 05 --- HODGSON - BERRY, 4 Nov, at Christ Church, Nelson, by Rev G H Johnstone,  
                    George Hodgson, to Julia, youngest daughter of the late Thomas Berry  
Fri --- 07 --- Death--RICHARDSON, at resid of Mr Thornton, the Port, Nelson, Claud Hamilton, son,   
                                 5wks, of J M Richardson   
                                 GIBSON, 20 Oct, at Kaituna, Blenheim, Mrs Katherine Gibson, 27yrs   
                    === Nelson Provincial Council  == Candidates, proposers and seconders    ====     
                    === Hope and Ranzau School results   =======
Tue -- 11 -- FIVEN - CARROLL, 1 Nov, at Blenheim, by Rev W Shirriffs, Frederick Fiven, late of   
                    Nelson, to Elizabeth, only daughter of late James Smith Carroll   
                    HUTCHESON - GIBBS, 1 Nov, at Havelock, by W Whitehorn Esq, Richard Hutcheson,   
                    only son of Mr Hutcheson of the Miners Arms Hotel, Havelock, to Miss Alice Gibbs,   
                    eldest daughter of John Gibbs, Lower Wakefield   
                   Death--JONES, 10 Nov, at Reefton, Mary Ellen, daughter of E F Jones, Bridge St, Nelson   
                   Birth --- EDELSTEN, 10 Nov, Lower Moutere, Mrs J S Edelsten, a daughter     
Thur -13 -- === Shooting match between Taranaki and Nelson Foresters (12 a side)    
Fri --- 14 -- === Richmond Ram Show --prizes ===       
Sat -- 15 --- === Nelson Board of Works ---- List of ratepayers names and amounts to pay  ======   
Mon - 17 -- PAINTON, 13 Nov, at Lower Wakefield Store, Mrs W Painton, a son   
                    McEACHEN, Nov 14, ahr, Alton St, Nelson, wife of James McEachen, a son   
Tue -- 18 -- RENTOUL, 9 Nov, at Clifton, Golden Bay, wife of W O Rentoul, a daughter    
                   DAVIES, 13 Nov, at Quail Valley, Waimea Sth, Mrs E Davies, a son   
Wed - 19 -- FLEETWOOD - GILBERT, 19 Nov, at St Andrews Church, Suburban Nth, by Rev T Flavell,
                   Thomas Mussell Fleetwood, of Marton, Rangiteiki, to Ruth, youngest daughter of 
                   Rev T Gilbert,Clifton Trce, Nelson   
                   === Mr E J O'Connors election committee == T Bailie = J Corr = G Clark = N Craddock =  
                          T Dickinson = D Emmanuel = G Falla = J B Fisher = J S Fisher = J S Fleming =    
                          J R Fraser = I Graves = E Gothard = J Hughes = J W Humphrey = Wm Hanna =     
                          J L Munson = P Monahan = F McFarlane = P J McKenna = M Organ = Benjamin    
                          Oxner = James Powell = H Pain = Edward Roche = James Simpson = J Simon =   
                          F Sontgen = E S Suisted = T B Shapter = R C Speer = T Wardrope = F White =    
                          T Watson = J A M Turner = J Clarke = J Quigley = T Fielder = W Philips = J Simpson   
                          W Lavette - A Luff = J Oakley = L Fernandez = J Weston = F A Green = Capt Riley =   
                          G Gilbertson = T Lockwood      
Thur - 20 --- === More special prizes ---- donated by= J C Moutray = Henry Drew = Sir D Monro =  
                                                                                             W Milner = C F Watts            
Fri --- 21 --- POLGLASE - TANNANT, 20 Nov, at resid of brides father, by W M Biss, Joseph, 2nd    
                    son of the late Joseph Polglase, Brook St, Nelson, to Caroline, 2nd daughter of 
                    Richard Tannant, Lower Moutere   
Mon - 24 -- MACEY - SIMSON,17 Nov, at resid of the bridegroom, by the Very Rev Archdeacon Batt,   
                    W M Macey, bookseller, Blenheim, Marlborough, to Henrietta, 2nd daughter of the late   
                    E A Simson, Taranaki     
                    Death--O'SULLIVAN, 18 Nov, at Renwicktown, Marlborough, Francis, 29yrs, 6th son of   
                                  John O,Sullivan, Picton       
                   ==== Tenders accepted for mail services === between CPO and wharf, Twist and Gay =    
                              Nelson and Foxhill, F Holder = Foxhill and Sherry, G Flower =  Spring Grove and   
                              Waimea W, M Newth = Nelson and Wakapuaka, C H Martin = Lower Moutere and   
                              Ngatimoti, H Young = Ngatimoti and Thorpe = J Rose         
Tue - 25 --- === Caledonian Society -- officials and sports committee ---Sir David Monro =       
                                T Renwick MLC = Robert Disher = David Burns = Alex Sclanders = John Sharp =   
                                C L Maclean = Wm Stavert = Duncan Chisholm = Donald McDonald = C Y Fell =  
                                T Rentoul = J C Moutray = J P Black = R C Tennent = A Robertson = A H Brind =   
                                A McKellar Wix = James Hamilton            
Thur - 27 - HEATH, 19 Nov, ahr, Graham River, Pokororo, wife of John Heath, a daughter
                  HOLLOWAY, 26 Nov, wife of John Holloway Esq, a daughter   
                  === Stoke  v City shooting teams        
                  === Nelson Exhibition Prize winners
Fri -- 28 -- O'BRIEN - JENKINS, 26 Nov, at Enner Glynn, by Mr W M Biss, Alexander O'Brien of   
                  Ngatimoti, son of the late Lieut Colonel C O'Brien of the Bengal Army, to Harriette Jane,    
                  2nd daughter of Alfred George Jenkins   
                  Death--PEEL, 15 Sept, at Portsmouth, England, Mrs Peel, relict of the late Rev Joseph Peel   
                               of Mavellkassa, Sth India, and sister of Mrs David Johnston, Nelson   
                 Item------------Nelson Exhibition----- some names of exhibitors                 
Sat -- 29 - Death--KITCHING, 29 Nov, wife, 52yrs, of John H Kitching, Tasman St, and 3rd daughter   
                 of the late John Fletcher of Haldenby Grange, Yorkshire   
                 Item------- Inquest into death of Abraham BUSH, 73yrs   
                         -------some exhib prize winners  

December --- 1873

Mon - 01 -- SEDGWICK, 29 Nov, Nelson, wife of Merton Sedgwick, a daughter   
                    Death--BUSH, 28 Nov, at Russell St, Nelson, Abraham Bush, 73yrs   
                                 FOREMAN, 5 Aug, at Tunbridge Wells, Eng, Mr F A Foreman, formerly of Nelson    
                    === Names on a protest  ======       
Sat -- 06 --- McCOIG - McCULLOCH, 3 Dec, at resid of Mr W Haddow, Washington Valley, by Rev    
                    P Calder, John McCoig, to Henrietta McCulloch   
Mon - 08 -- NAYLOR, 7 Dec, wife of G Naylor, a son   
                    === William Tell Co, Jas Graham Niven, manager == forfeit shares == William Hely =   
                            John Browne = Thomas Watson = Louis Pensini = Christian Rasmussen =   
                            John Fieldes = William Bell = Thomas Newport = Thomas Collins = John Fennell =   
                            Giovanni Delloca = Frank Soutgen = Guiseppe Zacone = Matteo Della Vidora =    
                            John Campbell = William Evans = Antonio Zala = William Bremner = James Nolan =  
                            Robert White = John Corr = John Morris = Louis Merlo  Thomas Dwan =    
                            Henry Towndron = Mrs Mary Herne            
Tue - 09 --- RIBET, 7 Dec, at Upper Wakefield, Mrs J Ribet, a son, stillborn     
Wed - 10 -- Death--HILTON, 10 Dec, at Hospital, Nelson, Ann Hilton, 54yrs, late of Collingwood St   
                    === Sarau School, Upper Moutere == prize list  == 1st class= Geo Cook = Eliza Hoffman   
                            2nd class=Charles Kelling = Henry Bensemann = 
                            3rd class = Henry Buckmann = Ellen Talbot = 
                            4th class = Daniel Best =  Charles Bensemann 
                            5th class = Walter Hewetson = James Best = 
                            special = Henry Bergman = George Cook = Martha Heine = 
                    ===  Shooting match between the Foresters and Oddfellows (5a side) =====        
Thur - 11 -- Death--MICKLE, 9 Dec, at Riwaka, wife, 55yrs, of Wm Mickle   
                                 BELL, 10 Dec, Mary, 14yrs, daughter of William and Mary Bell   
                    === List of polling places  ======= 
Fri --- 12 --- RUSH - MILLS, 4 Dec, at resid of Mr Prichard, Lower Wairau, by Rev G S Harper,  
                    R Rush, cabinetmaker, Blenheim, to Miss C Mills, late of Nelson   
                    TURTON - WALMSLEY, 9 Dec, at St Johns, Napier, by Rev J Townshend, assisted by   
                    Rev Darcy Irvine, Hanson Turton Esq JP, to Felicia Ann Harriette, 3rd daughter of   
                    Capt Walmsley, Nelson, formerly 56 Reg    
                    Death--MIEKELL, 9 Dec, at Riwaka, wife, 55yrs, of Wm Miekell       
                    === Arthur Gordon, miner, Collingwood, close to death       
                    === Nelson College sports results =====     
Sat -- 13 --- LEVIEN, 10 Dec, ahr, Nelson, wife of Robert Levien, a son    
                    ===  Provincial Scholarship winners == from town schools == William Walker =    
                             J W Smith  ( Wigzell and Bolton, honorable mention)     
                     country schools == G Harkness, Richmond = S Myers, Motueka (Batty and Hawkin of    
                                              Cobden and Harley of Stoke hon mention)        
                     === More College sports results =======      
Mon - 15 --- === Bishops School prize list  ====      
                     === Nelson College prize list  =====       
                     === All scholarship candidates and results =====     
Wed - 17 --- === Neudorf School results =  1 class = Eugenie Desaunais = Ernest Bosselman ==
                             2 class = Augusia Stade = Ida Sixtus === 3 class = Matilda Ewers = Annie Ewers   
                             4 class = Catherine Bockman = Linaura Sixtus == 5 class = Mary Stade = Elizabeth   
                             Seiboth == 6 class = Henry Gifford = Hugo Sixtus == 
                             attendance = Mary Prestidge = Eliza Stade       
Thur - 23 --- === Mr Francis O'Sullivan, teacher for a while at Nelson, retired (because of sickness)   
                             to Renwicktown, Marlborough -death  leaves a young wife                    
 Wed - 24 -- JONES - CALDER, 18 Dec, at resid of brides mother, by Rev P Calder, Albert Davis    
                     Jones, to Agnes Bell, eldest daughter of the late J B Calder    
                     === Application for agric lease = William Bell = Aorere West ===
Fri --- 26 --- Death--STONE, 24 Dec, at Hospital, Nelson, Leonard Stone, 56yrs, native of USA and   
                                  late of French Pass, NZ     
Sat --- 27 --- HARKNESS - HODDER, 26 Dec, by Rev W Cannell, at resid of brides father, Joseph    
                     George Harkness, eldest son of Wm Harkness, to Lucy, eldest daughter of    
                     Thomas Riches Hodder     
Mon - 29 --- FOGDEN, 29 Dec, wife of Mr Fogden of the Motueka Valley Accommodation House,     
                     a son    
                     MURPHY - LEWIS, 27 Dec at resid of brides sister, Waimea St, by Rev T Buddle,
                     Thomas Robert, eldest son of Peter and Jane Murphy of Carlisle, Scotland, to Mary, 5th   
                     daughter of the late William and Ellen Goulstone Lewis, of Merthyr Tydfil,    
                     Glamorganshire, Sth Wales, and g/daughter of the late William Goulstone Esq, chemist   
                     and druggist, Llandovery, Carmarthenshire, England       
                     === Inquest = Michael Campion, Takaka, death on Wed evening --- leaves a wife Susan     
                                            and 2 children       
                    === Shooting match  City Rifles  v Waimea W Rifles      
Tue -- 30 -- MOLLAMS - ROWLEY, 25 Dec, at resid of William Reed, Haven Rd, by Rev P Calder,     
                    Joseph Mollams, to Mary Ann Rowley, both of Nelson     
                    === Upper Wakefield School == 1 class = Annie Hoult = Jane Lane = Charles Hoult =    
                            Samuel Hoult     
                            2 class = N Samson = Alice Pearce = Jane Hunt = Rhoda Lines   
                            3 class = Mary Lines = Laura Batt = Joseph McFarlane = Emily McFarlane   
                            4 class = W Chamberlain = James Lines = Alfred Batt = Samuel Wadsworth  
                            second division == 1class = William Carrell = James Brown    
                             2 class = Isabella Lines = Rose Currin = Edith Chamberlaain = Patience Wadsworth    
                             3 class = Augustus Fanchilli = Joseph Hoult = Thomas McFarlane        
Wed - 31 -- BATT - NEWBERRY, 30 Dec, at resid of father of the bride, by Rev D Dolamore,   
                    Harry Batt, of Wakefield, to Miss Mary Newberry  of Spring Grove    
                    === Motueka  v  Ngatimoti  cricket         

January --- 1874

Fri --- 02 ---- PAPPS - TIMMS, 1 Jan, by Rev D Dolamore, James Frederick Papps, Hope, Waimea Sth, to 
                      Miss Selina Anne Timms, daughter of Samuel Timms, Wairau Valley   
                     === Caledonian Games results =====      
Mon - 05 --- === Sworn in for Grand Jury duty      
Tue -- 06 --- WHITE, 3 Jan, ahr, Waimea St, wife of H White, a daughter   
                     SUART - PLANK, 25 Aug, at Knox Church, Dunedin, by Rev D Stuart, Thomas Kendal 
                     to Grace Plank, both of Christchurch    
                     PLANK - CAMPBELL, 18 Dec, at St Lukes Church, Christchurch, by Rev E A Lingard,   
                     Arthur Fowler Plank, to Grace Campbell, bothof Christchurch   
Sat -- 10 ---- TAYLOR, 1 Jan, at Baton Hotel, Baton, Mrs John Taylor, a daughter   
Mon - 12 --- HAASE, 12 Jan, ahr, Waimea St, Mrs Edward Haase, a son   
                     PELLEW, 10 Jan, Mrs E T Pellew, a daughter    
Tue -- 13 --- === George Herbert BLACKBURNE = Josephus Hargreaves RICHARDSON = Arthur Leonard  
                             SEALY of Nelson have passed both junior and senior civil service exams  ===
Wed - 14 --- TOMLINSON - KINGDON, 13 Jan, at Christ Church, Nelson, by Rev G H Johnstone,   
                     William Tomlinson Esq, to Julia, eldest daughter of Samuel Kingdon Esq   
Thur - 15 --- GODDARD, 10 Jan, ahr, Russell St, wife of H W Goddard, a son   
                     PITT, 10 Jan, Mrs Albert Pitt, a son   
                     SCOTT, 11 Jan, ahr, Russell St, wife John Scott, Engineer, a daughter   
                     O'SULLIVAN - MOORE, 14 Jan, at St Marys, Nelson, by Rev Father Garin, Thomas    
                     O'Sullivan Esq, merchant, Renwick, Marlborough, to Hannah, 2nd daughter of the late   
                     D Moore Esq, Nelson        
                     === St Marys Schools == Emily Brunetti = Josephine Frank = Mary Kealy = Elizabeth    
                             Leech = Naomi Hibble = Margaret Coakly = Mary Flockman = Bridget Toole =   
                             Helen McArtney = Mary Kealy = Christina Frank = Annie Percy = Agnes Pratt =    
                             Annie Davis =  Alice McArtney = Sarah A Bullard = Louisa Williams = Annie Brimer    
                             Minnie Richardson = Alice Pratt = Ellen Coakley = Annie Toole = Kate Hollis =     
                     == Boys school == J Moynihan = Joshua Leach = E Green = P Bond = H Bethwaite =    
                           F Allen = G Shallcrass = Jno Carroll = Edward Mills = W Fleming = John Wylie =    
                           George Edwards = Fred Mills = J Speed = S Sherwood = James Wylie = J Brunetti    
                           E Buckeridge = J Moore = M Kissell = James Carroll  =====
                     === In Fri 16th paper --missed name == Georgina Shannon      
Fri --- 16 ---- ===Templars lodge formed in Nelson                
Mon - 19 --- DREW - YOUNGER, 19 Jan, by Rev G H Johnstone at Christ Church, Nelson, Alfred,    
                     youngest son of Henry Drew, to Sarah, eldest daughter of Thomas Younger, both Nelson   
Tue -- 20 --- Item-------names of officers of the Nelson Fire Brigade   
Fri --- 23 --- MATTHEWS - FISHER, 24 Dec, at Collingwood, by W H Turnell, Registrar, William   
                    E Matthews of St Just, West Cornwall, England, to Miss Elizabeth Fisher, eldest   
                    daughter of John Fisher, Collingwood, Nelson
Sat -- 24 --- BIRD, 23 Jan, Mrs C J Bird, Trafalgar Sq, a son   
Sat -- 31 --- CONSTABLE, 29 Jan, wife of F Constable, Nile St East, a daughter    
                    STALLARD - JAMES, 24 Jan, at resid of the brides father, Collingwood, by Rev John   
                    Spear, Francis, 2nd son of the late William Stallard, of Chichester, Sussex, England, to   
                    Frances, eldest daughter of John James, Collingwood, Nelson      
                    === Stoke School prize giving ===   
                    1 class = Charles Harley = Alice Condell = Ann Giblin = Ada Cresswell = Jabez Norgate =  
                                    Charles Harlay      
                    2 class = Bertha Cresswell = George Rout = Elizabeth Walker   
                    3 class = Agnes Jellyman = Minnie Rout = John Morrison = Jane Allport      
                    4 class = Thomas Condell = Jane Ching = William Paynter    
                    5 class = Mary Bradley =     
                    6 class = Charles Parker = Thomas Chisnell             

February --- 1874

Mon - 02 --- Death--KYNNERSLEY, 1 Feb, Lieut T A Sneyd Kynnersley, RN, 34yrs   
Tue -- 03 --- O'Reilly, 26 Jan, at Takaka, wife of James O'Reilly, a son   
                     HOSKINS - RICE, 27 Jan, at St Johns, Christchurch, William, 3rd son of the late  
                     Abraham Hoskins of Newton Park  ???? the County of Derby, Esquire, to Mary Florence,   
                     eldest daughter of the late John William Rice Esq, of Tasmania    
Wed - 04 --- Death--SNOW, 3 Feb, at resid of his son, Waimea St, William Snow, 75yrs   
                     === Friendly Societies Fete --- prize list       
Thur - 05 --- HUSBAND, 12 Jan, at Upper Buller, wife of S Husband, a daughter   
Fri --- 06 ---- GORRIE, 5 Feb, wife of P Gorrie, a daughter   
                     PLUMMER - McDONALD, 24 Jan, at All Saints Church, Hokitika, by Rev Archdeacon  
                     Harper, Thomas William Plummer, late of Nelson, to Miss Agnes McDonald, Hokitika   
                     === Dennis Allen charged with deserting his wife and 2 children    
Sat -- 07 ---- NEVE, 4 Feb, wife of A Neve, a daughter    
                     HANSEN - FERGUSON, 7 Feb, by Rev P Calder, at Presbyterian Church, Carl Hansen,   
                     Nelson, to Jane, 2nd daughter of Thomas Ferguson, of Auckland   
                     Death--PATTIE, 3 Feb, at house of Robert Pattie, Riwaka, Thomas Pattie, late of St Andrews,  
                     Fifeshire, Scotland, 83yrs   
                     Item-------------names of stewards at a public dinner to Julius Vogel        
Mon - 09 --- BEST - BAIGENT, 7 Feb, at resid of Mr H Baigent, Church St,by Rev J Rutherford,   
                     Charles Best Esq, of Appleby, to Elizabeth, widow of the late H Boddington of Kaiapoi,   
                     and eldest daughter of E Baigent Esq, Wakefield    
Tue -- 10 --- FELL, 10 Feb, at St Johns, Nelson, wife of Charles Y Fell, a daughter   
                     GULLY - HODGSON, 10 Feb, at All Saints Church, by Rev R J Thorpe, Harry Vincent,      
                     2nd son of John Gully Esq, Nelson, to Anna Maria, 2nd daughter of the late 
                     B O Hodgson Esq, Nelson    
Wed - 11 --- Death--SIMPSON, 10 Feb, Harry, 3+1/2yrs, 2nd son of Robert Simpson, Collingwood St   
Thur - 12 --- Death--WORTHINGTON, 7 Feb, supposedly lost from yacht Columbia at Auckland,   
                                  Benjamin Worthington, recently of Motueka   
                      Item--------names and scores in a shooting match between Stoke and Nelson    
Fri --- 13 ---- === Inquest --- Edward Kearse Stagg, 11mths, Richmond, death     
                     === agents for Nelson Almanac      
Sat -- 14 ---- Death--CALDER, 14 Feb, ahr, the Port, Ann, 50yrs, relict of the late J B Calder     
                                  McHARDIE, 14 Feb, at Hospital, Nelson, James McHardie, 58yrs, late Waimea Sth   
                     === Dr Turner, resident Magistrate and Warden at Collingwood    
                     === Supposed drowning on Mon 9th    
                     === Stations of Wesleyan Ministers in NZ for the year      
                     Rose of Lancaster Gold Mining Co  -- forfeit shares == W E McLeve = Joseph Williams     
                            J E Cuddiford = George Epping = Thomas Walsh = George Butcher =  William   
                            Mitchenson = Charles Smith = William Gawm = M R Gissing = C S Reeves =    
                            R J Bain = A B Bain = Margaret Stavart = J B Williams = J S Burrett = James Fletcher   
                            Walton Vell = John McGregor = Zoffney Horne = John Scott = Andrew McShane =   
                            Robert Larkin = John Orr = Frank Townsend = Charles Colesend = Thomas Flint  ===  
Tue -- 17 --- === Application for leases ==Samuel Carter, Waiwero Hills = J & D Drummond,   
                             Waiwero Hills = Edgar Jones, Amuri = F G Bacon, Coal Creek = James Watkins,  
                             Inangahua = John Kerr, Wairau Gorge = G & R McRae, Mandamus     
Wed - 18 --- BRADSHAW, 14 Feb, wife of Thomas Bradshaw, Collingwood St, a son   
                     MARLEY, 13 Feb, at the Henui Parsonage, New Plymouth, wife of George Morley, son   
Fri --- 20 ---- WATKINS, 10 Feb, at Pavillion Cottage, Lower Wakefield, wife of Joseph Watkins, son   
                      == Mr Fuller, 70yrs, an old Wakapuaka settler died this morning  ====      
Sat -- 21 ---- GREAGER, 18 Feb, ahr, Nile St, wife of C E Greager, a son   
                     YARRALL, 19 Feb, ahr, Cambria St, Mrs T W Yarrall, a daughter     
Mon - 23 --- DRAPER, 21 Feb, ahr, Russell St, Washington Valley, wife of R Draper, a daughter   
                     Death--FLETCHER, 21 Feb at Collingwood St, Nelson, Beatrice Harriet, infant daughter   
                                  of William Fletcher     
                     === Nelson  v Wakefield at cricket       
Tue -- 24 --- CRONK, 23 Feb, ahr, Gloucester St, Toi-toi Valley, wife of C Cronk, a daughter      
Wed - 25 --- Death--PLOHN, 21 Feb, at Nelson, late of the Lyell, Louise Plohn, 27yrs     
Thur - 26 --- WARD, 25 Feb, at Brook St, wife of John Ward, a daughter     
                     Death--HARRIS, 26 Feb, Helen, 7mth, daughter of George Harris, Collingwood St    
March --- 1874

Mon - 02 --- Death--MONRO, 1 Mar, Marion Isabella, 15mths, daughter of Alex Monro, Valleyfield,  
                                  HALL, 14 Jan, ahr, Yarraville, Henry Hall, late of Victorian Lime and Cement Co,  
                                  Queen St, son of the late Mrs Marshall of Motueka   
Thur - 05 --- Death--TASKER, Alice Ellen, 4yrs, eldest daughter of Mr H Tasker   
                     === Bankruptcy -- Florence Buzile Joseph, hairdresser     
Fri --- 06 ---- === Good Templars at Motueka and Spring Grove --- officers    
Sat -- 07 ---- THOMSON, 2 Mar, wife of Alex Thomson, of the Baton, a son    
                     Death--MILLS, 6 Mar, at Waimea West, Mrs Elizabeth Mills, 64yrs    
Mon - 09 --- === Hugh Graham, 19yrs, tinsmith, his mother (Marion, a widow) keeps the Provincial     
                             Hotel  inquest --suicide 
Tue -- 10 --- WHITING, 7 Mar, at Nile St East, wife of David Whiting, a daughter    
                     Death--BLACKMORE, 9 Mar, at Nelson, George T Blackmore, 40yrs   
Wed - 11 --- RUSSELL - DELLOW, 7 Mar, by Rev E Thomas, John William Russell of the Upper   
                     Buller, to Emma, 4th daughter of John Dellow     
                     === Court --- F C Simmons = Charles Cotton = George Cook = Daniel Stewart =  for    
                             allowing horses or cows to stray === D Tennent = assaulting James Smith Cross ==    
                             other names == James Blanche = John Utrange = Annie Spottiswoode =    
                             Ellen Hunter (child) = Elizabeth Wardrope      
                      === 2 shipwrecks at Wellington        
Thur - 12 --- HILL, 10 Mar, at Hokitika, wife of C J Hill, a daughter     
                     Death--HILL, 11 Mar, at Hokitika, Agnes, 22yrs, wife of C J Hill    
                     === Waimea District prize firing    
Fri --- 13 ---- GASCOYNE - GASCOYNE, 23 Feb, at Church of St Augustine, Waimate, Canterbury, NZ,
                     Henry Morris, 6th son of the late John Gascoyne Esq, of Clifton, England, to Emily    
                     Charlotte Annie Justina, 3rd daughter of the late Major Charles Manners Gascoyne 
                     of the 5th Bengal Cavalry    
Mon - 16 --- JACKSON - MARCH, 14 Mar, by Rev T Buddle, William Graham, son of B Jackson,   
                     Nelson, to Emma Harcourt, daughter of T March Esq, Auckland    
                     Death--FIRTH, 16 Mar, at Alton St, Nelson, Thomas Wardley, 6mth, son of H Nelson Firth   
Tue -- 17 --- PALMER, 17 Mar, at Waimea St, Mrs G Palmer, a daughter   
                     BURTON - GORRIE, 13 Mar, at resid of brides father, by Rev P Calder, William   
                     G Burton, to Ann, 2nd daughter of Mr J Gorrie    
Wed - 18 --- ADAMS, 18 Mar, at Wilden Lodge, Nelson, wife of Acton Adams Esq, a daughter   
Fri --- 20 ---- ROSE, 4 Feb, wife of John Rose, a son   
                     Death--ROSE, 20 Mar, Christopher Kirk Rose, 6wks, son of John Rose   
Sat --- 21 --- === Mrs Bensemann, 63yrs, Upper Moutere, died Fri 20       
                     === List of applications for accomodation, wholesale, bottle and hotel licences (new and   
                             renewals) for Nelson and districts         
Mon - 23 --- PEARSON, 21 Mar, at Nelson, wife of Peter Pearson, twins   
Wed - 25 --- WINTER, 19 Mar, wife of William Winter, Brook St, Valley, a son
                     Death--BISS, 20 Jan, at Andhary Factory, ?hahabad, India, J A Biss Esq, 67yrs, of Calcutta, 
                                  and father of Mr W M Biss of Nelson    
Thur - 26 --- Death-- TRAUTVETTER, 24 Mar, Theodore Louis, 7wks, son of A Trautvetter   
Fri --- 27 ---- TOMS, 26 Mar, W J Toms, Brook St, a son   
                      MONK - ATKINSON, 26 Mar, at All Saints Church, Dunedin, by Rev Stanford, Horace   
                     Debeny Monk of Dunedin, to Lucy, 2nd daughter of J C Atkinson of Nelson    
                     Death--FITZGERALD, 25 Mar, at Nelson, John Fitzgerald, late of Marlborough    
                                  POWICK, 23 mar, at the Wairau, John Powick, 27yrs   
Mon - 30 --- Death--CHAMBERLAIN, 26 Mar, Julia, 7mth, youngest daughter of Thomas Chamberlain,   
                                  Lower Moutere    
                                  EVERETT, 28 Mar, ahr, Grove St, Emma, 22yrs, wife of Charles Everett and 
                                  daughter of Charles and Sarah Harley     
                     ===Christian Poulson -- fatal accident at Motueka Valley, Fri 29    
Tue -- 31 --- Item------------account of fatal accident to a young man at Blenheim---John Powick    

April --- 1874

Wed - 01 --- POWELL - RATT, 31 Mar, by Rev W Cannell, Samuel Powell, Nelson, to Emma Louisa,   
                     3rd daughter of William Ratt, Sherwood, Lower Wakefield       
                     === Destructive fire in Nelson       
Sat -- 04 ---- === Applications for various liquor licences for Collingwood, Aorere and Takaka      
Mon - 06 --- COLEMAN - STALLARD, 4 Ap at Christ Church, by Rev G H Johnstone, William, eldest    
                     son of Peter Coleman of Dundalk, County Louth, Ireland, to Ellen Lucy, only daughter of    
                     the late William Stallard, of Nelson    
Tue -- 07 --- === Letters received Nov 1873, as yet unclaimed === Messrs Br?oks = Robinson & Co =  
                            Mr G or J Berry, Happy Valley = R B Ba?dwin esq, PO = Mr James Donaldson = 
                            John Davidson, PO = Mr Davis, photographer = Mr W Gibbs = Mr Geo Goble, PO =  
                            Mrs Hollis = Richard Hyland, PO = John Hopwood, PO = Mr David Jones, PO =     
                            Mr J Johnson, barque Mendoza = Miss F Kenning = Miss Lewis c/o Mrs Dee =     
                            Miss Eliza Lurihan = Mr M McCarthy = Messrs Newth & Co, flour merchants = 
                            Mr John Proctor = Mr Geo Powell = Mr A J Peck, PO = Miss Matilda Phipps =     
                            Mr Patrick Quinn, PO = Mr John Reilly, PO = G H Roach esq, PO = Mrs Smith,     
                            Hardy St = Miss M St Pierre = S Sinclair c/o J R Martin = Henry Tribe c/o barque    
                            Echo = Mr W Weston, PO = Mr G Woods =====         
Thur - 09 --- MILLER, 4 Ap, ahr, the Port, Mrs J W Miller, a son    
                     Death--REILLY, 26 Mar, at Takaka, Frederick, 2mth, son of James Reilly     
Fri --- 10 ---- Death--TAYLOR, 6 Ap, at Renwicktown, Marlborough, Joseph, 31yrs, eldest son of Joseph    
                                  and Dinah Taylor, Washington Valley, Nelson    
Mon - 13 --- DAVIDSON, 6 Ap, at Taupata, Golden Bay, Mrs Davidson, a daughter   
                     Death--O'DWYER, ahr, Waimea East, Mary O'Dwyer, 73yrs   
Tue -- 14 --- Item-------inquest into death of Charles Anderson, miner at Reefton on 4 April   
Fri --- 17 --- WOOD - WITNEY, 14 Ap, at resid of brides father, by Rev WM Biss, J Wood, to
                     Lucy, eldest daughter of G Witney    
Mon - 20 --- Death--HOPGOOD, at Waimea West, Thomas Hopgood, 84yrs   
Wed - 22 --- ANDERSON - GOLDIE, 18 Ap, at resid of Mr B Short, College Hill, by Rev T Buddle,    
                     D Anderson of Reefton, to Agnes, youngest daughter of the late Capt Goldie of Singapore   
                     Death--McGREGOR, 21 Ap, at Napier, Colonel Robert Henry McGregor, late of    
                                  H M 65 Regt    
Thur - 23 --- Death--BRUNNER, 22 Ap, ahr, Brookside, Nelson, Mr T Brunner, 53yrs   
Fri --- 24 ---- COATES - COLEMAN, 18 Ap, at St Georges Church, Thames, by Rev V Lush, Isaac, 
                     eldest son of the late Samuel Coates, of Richmond Yorkshire, to Alice, daughter of Peter    
                     Coleman, Dundalk, County Louth, Ireland, and Hamilton, Waikato, NZ   
Sat -- 25 ---- OSMAN, 25 Ap, ahr, Toi-toi Valley, Mrs Osman, a daughter   
                     MITCHELL, 25 Ap, at Nelson, Mrs J Mitchell, a son, stillborn     
                     === Good Templars installed ====       
Mon - 27 --- SKEET, 26 Ap, Mrs W H Skeet, a daughter   
                     === Obituary  ---Thomas Brunner, 52yrs  
                     === Sworn for jury duty    
Tue -- 28 --- ATKINSON, 26 Ap, at Bleak House, Mrs W S Atkinson, a son   
                     BROOKER, 27 Ap, wife of T W Brooker, Washington Valley, a daughter
                     Death--ARMSTRONG, 26 Ap, at Shelbourne St, James Armstrong, 83yrs   
                     === Inquest -- Richard Savage --- death        
Thur - 30 --- SCOTT, 27 Ap, wife of Capt John A Scott, a son     
                     === Inquest -- Walter BIGGAR  death Wed 29 at Richmond      

May --- 1874

Sat --- 02 --- === Unclaimed letters from Dec 1873  ====
Mon - 04 --- HAMMOND, 3 May, ahr, Bridge St, Mrs H Hammond, a son   
                     === Inquest into death of Kate Wright, 29yrs, of Wakefield       
Wed - 06 --- === Collingwood Sunday School prize giving  == Innes Fisher = Charles Jeffrey =       
                            Bertha Allen = Jessie Stevenson = John Marshall ====         
                            Infant Class = Fanny Jeffery = Margaret Allen                 
Thur - 07 --- Death--THOMSON, 2 May, at the Baton, George, 2mth, only son of Alexander and Agnes   
                     === Peter McMillan, miner, Hokitika --- death Wed 6th         
Fri --- 08 ---- ===Good Templars -- Good Hope -- election of officers      
Sat -- 09 ---- JOHNS, 30 Ap, Mrs I Johns, Trafalgar St, a daughter   
                     Death--PERKINS, 1 Feb, at Stilton, Huntingdonshire, England, Thomas Perkins, 77yrs,   
                                  late of Washingley     
Mon - 11 --- Death--McCOMBS, 9 May, wife, 38yrs, of Robert Henry McCombs    
                     === Objections to claim to vote in Golden Bay Electoral District = George Buckeridge,   
                             property not in district === Thomas Hopgood, no such person === Wiihelm      
                             Schafer, dead === Henry Widdowson Turnell, dead =====
Thur - 14 --- LEWIS - ROGERS, 14 May, at St Johns, Latimer Sq, Christchurch, by Rev Mr Watson,   
                     Thomas Wiolliam Lewis, compositor, formerly of Nelson, eldest son of the late     
                     William and Ellen Goulstone Lewis of Merthyr Tydfil, Glamorganshire, Sth Wales, to   
                     Edith Harriett, 4th daughter of W E Rogers Esq, of Canterbury, NZ and g/daughter of 
                     the late Alex Salter Trood Esq, of Belle Vue Hall, Sydney      
Fri --- 15 ---- === Adamant sailed from London, for Nelson last month with 330 immigrants, some   
                             no doubt for Marlborough      
Sat --- 16 ---- DARKE, 5 Mar, at 7 Somerset Place Birkenhead, wife of J W B Darke Esq, Commander   
                      Pacific Steam Navigation Co Service, a son, stillborn   
Mon -18 ---- Death--REEVE, 19 Ap, at Sydney, Richard Reeve, 67yrs, formerly of Shady Camps    
                     Flourmill, Cambridgeshire, and the Lampitts Farm, Fyfield, Essex, brother of John Reeve,   
                     Linton Mills, Cambridgeshire, and father of Thos Reeve, Nelson    
Tue -- 19 --- NEAL, 18 May, Mrs R Neal, a son
                     McRAE, 18 May, at the Glens  of Tekoa, Amuri, wife of G W McRae Esq, a son   
                     === Bankruptcy --- Lawrence Dron, laborer     
Thur - 21 --- JENKINS - DALGARNO, 7 Ap, by Rev G H Mo?ton, at St Peters Church,   
                     Woolloomooloo, W Vaughan Jenkins, of Codondoon, Queensland, eldest son of    
                     G Jenkins of Enner Glynn, Nelson, NZ, to Blanch Julia, 3rd daughter of the late    
                     James Dalgarno, of Sydney    
Mon - 25 --- Item-----------Henry GODDARD, ships carpenter,  sudden death, leaves a wife and children     
                                            Stephen MATHEWS, stabbed his wife    
Tue - 26 ---- Death--CAREW, 26 May, at Lawrence, Otago, Eliza Frederica, 23yrs, wife of Edgar Hall    
                                  Carew Esq, RM, Lawrence, and eldest daughter of Charles Broad Esq, RM, Reefton    
Thur - 28 --- LUCRE, 27 May, wife of James Lucre, a son
                     Death--ATKINSON, 27 May, infant daughter, 2 mths, of Fred and Leah Atkinson   
                                  STAPP, 28 May, at his fathers resid, Hardy St, Vincent Roberts, 7+1/3yrs, 3rd son 
                                  of George and Annie Stapp, and Nephew of Major Stapp, Taranaki   
                     === Bankruptcy --- Francis Ferdinand DAKIN& Walter Maunsell STACE, Kaikoura Flax    
                                                      James William WILLS, miller, Lower Moutere         
Fri --- 29 --- LAWTON - WATERHOUSE, 25 May, James Lawton, to Miss Sarah Ann Waterhouse,  
                     both of Nelson    
                     Item-------Census returns giving numbers of males, females and dwellings in Nelson Prov
Sat -- 30 ---- Item-------shooting licences issued to ---   

June --- 1874

Mon - 01 --- AVERY, 27 Mar, at Collingwood, wife of John Avery, a son   
                     WILKINSON - BIRD, 6 May, at resid of the bride, Emerald Hill, Victoria, by Rev Irving   
                     Hethrington, Edward Wilkinson, to Harriet, relict of the late Thomas Bird, and 5th   
                     daughter of William Webber Esq, Lincoln, England       
                     === Church Wardens, Spring Grove = Rev John Spear (assis curate) = John Stanley =     
                             Thomas Stirling = Herman Fayen = James benson Fleming = Isaac Gibbs =  
                             William J Robson = ==    
Tue -- 02 --- Death--MIRFIN, 21 Feb, ahlr, Quarry Hill, Oulton, neat Leeds, Yorkshire, Hannah, 82yrs,   
                     relict of the late William Mirfin, and mother of Mr W C Mirfin of Nelson      
Wed - 03 --- MACEY, 2 June, at Nelson, wife of W Macey, a daughter   
                     === more shooting licences       
Fri --- 05 ---- === Schools reading competitions  == Town and Suburban Nth Schools == Gertrude    
                             Rose,Hardy St girls = L Augarde, Bridge St boys = Emma Bennett, St Marys girls  =    
                             Richmond Centre (Richmond, Stoke, Hope, Waimea W Schools) == James Hastie,   
                             Waimea W Village = Rayner Hodder, Richmond boys =  William Evans, Hope =     
                             Clara Robinson, Richmond girls ==== Waimea Sth Centre = (Spring Grove, River    
                             Terrace, 88 Valley, Upper and Lower Wakefield)== Annie Hoult, Upper Wakefield =  
                             Annie Wratt ?, Spring Grove ==== Motueka and Moutere Centre - (Upper and Lower   
                             Moutere and Motueka) = John Wilson, Motueka School = Sydney Cook, Lower     
                             Moutere = Emily Guy, Lower Moutere = Louis Buchholz, Motueka ====   
                             West Coast Schools == John Ormond, St Patricks school, Charleston =   
                             Charlotte Crumpton, Blackett St, Charleston = Minette McDonald, Westport =     
                             Sarah Melody, St Marys, Ahaura =====       
Sat --- 06 --- YOUNG, 5 June, at Greymouth, wife of R A Young Esq, a son    
                     ===  Unclaimed mail for February    
Mon - 08 --- BRANDFORD, 6 June, at Washington Valley, wife of J W Brandford, a son   
                     McDONALD, 7 June, wife of John McDonald, a son    
                     Death--STOCK, 7 June, ahr, Haven Rd, Frederick Stock, 44yrs    
Tue -- 09 --- FROST, 30 May, at Wakapuaka, Mrs George Frost, a son   
Wed - 10 --- Death--BLAKE, 10 June, at Nelson Hospital, William Blake, 44yrs, goldminer, formerly    
                    of Scotland    
Fri --- 12 --- COTTON - HODGKINSON, 11 June, at resid of the brides father, Charles Robert Thomas  
                    Cotton, Nelson, to Matilda, 4th daughter of G Hodgkinson of Wakefield  
Sat -- 13 --- NICE, 10 June, ahr, Motueka, wife of William Nice, a son   
                    Item-----election of school boards for Stoke, Richmond, Hope etc   
Mon - 15 -- SHORE, 14 June, ahr, Tory St, Mrs James Shore, a son     
                    BEST - HILL, 10 June, at All Saints Church, by Rev R J Thorpe, Henry Best, to Alicia Hall  
Tue -- 16 --- === Prices of groceries and liquor sold at an auction   
Wed - 17 --- === Arthur FIVEN, about 34, mail contractor --account of his death -- leaves a wife    
                            and 4 young children       
Thur - 18 --- === Wreck of the British Admiral       
Sat --- 20 --- MORTIMER - GARDINER, 14 June, at Wesleyan Church, by Rev T Buddle, James   
                     Mortimer, to Martha, eldest daughter of Mr Jesse Gardiner, of Brook St, Valley, Nelson   
                     === Colonial Bank of NZ --- provisional committee =        
Wed - 24 --- Death--THOMAS, 23 June, at Motueka, Charles Thynne Thomas, 77yrs, Lieut-Colonel    
                                  late of HM Bengal Army    
Thur - 25 --- MOORE, 24 June, wife of Ambrose E Moore, a son
Fri --- 26 ---- Death--NALDER, 25 June, ahr, Charles Nalder, 57yrs      
                     === Population of the Provinces for 1871 and 1874   
Mon - 29 --- === James Green and George Frederick Colin Campbell, both of Nelson, passed     
                             both junior and senior civil service exams       
Tue -- 30 --- Death--CAMPBELL, 28 April, at Thornhill, Scotland, James Campbell, 67yrs, father of 
                                  James Mek Campbell, Nelson

July --- 1874

Thur - 02 --- WHITE - SUTCLIFFE, 2 July, at St Thomas's, Motueka, by Rev S Poole assisted by   
                     Rev J Leighton, Alexander White Esq of Ahaura, to Mary, youngest daughter of 
                     Richard Sutcliffe of Ngatimoti, Nelson     
Fri --- 03 ---- RODGER - BURNAND, 1 July, at Christ Church, Nelson, by Lord Bishop of Nelson,    
                     W S Roger Esq, Nz Civil Service, to Agnes, only daughter of the late John Henry    
                     Burnand Esq      
Sat --- 04 --- === Unclaimed letters from March      
Mon - 06 --- FISHER, 5 July, at Nelson, wife of Thomas R Fisher, a son     
                     MAIN, 1 July, Mrs Fred Main, a daughter    
                     WANDON - LOASBY, 29 June, by Rev W Shiriffs, R Wandon, to Elizabeth Margaret,    
                     eldest daughter of the late R S Loasby of Nelson     
                     BEATSON - GIBLIN, 3 July, at St Barnabas Church, Stoke, by Rev Rutherford, Robert,   
                     2nd son of the late William Beatson Esq, Nelson, to Elizabeth, eldest daughter of 
                     Frederick Giblin of Stoke    
                     === Fire that destroyed the Imperial temple in Japan         
Tue -- 07 --- AVERY - BOYLE, 21 June, at Wellington, Joseph Avery, to Helen J Boyle, eldest     
                    daughter of William Boyle  of Nelson     
                    WAECHTER - CAVE, at St Johns Church, Richmond, Surrey, Max Waechter Esq, of    
                    Liverpool, to Harriett Shallcrass, eldest daughter of Thomas Cave Esq, MP, of   
                    Queensbury House, Richmond, and g/daug of the late Jasper Shallcrass Esq, Banstead,    
Wed - 08 --- MORRIS - ALDRIDGE, 17 June, at Greymouth, by Rev Mr McNicol, Robert Morris ,   
                    of  Sydney, to Elizabeth Aldridge, 3rd daughter of Job Aldridge of Nelson   
Thur - 09 -- LIGHTBAND, 8 July, ahr, Shelbourne St, wife of M Lightband Esq, a daughter    
                    Death--KINGI WIREMU, 26 May, at Ahipara, Mongonui District, Chief of the Rarawa and    
                                 brother of Hare Nepia Te Morenga     
                                 HAMMOND, 7 July, Walter Percy, 2mth, son of Henry and Annie Hammond    
                    Item-----prize list for Nelson Exhibition    
Fri --- 10 --- ELLIOTT, 10 July, wife of Alfred Elliott, a son    
                    JACKSON, 9 July, ahr, Collingwood St, wife of A B Jackson, a son         
Sat -- 11 --- ATKINSON, 9 July, wife of Major Atkinson, a son     
                    === Richmond Schools exam results === G Sutton = W Rout = R Hodder = G Bell =    
                            W Saywell = A Tovey = J Harkness = A Sutton = A Talbot = H Croucher ===     
                            Girls == Alice Gifford = Clara Robertson = Julia Sutton = Eliza Sheath =    
                            Amy Saywell = Sarah Walker = Laura Thompson = Sarah Harkness = Grace Croucher   
                            Amy Benfield = Caroline Woodcock = E Jary = Minnie Ruffel = Rose Croucher =   
                            Sarah Lusty = Annie Walker = Emily Lusty = Gertrude Keen = Ellen Sutton =    
                            Lucy Brock                     
Mon - 13 --- TRENT, 4 July, ahr, Ahaura, Mrs Henry Trent, a daughter   
                     WEBLEY, 12 July, wife of Joshua Webley, a daughter      
                     BRADCOCK, 13 July, wife of Joseph Bradcock, a son   
                     WILKINS, 13 July, wife of W C Wilkins, a daughter
Tue -- 14 --- PIPER, 11 July, wife of Richard Piper, a daughter   
Wed - 15 --- Death--HOOKER, 15 July, at Allington Farm, Waimea East, Jennet Remage, 13yrs,    
                                  3rd daughter of Robert Hooker   
Fri --- 17 --- REMNANT, 13 July, at Mgatimoti, W C Remnant, a son     
Sat -- 18 ---- NEWPORT, 6 July, ahr, Takata, wife of Joshua Newport, a daughter      
Mon - 20 --- Death--RANKIN, 10 July, at Riwaka, Caroline Rankin, 75yrs    
                     === Inquest into death of Charlotte Boseley, Bay View Hotel, Suburban Nth    
                     === From Pt Chalmers -- 18 July -- Arrived Sussex with 495 souls, all well This week we    
                             have received over 1500 immigrants by the 4 ships Caroline, Hindostan, Carthurne    
                             and Sussex          
Tue -- 21 --- JOHNSTON, 8 July, at Parnell, Auckland, Mrs David Johnston jun, a son    
                     FIELD - LUCAS, 20 July, at resid of the brides father, by Rev T Buddle, George Edwin,   
                     son of Thos Field Esq, Nelson, to Bessie Annie, eldest daughter of R Lucas Esq,    
                     Washington Valley, Nelson      
                     POWNALL - SUTCLIFFE, 13 July, at Greymouth, by Rev G T N Watkins, Robert  
                     W Pownall, Reefton, to Elizabeth, 3rd daughter of Richard Sutcliffe of Nga Timoti          
                     Death--BOYES, 13 July, at Havelock, Henry Boyes, 27yrs, 5th son of the late John Boyes     
                                 of Motueka       
Wed - 22 --- Death--HUBBARD, 20 July, at Christchurch, Marion Jemima, 21yrs, wife of Frank      
                                  Hubbard, and adopted daughter of William Harper of Nelson      
                     Item-------continue inquest into death of Charlotte BOSELEY     
Sat -- 25 ---- Item--------fatal accident, George LIVELY drowned between Nelson and Wakapuaka    
                                        Inspector of Schools Annual Report       
                                        Good Templars -- officers of Lower Wakefield lodge      
Mon - 27 --- WALMSLEY - ANSELL, 10 July, at resid of the bride, Auckland, Dugdale, eldest son of   
                     Capt Walmsley, Nelson, late of HM 56 Regt, to Catherine Mary, 3rd daughter of    
                     William Ansell       
Thur - 30 --- GASCOIGNE - WRIGHT, 28 July, at St Thomas's Church, Motueka, by the Rev S Poole,    
                     Charles James, youngest son of the late Major Charles Manners Gascoigne, HM  Bengal  
                     Cavalry, and of the Bungalow, Pangatotara, to Mary Ainger, eldest daughter of the late   
                     Capt William Brabane Wright, Bundah, Pangatotara, Motueka    
                     === Inangahua Gold Mning --- forfeited shares == Daniel Buntin = Robert Cassel =    
                             William McInroy = Peter McIntosh         
Fri --- 31 --- LANGFORD, 29 July, at Waimea St, Nelson, wife of Walter Langford, a daughter   

AUGUST --- 1874

Sat -- 01 ---- SHORT, 28 July, at College Hill, Nelson, wife of B Short, a son   
Mon - 03 --- Death--CULLEN, 31 July,at Collingwood St, Nelson, wife, 56yrs, of William Cullen of    
Tue -- 04 --- Item--------University scholarships     
Thur - 06 --- BRAY, 2 Aug, wife of Charles Bray, Gloucester St, a son
Sat --- 08 --- BEATSON, 1 Aug, at Ngatimoti, Mrs D G Beatson, a son    
Mon - 10 --- Death--WOOD, 9 Aug, Thomas Wood, 70yrs    
                     === Templars -- Nelson  - officers installed         
                     ==== Adamant tied up this morning == 52 married couples, 42 single women, 83 single   
                               men -- list of occupations and numbers of ----      
                     === Auction of forfeited shares of ==Robert Doherty = Joseph O'Hanlon = Patrick      
                             McGovern = Hugh Brennan = William Hannan = Walter Williams = Thomas McKenna  
                             Joseph McHugh = Mathew Byrne = Thomas Fotheringham = Eliza Coffee =    
                             David Henderson                      
Tue -- 11 --- WHEELER, 5 Aug, wife of Capt Wheeler, a daughter      
                     === Motueka Templars -- officers      
                     === testimonial to Capt of Adamant -- for married = Henry Johnson = Frederick Liley =   
                             Wm Tibbs === single men = Wm Lane = Walter Langdon ===        
                             single women = Jane Chapman = M E Young        
Wed - 12 --- KNYVETT, 11 Aug, at Mrs Greenfields, Milton St, Mrs John George Knyvett, a son   
                     GRIMES - THOMAS, 11 Aug, by father of the bride, at his residence, assisted by Rev P     
                     Calder, Francis Grimes, to Adeline, 2nd daughter of Rev E Thomas   
Thur - 13 --- GREEN - HADFIED, 13 Aug,at Wesleyan Church, Nelson, by Rev T Buddle. James B    
                     Green, eldest son of E Green Esq, of The Sands, to Elizabeth Houlderness, 2nd    
                     daughter of F B Hadfield Esq, Nelson        
                     === News from England --- During July the following sailed for NZ ==== Star of India -   
                     370 for Wellington == Bebington and Peter Denny - 580 for Napier === Zealandia and   
                     Jackson - 640 for Auckland == Chile -220 for Nelson == Duke of Edinburgh - 340 for    
                     Lyttleton and Invercargill == Jessie Readman - 720 for Otago        
Fri --- 14 ---- MAX, 16 Aug, at Ranzau, wife of David Max, a son   
Mon - 17 --- MANSON, 9 Aug, at Clifton, Motupipi, wife of John Manson, a son   
                     Item---------- names of grand jury     
Tue -- 18 --- BAKER, 14 Aug, at Motueka, Mrs Joseph G Baker, a daughter   
                     LARKINS, 17 Aug, wife of C Larkins, a daughter    
                     POWLE - MARTEN, 18 Aug, at All Saints Church, by Rt Rev Lord Bishop of Nelson,   
                     John, eldest son of Wyatt Powle Esq, Surrey, England, to Ann Susannah, 2nd daughter of    
                     William Marten Esq, JP, Collingwood    
Wed - 19 --- Adds---------properties for sale      
                     === Called for jury      
                     Von TUNZLEMANN, 17 Aug, at Embley House, Nelson, wife of J Von Tunzlemann, son   
                     GRAHAM, 19 Aug, ahr, Nile St, Mrs John Graham, a daughter   
Mon - 24 --- MACEY, 24 Aug, ahr, Blenheim, wife of W H  Macey, a daughtert   
                     RICKETTS, 24 Aug, ahr Shelbourne St, wife of W C Ricketts, a son   
Tue -- 25 --- === Bankruptcy --Henry Whiting, blacksmith    
Wed - 26 --- MACINTOSH, 26 Aug, wife of James Macintosh, bookbinder, Nile St, a son   
Fri --- 28 --- COTTERELL, 28nAug, wife of C E Cotterell, a daughter     
                    HILL, 26 Aug, at the Wood, wife of F Hill, a daughter   
                    DUNN - ROBINSON, 22 Aug, by Rev P Calder, James, son of Capt M Dunn, ME, of    
                    Ashburton, Devonshire, Eng, to Emma Eliza, youngest daughternof the late    
                    J Robinson, saddler, Nelson   
Sat -- 29 --- DAVIS, 15 Aug, at Nile St East, Mrs Moss Davis, a son   
Mon - 31 -- HARRIS, 28 Aug, Mrs George Harris, a daughter        
                    WEBB, 30 Aug, Mrs C Webb, Hardy St- a daughter       
                    MEIKLE, 27 Aug, at Russel St, Nelson, wife of James Meikle, engieer on SS Murray,   
                    a daughter       

September --- 1874  

Tue -- 01 --- WATTY, 1 Sept, Mrs P K Watty, of Foxhill, at resid of Mrs H Hounsell, Nile St East, a    
Wed - 02 --- BARTLETT, 25 Aug, at Waitapu, Takaka, wife of Robert Bartlett, a daughter     
                     DALY, 29 Aug, wife of John Daly, wine and spirit merchant, a son    
                     OXENHAM, 29 Aug, Mrs John Oxenham, a daughter    
                     WHITE, 1 Sept, at Spring Grove, wife of William White, a son   
                     GRANGER - ANDREWS, 24 Aug, at St Johns Church, Wakefield, by Rev John Spear,   
                     Jacob Granger, to Jane Andrews, both of Foxhill     
                     VERRY - IVES, 31 Aug, at St Johns Church, Wakefield, by Rev John Spear, Charles Verry,   
                     to Eliza Ives, both of Wakefield    
                     PATETE - KAWHAKI, 1 Sept, at the Maori Pa, Whakapuaka, by Rev T S Grace jun, 
                     Tapene te Patete, to Miriam, daughter of Raniera te Kawhaki, chief of the Ngati Koata    
                     Death--ROSE, 2 June, 1874, at Hackney, near London, Susannah Rose, 83yrs, mother of    
                                   John Rose of Spring Grove    
Fri --- 04 --- Item--------------unclaimed letters from May    
                    GRAVES - BENTLEY, 2 Sept, at Bronti St, by Rev P Calder, Ivatt Graves, to    
                    Rachel Rae, 2nd daughter of James Bentley     
                    Death--PRITCHARD, 19 June, at Whitson House, Bristol, Matthew Pritchard, 78yrs,   
                                 father of Mrs Robert Lucas, Washington Valley, Nelson    
Sat -- 05 --- Death--ATKINSON, 3 Sept, at Bleak House, Nelson, William Smith Atkinson, 48yr    
Mon - 07 -- O'BRIEN, 6 Sept, at Enner Glynn, wife of Alexander O'Brien, of Ngatimoti, a daughter    
                    STACK - MOWAT, 1 Sept, at resid of the brides father, by Ven Archdeacon Butt,   
                    Henry Joseph, son of the late Colonel Stace, Royal Engineers, to Helen, eldest daughter    
                    of Alexander Mowat Esq, Altimarloch,Awatere      
Tue -- 08 -- RUSH, 6 Sept, at High St, Blenheim, wife of Mr Rush, a son    
                    HARRIS, 8 Sept, wife of Thomas Harris, Tasman St, the Wood, a daughter     
Wed - 09 -- LOUDEN - NEAL, 8 Sept, at Hope, Waimea East, by Rev D Dolamore, William Louden,   
                    Motueka Valley, to Mrs Amelia Neal   
Fri --- 11 --- HOOPER, 10 Sept, ahr, Nile St West, Mrs G Hooper, a daughter     
Sat -- 12 --- GIBLIN, 8 Sept, at Motueka, Mrs Giblin, a daughter    
Tue - 15 --- STEWART, 6 Sept, ahr, Grove St, the Wood, wife of C Stewart, a son    
Wed - 16 -- Death--SMITH, 4 Sept, at French Pass, John Smith, 68yrs     
                    === Lease applications == Bell and Newth, Waimea W = P Armstrong, Amuri =      
                            Ed Baigent, Pigeon Valley = Mellet and Tidd, Inangahua = G Walker, Big Bush =    
                            J Vittle, Upper Takaka = John Lindsay, Upper Takaka = G Remnant, Ngatimoti =     
                            James Lindsay, Upper Takaka =                      
Fri --- 18 --- WOODWARD, 17 Sept, at Bridge St, Nelson, wife of Edwin Woodward, a daughter   
                    Death--HOOPER, 18 Sept, Walwin Giles, 14mths, youngest son of Mr G Hooper, Nile St W    
                    === Good Templars - Richmond - election of officers ==    
Mon - 21 -- GUNN - HAMMERICH, 16 Sept, at Wesleyan Church, Nelson, by Rev T Buddle, David     
                    W Gunn, son of Angus Gunn, Caithness-shire, Scotland, to Amelia, 2nd daughter of    
                    Christian Hammerich, Nelson     
                    Death--READ, 19 Sept Esther Louisa, 37yrs, wife of John Read   
Tue -- 22 --- Death--SPARE, 3 Sept, at Auckland, Mrs James Lodge Spare, 63yrs, mother of Mrs E T    
                                  Pellew, Nelson     
Wed - 23 --- GLOVER, 21 Sept, ahr, Nile St West, Mrs J Glover, a son      
Thur - 24 --- THOMSON, 24 Sept, at Haven Rd, wife of J P Thomson, a son   
Fri --- 25 ---- GULLY, 25 Sept, ahr, Alton St, wife of Harry V Gully, a son   
                     Death--POTE, 24 Sept, at Stoke, Grace, 52yrs, wife of William Burlace Pote    
Sat -- 26 ---- GIBBS, 25 Sept, ahr, South St, wife of Thomas Gibbs, a son    
                     Death--WILLIAMS, 25 Sept, at Nelson Hospital, Mr Henry Williams, Russell St   
Mon - 28 --- Death--HINTON, 26 Sept, at Hope St, Maria, 51yrs, wife of G Hinton      
                                  WIESENHAVERN, 2 July, at Munstedt, Hanover, Germany, Rt Rev Superintendent       
                                  Christian Wiesenhavern, KRE, 81yrs, father of Charles and Adolph Wiesenhavern of    
                                  this province     
                                  DRANE, 27 Sept, James Gilbert Drane, of Upper Moutere, late of Nelson    
Tue -- 29 --- HENDERSON - FATHERS, 17 Sept, at resid of his father, Sea View Trce, Auckland,   
                     George Wallace, eldest Son of David Henderson, engineer, to Charlotte, only daughter    
                     of Phillip Feathers, Nelson     
Wed - 30 --- Death--LAKE, 28 Sept, at Halifax St, John Francis Lake, 52yrs     

October --- 1874

Thur - 01 -- STREET, 1 Oct, ahr, Cambria St, the Wood, wife of Samuel Street, a son    
                    Death--MASTERS, 23 Sept, ahr, Lower Hutt, Wellington, Arthur William Masters, 68yrs   
Fri --- 02 --- WEBLEY, 1 Oct, Mrs Wm Webley, a daughter   
                     Death--BLYTHE, 17 Sept, at Wanganui, Mark Blythe, 63yrs, late of Nelson   
                                  WILSON, 27 Sept, at Motueka, Sarah, 72yrs, widow of the late Joseph Foord Wilson   
Sat --- 03 --- LEVY, 14 Sept, ahr, Nile St West, Mrs Morris Levy, a son    
Mon - 05 --- POLGLASE, 3 Oct, ahr, Brook St, wife of Joseph Polglase, a son        
                      === Upper and Lower Moutere Road Board Rates --- list of ratepayers and amt of rates ==  
Tue -- 06 ---- THOMSON, 4 Oct, Mrs Thomson, Trafalgar St, a son     
                      HARKNESS, 5 Oct, at Richmond, wife of J G Harkness, a son   
Wed - 07 ---- Item-----------unclaimed letters for June    
Thur - 08 ---- Death--TASKER, 2 Oct, ahr, Lower Moutere, Thomas Tasker, 53yrs    
Fri --- 09 ---- SPRING, 7 Oct, ahr, Toi-toi Valley, wife of Charles Spring, a son     
Sat -- 10 ---- CRISP, 3 Oct, at Spring Creek, Marlborough, wife of Joseph Crisp, a son    
Tue -- 13 --- CHATTOCK, 11 Oct, at Lower Wakefield, Mrs Chattock, a daughter   
                     DECK, 11 Oct, at Motueka, Mrs George Deck, a daughter      
                     === Templars, Port Nelson Lodge officers  ===
Wed - 14 --- Death--CANAVAN, 11 Aug, at 50 Lower Gardiner St, Dublin, at resid of her niece,   
                                  Mrs Canavan, last surviving daughter of the late Chas O'HARA, merchant, of Dublin, and      
                                  Craigbilly, Co Antrim, g/daughter of the late Constantine O'NEILL Esq, Shanes Castle,    
                                  Co Antrim, and mother of Mrs George BUCKERIDGE of Nelson, aged 81yrs   
Thur - 15 --- NALDER, 14 Oct, wife of John Nalder, a daughter   
Fri --- 16 ---- === Templars, Waimea West officers  ===       
Sat -- 17 ---- === Freemasons officials ===        
Tue -- 20 --- SENIOR, 17 Oct, at Woodlands, Upper Moutere, Mrs Senior, a daughter   
                     GIBBONS - HURFORD, 19 Oct, at resid of Capt Scott, Milton Grove, by Rev p Calder,   
                     William J Gibbons, to Jane Hurford, both of Nelson      
Wed - 21 --- === Rechabites officers  =====    
Thur - 22 --- HERRICSON, 14 Oct, at the Sandspit, wife of F Herricson, a daughter     
                      === Fire in a flax mill at 88 Valley, Waimea South, owner George Parker       
                      === Meeting of various Good Templars Lodges  =====     
Fri --- 23 ---- BEIT, 14 Aug, at Shepherds Bush, London W, wife of John Beit Esq, a son     
Sat -- 26 ---- === Chile with immigrants arrived at outer anchorage this afternoon =====        
Tue -- 27 --- CULLEN, 26 Oct, at Vanguard St, Nelson, Mrs W G Cullen, a daughter     
Wed - 28 --- Death--NAYLOR, 28 Oct, Louisa Matilda, 34mth, 2nd daug of George and Louisa Naylor     
                                  WIESENHAVERN, 7 Aug, at Munstedt, Germany,Lady Wiesenhavern, 75yrs, 
                                  wife of the late Christian Wiesenhavern and mother of Charles and Adolph, Nelson Prov    
Fri --- 30 ---- BEATTY, 29 Oct, ahr, Van Diemen St, Mrs Jos J Beatty, a son, stillborn    
Sat -- 31 ---- LESLIE - STAFFORD, 28 Oct, at St Thomas's. Motueka, by Rev S Poole, J Leslie Esq,    
                     to Amelia OLYMPIA, widow of the late C T Stafford Esq, of Park Sq, London      
                     Item-----------about this wedding 

November --- 1874

Mon - 02 --- WATKINS, 2 Nov, Mrs Watkins, a daughter    
Tue -- 03 --- JOHNSON, 1 Nov, at Washington Valley, wife of J Johnson, a son     
                     === Good Hope Lodge -officers ===
Thur - 05 --- Death--MATTHEWS, 1 Nov, at Pier Hotel, William Matthews, 42yrs     
                     === Unclaimed letters from July ====      
Fri --- 06 ---- Item-----------------Richmond  sheep show prize winners    
Sat -- 07 ---- RICKETTS, 1 Nov, at Spring Grove, wife of John Ricketts, a daughter     
                     === Nelson Templars officers ===        
Mon - 09 --- HOLLIS - DAYSH, 3 Nov, at resid of Mr E Buck, Boulcott St, Wellington, H R Hollis,    
                     to Emily, youngest daughter of J Daysh, farmer, Taita, Hutt     
                     OXLEY - DAYSH, 3 Nov, at resid of Mr E Buck, Boulcott St, Wellington, H J Oxley, to   
                     Eliza Ann, 8th daughter of Mr J Daysh       
                     Death--HARPER, 7 Nov, at Bridge St, Nelson, Samuel Bertram, 19mths, only surviving   
                                  child of Richard Henry and Emma Harper    
                     === Ocean Mail arrives with 240 immigrants for Nelson  They will come ashore today   
                     Married couples == W & E Williams + 2 children = J & E M Dunn = J & E Garrich + 5 =  
                        J & B Georgesen + 1 =  J & J Jamieson = P & R Henry + 1 = L & R Lawrenson + 4 =     
                        J & A Sinclair + 2 = J & A Moffat + 4 = E & J Redcliff + 2 = E & J Charles + 4 =     
                        R & E Cheyne = A & E Berson = R & M Ward + 3 = T & E Kelly +4 = R & E Cowley    
                        + 7 = T & A Corlette + 1 = J & R Kerr = J & A J Mylorie + 3 = G & E Ward = 
                        J & A Kirton + 3 = P & M R Eddy + 1 = W & J Solomon + 4 = D & S Newher +2 =   
                        A & E Warcombe + 5 = R & A Johnson + 4 = A & E Williams + 2 = J & T Strange + 3 =  
                        B & B Coutts = W & S Greenslade = J & C Macdonald + 1 = T & S Stephens =     
                        T & M Jamieson = J & C Coutts       
                    Single men ==  W Gear = R Henry = W Moffatt = G Corlette = R Stanton = R Johnson =     
                        J Johnson = P Coutts = J Lawrenson = James Jamieson = John Jamieson = A Jamieson     
                        T Jamieson = J Doule = P Shepperd = P Ozouf = T Coombs = J Somers = T Kelly =      
                        A Cannon = A Burton = W Watson = P Murphy = J Boyd = G Boyd = S R Butler = 
                        W Chisholm = J Leitch = J Wren = Sinclair J Wren = G Stephens = J Weymen =      
                        P Sullivan = G Smart = A Leslie         
                    Single women === A Jamieson = M Henry = B Henry = J Henry = M Sinclair =  
                        J Charles = J Corlette = C Corlette = M Cowen = M S S Kirton = E Stanton = C Coutts   
                        E Coutts = L Coutts = M Johnson = E Johnson = C Coutts = T Coutts = B Coutts = 
                        M Coutts = C Jamieson = J Jamieson = C Somers = E Sinclair = M Sinclair =   
                        R Sinclair = B Fraser = E Doull = A Jamieson = C Elmes = E Kenny = A Kenny =   
                        E Kenny = J E Smith = R White = L Parsons = M Butt = M Fowatt = C McFarlane =     
                        D Mullet = J Mullet                   
Tue -- 10 --- MILLS, 14 Sept, at Hopai, Pelorus Sound, wife of T H Mills, a son    
                     Item---------serious accident to Mr Job PALMER    
                                         fatal accident to child of George WINTER       
Wed - 11 --- GREIG - BURNS, 9 Nov, at resid of brides mother, by Rev P Calder, Charles, 3rd son   
                     of Thomas Greig, to Fanny, 2nd daughter of the late John Burns      
                     COTTERELL - CARANDINI, 13 Oct, at St James Church, Sydney, NSW, by Rev Canon   
                     Allwood, George Edward Cotterell, 2nd son of the late Charles Edward Cotterell Esq,  
                     RN, of Crayfield, Nelson, NZ, to Isabella Sara, 3rd daughter of the late Marquis   
                     Carandini, Modena, Italy, and  g/niece of the late Cardinal Consalvl        
                     BURNETT - BALL, 9 Nov, at Hardy St, Nelson, John Edward Burnett, to Catherine, 4th    
                     daughter of William Ball,both of Nelson      
                     JORDAN - HUBBARD, 9 Nov, at residence of Mr H Newport, Vanguard St, Toi-toi Valley,   
                     Alfred Jordan, farmer, Dovedale, to Catherine, 2nd daughter of William Hubbard,     
                     Trafalgar St, Nelson   
                     === Waimea  v  Stoke, shooting match   
Thur - 12 --- LLOYD, 7 NOv, ahr, Hardy St, wife of W Lloyd, a son    
Fri --- 13 ---- BAIGENT - VERRY, 12 Nov, Wakefield, Ellab Baigent, to Charlotte, youngest daughter    
                     of the late C Verry, Wakefield       
Sat -- 14 ---- GOSLIN - ARMSTRONG, 11 Nov, William Goslin of Havelock, to Miss C Armstrong,     
Mon - 16 ---- Death---WINTER, 7 Nov, Glenarn, Wainui, Thomas Frank, 15mth, youngest son of     
                                   George Winter        
Tue -- 17 ---- === Richmond Progressive Lodge, officers       
                      === Inquest into death of Thomas Frank Winter       
Wed - 18 ---- === New settlement at Karamea      
Fri --- 20 ---- BEATTIE, 19 Nov, at College Hill, wife of James Beattie, manager  National Bank, a son    
Sat -- 21 ---- Death---BURBUSH, 20 Nov, Wellington, William Henry Burbush, 23, son of    
                                   Robert Burbush of Wakefield       
Mon - 23 ---- === Applications for leases == John Currin, Pigeon Valley = John Douglas, Pungatotara =    
                             S A Johnson, Takaka = George Hailes, Upper Takaka = George Fairhall,Pigeon    
                             Valley =  John Curle, Inangahua = A J White, Happy Valley = W H Close, Happy   
                             Valley = Alexander Cameron, Inangahua = Job Palmer, Wairoa    ====   
Tue -- 24 ---- === Details of terms and conditions of Karamea settlement   ===
Thur - 26 ---- Death---HAASE, 25 Nov, ahr, Waimea St, Hannah, 58yrs, wife of Ludwig Haase       
Fri --- 27 ---- HANSEN, 23 Nov, Russell St, wife of Carl Hansen, a daughter      
                      === Horticultural Soc show prize list ===      
Mon - 30 --- CURRIN - HUNT, 28 Nov, at residence of brides father, Wakefield, Annie Louina, eldest    
                     daughter of Mr Hunt, to Francis Currin, baker      
                     Death---BROUGHTON, 30 Nov, at the residence of Mr W V Salter, Hardy St, Nelson,   
                                   Mary Theresa Broughton, late of Picton     
                     ==== George Russell, seaman, off the steamer Lyttelton, drowned at Blenheim      

December --- 1874 

Tue -- 01 --- Death--- FOWLER, 30 Nov, ahr, Spring Grove, Eliza, 52yrs, wife of Edwin Fowler     
Wed - 02 --- Death---MOORE, 1 Dec, at residence of her g/father, C Moore, Manuka St, Nora Minnie,     
                                   5 + 1/2yrs,  daughter of C W Moore, Toi-toi Valley        
Fri --- 04 ---- === Unclaimed letters from August      
Mon - 07 ---- WIX, 5 Dec, at Nelson, wife of A McKellar Wix esq, a daughter       
Tue -- 08 ---- GILROY, 5 Dec, at the Baton, Mrs P Gilroy, a daughter      
Wed - 09 ---- PRICE, 6 Dec, at the Baton, Mrs C Price, a daughter   
                      === Juvenile Good Templars, Bridge St, -- officers     
Thur - 10 ---- BATCHELOR, 9 Dec, ahr, Grove St, wife of Hugh Batchelor, a son      
Fri --- 11 ---- Sons of Freedom Mining, James INGLIS, manager --- forfeit shares === Richard Jones =    
                         William Shultz = Michael P French = John Henry = Dominick Acet = Robert Gray =    
                         Charles C Cullen = Frederick McDowell = Irvine McKenna        
Mon - 14 ---- Death---SIMMONDS, 12 Dec, ahr Nelson, William Simmonds, 56yrs, formerly of 
                      === Exam for Provincial and Governors Scholarships  ==     
Tue -- 15 ---- BARNETT, 13 Dec, at Stoke, wife of A W Barnett, a son   
                      HOPE - SAXTON, 12 Dec, Richmond, Edward Hope, to Fanny Eliza, widow of Charles       
                      Saxton esq, Oaklands, Stoke   
Wed - 16 ---- === Templars, Normanby Lodge, officers      
Thur - 17 ---- Death---CASSELANNEY, 13 Dec, St Vincent St, Nelson, Joseph John, 7mths, only child    
                                     of Joseph and Mary Casselanney      
Fri --- 18 ---- Death---WAXMAN, 18 Dec, Nelson, Lilian Gertrude Waxman, 5 + 1/4yrs       
                      ==== Nelson Regatta Committee    
                      ==== Bishops School prize winners     
Mon - 21 ---- ==== Haven Rd School --- presentation to their teacher Mr J L Hodgson signed by ===   
                                Bertha Hill = Alice Locke = Maria Hill = Kate Beasley = Matilda Scadder =     
                                Maggie Simpson = Annie Lloyd = Agnes Simpson = Kate Calder = Jane Salmond =   
                               Rosetta Freeman = Isabella Robb = Bertha Blackmore = Isabella Freeman =    
                               Charles Bray = Andrew Liddle = John Lowe = Theodore Hammerich  ==== 
                     ==== Golden Ridge Mining Co, John Ross, manager  -- shareholders ===    
                                John Ross, Collingwood = all the rest are miners of Slaty Creek, West Whanganui = 
                                Robert Brown = James Coffey = John H Heard = William H Wood =    
                                Alex McDonald = Daniel McGarey = John R Linkhorn = William James =    
                                Robert Perry          
Tue -- 22 ---- HIBBLE, 9 Dec, wife of Edward Hibble, a son        
                      ==== Inquest into suicide of Henry Rover, Upper Moutere         
Thur - 24 --- CHAYTOR, 30 Aug, 1874, Croft, Darlington, Yorkshire, England, wife of John C   
                     Chaytor esq, a daughter      
                     CLOUSTON, 20 Dec, Maitai Valley, wife of Capt Clouston, a son      
                     === Upper Wakefield School prize giving ==Annie Hoult = Charles Hoult = Samuel   
                             Hoult = Phoebe Lines = Emily McFarlane = Frederick Tunnicliff =  Samuel       
                             Wadsworth = Ada Lane  = Fanny Grove = Alice Nichols = Ada Hunt = 
                             Ernest Tunnicliff = Charles Riordon = Walter Combes =  Thomas McFarlane =     
                             Ellen Hoult = Charles McFarlane = Edward Norris = William Wadsworth =       
                             Violet Watson = Earnest Riordan = Laura Butt =====        
Sat -- 26 --- TOMLIN, 23 Dec, Cambria St, the Wood, wife of E Tomlin, a daughter        
                    PETIT - CURRIN, 25 Dec, at residence of the brides father, Robert Petit, Spring Grove,    
                    to Eliza Frances, daughter of John Currin, Wakefield      
                    NEWTH - BREWERTON, 9 Dec, Thomas Newth, farmer, to Martina Elizabeth   
                    Brewerton, Spring Grove       
                    HUNTER - MIDGLEY, 24 Dec, William Hunter, to mary Ann, daughter of Mr Midgley    
                    of Foxhill       
Mon - 28 -- Death--- POLLOCK, 23 Dec, at Nelson, Henry, 6yr 5mth, youngest son of R Pollock   
Tue -- 29 -- CHANT, 23 Dec, Hoods Bay, Pelorus Sound, wife of W H Chant, a daughter     
                    Death---RUTHERFURD, 25 Dec, Andersons Bay, Dunedin, Lieut-Colonel Rutherfurd, 72yr   
                                  WHITING, 29 dec, Nile St, Susan Bertha, about 9mths, daughter of David Whiting   
Wed - 30 --- === Masonic officers ===      
                     === Neudorf School prize giving == Eugenie De?auoais = Mary Prestidge = Augustus    
                             Stade = Eliza Stade = Christian Stade = E?l?n Seiboth = Emily Sixtus = Mary Stade =   
                             Lin Ewers = A Perry = Henry Gifford = Robert Talbot = Ellen Ducker =      
                             Augustus Shieldaner = George Sixtus = Alfred Schawss = A Bensemann = Ellen     
                             Shieldaner = Annie Ewers ======
                             Sarau School ==== Martha Heine = P Lange = --- Hoffman = E Bensemann =   
                             H Bensemann = O Hoffman = E Talbot = C Benseman = D Best = William      
                             Drummond = F Hewetson = C Clouson = J Best = C Harvey = A Bensemann =     
                             G Harvey = M Muller = Wm Bensemann = A Harvey  ====