Te Haurapa: An Introduction to Researching Tribal Histories and Traditions (© 1992 Charles Royal)
How to gather historical knowledge and present it for members of the whanau, hapu and iwi and for other researchers. Also covered are the value of both oral and written sources, how to use libraries and archives, the more common sources for Maori history and how to research. Bridget Williams Books / Historical Branch. ISBN 0-908912-17-X. $17.95 from bookshops. Place an order with Archives New Zealand. Or can be seen at [NZP 929.10995 R88] University of Waikato Library.
He Pukaki Maori: A Guide to Maori Sources at Archives New Zealand (1995)
A valuable guide to anyone needing directions through the vast amount of unpublished material relating to Maori history at Archives New Zealand. This ranges from the Minute Books of the Maori Land Courts and Nineteenth Century correspondence to the more recent files of the Department of Maori Affairs and Manatu Maori. Much information held is in Te Reo Maori. ISBN 0-477-011753-3 $12.95 paperback. Place an order with Archives New Zealand.
Taylor, C R H. A Bibliography of publications on the New Zealand Maori and the Moriori of the Chatham Islands, London, Oxford, 1972. (University of Auckland, NZP Quick Ref. 016.995 T23)
Journal of the Polynesian Society. (1892 - ) [NZ Glass Case 572.995 P78; at University of Waikato Library, some volumes at Te Hukatai Library (University of Auckland) and are in Short Loan Collection]. The journal is indexed to 1970 by the Taylor bibliography, and also has its own centennial index for the years 1892 - 1992. The JPS has published a large number of articles on various facets of Mäoritanga, including whakapapa.
Transactions and proceedings of the New Zealand Institute. (1868 - ) [NZP 506 T77]. Before the JPS was published this was the journal for scholarly articles about Mäori. There are several indexes covering different periods; the TPI was also indexed by Taylor and Fletcher. University of Waikato Library.
Kelly, Leslie G, (1938). Fragments of Ngapuhi History: Moremu-nui, 1807. Thomas Avery and Sons, New Plymouth, (small feature on Ngati Whatua) North Shore Library and Takapuna Library.
Ashwell, Benjamin Yate, 1810 - 1883 (1834 - 1869). Papers. LOCATION: A-172; SUBJECT HEADINGS: Church Missionary Society - Nga Puhi Missions, Waikato Missions. Letters and journals of the Rev. Ashwell of Kaitetohe, to the Church Missionary Society. Ashwell was stationed at the Bay of Islands, Waikato Heads and Kaitetohe near Taupiri. [2 vols. Photocopy of transcript] Acquired from: AIM. University of Auckland Library, NZP.
Boscawen, John Hugh, 1851 - 1937 (1899). Photographs of Auckland pa sites. LOCATION: A-204; SUBJECT: Ngati Whatua - History, Fortification, Prehistoric - New Zealand, Maori (New Zealand people) - Warfare [103 prints, 103 colour transparencies. Prints] Acquired from: AIM. University of Auckland Library, NZP.
Brown, Alfred Nesbitt, 1803 - 1884, (1835 - 1850). Journal. LOCATION: A-179; SUBJECT HEADINGS: Church Missionary Society - Ngai Te Rangi missions, Ngati Haua missions, Nga Puhi missions. Brown was stationed at Tauranga, Matamata and the Bay of Islands. [4 vols. Photocopy of transcript] Acquired from: AIM. University of Auckland Library, NZP.
Fletcher, H J. Index. LOCATION: Microfilm 194, 195; SUBJECT HEADINGS: Names, Personal Maori Indexes, Names, Geographical - Maori - Indexes. Covers personal and geographical names in the JPS, TNZI, White's Ancient history of the Maori and Tregear's book. Bound photocopy version at Te Hukatai Library, University of Auckland Library. [Microfilm]
Smith, S Percy (1913 - 1915). The lore of the whare wänanga or teachings of the Mäori college on religion, cosmogony, and history. [NZP 572.995 S66] Also in NZGC. Transcript of the proceedings kept by Te Whatahoro at one of the last of the traditional whare wananga, held at Papawai c1860. In Mäori and English. University of Waikato Library
Orakei Marae, (1971 - 1976). Orakei Marae Documents. LOCATION: A-240; SUBJECT HEADINGS: Ngati Whatua History, Marae New Zealand, Orakei Marae Maps, pamphlets from fund raising appeal. Newsletters, newspaper clippings. [Original] University of Auckland Library, NZP.
Orakei Marae Songbook. Orakei Marae Songbook. LOCATION: C-3713; SUBJECT HEADINGS: Waiata, Ngati Whatua; [1 vol. Original] Language: Maori. University of Auckland Library, NZP.
Rutherford, James (1839 - ). Rutherford, James. Papers. LOCATION: A-42.; SUBJECT HEADINGS: Nga Puhi History, Nga Puhi Population. Includes James Clendon on the Bay of Islands, John Hobbs, Gilbert Mair, Auckland to Rotorua trip in 1850, Henry Sewell journey. No inventory. [Transcripts] Language: Maori. Acquired from: AP. University of Auckland Library, NZP.
Wilson, John Alexander, 1809 - 1887, (1833 - 1865). Letters. LOCATION: A-173.; SUBJECT HEADINGS: Church Missionary Society, Whakatohea missions, Ngai Te Rangi missions, Ngati Maru missions.; Wilson was missionary at, Opotiki, Tauranga, Auckland and Puriri (Thames?). [1 vol. Photocopy of transcript] Acquired from: AIM. University of Auckland Library, NZP.