Register Book of Death and Birth Entries
Names of people who registered the birth, death or marriage are contained in the original register at the registry office, or ask for a photocopy of the BDM record.
Register Births before 1875:-
Folio Number
Fathers name and surname (last name)
Mothers name and surname
Profession or Occupation of father
Signature, description & residence of informant
When registered
Signature of Registrar
Name, if added after registration
Register Births 1875-1912 :-
Folio Number
When & where born
Name, and if child present
Father's - Name and surname (last name)
Father's - Rank or profession
Father's - Age
Father's - Birth place
When & where parents married
Mother's - Name and maiden name
Mother's - Age
Mother's - Birth place
Informant - Signature, description & residence. If correction of a former entry, signatures of witnesses
Registrar - When registered, Signature
Name, if added or altered after registration
Register European Births 1912-1995 :-
Folio Number
When & where born
First names of child
Father's - Name and surname (last name)
Father's - Rank or profession
Father's - Age
Father's - Birth place
Married - When & where
Mothers - Name and surname
Mothers- Maiden name
Mothers - Age
Mothers - Birth place
Informant - Signature, description & residence. If correction of a former entry, signatures of witnesses
Registrar - When registered, Signature
Name, if added or altered after registration
Register Maori Births 1913 - 1961 :-
Folio Number
Date of Birth
Place of Birth
First name (s)
Parents Married - When & where
Fathers - Name and surname (last name)
Fathers - Age at birth of child
Fathers - Birthplace
Fathers - Rank or profession
Fathers - Degree of maori blood
Fathers - Tribe
Mothers - Name and surname
Mothers- Maiden name
Mothers - Age at birth of child
Mothers - Birth place
Mothers - Degree of maori blood
Mothers - Tribe
Informant - Name/signature, residence, occupation, relationship to child
Registrar - When registered & signature
Register Deaths prior to 1875 :-
Folio number
Where & when died
Name and surname
Sex. Age. Rank or profession
Cause of death
Informant - Name, residence, occupation,
Registrar - When registered & signature
Register Deaths 1875 - 1912:-
Folio number
Where & when died
Deceased - Name and surname, rank or profession
Deceased - Sex & Age
Deceased - Cause of death, duration, medical attendant & last examination
Parents - Fathers name, Mothers name & maiden name, occupation of father
Deceased - When & where buried, ministers name & religion/witnesses of burial
Deceased - Where born, length of time in NZ
Deceased - Where married, at what age married, and name of spouse
Informant - Name, residence, or occupation of information
Registrar - When registered & signature
Register Deaths 1913 - 1995 :-
Folio number
When & where died
Deceased - Name and surname, rank or profession, usual residence
Deceased - Sex & Age
Deceased - Cause of death, duration onset-death, medical attendant & last examination
Parents - Fathers name, Mothers name & maiden name, occupation of father
Deceased - When & where buried, ministers name & religion/witnesses of burial
Deceased - Where born, length of time in NZ
Deceased - Where married, at what age married, name of spouse, age of widow/er (if living)
Deceased - Age & Sex of issue if living
Informant - Name, residence, or occupation of information
Registrar - When registered & signature
Register Deaths 1999 - current :-
Folio number
Deceased - First names & surname
Deceased - First names & surname at birth
Died - When, Where, Cause of death, duration onset-death, medical attendant & last examination
Deceased - Sex, Age, Date of Birth, Place of birth, number of years living in NZ
Deceased - usual residence, occupation
Deceased - When & where buried
Deceased - Age & Sex of issue if living
Mothers - first names, last name, first name at birth, last name at birth, occupation or profession
Fathers - first names, last name, first name at birth, last name at birth, occupation or profession
Marital Status - If married - Where, age at marriage, place, name oof spouse, age of widow/er (if living)
Informant - Name, residence/occupation, relationship (if any)
Registrar - When registered, where & signature
Register Maori Death 1913-1961 incl:-
Folio Number
Died - When & where
Tribe, or sub-tribe
Sex & Age
To Whom married
Age and Sex of living Issue
Cause of death, duration, medical attendent & last examination
Buried - Place and Date
Fathers - name, tribe or sub-tribe, degree of maori blood
Mothers - name, tribe or sub-tribe, degree of maori blood
Residence of parents
Informant - Name, residence/occupation, relationship (if any)
Registrar - When registered, where & signature
Register Marriages prior to 1875 :-
Folio Number
Married - When & where
Parties - First & last name of parties, ages, rank or profession
Parties - Marital status
Parties - Signature
Witnesses - Signature of two witnesses
Informant - Name, occupation
Minister or Registrar - When registered, where & signature
Register Marriages 1875 - 1912 :-
Folio Number
Married - When & where
Parties - First & last name of parties, ages, rank or profession
Parties - Marital status (if widowed, date deceased died)
Parties - Birth place
Parties - Residence, present & usual
Parties - Parents = Fathers name & surname, rank or profession; mothers name & maiden name
Parties - Signature
Witnesses - Signature of two witnesses
Informant - Name, occupation
Minister or Registrar - When registered, where & signature
The Registrar-General's Office
Births, Deaths and Marriages
P O Box 31-115
Lower Hutt 6315
New Zealand