Beyond the Marble Mountain Tales of Early Golden Bay, Motueka and Nelson - John Halket Miller - 1949 - 

Selection from articles originally written for the 'Nelson Evening Mail'
CYCLOPEDIA OF NEW ZEALAND Vol. 5 Nelson, Marlborough and Westland Provincial Districts. A wealth of valuable historical, commercial and biographical information, not to be found elsewhere. 1906 - 610pages (Available in Australia and New Zealand on microfiche)

Footprints Farewell - Jeff Newport - 1990, Nikau Press - 236 pages.
A history of Nelson's rural hinterland with a special emphasis on the early part of the 20th century. Part two, written by Alex Kerr presents a memoir of country life in the Nelson Lakes area

Historic Gold Trails of Nelson and Marlborough. - Tony Nolan - 1978 - 96 pages.
In the form of a traveller's guide to the goldfields of historic Nelson and Marlborough and a portrayal of the spirited characters and hardy pioneers who opened up the provinces and blazed the trails of their prosperity following which the author reveals to intending fossickers the secrets of working the gold and rounds off with surprising facts about the noble metal.

Letters from Settlers and Labouring Emigrants in the New Zealand Companys Settlements of Wellington,Nelson and New Plymouth. - New Zealand Company - 1843 - 211 pages
This book covers the period February 1842 to January 1843 and gives a contemperaneous account of emigration to NZ.

Marching Onward The History Of The 2nd Battalion [Canterbury,Nelson,Marlborough,West Coast]Royal New Zealand Infantry Regiment - Edward Latter - 1992 - 336 pages with over 400 photographic illustrations.

Murchison New Zealand: How a Settlement Emerges From the Bush. - John Reginald Grigg. - 1947 - 98 pages.

Nelson a Regional History - Jim McAloon - 1997 - 261 pages.

Nelson Province - B. Ristori - 1961 -
History plus almanac-travelogue

Port Nelson, Gateway to the Sea - A History of the Nelson Harbour Board to 1978 - W. H. Parr - 1979 - 304pages
Study from Colonel Arthur Wakefield in 1839 onwards.

Rails to Nowhere - The history of the Nelson Railway - Lois Voller - 1992 - 344 pages.
Little remains now of the Nelson railway, but for nearly 80 years trains steamed out of the city, across the Waimea Plain and into the hills and valleys beyond. The line was supposed to connect with the West Coast and Canterbury, but this ambition was never fulfilled and Nelson’s railway remained an isolated stretch of just 100 km.

Report of a Topographical and Geological Exploration; of the Western Districts of the Nelson Province, New Zealand. - Julius Haast - 1861 - 150 pages?
This expedition was the first scientific appraisal which included the discovery of the Coalbrookdale coalfield. The eight months' walk with James Burnett and five3146 others was from Rotoiti and Rotoroa to the Buller, the Maruia, Rahu Saddle to the Grey, the Mawheraiti and thence up the coast to Collingwood.

Seventy Years of Forestry - Golden Downs Forest, Nelson 1927 - 1997 - John Ward & Don Cooper - 182 pages
The Golden Downs story reaches back to 1927 and the succeeding seven decades unfold the events of a growing production forest. The book records for the first time an account of the State involvement in a major afforestation project in Nelson.

A Short History of the Nelson Province - Jeff Newport - 1991 - 64 pages.
This concise history of the Nelson District is published to furnish a long felt need for both local residents and visitors. While it is not possible to document all the facts in such a small book, every endeavour has been made to reach a reasonable degree of accuracy.

Stone's Canterbury, Nelson, Marlborough and Westland Commercial, Municipal Anmd General Directory and New Zealand Annual, 1929. - G. A. Stone - 1929 - 1230 pages

The Church Messenger. - Diocese of Nelson - 1887 to 1891 (various) - 100 to 120 pages per year
Includes Diocesan News, Missionary Reports, obituaries, & the monthly church register of Baptisms, Confirmations, Marriages & Burials. Invaluable social history

The Maungatapu Mountain Murders - A. A. Grace - 1924 - 158 pages.
A narrative of the murder of five men between the Wakamarina River and Nelson by Burgess, Levy, Kelly and Sullivan in 1866 with an account of their Capture, Trial, Conviction and Execution. Also some particulars as to their lives and career in New Zealand

The Nelson Narrative: The Story of the Church of England in the Diocese of Nelson, New Zealand 1858 to 1958 (with an Account of the Years 1842 to 1857) - H. F. Ault - 1958 - 384 pages. A substantial history of the influences of the Church of England in this region