Biographies | Catalogues | Dictionaries | Directories | Government Gazette | National | Newspapers

Many of the following bibliographies may be found in the online catalogues listed in the Libraries and Archives section of this site.


Who's who in New Zealand. Wellington, 1908. Lists privy councillors, supreme court judges, etc. (University of Auckland Library, NZP Collection: 920.09 W62, latest edition; on NZP Quick Ref., 1908 ed. held NZ Glass Case) NZP has all editions: 1908-1991.

Wilson, J.O. New Zealand parliamentary record, 1840 - 1984. 4th ed. Wellington, Govt Print, 1985. Lists details of parliamentary careers of all ministers, under secretaries, MPs, MLCs. The 1950 edition has members of Provincial Councils. (University of Auckland Library, NZP Quick Ref. 328.95 N532 1985).

Bromell, Anne. (1996). Tracing family history in New Zealand. Rev. ed. [University of Auckland Library, NZP 929.10995 B86t 1996].

Archives New Zealand (1990). Family history at Archives New Zealand.. [University of Auckland Library, NZP 929.10995 F19]

Auckland Central City Library. (1993). Sources for New Zealand Pakeha genealogy available in the New Zealand and Pacific Department, Auckland Central City Library. [University of Auckland Library, NZP 016.929 A89].


Auckland Central City Library. Social Sciences Dept. (1987). Researching family history: a booklist of genealogical material held by the Auckland Central City Library. 4th Edition. The Library, Auckland, NZ. Available from Social Sciences Librarian, Auckland Central City Library holdings: ISBN: 0473005700 (pbk.): $22.00. System ID no: AAD-0197. SHELF LOCATION: REF 929.1 AUC NZ -- REFERENCE -- Reference.

Te Atatu Peninsula Library; Te Atatu South Library; Titirangi Library ; Research Collection, SHELF LOCATION: REF 929.1 AUC NZ -- REFERENCE -- On Shelf/Reference.

Also see Libraries and Archives: National and Libraries and Archives: Auckland.


Scholefield, G.H. (1940). Dictionary of New Zealand biography. 2v. [University of Auckland Library, NZ Quick Reference 920 S36] Biographical notes and essays on notable New Zealanders to 1940.

(1990-96). The Dictionary of New Zealand biography.1990-1996 3v. [University of Auckland Library, NZ Quick Reference 920.095 D55] Three volumes covering the years 1769-1870, 1870-1900 and 1900-1920. Indexed by region, iwi and employment categories, nominal indexes to other people mentioned in text. Maori language versions.


National Oral History Association of New Zealand in association with the Oral History Centre, Alexander Turnbull Library, National Library of New Zealand, (1992). Oral history of New Zealand : a directory of collections, 1992. Wellington. (University of Auckland Library, NZP 016.995 N27).

Gow, Jan. Houltham, Garth, - NZSG (1990). New Zealand Families Research Directory 1990. NZSG. Auckland, NZ. ISBN: 0908770308 (pbk.): $24.00.

  Government Gazette

NZSG. (1989). Auckland provincial highway districts assessment rolls, 1863, 1864, 1865 and 1866 [microform/2 microfiche]. New Zealand Society of Genealogists, Auckland, NZ. Registers, alphabetical district assessment rolls, Auckland Provincial Government Gazette (APGG). ISBN: 0908770197: $5.00. Takapuna NZ Collection REF.

NZSG. (c1988). Auckland provincial highway districts assessment rolls, 1868-70 [3 microform]. New Zealand Society of Genealogists, Auckland, NZ. These assessment rolls have been extracted from the Auckland Provincial Government Gazette (APGG) for 1869 ... fiched alphabetically by district. ISBN: 0908770081 : gratis., Takapuna NZ Collection.

  The New Zealand Ireland Connection

National Library - New Zealand Bibliographic Network (NZBN)

Includes an index of over 10 million books. Apply to the National Library for membership.

Bagnall, Austin G. New Zealand national bibliography to the year 1960. Wellington, Govt. Print. (University of Auckland Library, NZP Quick Ref. 015.95 B14; also GENERAL Quick Ref.)

Wellington, Hamlyn, (1971). New Zealand's heritage : the making of a nation. The best single source for illustrations of New Zealand's past. (University of Auckland Library, NZP Quick Ref. 995 N533)


Recent journal and newspaper articles in Index New Zealand (INNZ) 1987 are available throughout the University of Auckland Library system on the LEARN network

Harvey, Douglas Ross. (1985). Union list of New Zealand newspapers before 1940: preserved in libraries, newspaper offices, local authority offices and museums in New Zealand. National Library of New Zealand, Wellington. (University of Auckland Library, NZP Quick Ref. 016.07995 H34u), Waitakere Libraries.

Harvey, Douglas Ross. (1987). Union list of newspapers preserved in libraries, newspaper offices, local authority offices and museums in New Zealand. National Library of New Zealand, Wellington. Research Collection.

Newspaper indexes in New Zealand: guide. compiled by Kathryn Peacocke. Hamilton, University of Waikato Library, 1994. (University of Auckland Library, NZP Quick Ref. 016.07995 N55)