699033 Pte WR Awatere RNZIR 12/04/68 W1 Ruatoria,NZ
209440 Spr JT Barrett RNZE 24/11/69 V4 Te Kuiti Marae, NZ
41383 L/Cpl DI Bensemann RNZIR 16/11/68 V3 Omaka (Blenheim), NZ
43134 Pte AV Bermingham RNZIR 20/11/68 W2 Manu (Whangarei), NZ
41708 Spr RH Brown RNZE 12/08/69 W2 Gisborne, NZ
41240 Sgt GJ Campbell RNZSAS 14/01/70 4Tp SAS Wairoa, NZ
482859 Pte T Cooper RNZIR 11/10/70 W3 Taupo, NZ
37221 Sgt AJS Don RNZA 14/09/65 161 Bty Terendak, Malaya
42752 Gnr SW Ellwood RNZA 06/02/68 161 Bty Foxton, NZ
41301 L/Cpl CR Fisk RNZIR 18/06/70 V5 Ruru (Christchurch), NZ
573233 Pte DC Frith RNZIR 11/07/69 V4 Terendak, Malaya
38655 Cpl JR Gatenby RNZIR 05/06/69 W2 Terendak, Malaya
645140 S/Sgt FR Grigg RNZAMC 04/12/65 HQ V Force Terendak, Malaya
483256 Pte JL Gurnick RNZIR 29/05/70 W3 Pukekohe, NZ
388811 Pte KH Harding RNZIR 24/06/71 V6 Waima Valley, NZ
42742 Pte RA Hawthorne RNZIR 04/08/69 W2 Papakura, NZ
463211 Pte HD Hirini RNZIR 01/02/68 V2 Kawerau, NZ
211075 Cpl GK Hoerara RNZIR 26/01/68 W1 Te Araroa, NZ
43221 Pte TN Hollows RNZIR 29/07/69 W2 Manu (Whangarei), NZ
43349 Pte KR Hurman RNZIR 11/01/69 W2 Terendak, Malaya
629544 Pte LC Jones RNZIR 18/06/70 V5 Marton, NZ
838605 Lt SJ Kidd RNZIR 17/04/70 V4 Papakura, NZ
41243 Gnr NSG Lyes RNZA 23/06/68 161 Bty Hokitika, NZ
346598 Cpl M Manton RNZIR 02/09/69 V4 Waikumete (Auckland),NZ
43651 Pte TW Paenga RNZIR 19/03/70 V4 Gisborne, NZ
42294 Pte BJ Petersen RNZIR 14/09/68 W1 Ekatahuna, NZ
539244 Cpl JW Radford RNZIR 23/07/69 W2 Whakatane, NZ
43648 Pte P Rauhihi RNZIR 24/11/69 V5 Shannon Marae, NZ
41081 L/Cpl ML Sutherland RNZIR 31/10/70 V5 Christchurch, NZ
42116 Pte MJ Turnbull RNZIR 02/08/69 V4 Dunedin, NZ
80166 Sgt GS Watt RNZAF 01/03/70 NZ Svcs Med Ulu Pandan, Singapore
928518 Bdr R White RNZA 14/09/65 161 Bty Terendak, Malaya
43032 Pte MJ Wickman RNZIR 22/06/68 V3 Papatoetoe, NZ
41530 Pte JS Williams RNZIR 17/06/69 V4 Terendak, NZ
37404 Capt P Williams RNZA 14/02/69 161 Bty Ashes returned to NZ
41576 Lt JR Winton RNZIR 10/03/71 V5 Karori, NZ
43223 Pte DN Wright RNZIR 19/03/70 W3 Esk (Timaru), NZ
NZ Surgical Team at Quin Nhon
Civilian Sister L Cowper Medical 02/05/66 NZ Nurse Auckland, NZ
U.S. Marine Corps
2112168 Cpl J Lott USMC 08/05/68 USMC Waikumete (Auckland),NZ

RNZA = Royal New Zealand Artillery
RNZAF = Royal New Zealand Air Force
RNZAMC = Royal New Zealand Army Medical Corps
RNZE = Royal New Zealand Engineers
RNZIR = Royal New Zealand Infantry Regiment
RNZSAS = Royal New Zealand Special Air Services

The dates are written day/month/year.