Ship index from the Victorian Government Gazette - Australia, 1853
A l p h a b e t i c a l S h i p p i n g I n d e x
from the Victoria Government Gazette, Australia - 1853
©1853 Government Gazette, Victoria, Australia
Researched & Compiled by Jenny Fawcett
Many years ago when first researching my family I made a database of names
that where from the Government Gazette for Victorian, Australia. It is the
equivalent of 100 pages of alphabetical index for the year 1853 - and
consists of unclaimed shipping lists, notices, deed grants, etc.
I am happy to perform lookups if anyone is interested. Some of it just
states 'John Jones - Baker', the page, and reference number. But a lot
mentions what ship a person came on. So I will publish here: the names of
the people, with shipping references, and if anyone else would like me to
lookup a name I am free to do so.
I would say that it mentions people from a wide range of places.. so feel
free to ask for a name. I can only give you what I have - which will be
page no
occupation OR place OR ship (or all three if possible)
eg Abbot - George H - ex Natal came per Hannah. ref 1853 page 0071.
I cannot tell you what the article is about - it may be a notice on someone
looking for him - it may be unclaimed letter - it is a long time since I
have done them, but if you check the Government Gazzette for that year and
for that page number it will tell you more. Some of the articles were very
I will only publish the names and ship as ALL the references are 1853.
Abbott - Mr per Kent
Acton - John - per Hope
Adams - William per Diamond
Adamson - James per Ballarat
Aikman - Alex - per Tipoosaib
Alexander - Peter per Ticondrago
Alexander - Henry - per Scotia
Allanack - George - per Enchanter
Allman - Miss Charlotte - per Peru
Anderson - E.C. per Isabella
Anderson - Mrs William per John Bunyan
Andrews - F.W. per Woodbridge.
Archer - John per Henry Gillespie
Armitage - Y.R per Flora McDonald
Arthur - Mrs per Dalhousie
Aston - William per Panola
Aaning - James - Merri Creek.
Adam - John - Shepherd.
Adamson - Thomas - Penshurst
Adkin - Wattie - Flemington Street
Aikerman - Edward - ex Van Diemans Land [Tasmania]
Ainsworth - Daniel C - Serpentine Creek
Aitkin - Henry - little Collins ST Melbourne
Albert - James c/- Mrs Clark, 63 Little Bourke St Melb.
Aitkin - John - Prahran
Alexander - Dr G.
Alexander - Godfrey - Geelong
Allan - George - Immigrant
Allan - Miss Euphemia c/- Thos Holden, Merri Creek
Allan - Dr Allen - John ex Nepaul
Allen - James c/- Wm Crisp, Gardners Creek
Allen - James c/- Mrs Martal, Dry Creek
Allinder - John 111 Latrobe St Melbourne
Allison - Francis ex Bendigo
Allison - Samuel SailMaker
Almond - Charles ex Adelaide
Amor - Caroline Richmond
Anderson - Dr Alex Victoria
Anderson - Wm Belfast
Anderson - C.G Poundkeeper - Kilmore
Anderson - A PianoForte Maker
Anderson - M c/- Mr Mellish
Anderson - James River Ex
Anderson - E.J. Kilmore
Anderson - James Merchant Spirits - Melbourne
Andrews - James Jika Jika
Andrews - S Wattle Valley
Andrews - Henry White Wattle Valley
Andrews - Charles at Mr Bunnays - Queen St Melbourne
Annard - Pat Tinware
Annen - Peter Napolean St , Collingwood
Anthony - Mr Manchester
Arbuckle - Dr Vic
Aritage - George ex Portland Bay
Armstrong - Samuel Tulip Wrights
Armstrong - John Vetinary Surgeon
Armstrong - Mr Gravesend
Arthur - Robert Carpenter - Bacchus marsh
Arthur - J Collingwood
Asmispen - J Jeweller
Atherly - Francis Henry Magistrate - Vic
Atkins - Abraham Geelong
Atkinson -Mrs Southern Cross
Atkinson - Thomas Sailors Home
Aughey - John Van Damiens Land - EX
Austin - James Geelong Austin - John Greenhills Station
B Baker - Captain - per John Scott
Baker - Thomas per Kent
Baker - Henry per Coldstream
Ballare - James C [Captain] per Kepler
Bance - George - per Arundel
Bates - B per Statesman
Batt - William per Emily
Bayley - C per Marleborough
Bertick - Susan per Theodore
Boddle - Mr per Marlborough
Bonds - Richard per Marlborough
Borth - Thomas per Oriental
Bourne - Miss Ellen per Marlborough
Boyles - Thomas.H. [captain] per Ticonderaga
Bray - William per Jenny Lind Briscoe - Robert F per Hope
Brown - John [carpenter] per Seghalian
Bugden - Captain per Waterwitch
Bushell - Mr per Omega
Bustin - Captain B.B per Helena
Butler - James per Envelope [barque]
Butler - Mr per City Steamer
Byl - William per Meteor [barque]
Byrne - James per Serampore
Cafield - P.G. passenger per
Chasely Callen - Murdoch - per Birmingham
Cameron - James per Francis Henty
Cammell - Captain per SCindian
Campbell - D.A. per Salbota
Campbell - James per Salbota
Campbell - James per Froma [barque]
Carnaby - G per Admiral JP [ass ship]
Carroll - Edward per Thomas Lowry
Carson - Edward per Woodbridge
Casper - Captain per Architect
Castle - Captain per Hyderabad
Caton - James per Magnolia
Cayley - A per Chalmers
Cazaly- Edward per Formosa
Chapman - Captain per Brightman
Child - William per Ballayne
Child - John per Magnolia
Clarke - Benjamin per Sir Edward Parry
Clarke - Arundell per Prince Albert
Clarke.S.W. per Panama
Clarke - Mr [Carpenter] per Italia
Clough - Thomas per Oriental [barque]
Clunas - Duncan per Cambridge
Cobb - Charles [Capt] per Flora
Cole - Samuel per Gambia [pass ship]
Collier - Miss per Roxburgh Castle
Collier - John per Serampore
Cooney - Christopher per Hope
Cooper - George per Windsor
Corrick - A.B. per Velore
Cousins - Henry - per Emigrant
Crammond - George per John Taylor
Craw - Captain [ships Captain] per Hope
Cripps - J.H. per Earl of Derby
Cromleyn Mr - Anglesbey
Cumming - Hugh per Mirzapore
Cumming - P per Diamond
Dunlop - Captain per Wandsworth
Edgar - Thomas per Miltiades
Edwards - Captain per Canterbury
Ellart - R.P per Mobile
Fairweather - James [a carpenter ] per Hero [barque]
Farley - John per Hyderabad.
Ferall - P per Windsor
Ferguson - Mrs Christy per Ticonderago
Ferguson - Dugald dittp
Ferguson - Finlay - ditto
Findlay - John per Theodore
Finlater - Wm per Derwent [barque]
Fisher- R per Duke of Roxburgh
Ford - Thomas per Sir RObert Sale
Ford - Robert per Ellen
Forrester - Daniel per Oriental
Foyster - Mr per Negotiator
Francis - E [seaman] per Prince Albert
Galetti - Anthony per Progress
Galivey - H.D passenger per Holyrood
Gimore - George per Himilaya
Ginever - T.A per Marlborough
Gooch - Ellen per Washington
Gourlay - Captain per Monarch
Griffen - Thomas per Dinapore
Guntin - Captain per Shangae
Haines - Samuel per Peru
Hale - George [steward ] per Anne Bridson
Hamilton - Dr.A.G. per Gambia
Hammond - Thos D per Mirzapore
Hancock - J per John Taylor
Hare - James J per Europa
Hartley - F.N per John Onrood [brig]
Harvey - John per Prince Albert
Hasellwood - Mr [chief officer] per Manchester
Hawkins - H.C [Captain] per Kalmia
Hay - John per Vulcan
Hay - James [Captain] per Lady Harvey
Hayes - Alfred per Chance
Haynes - John per Nepaul
Hayward - Miss M.E. per Northumberland
Hellingwar - Mr per Agneta
Henderson - Captain per Eliza Stewart
Hendry - William per Ould Reekie
Herron - Captain per Ben Neavis
Hewett - S.B per Washington
Hicks - Captain per Velore
Hildrake - Captain per Sapho
Hingston - James per Cleopopatra
Hodgson - George per Miltiades
Holpin - Patrick [sailor] per Chance
Holssack - R.C [Captain] per City Lincoln
Holst - John [seaman] per Great Britain
Hood - Captain john per Coventer
Hughes - Captain per John Davis
Hughs - Richard [seaman] per Serampore
Hunt - Mrs per Bombay
Hunt - Mr per Dinapore
Hyndman - G.W per Mirzapore
Neeley - H per Mt S Elephant
Neile - Captain per Nepaul
Nesbit - THomas per Lizzie Webster
Newcombe - John per Governer Arthur
Nicholas - Captain H per Deborah
Nicholson - Williams per Blominge
Nicholson - Mr per Chance
Noble - Captain per Australia
O'Faughlin - Thomas per Great Britain
Oakes - Stuart.W per Mosilla
Oakley - Captain per Kirkwood
Ogg - Captain per Delgany
Oldham - Capt per Alerto
Olive - Captain per Europa
Osbourne - Mr per Kyle
Otto - Phillip per Governer Wynyard
Owen - Robert per Tippoo Saib
Palmer - J per Orpheus
Parker - William [Capt] per kirkwaaer
Parker - Captain - Royal Navy - per Mirzapore
Pattison - William [er Hamilton C Kidson
Place - Henry per Elizabeth Thompson
Powell - Edward per Lewisham
Price - William per Lizzie Webber
Quail - Charles per Eureka
Quiem - Michael per Onyx
Quintan - Capt John per Apoline
Rankin - James per Hope
Rankin - Mary per Hope
Rawlings - T.H per Diadem
Reed - John per Panama
Rich - H.R. [Captain] per Himalaya
Rindle - W.S. per Marine Plant
Rippon - John [captain] per Prince of Wales
Roberts - Jacob [stoker aboard] the Great Britain
Roberts - J.H per Magnolia
Robinson - William per Hyderabad
Sainson - Miss [matron aboard] the Marmion
Sanderson - Captin Robert per Monbyne
Sanger - J.C [surgeon aboard] the Ticonderago
Sartridge - William per Dinapore
Saunders - James per Prince Regent
Savery - Captain per Cremona
Scarle - William per Velore
Scott - Joseph Collier per William Laing
Seaddon - Captain per Penelope
Selby - John Donaldson per Birmingham
Sergeant - James per Marlborough
Sharman - John per Isabella
Sharman - John per Birmingham
Sharp - Thomas per City of Liverpool
Sharpe - Guion C per Thomas Lowry
Shearer - John per Chance
Shickland - Thomas per Scotia
Shord - J per Helen S Page
Simpson - James per Otilla
Simson - Captain per Boomerang
Smith - Henry per Bengalore
Smith - James [carpenter] per Aberfoyle
Smith - Mr - Moselle
Smith - Francis - New Orlean
Smith - Mrs per Anglesy
Smith - Henry G per Anglesy
Smith - John of Buckingham, came per Maitland
Stephen - William - emigrant Feb 1850 ex London per Lady McNaughton
Stevens Captain per Otago
Stevenson - George per Mining Journal
Stewart - Henry [steward] Grampian
Stirling - Captain per Eliza Francis
Syder - Charles Brody [Doctor] per Ospray
Trueman - Captain Henry per Penyavel Park
Tullock - H.C. per Serampore
Tullock - Captain William per MOntgomery
Turner - Mrs per Sarah Sands
Varley - James.G per Priam [barque]
Wakeham - John per Magnolia
Wakenham - John per Magnolia
Walkden - R [Mrs] per Great Britain
Walker - Joseph per Mobile
Walsh - Ambrose per Rory O'MORNE
Walsh - George [passenger] per James Carson
Walter - Mrs G per Elizabeth
Walworth - Charles per Delta
Wardrop - George per Hope
Waters - Henry John per Emily [barque]
Wates - Miss D per Marborough
Watling - J.H per Severn
Watson - James per Merlin
Weatherall - Captain per Wannali
Webb - Captain per Marlborough
Weekes - J.G per Bangalore
Welch - Mrs M.A. per Chambers
Welsh - Mr per Nepaul
Willoughby - Charles per El Dorado
Winstanley - Mr per Maria
Wolson - Samuel per Blorenge
Wood - Mrs RD per Brunswick
Wood - John.B. per Lady Head
Wotherspoon - John [passenger ] per Cambridge
Wyand - John per APoline [barque]
Young - William per Isabella [cutter]
©1853 Government Gazette, Victoria, Australia
This shipping index researched & compiled by
____________________ J e n n y F a w c e t t _________________________
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60 Breton St, Warrnambool 3280, Victoria, Australia.
Posted: 22-26 June, 1998 -
Auckland, New ZealandGenWeb
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