===================  New Zealand (Jewish) Cemeteries =======================

RESOURCES: © 1996-7 AJGS and Arline Sachs - All Right Reserved.
(Association of Jewish Genealogical Societies)

NZ information supplied by:
                            Claire G. Bruell
                            36 Auckland Rd
                            St. Heliers
                            Auckland 5
                            New Zealand.
                            Ph: (09) 575-7305 
                            Fax: (09) 575-5079

The AUSTRALIAN JEWISH HISTORICAL SOCIETY - Victoria Inc., indicated that 
there were Jewish graves in the locations indicated by source: AJGS.  

Further information may be obtained from the: 
                            Honorary Secretary
                            Mrs. Beverley Davis
                            P.O. Box 255
                            Victoria 3124

(Please include 3 international reply coupons when requesting information.)

From resources indicated ABOVE or at the end of each SECTION.

None of the cemeteries are exclusively for Jews and Jewish graves are 
continually being found in out of the way cemeteries, particularly in places 
which were populated for short periods as during gold rushes.  

New Zealand (Jewish) Cemeteries - NORTH ISLAND:


Karangahape Road Cemetery {10292}: 
Cnr. Karangahape Rd and Symonds St, Auckland Central.

Used 1841-1938, by Auckland Hebrew Congregation:
108-116 Greys Ave, Auckland Central
Ph: (09) 373-2908.
Auckland Hebrew Congregation, P.O. Box 68224, Auckland.

Graham Resnick
Ph.(09)520 0801.

Part of the Auckland Municipal Cemetery. In 1938, the Jewish section was 
given to Beth Israel (Auckland Hebrew) Congregation which still maintains


Waikumete Cemetery & Crematorium:  {10350}
Great North Rd, Glen Eden, Auckland Ph: (09) 818-5615

Auckland Hebrew Cong. has its own section, Beth Shalom has had its own 

Used since 1921, by Auckland Hebrew Congregation
108-116 Greys Ave, Auckland Central
Ph: (09) 373-2908.

Auckland Hebrew Congregation, P.O. Box 68224, Auckland.

Graham Resnick
Ph.(09)520 0801.

Used since approx. 1960, by Beth Shalom Progressive Synagogue
180 Manukau Rd, Epsom, Auckland
Ph: (09) 524-4139

Don Copland
Ph: (09)444 1173; 

Administered by:
Waitakere City Council, Civic Administration Building, 6 Waiperiera Ave, 
Henderson, Auckland
Ph: (09) 836-8000


(Wanganui Cemetery at McNeil St, or Flemington Road, Wanganui?)

No cemetery remains;

All Jewish graves condensed under a single marker which has disappeared.


DANNEVIRKE (Central-South, North Island):
     Mangatera Cemetery: {}


NAPIER (East Coast, North Island):
     Bluff Hill Cemetery: {}
     Park Island Cemetery: {}


PALMERSTON NTH (West Coast, North Island):
     Kelvin Grove Cemetery: {}
     Old Cemetery: {}


STRATFORD (Taranaki on the West Coast, North Island) small town

Stratford Cemetery: {}
Entrance on Regan Street or 23 Rosalind Street, Stratford

No synagogue 
A few graves here and at other small places which were sites of the gold 
rush settlements in the 1800's?


Bolton St. Cemetery:  {10536}
Bolton St. Memorial Park, 
Cnr. Bolton Street & Mowbray Street, 
Lambton, Wellington; 

Used 1845-1901, by Wellington Hebrew Congregation,
80 Webb St, Wellington.

Administered by:
Parks & Recreation Dept., Wellington City Council, P.O.Box 2199, 

Had colonial/early settlers' graves.  Few graves remain as part cemetery 
taken for a motorway. 

Records of headstones are held at the:
ALEXANDER TURNBULL LIBRARY, National Library Building, Molesworth St, 
Thorndon, Wellington.  (The material in the Alexander Turnbull Library can 
only be used by visiting the National Library in Wellington, New Zealand.)

Last year we erected a sign naming that small area "The Abraham Hort Lawn". 
The first grave is that of a youth, Benjamin Levy, who died on 3rd February 
1845. There are still some graves of the 1890's, and one dated 1901, even 
though Karori Cemetery was opened in 1891. 

Source: Michael Clements (address at end of Wellington section)
and Claire Bruell.


Karori Cemetery?: {}
Karori, Wellington.  Used 1895-1969. Opened in 1891.

Used since 1960, by Temple Sinai, 
P.O. Box 27-301, Wellington., 
Ph:  (04) 385 0720
Fax: (04) 385 0572 

Used since 1895, by Wellington Hebrew Congregation
80 Webb St, Wellington 1
Ph: (04)384-3136

Administered by: 
Wellington City Council, P.O. Box 2199, Wellington;


Makara Cemetery:{}
Makara Rd, Karori, Wellington

Used since 1969, by Wellington Hebrew Congregation
80 Webb St, Wellington 1., 
Ph: (04) 384 3136; 

Used since 1985, by Temple Sinai
P.O. Box 27-301, Wellington
Ph: (04) 385 0720
Fax: (04) 385 0572

Administered by 
Wellington City Council, P.O. Box 21 99, Wellington; 

For further information from Wellington contact any of the below: 

1. The Wellington City Council. (address above)
2. The Wellington Hebrew Congregation 
3. Michael Clements
   31 Vivian Street
   Wellington 1

NOTE: Many Jewish graves exist in other cemeteries in the greater Auckland 
area and the North Island generally, which are not recorded.

New Zealand (Jewish) Cemeteries - SOUTH ISLAND:

NELSON (North Coast, South Island):
Wakapuaka Cemetery: {}
Nelson Municipal Cemetery - Wakapuaka Road, Wakapuaka, Nelson

A few graves: Dating from the mid-1800's.
No organised Jewish community present now.

The graves are situated at the edge of the very old Nelson Cemetery, on the 
Wakapuwaka Road, at the edge of the Nelson Municipal Cemetery.


CHRISTCHURCH (East Coast, South Island):
Hereford St.: {}
Hereford Street, Christchurch City.

34 burials: Dating from 1870's.
Original Cemetery, no longer exists

Used between 1870 to 1885, by Canterbury Hebrew Congregation 
Contact: Gerald Morris  (see end of section)

Re-interred in 1943 under a single headstone at the Linwood Cemetery, 


Bromley Cemetery: {}
Chapman Place, Linwood, Christchurch

Approx. 250 graves: Dating from 1870 (original cemetery in Hereford St.)
Situated in a suburb of Christchurch.

Used since 1943 to present day, by Orthodox Community
406 Durham St., Christchurch. (About 120 members)
Contact: Dr. Gerald Morris (see end of section) 

250 graves from the original cemetery in Hereford St. were moved in 1943 and
re-interred in a single grave, with one headstone.  The Jewish section is 
part of a large cemetery, which is now full, and is disused. Our area is 
set apart, and is consecrated ground.


GREYMOUTH (West Coast, South Island):

6 graves:  Dating from the 1890's.

No community now.

Situated near the camping grounds by the sea.  To find graves look for the 
Chinese tombstone. No Jews there now.


HOKITIKA: (small town West Coast of the South Island (pop. 7000))

22 graves: Dating from early settlement days and gold rushes of the 

Used 1850 to 1960 - last burial 1960, of last remaining Jew in the town.  

The Synagogue was burnt down in 1922.  
(For further information see " The History of the Jews in New Zealand" 
by Goldman)


ASHBURTON (Central-East Coast, South Island):
     Old Public Cemetery: {}


QUEENSTOWN (Central West Coast, South Island):
Municipal Cemetry: {}

A few graves: Dating back to the mid 1800's.

Situated on the the left side of the road at the edge of the town cemetery,
on the way to the skyride.  Graves set apart from the rest of the markers of
the old Cemetry, by a clump of trees. 

Contact: Dr. Gerald Morris (see end of section)


TIMARU (Central East Coast, South Island):

A few graves: Dating from late 1800s?

No Jews present now. 

Parallel to the seashore by the side road.

Contact: Dr. Gerald Morris (see end of section)


CHARLESTON (West Coast, South Island)

A few graves: Dating around 1800's.

No synagogue 

A few graves here and at other small places which were sites of the gold 
rush settlements in the 1800s.


DUNEDIN (South East, South Island):

Southern Cemetery: {}
Eglington Road, Dunedin. (opened 1858), Main South Rd entrance

Used from April, l863 - present, by Dunedin Jewish Congregation
179 burials (164 burials' recorded)

Administered by:
The Dunedin City Council, Parks and Recreation Dept, Civic Centre building,
George Street, Dunedin. 


Located at the southern end of the city; on a rise overlooking the South end 
of the "Oval" (cricket) playing fields.  Bounded by the roads, Main South 
Road and Eglinton Road and the southern end of the "Town Belt".  This 
cemetery is now closed and the next burial will be in a new cemetery on 
Brighton Rd. 10 miles south of Dunedin;  

The cemetery's main entrance is on the Main South Road, and a rather 
narrow roadway leads to the caretaker's cottage and car park. 

On the Main South Road, just slightly uphill from the main entrance, tall 
wrought iron gates form the entrance to the Jewish Portion of the cemetery 
and the visitor would find it convenient to park on the Main South Road 
and use this foot access.

There is an occupied caretaker's cottage within the grounds of Southern 
cemetery, and the caretaker, who has a copy of this transcript, could assist a 
visitor to locate a particular grave site.  

The Dunedin City Council have no official burial records for the Jewish 
ground, and these are in the hands of the Jewish Congregation.  This 
transcription was completed in November 1982.  

A transcription was made in 1934, a copy of which can be seen at:
The Early Settlers Association Museum, 220 Cumberland St, Dunedin.

Some headstone records which were visible and transcribed in 1934 have 
either deteriorated or are missing now.  



Dunedin Jewish Congregation is a Liberal Community part of the Anzupt.
(About 50 members); 

Corner of George Street and Dundas Street, Dunedin.

The Jewish Community hold a book entitled: - 
"Register of Burials, Dunedin Jewish Congregation." 
Please direct all enquiries to http://www.dunedinjewish.org.nz

As burials take place in Christchurch, South Dunedin, and Invercargill, the 
burial register becomes that of the Jewish Congregation, rather than that of
the Jewish Portion Southern Cemetery.

Out of a total of 23,000 burials, the Jewish portion size of the Southern 
Cemetery: is approx 179 burials.   164 burials' are recorded in the burial
register.  The burial register does not, however, record the location of 
each burial location of each burial.  

Information is brief, giving only the name of deceased, burial date, age 
(not always), sex, and parents names (not always).  This applies to the 
years 1863 to 1893. 

Some entries have an additional line written in Hebrew but are difficult to 
read.  There is then a gap to one death each in 1942, 1945 and 1946 and 
from then, until the present day, is probably complete.  From 1946 onwards, 
no parents names are given, this column is used instead for the place of 

The earliest date on a headstone is that of Adliner Symons, 8 Mar 1864, 
entry number 26.  However, the earliest date in the burial register is that 
of Louis Woolf, 6 Mar 1863.  The Southern Cemetery was opened in 1857
and the first burial in the main portion of the cemetery was in Mar 1858.  
Though the cemetery has been "Closed" in the sense that it has been many 
years since the last plot was sold, burials still take place today in 
unfilled family plots. 


To the researcher interested in deaths between 1893 and 1946 the following
may be of interest.  

Hugh Gourley, Funeral Director, was engaged to arrange many of these 
burials. His records survive, but are brief and do not record in which 
cemetery a burial took place.  

Hugh Gourley Ltd, Funeral Director, 407 Hillside Road, South Dunedin.
(or Gillions and Sons Ltd, Funeral Directors of the same address) 

Hold these early records and have indexed them for easy reference. They are
sympathetic toward genealogists and given a number and date (approx) of 
a death, may be able to confirm same - which leads the researcher more 
confidently, to a death registration enquiry and death certificate.


Green Island Cemetery: {}
District Rd, Burnside, Dunedin
*Brighton Road, Green Island, Dunedin.


Andersons Bay Cemetery: {}
Tahuna Rd, Ocean View, South Dunedin

Hugh Gourley Ltd, Funeral Director, 407 Hillside Road, South Dunedin.
(or Gillions and Sons Ltd, Funeral Directors of the same address) 

Have records of burials 1893 - 1943 in Dunedin, Invercargill, and 
Christchurch, as well as cremations.

I am also aware of a transcription undertaken in 1979 by a Mr. and Mrs. 
Davis John and Beverley on behalf of:  Australian Jewish Historical Society,
Victoria Branch, c/o 3 Alma Road, Camberwell, Victoria 3124, Australia.  

Though I think the researcher will find this present transcript a 
substantially complete record of what is now available, I mention the other 
known transcripts which may prove helpful.

Source for Dunedin: 
E.M. Friedlander, 
5 Burnwood Ave., Dunedin. 
(letter to Claire G. Bruell) 


Invercargill Cemetery {}

Source for South Island of New Zealand is:
Dr. Gerald L. Morris
90B Proctor Street
Christchurch 5
Ph and Fax: (03) 352-4764 

There are some graves at the sites of old goldrush settlements, on the West 
Coast of the South Island.  They are now old neglected areas, with maybe 
a few people still living there. There are no Jewish Communities on the West
Coast now.  I believe there are some graves at Charleston (South Island) 
and Stratford (North Island). 

Welcome Bay?:
     Ngapeke Cemetery.

        Copyright © 1996-7 AJGS and Arline Sachs - All Right Reserved

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                         c o l l a t e d   b y

                             17 July 1997