EMPRESS - 1865 Auckland
Copyright (c)1998 Pam Pakes, Auckland, New Zealand
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RESOURCES: NZ Herald 15 May 1865 "The Ship Empress from London",
NZ Herald May 13 1865, NZ Herald 16 May 1865
EMPRESS, 1313 tons, sailed from, Gravesend, London 3 February 1865;
arrived at Auckland (Wharf), on 15 May 1865 (95 days)
Arrival of the Empress from London
The Clipper ship Empress, Captain Ellis, from London anchored in the Harbour
late last night. She had been 98 days on her passage, having made the run
from land to land in 83 days. All well on board, three deaths (children)
having occurred during the voyage, Owing to the late hour at which she
arrived we are compelled to hold over full details until tomorrow.
p14 Empress, Ship, Ellis, from London, Passengers list...
Captain E.P.Ellis master
Bostock, Jas William, Harriet E., Robert Edward D & Edward
Brook, Charles H.
Clarkson, Ellen Elizabeth
Ellis, Ellen
Eyre, Robert A. & Robert Dudley
Graves, Mary Ann
Greig, David
Halliday, Charles John
Masterson, Henry
Ridley, Mr & Mrs
Ripon, Elizabeth Ann
Ross, Donald
Saunders, William. Hy. & Margaret
Baird, Thomas N.
Barker, John & William. Palm
Batt, William W.
Bennett, Emma, Marianne, Emma, John
Bennett, Thomas
Brassington, George J.
Brooking, Samuel, Elizabeth & Samuel
Fisher, Robert
Greig, Oliver & Letitia
Jones, Ann & Amy Sarah
Kinross, Robert
Lemrure, Jane & Ann
McCanelless, Emma
McLintock, Elijah
Norton, Matilda
Shillington, Henry
Simons, Amelia
Stoddart, Charlotte
Taylor, Thomas
Vaughan, Jas & Emily
Wilson, Ellen
Wolfe, Arthur E.
Anderson, George, Ellen W. & John George
Barker, William
Bell, Warwick, Caroline, Rhoda, Jessie, Clara, Anna, Louise, Frederick,
John, & Norman
Colson, William, Jane, Sophia, & Sarah Jane
Cook, Samuel & Elizabeth
Davidson, Mary Ann & Rachel
Derrey, Elias
Dixon, Mary
Eades, Henry Jas
Forrest, Daniel
Fraser, S.L.
Hall, Henry
Hudson, Magdalen
Huges, William, Letitia, William, Henry, Caroline, Alonzo & Albert
Jones, Joseph Henry & Hannah
Jones, Richard, Thomas & Richard
Lewis, George
Luck, Thomas
McIndoe, William, Ella & William James
McKeown, Nicholas
May, Edward
Miller, George
Phillips, David
Phillips, Matthew, Sarah, John, Elizabeth & Emily
Ridout, Robert
Russell, William
Sach, Edward
Salmon, John
Smith, William Henry
Squires, William
Stevens, Charles
Stoddart, William
Taylor, Charles, Arthur, Emily Matilda & Herbert Henry Taylor
Walton, Joseph, Mary Ann & Joseph Lerrey
Walton, Thomas & Ruth
Waterworth, William, Wm.
Wright, Henry
Adam, George, Ann & Isabella
Anderson, Archibald, Helen, Jessie, James & Jacobins
Ashwell, Edward & Joseph
Atkin, James, Ann, Agnes, Mary, Sophia, Anna & William
Bassett, Arthur
Beatty, Martha
Bell, Hugh
Boyce, George, Julie & Eliza Jane
Boyd, John, Margaret, Jeanie, Robert & Alexander
Brady, Lawrence
Cain, Henry
Callaghan, Honora & Catherine
Cardie, Margaret
Charnely, Robert, Nicholas, John, Graham, James
Cook, George
Corbatt, Lucy & Sarah Jane
Coulter, Mary
Cullivan, Mary
Dillon, Ellen Jane
Doran, James
Duffin, Mary
Dunn, Charles
Ebbett, James
Egan, Francis
Ellison, Elizabeth
Glasgow, Robert, Ann, William, Samuel & Sarah
Goodrum, William
Gray, Hugh
Halpin, Thomas
Hamilton, James, Mary Jane, David, John & Sarah
Haves, Letitia
Hickey, Samuel, Nancy, Samuel, Nathaniel, James S. & Robert
Higgins, Mary
Hills, Jane
Hogan, Alice, Richard, Godfrey & Mary Ann
Howard, Lemuel
Hunstan, John
Hutchinson, William, Helen, George, Jane, Isabella, Thomas, Helen & William
Irone, Thomas & William
Keiffes, Patrick
Kelly, Mary
Kenny, Richard & Judith
Kerr, Mary, Agnes, Elizabeth & Andrew
Larkins, Hugh
Lewis, Sarah, Sarah, Susannah, Eleanor, Eliza & Emma
Long, John & Margaret
Mansfield, Hannah
Marshall, George
McArd, Micheal
McConnisky, John A.
McGunn, Micheal & Margaret
McNumee, Anna
McTurney, Joseph
Meeshaw, Patrick & Mary
Michael, Samuel, Paul, Robert & Alexander
Mooney, William
Moore, Mary
Morrison, John & Louisa
Murphy, Honora, Catherine, John & Cornelina
Murphy, Jane
Nareeney, Grace & Cora
O'Brien, John
O'Donnell, David & Frances
O'Donnell, James & Bridget
O'Meara, Micheal, Catherine & Judith
Osborne, Thomas
Porter, Robert
Rapson, Frederick
Reilly, Patrick
Sloan, John Sloan
Squirrel, George
Taylor, Mary
Watson, John James
Westford, Sarah
Wright, Samuel, Susan, William & Mary Ann
The Ship Empress from London
Printed in the Herald 15 May 1865
The splendid American Clipper Ship Empress, in command of Captain Ellis,
arrived in Harbour on Sunday night. In yesterdays issue we briefly
announced her arrival, but owing to the late hour when she dropped anchor
we were unable to give full report.
The following are the particulars of the voyage as kindly furnished us by
Captain Ellis;
The Empress quitted Gravesend on the 3rd February, landed the pilot on the
5th and took her final departure from the Lizard on the 8th February. She
crossed the Equator on the 3rd March, in 23* West, and was becalmed twelve
days in from 15* to 20* South. On the 2nd April passed the Meridian of the
Cape in 46* 28 S. and Desolation Island on the 11th of the same month, off
which the vessel encountered strong gales and heavy confused seas, which
caused her to roll and labour heavily for some days. When in longitude 163*
the vessel experienced heavy Northerly gales, and was compelled to take the
Southern route. The Snares were made on the 1st May only 81 days from home.
Experienced variables winds off the coast and was becalmed two days off the
East Cape, after which she encountered a heavy North-Westerly gale, and
arrived in Auckland at 11 pm on Sunday night, having taken pilot on board at
Rangitoto at 10.30pm. The Empress has accomplished the passage in 95 days
from the start, being the quickest made during the season. On her last trip
she made the passage here in 92 days. on which occasion it will be
remembered she brought the officers men of the Military Train.
The Empress brings a large cargo of general merchandise and nearly 300
passengers, a list of which we published our last. The greatest harmony
appear to have prevailed amongst the during the voyage, and from the
testimonials which appear else where, it will seem that the Captain, and
Chief Office won the esteem and goodwill of those placed under their charge.
Captain Ellis and Mr Drew The Chief Office, have now made two rapid voyages
in the Empress to this port, and we must congratulate them upon their
Testimonials To The Captain and Chief Officer Of The Empress....
We have the great pleasure in Publishing the following testimonials...
Dear Sir.... Our pleasant and prosperous voyage being now nearly ended, we
wish, ere we part from you and the good ship, to tender to you our
admiration of your nautical ability as a Commander, your courtesy as a
gentleman, and our gratitude for the anxiety you have always shown to afford
us every comfort, and render the voyage an agreeable one. We therefore, have
great pleasure in wishing you a safe and quick passage home, a happy reunion
with your wife and family, and every success in your future career. We beg
to subscribe ourselves your sincere well-wishes.
(Here follow the signatures, not printed in the paper)
To Captain E.P.Ellis, Ship Empress.....
Ship Empress May 13 1865
The undersigned passengers by the Ship Empress desire hereby to testify
their unanimous sense and appreciation of the thorough nautical capacity and
unfailing courtesy of manner displayed and maintained by the Chief Officer
Mr Drew, during a long and arduous voyage, and also to make some
acknowledgement of the able service rendered by him at all times in the
working of the Ship. That his preserving efforts and praise worthy conduct
may meet with success they merit, and that he may prosper in all his
undertakings in the earnest hope of his sincere well-wishes.
(Here follow the Signatures, not printed in the paper)
To R.R.Drew Esq.
Chief Officer, Ship Empress
Printed in the "Herald" Dated 16 May 1865
Posted on Auckland, NZGenWeb Archives, by Carol Whyte, the PacificGenWeb
Coordinator, and Auckland, NZGenWeb Coordinator and by permission from
the Transcriber :
Pam Pakes
Auckland, New Zealand
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