English Assisted Immigrants - 1870's (A-L)

The following names are indexed from "The Farthest Promised Land" by 

Professor Rollo Arnold of Victoria University, Wellington.

This is a study of the English villagers who were a major element in the 

assisted immigration of the 1870s.  Chapter 2 of this book is an excellent 

summary of the depressed condition of English agricultural workers by 1870.

Indexed by Mike FOSTER, Wellington, 1993. I have my own copy of the book 

and can supply additional information on many of the people who are 

mentioned. To maximise info, I have used abbreviations such as :

    NALU=National Agricultural Labourers Union    


    AL=ag'l labourer    

    -u-W  -under-Wychwood     

    w+3ch  wife & 3 children


ADDINGTON  George        38,AL,Cardington Beds, 1874, w+6ch, >S Canty  271

ALDEN      William       38, Milton-u-W                                130

ALDRIDGE   William       33 sawyer Berks,w+6d, per Latogue 1873 > PN   253

ALLEN      Richard       38, b'layer, Ridgmont, w+5ch >Karamea         182

ALLENBY    Charles       25, AL, Laceby Lincs, per Geraldine Paget     156

ALLENBY    James         24, navvy, Laceby Lincs, per Geraldine Paget  156

ALLINGTON  George        Warks, led migrants per Crusader 1874 (& p130) 77

ANNEAR     William       Arrd on Schiehallion, Picton settler           14

ANSLEY     Thomas        30, AL, Chilham Kent, w+4ch, per Stad Haarlem 206

ANTHONY    Capt A        In Cornwall, a mines surveyor, etc              8

ARCH       Hannah        w of Joseph                                    18

ARCH       Joseph        Hedgecutter, Revolt of the Field leader        18

ASTON      George        34,AL,Glos, per Ballochmyle > Ashburton       241

AUSTIN     Charles       36,AL,StJust, w+5c,per Caroline > Reefton     227

BALDWIN    Reuben        42, AL, Sevenoaks, widower +6 chn,Stad Haarlem206

BANKS      William       Journalist, Boton Lincs, sec Labour League     76

BARKER     Helena        10, dau of William (Ludboro')                 158

BARKER     William       39, AL, Ludboro'> Feilding per Hindostan      158

BARNES     Frederick     37, shepherd, Fifield, w+5ch, per Ballochmyle 130

BARRETT    Jonathan      39,AL,St Agnes, w+11ch,per Ballochmyle 1874   229

BARTON     William       Per Waikato 1874 > Inglewood (fell in river)  296

BATHGATE   John          Dunedin, magistrate & judge (1809/86)          80

BAYLISS    Thomas        District Sec, Shipton br of Union             133

BEATON                   Sawyer, early engine at Moa Block, Taranaki   301

BECKLEY                  Family from Islip (also p 130)                 71

BECKLEY    James         37,AL,Mill St,Islip,Oxon,1874 per Stonehouse  252

BERRY      Elizabeth     38,w of Frederick                             278

BERRY      Ellen         10, dau of Frederick/Elizabeth                278

BERRY      Emma          8,dau of Frederick/Elizabeth                  278

BERRY      Emma          Dairymaid, b1855, m Hy Alb Strawbridge 1874   234

BERRY      Frederick     3,s of Frederick/Elizabeth                    278

BERRY      Frederick     37,labourer,Ettington > Ashburton, Ballochmyle278

BERRY      George        13, s of Frederick/Elizabeth                  278

BERRY      John          1,infant s of Frederick/Elizabeth             278

BERRY      Rose          6,dau of Frederick/Elizabeth                  278

BEVIN      Eliza         Ex Wrotham Kent, to Dunedin, w of James       198

BEVIN      James         Gardener, ex Wrotham, Kent to Dunedin         198

BIRCH      Thomas        Immigration agt for Otago Prov Council 1871    39

BLACKWELL  G             Old Steam Mill, Snow Hill, Birmingham         127

BLITCHFORD Frederick     21, AL, St Agnes, per Otaki 1875              229

BLOXHAM    Eli           Recent arrival Kaiapoi, 1874                  256

BOCOCK     Betsy Ann     w of William                                  243

BOCOCK     William       Lincs > New Plymouth, 1875, settled Hurworth  243

BONAR      James         Superintendent of Westland 1874                86

BOND       Eli Thomas    s of John & Sarah Anne, b 1861                234

BOND       Job           Lamberhurst, Kent > Oamaru                    198

BOND       John          Membury Devonb, to NZ 8174 (+9chn)            234

BOND       Joseph        s of John & Sarah Anne, chr 1871              234

BOND       Malachi       s of John & Sarah Anne, aged 10 in 1869       234

BORMAN     James         Lay preacher Nettleton > Taranaki 1875(+p160) 146

BORMAN     John          Lincolnshire                                  241

BOTTRELL   Mary E        21,servant,per Tweed 1874 > Otago             227

BOX        George        20,AL,Taranaki                                245

BOYCE      Charles       22,cooper,Faversham > Cambridge 1874 (baker)  285

BOYCE      Family        11 chn, all musically gifted, Cambridge       285

BRADDICK   James         35,labourer,Devon per Hereford 1874, w +6ch   281

BRAGDEN    William       38,AL,Oxon,per Ballochmyle,nr Temuka, w+6ch   281

BREWER     Thomas Henry  b St Columb 1856, to NZ 1875>Longbeach>Gore   276

BRIDGMAN   Jane          w of John (per Hereford)                      288

BRIDGMAN   John          C'wall, per Hereford > Cambridge              288

BRISTOL    Samuel        managed Kingsdown Estate nr Timaru            274

BROCKLESBY Charlotte     infant dau of Joseph, per Hydaspes            285

BROCKLESBY Joseph        38,AL,Binbrook,w+4ch,per Hydaspes > Cambridge 285

BRODGEN    Alexander     Head of Brogdens, running assisted immigration  9

BROOKES    E S           Surveyor, Taranaki, 1874                      296

BROOKLAND  Robert        26,Devon, > Timaru 1879 (Kingsdown Est)       274

BROWN      Alexander     22,cptr/joiner,Brighton, m Harriet Herbert    247

BROWN      Charles Henry Farmer, village of Swallow, Lincs, 1874       152

BROWN      Henry         Set up 3rd timber mill in Inglewood 1877      302

BURTON     John          Arrd on Bebington, 29 acres at Blenheim        14

BURTON     William       Immigratn agt for Taranaki Prov Ccil 1874      39

BURTON     Wm Mumford    Taranaki settler, as agt to London (1830/93)   89

CARRINGTON Frederick     Superintendent of Taranaki 1874                88

CARTER     Chas Rooking  1822/96, on Featherston's staff                 8

CARTER     William       28,cptr,Withern per Chile, > Inglewood        301

CARTWRIGHT George        Laceby Union Br, led Collingwood party        160

CARTWRIGHT George        Laceby, NALU Sec, at Inglewood 1876           302

CASH       Martin        32, AL, Thoresway, Lincs, per Halcione        161

CASTLE     Isaac         Primitive methodist, Wychwood area            114

CATLEY     Dixon         20,s'maker Nettleton,JNHeming>Otago1874 +p247 156

CATLEY     George        Shoemaker, f of Dixon C.                      156

CATLEY     Harriet       w of George, Nettleton                        156

CHARTER    George        AL Cambridge, Cospatrick 1874, lost by fire   131

CHURCH     Mr            Small farmer Ashburton, bro or Mrs Taylor      84

CLARK      Theophilus    Farmer, Aylesby, Lincs, 1870s                 147

CLAY       Mary Ann      17, nr Faringdon, m Henry Hearn, per Crusader 274

CLAYDEN    Arthur        Aided Brogden recruitment nr Farringdon        16

CLEAVER    J W           45,Warks,w+3ch,per Crusader,bt Taranaki land  319

CLIFFORD   Jesse         31, glover Charlbury, per Assaye 1874         133

CLIFFORD   Jesse         Sch/master Charlbury, 1851-1875ish            133

CLIFFORD   Mary Ann      w of Jesse(2) + son, per Assaye 1874          133

CLOUGH     Frank         48, Willoughby Lincs, w+7ch, per halcione     161

COATES     William       Laceby manor, Lincs                           147

CODD       Charles       b1858 Grainthorpe Lincs > HB 1879 > Taradale  283

COLBECK    Mr            Agricultural gangmaster 1860s, Caistor, Lincs 143

COLLINGS   Jesse         NALU member                                   124

COLLINS    Eliz. Jane    22,minegirl,Redruth, per Duke of Ed, 1874     228

CONOLLY    E T           Picton lawyer, later Min of Justice            12

COOK       Albert Wm     7, s of Wm and Elizabeth, later a JP          117

COOK       Alice         4, dau of Wm and Elizabeth                    117

COOK       Clara         9, dau of Wm and Elizabeth                    117

COOK       Elizabeth     w of Wm, Wychwood area > Makaretu             117

COOK       Ellen         w of Michael (Laceby) + 5ch > Geraldine       154

COOK       Michael       37, farm foreman Laceby, per Carisbrook Castle154

COOK       William       36, AL, Wychwood area > Makaretu              117

COOMBES    Charles       28, AL, Lyneham, Oxon                         131

COULTER    W             Per Atrato 1874 > Christchurch                198

COWLING    Ann           formerly Kingdon, m Samuel 1869               288

COWLING    Anne          29,d of Jonathan Kingdon, +3chn               288

COWLING    Samuel        28,AL,C'wall, per Hereford, > Cambridge       288

COWLING    Samuel        b C'wall 1850 > Canada > NZ v succssful       288

COX        Frances       (Fanny) w of Hy (miller)                      127

COX        Henry         21, AL, Faringdon, Berks, per Lutterworth     176

COX        Henry         30, miller, per Invererne                     127

COX        Henry         Woodlands Road, Woodville (photo)             357

CULLIMORE  Frederick     14, s of Joseph, problems leaving employer     54

CULLIMORE  Job           16, s of Joseph, problems leaving employer     54

CULLIMORE  Joseph        39, FL, ex Windsor                             54

CULLIMORE  William       Elder s of Joseph, did not emigrate            54

DANIEL     Richard B     Miner, Madron (Penzance) per Allahabad        217

DANIEL     Theophilus    Otago Provincial Councillor, ex whaler         80

DAWSON     Charles       22, AL, Rothwell, Lincs > NZ 1876             147

DEE        Catherine     w of Henry                                    257

DEE        Henry         22, Leamington Warks, baker >Wellington 1874  257

DENT       Charles       48,AL,Timaru 1875 (poss son of farmer)        268

DENT       Jane          17, with Hy Tomlinson 1874                    268

DENT       Joseph        20, with Hy Tomlinson 1874                    268

DIXON      Charles       32, AL, Rothwell, Lincs,(w+2ch) > NZ 1874     146

DIXON      Marmaduke     Ex Caistor Lincs,sheep stn @ W Eyreton (p272) 250

DOUCH      George        Hurstgreen Sx,per Avalanche,Inglewood settler 302

DUNCAN     Andrew        Immigratn agt for Canty Prov Ccil 1873         39

EARP       Frederick     Military settler, Egmont Village 1872         296

EBBETT     John          21, AL, w Cornwall, per Clarence 1874         226

EBBETT     Wm Wilkins    Cornish coastguard, f of John Ebbett          226

EDWARDS    Philip        22,miner,Fore St,StJust, per Tweed 1874       227

ELLIOTT    Charles       Immigration officer, Nelson, 1874             303

ELLIOTT    Peter         Taranaki settler ex Devon, successful farmer   90

ELLIS      John          17,s of Mary Ellis, St Just,per Isles of South227

ELLIS      Mary          52, Boscaswell C'wall,widow+6ch,Isles of South227

EPPS       John          12, rook boy, Kent, per Stad Haarlem          206

FAWDRAY    William       AL, Mill St, Islip                            130

FEATHERSTONIsaac         New Zealand Agent-General in London             7

FENWICK    William       Irly on Humber > Oxford Canterbury 1874       268

FESSEY     Mark          29, FL, per Scimitar, friend of Geo Philpott   61

FESSY      Ann           23, servant, Church Tysoe, per Forfarshire    173

FITCH      Charles       Arrd on Schiehallion, 23 acres outside Picton  14

FOWLER     Eliza         w of Thomas Fowler                            229

FOWLER     Thomas        28, labourer, C'wall?, Jocelyn 1874 > Chch    229

FOX        Capt Charles  Scimitar voyage 1873, well liked & kind        61

FRANCIS    Charles       Marton, 1883, arr'd c1874                     341

FRANKLIN   Emily         23, w of George                               117

FRANKLIN   George        29, AL, ex Milton, migrant per Chile          117

FRANKLIN   Joseph        22, Milton-u-W                                130

FRANKLIN   Lawrence      53,Milton-u-W,to Hawkes Bay, 1874 +p130       117

FRIEND     Samuel        34,AL,Westerham,per Adamant>Karamea,w+4ch     310

FRIEND     Thomas        Westerham NALU,38,per Fern Glen 1876,w+4ch    311

FULLER     Joseph        35, AL, Cardington Beds, per Cathcart         181

FULLER     Sarah         w of Joseph, lacemaker, +4chn                 181

GARDENER   Edwin         Cptr & wheelwright, Charlbury, b c1850        128

GARDENER   Jane          w of Edwin                                    128

GARDENER   Mrs           Widowed mother of Edwin 1871, gloveress       128

GARDNER    George        26,AL,Monks Horton, Kent 76 > Ashurst 1876    250

GARDNER    Jane          Devon, m Robt Brookland 1880                  274

GARDNER    John          AL,Monks Horton Kent,per Rakaia 1878 > Ashurst251

GARDNER    Thomas        AL,Monks Horton Kent,per Rakaia 1878 > Ashurst251

GARDNER    William       52, AL, Milton-u-W, per Lady Jocelyn 1874     130

GILES      Charles       St Columb, nominated by Wm Giles 1883         230

GILES      Thomas        Clay miner, St Columb, per Hydaspes           230

GILES      William       y bro of Thos Giles, St Columb, per Hydaspes  230

GILLIGAN   Mr            Mayor of Palmerston 1874                       82

GIRDLESTONECanon         To Halberton parish, N Devon 1862              30

GLUYAS     William       Helston,C'Wall,>NZ 1875,w+1c,saddler          276

GOODSELL   Thomas        39, AL, Plaxtol(Kent) > Winton (William Davie)195

GOODWIN    George        Kent Union br, to Dunedin, w+2ch              210

GORE       Alfred        31, gardener, w & 2 chn, per Mongol            55

GORE       Henry         21, gardener, per Mongol                       55

GORE       James Dixon   25, painter Leamington, per Mongol, kept diary 55

GRAWFORD   William Gibb  First teacher at Woodville 1877 (ex Scotland) 317

GREEN      Thomas        35, quarryman, Itchington, per Punjanb 1873   167

GREENAWAY  Henry         15, s of Eliza Wiggins, per Ballochmyle       131

GREGORY    John          Brogdens recruit > Wellington 1872            245

GRIGG      Robert        41, AL, St Columb, w+2c, per Opawa 1877       230

GROOM      Robert        Kent, first storekeeper in Ormondville        340

GROVES     Alfred        44, Milton-u-W, Quarryman, w+5ch, Ballochmyle 129

GROVES     Edward        32, mason's labourer, per Invererne > HB      125

GROVES     Eliza         w of Edward                                   125

HAMBIDGE   George        Born Leafield, Cotswolds, 1840                113

HAMBIDGE   Robert        Farmer at Ascott-u-W, b1828                   120

HAMBLING   Anne          15,dau of Charles Hambling,m Jno Ebbett 1882  315

HAMBLING   Charles       37,Norton Oxon,per Winchester>W'ville,w+6ch   315

HAMBLING   Emma          12,dau of Charles Hambling                    315

HAMBLING   Levi          14,son of Charles Hambling                    315

HANCOX     George        33, AL, Tysoe > Southland, per Forfarshire 72 172

HANCOX     Thomas        46, stonecarver, Tysoe, per Forfarshire 1872  173

HAND       Charles       34, s of John/Eliz, w+3ch, ex Lincs           249

HAND       Elizabeth     58, w of John                                 249

HAND       John          60, AL, Lincs                                 249

HANDLEBY   Joseph        21, Shepherd, Bilsby Lincs > HB Geraldine Pgt 156

HARDING    Edward        Taynton, Invererne >Waipawa/W'ville (p117+316)126

HARDING    Frank         s of Edward & Sarah (Taynton)                 127

HARDING    Sarah         w of Edward (Taynton)                         126

HARE       George        Arrd on Schiehallion, 1 acre @ Tua Marina      14

HARRIS     William       37,AL, Oxon, w+3ch, planted Cambridge trees   287

HARRIS     William James s of William, 11 in 1875                      287

HARRISON   James         Agricultural gangmaster 1860s, Caistor, Lincs 142

HARWOOD    Richard       21, gardener, Warks, settled in Foxton         61

HATCHER    William       33,Kent,hop worker,w+3ch, >Okaiawa            320

HAVERGAL   Revd          Vicar of Cople, Vale of Bedford               179

HEARN      Henry         20,AL,Bucks, per Crusader, >Canty, Oxford     273

HEDGES     Henry         30, AL +w, Cospatrick 1874, lost by fire      131

HEDGES     John          24, AL +w, Cospatrick 1874, lost by fire      131

HEDGES     Richard       56, Shipton, Cospatrick 1874, lost by fire    131

HEDGES     Sarah         w of Richd +4s, Cospatrick 1874, lost by fire 131

HERBERT    Harriet       21,servant,to Lyttelton per St Leonard 1872   239

HEWITT     Daniel        35, groom, Warks, per Mongol > Woodend, Canty  58

HEWITT     Daniel        35,gardener,w+8ch,with Holloway party,>Woodend269

HEWITT     Emily         d of Daniel, died on Mongol (7 other chn)      58

HIBBLEWHITEMr            Tradesman, S Ferriby, Humberside              161

HILL       George        37, AL, w+dau(15), per Geraldine Paget (+241) 156

HILL       George        37,AL,Laceby (with Hy Tomlinson) > Doyleston  269

HILL       Mary Ann      w of George, d 1929, ran the farmyard         269

HINCKLEY   Samuel        25, AL, per Atrato, 1874                      198

HITCHCOCK  Arthur        Oxon, per Mongol, settled in Dunedin           60

HITCHCOX   John          bro of William (per Lady Jocelyn 1874 ?)      167

HITCHCOX   Mrs           m of William (Itchington), a widow in 1871    167

HITCHCOX   Thomas        28, AL, per Wennington, ? bro of William      167

HITCHCOX   William       22, AL, Itchington, sawyer, per halcione      167

HOLLOWAY   Christopher   Wootton, chmn NALU Oxfd dist, b1828, on Mongol 48

HONEYBONE  Peter         30, AL, Ascott-u-W, per Crusader              130

HOPE       William       Oxon > Woodville                              326

HOVERD     James         31, AL, Churchill, Oxon                       131

HOWSE      Caroline      w of Thomas, settled Makaretu                 116

HOWSE      Daniel        ex Milton, cotswolds, b c 1809                117

HOWSE      John          Unm s of Daniel                               117

HOWSE      Thomas        25, AL, Wychwood area, migrant per Chile      116

HUDSON     John          Sawyer, 35, Oxon, methodist, w & 3 chn 8-14    53

HULKE      W K           New Plymouth immigration agent                296

HUNT       Joseph        Gt Rollright Oxon, Ashburton freeholder 1874   84

HUNTER     George        Wellington, pioneer settler                   347

HUTCHING   Ellen         19,w of James Hutching                        314

HUTCHING   George        25,AL,Essex,w+1d,per EP Bouverie 1873         313

HUTCHING   James         23,bootmaker,Essex>Woodville 1873 (EPBouverie)314

HUTCHING   Stephen       39,Essex,br of Geo/Jas,Penge,w+6ch > Woodville314

INGHAM     Charles       19, ploughman, Bilsby Lincs > HB, G'dine Paget156

IRELAND    John          45, quarryman Milton, per Invererne 1873 > HB 125

IRELAND    Phillis       w of John > Waipawa, + family of 9            125

JACKSON    John          54,AL,per Chile,preacher,w+3d, >Inglewood     302

JACKSON    William       Emigrated to Hawkes Bay, 1874                 117

JACKSON    William       31, Milton-u-W                                130

JAMES      Henry         43, AL, Lyneham, per Lady Jocelyn 1874        130

JAMES      Mary          44,St Agnes,nominated from Otago,per Hydaspes 229

JAMES      Mary Jane     d of Mary James, tailoress                    229

JEFFREY    Ann           w of Charles Jeffrey, per Mongol 1874         128

JEFFREY    Charles       AL, Lyneham, per Mongol 1874                  128

JEFFS      Ann           w of Emmanuel, +4chn                          277

JEFFS      Emmanuel      30,AL,Ettington > Ashburton, per Ballochmyle  277

JEFFS      William       21 in 1890, Maungaturoto                      278

JENKINS    James         Gloucester, letter to Lyttelton Times 24/9/73  42

JENKYNS    John          Vicar of Lidlington, Beds. 1874               307

JEWITT     Ellen         15, dau of John (Ulceby)                      257

JEWITT     John          47,AL,Ulceby Lincs,with Hy Tomlinson>rly work 257

JEWITT     Mary          11, dau of John (Ulceby)                      257

JEWITT     Sarah         41,w of John (Ulceby)                         257

JEWITT     Sarah         9, dau of John (Ulceby) + 3 younger daus      257

JEWITT     Thomas        13,s of John (Ulceby)                         257

JOHNS      Joseph        41,AL,C'wall>Fielding,per Carnatic 1875, died 254

JOHNSON    Ada           3, d of Joseph & Louisa, d on arrival Dunedin  59

JOHNSON    Annie         10, d of Joseph & Louisa, died on Mongol       58

JOHNSON    Ellen         Infant d of Joseph & Louisa, survived Mongol   60

JOHNSON    Emma          6, d of Joseph & Louisa, died on Mongol        58

JOHNSON    Joseph        Shepherd, Grandboro' >Ngaere,Taranaki (+p321)  52

JOHNSON    Louisa        w of Joseph, 5 daus (5mos - 11yrs) 1873        52

JOHNSON    Mary Jane     8, d of Joseph & Louisa, d on arrival Dunedin  59

KAILL      Henry         32,AL,Dorset, per Otrato 1874 > Christchurch  242

KEELEY     Elizabeth     w of Joseph + 5ch                             287

KEELEY     Gyles         unm s of Joseph > Cambridge - farming/coaches 287

KEELEY     James         s of Joseph, ex Leamington Warks >Cambridge   287

KEELEY     Joseph        From Warks 1875 > Cambridge                   287

KEEN       Frederick     21, AL, Stanford Berks, per Sussex            177

KEEN       George        19, AL, Stanford Berks, per Sussex            177

KEEN       Henry         20, AL, Stanford, Berks, per Forfarshire 1872 176

KEEN       J             Palmerston settler, independent by 1874        82

KEEN       James         18, AL, Stanford, Berks, per Forfarshire 1872 176

KEEN       Joseph        16, AL, s of Joseph snr, per Wild Deer        177

KEEN       Joseph        50, AL, Stanford Berks, per Wild Deer         177

KEEN       Sarah         18, dau of Joseph, per Wild Deer              177

KEEN       William       23, AL, Stanford Berks, per Sussex            177

KEIGHTLEY                Ex Lincolnshire, at Inglewood 1875            300

KENNEDY    Revd H M      Chaplain on Mongol voyage 1872                 55

KING       David         18, s of John King (Grimsby)                  300

KING       Edward        Ex Suttons Seeds Ldn > Karamea 1875           306

KING       John          39,AL,Grimsby, per Chile 1875 > Inglewood     300

KING       John William  15, s of John King (Grimsby)                  300

KING       Mrs           w of John King (Grimsby) + 7ch                300

KING       Obed          Ex BRenchley, Kent > Invercargill per Wm Davie199

KINGDON    Jonathan      54,AL,C'wall, per Celestial Queen > Cambridge 285

KINGDON    Mrs           w of Jonathan + 5 daughters (9-21)            285

KIRMAN     J             Relieving Officer, Caistor, Lincs 1867        142

KNEEBONE   Edgar         Indian Q St, St Columb, nominated by Wm Giles 230

LACEY      Francis       35, AL, Nettleton, w+6ch, per Halcione        160

LAMMAS     Catherine     w of Hy, 3 chn died on Mongol voyage           57

LAMMAS     Henry         Wootton, Oxon, per Scimitar, w & 3 chn         53

LANGLEY    Edwin         s of Richd, b 1861                            161

LANGLEY    Richard       42, AL, S Ormsby Lincs, w+7ch, per halcione   161

LAWN       Harriet F     26,Redruth, +son 3yrs, per Halcione 1873      228

LEGGETT    Ann           38, w of Joseph (7 chn, 10mos - 14yrs)(+p275)  71

LEGGETT    Annie         d of Joseph Legget, in service, Ashburton     279

LEGGETT    Joseph        Cptr, Milton under Wychwood, NALU organiser    63

LEGGETT    Louisa        d of Joseph Legget, in service, Ashburton     279


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