©Glen, N.C. (1973) "The Auckland Fire Brigade 1874-1974."., Auckland
Metropolitan Fire Board, Pitt Street, Auckland. Maxwell Printing Co. (NZ)
Ltd, New North Rd, Kingsland, Auckland.
From its modest beginnings in 1902 of six permanent staff and 12 auxillary
men, in 1906 the permanent staff doubled and by 1973 had 42 permanent staff
and 20 auxillary men. Please contact NZ Fire Brigade Old Boys Association
for further information.
This index was taken from the above resource for the genealogy resource
* GENEoNZ - NZ & Maori Genealogy
* Auckland, NZGenWeb
* Donated to PacificGenWeb Archives
Transcribed in Auckland New Zealand 29th September 1998 by Carol Whyte.
AMFB Auckland Metropolitan Fire Brigade
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ABBOTT, Mike Emergency Fire Service WWII, commandant
ANDER, Ernie A Fireman serv Mid East WWII set up NZFire Unit at Maadi,
near Cairo
ANGELL, Bill acknowledgement to family members
ASHER, Capt, Asher Voltr Fire Brigade, first Fire Chief, 1865-1874 photo,
Chief Fire Officer
AVENILL, George staff Auckland Central; 1929 Pitt St stn photo; 1912
AVERY, D Ponsonby Fire Stn, St Marys Rd crew 1906 photo
AYRES, Fred Boarder - perished in fire at Grand Hotel - May 31 1901
BARNARD, R A.M.F.B. Citations for Bravery
BARTLETT, R Woman driver during WWII of non-oper vehicle photo
BEECH, Tom Remuera Station 1916 photo on 1914 Kissel Kar, 1936
Morris Commercial photo as Stn Officer
BEUTH, Rholoa killed 2 April 1938 Winstone's oil fire, Freemans Bay
AFB Roll Of Honour
BINNEY, G.W 12:10 pm 13 October 1873 - Queen St store gutted by fire
BRIGHAM, B Chairman AMF Board, 1943-1949, 1951-1952
BRIGHT, Eric serv WWII invalided home, killed 15 Nov 1943 m.v. Trocus
fire AFB Roll Of Honour
BROWSE, C Ponsonby Fire Stn, St Marys Rd crew 1906 photo
BRUCE, A 27 yrs Serving Gold Star members of Brigade, 1974
BURNS, T.R Fireman, later serviceman who died in World War One
CALISLE, G.C AMF Board photo 1974, 30 yrs Serving Gold Star members
of Brigade, 1974
CARR, W Winner of six-man five escape drill, 1906 photo
CHAMPION, Fireman J Conf photo of Supt, Auck - rep. Auckland City
CHILDS, H Ponsonby Fire Stn, St Marys Rd crew 1906 photo
CLARK, Albert killed 9 Dec 1945 fire appliance accident AFB Roll Of
COPELAND, C 35 yrs Serving Gold Star members of Brigade, 1974
COPLESTONE, W Chauffeur Ponsonby Fire Stn, St Marys Rd crew 1906 photo
COX, K 41 yrs Serving Gold Star members of Brigade, 1974
COX, Ken acknowledgement to family members
COX, Ken photo driver 1936 Ford V8 Pitt St Stn Wartime grey livery
CROOK, A MBE (Military) A.M.F.B. Royal Honours
DAVIDSON, D Woman driver during WWII of non-oper vehicle photo
DAVIS, Trevor photo Remuera Fire Stn driver of 1928 Hailey Simonis
hose reel tender, Stn Off 1952
de COURCEY, H Fireman, later serviceman who died in World War One;
Ponsonby Fire Stn, St Marys Rd crew 1906 photo
De JONG, P A.M.F.B. Citations for Bravery
DICKSON, B Woman driver during WWII of non-oper vehicle photo
DICKSON, G 27 yrs ret. Serving Gold Star members of Brigade, 1974
DOWNEY, Bill Officer in Charge, Onehunga late 1920s
DRUMMOND, G Chief Fire Officer 13 Apr 1956, later Dominion CFO;
QFSM A.M.F.B. Royal Honours
EDGAR, Capt Conf photo of Supt, Auck - rep. Arch Hill
ELMORE, Phil acknowledgement to family members
EMSLIE, Les Remuera Station 1916 photo on 1914 Kissel Kar
FENTON, Supt Conf photo of Supt, Auck - rep. Grey Lynn
FIELD, Capt Conf photo of Supt, Auck - rep. Salvage Corps
FIRTH, J.R AMF Board photo 1974
FREER, Murray C. photographer
GILBERT, Trevor acknowledgement to family members
GLADDING, Arnold killed 23 July 1905, Morrins Warehouse AFB Roll Of
GLADDING, F Winner of six-man five escape drill, 1906 photo
GLADDING, H Chief Fire Officer 30 Jun 1899, Supt, photo;
Conf photo of Supt, Auck - rep. Auckland City
GLEADOW, Stan A Chairman AMF Board, 1950-1951, 1957-1965
GLEN, N.C. Divisional Officer AMFB 1973; 37½ yrs Serving Gold
Star members of Brigade, 1974
GOLDIE, David Chairman AMF Board, 1907-1917
GOLDING, N 27 yrs Serving Gold Star members of Brigade, 1974
GRIFFITHS, J A.M.F.B. Citations for Bravery
HARLEN, L QFSM A.M.F.B. Royal Honours
HARRINGTON, J 28 yrs Serving Gold Star members of Brigade, 1974
HARWOOD, H MBE A.M.F.B. Royal Honours
HEIGHWAY, T MBE A.M.F.B. Royal Honours; Officer of Cadillac,
Onehunga late 1920s
HELEY, K.G. Chairman AMF Board, 1973-
HENDERSON, - 12:10 pm 13 October 1873 - Queen St store gutted by fire
HENDERSON, H 35½ yrs Serving Gold Star members of Brigade, 1974
HENSHAW, G A.M.F.B. Citations for Bravery
HUGHES, John Chief Fire Officer 5 Sep 1874, Supt, photo
HUGO, Victor killed 2 Mar 1945 vehicle accident AFB Roll Of Honour
HUNT, Fireman Conf photo of Supt, Auck - rep. Auckland City
HYLAND, J Chairman AMF Board, 1952-1954
JOYNT, A Winner of six-man five escape drill, 1906 photo
KELLY, L.J AMF Board photo 1974
KEYES, Capt Conf photo of Supt, Auck - rep. Mt Eden
KINGSTON, J.J Chairman AMF Board, 1919-1943
KIRKBRIDGE, M.T AMF Board photo 1974
KISSLING, H.P Chairman AMF Board, 1917-1919
LANGDON, W.J first full-time secretary Apr 1 1950
LARGE, C.W.R AMF Board photo 1974
LARSEN, J.L AMF Board photo 1974
LEVESQUE, R 28½ yrs Serving Gold Star members of Brigade, 1974
LEVIS, R.J.W AMF Board photo 1974
MacFARLANE, J.S 12:10 pm 13 October 1873 - Queen St store gutted by fire
MacKENZIE, George A Dep Supt photo official opening of Fire Headquarters
1944; QFSM A.M.F.B. Royal Honours; Chief Fire Officer
Aug 1949, Supt
MADDOX, H 26 yrs Serving Gold Star members of Brigade, 1974
MADIGAN, Ossie Stn Off photo official opening of Fire Headquarters 1944
MANNING, H Fireman serv Mid East WWII set up NZFire Unit at Maadi,
Cairo; 37½ yrs Serving Gold Star members of Brigade 1974
MARTIN, Lt R 26 yrs Serving Gold Star members of Brigade, 1974
McCONNELL, J MBE (Military) A.M.F.B. Royal Honours
McDONALD, Jack acknowledgement to family members, photo
MONTEITH, A.L Chairman AMF Board, 1955-1957
MOORE, G Winner of six-man five escape drill, 1906 photo
MOSS, F 26 yrs Serving Gold Star members of Brigade, 1974
NEARY, R 34 yrs Serving Gold Star members of Brigade, 1974
OLIVER, George killed 9 Dec 1945 fire appliance accident AFB Roll Of
PEEK, Tim press photographer 1973
PELHAM, Syd Photo of Pitt St Stn Watchroom 1930s
PRESTON, Russell Insp Off photo official opening of Fire Headquarters
1944; QFSM A.M.F.B. Royal Honours; A.M.F.B. Citations
for Bravery
PRINCE, Mr Conf photo of Supt, Auck - rep. Hamilton
REID, Capt. Dick Hon secretary NZ Fire Brigade Old Boys Association;
26 yrs Serving Gold Star members of Brigade, 1974
REXWORTHY, E.P.M Fireman, later serviceman who died in World War One
ROBINSON, L.J AMF Board photo 1974
ROBSON, P Woman driver during WWII of non-operational vehicle photo
RYAN, J.R AMF Board photo 1974
SEDDON, Richard Prime Minister, The Fire Brigades Act (grant)
SPENCER, J Foreman - Ponsonby Fire Stn, St Marys Rd crew 1906 photo
STANGHAN, F 32 yrs Serving Gold Star members of Brigade, 1974
STROUDE, Mr Conf photo of Supt, Auck - rep. North Shore
TAPLIN, R 26 yrs Serving Gold Star members of Brigade, 1974
TURNER, J Ponsonby Fire Stn, St Marys Rd crew 1906 photo
VAN den BRINK, H A.M.F.B. Citations for Bravery
VARLEY, T.A operational head Fire Service Council, Dominion CFO
VARNHAM, Warner Photo of Pitt St Stn Watchroom 1930s
WALKER, B Winner of six-man five escape drill, 1906 photo
WALKER, Bob 4th Off photo official opening of Fire Headquarters 1944
WALLACE, Dora Boarder who perished in fire at Grand Hotel -May 31 1901
WARNER, G Fireman, later serviceman who died in World War One
WATSON, Trevor acknowledgement to family members
WATT, H.E Chairman AMF Board, 1966-1973, Newmarket Brigade
WATTS, H.E AMF Board photo 1974
WHITING, N 39 yrs Serving Gold Star members of Brigade, 1974
WICKS, R.A.G AMF Board photo 1974
WILLIAMSON, W Foreman & winner of six-man five escape drill, 1906 photo
WILSON, L Supt. Founder Auckland Metropolitan Voluneer Fire Police Corps 1933
AMF Board photo 1974; Chief Fire Officer 1 Feb 1963;
QFSM A.M.F.B. Royal Honours; 37½ yrs Serving Gold Star
members of Brigade, 1974
WILSON, William L Chief Fire Officer 1 May 1918, Supt, Sth African War,
motor mechanic, photo (served May 1 1918- Aug 1949)
WOODWARD, D. photographer, Fourth Officer
WOOLLEY, Charles A Chief Fire Officer 20 Sep 1901, Supt, Port Adelaide FB
WRIGHT, N 35½ yrs Serving Gold Star members of Brigade, 1974
©Glen, N.C. (1973) "The Auckland Fire Brigade 1874-1974."., Auckland
Metropolitan Fire Board, Pitt Street, Auckland. Maxwell Printing Co. (NZ)
Ltd, New North Rd, Kingsland, Auckland.
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